
If you can’t coexist with people that have an opinion different from yours, you can’t coexist with anyone. And if you post controversial takes or memes, you better expect and accept the controversy. Oftentimes both sides can learn from it.


There are certain “differing opinions” that nobody should have to coexist with


Exactly. There’s opinions……and being an intolerant biggot (“not everyone should have civil rights”) or in the context of Russia, being a genocide apologist (…”from my point of view Ukraine is the fascist Nazi country!”)


Spot the idealist.


I can coexist, I just would rather not feel the need to spend 6 hours explaining why Russia invading Ukraine is bad actually. (True story)


If you can’t coexist with people that have an opinion different from yours

you are a fascist plain and simple


That is such facile garbage. There are opinions that can be tolerated and there are those that should not.



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  • where_am_i,

    and I had to block all those hexbear communities, cuz suddenly they flooded my feed



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  • Double_A,
    @Double_A@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    Still shitty that everyone else also has to see and block that stuff… It surely doesn’t make an instance inviting for new users.

    @PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

    Are you complaining about not seeing racism and genocide denial?


    Is startreck.website federated with hexbear? When sh.itjust.workes got federated by hexbear a few days ago, about a third of all was tankie memes and discussion from hexbear. They mostly stayed to their communities, but sometimes I would come across comments on memes from .ml.


    No a third of posts were people complaining they saw someone that might have been a tankie and demanding to live in a neo lib echochamber, I barely saw any actual tankie talking points


    I’d estimate maybe 10% of posts were responding to the 35% of posts. But that’s just rough estimates. The tankie taking points were in the comments, the memes were often just saying America bad in different ways.


    Oh, I guess if you count any criticism of America to automatically make somthing tankie then I guess maybe

    @agentshags@sh.itjust.works avatar

    You must not have been reading a lot of comments. It was getting borderline absurd for 2 days. They sound alright by description, but all they did was brigade the comment sections spewing crap at anyone a cm off of their ideology


    I spend all my time in the comments, there were annoying pigpooping GIFs and some trash comments but also some well reasoned and interesting comments from perspectives not often expressed in popular media. It’s not like the comment sections never had trash comments and nonsence before.


    I agree they were some well reasoned and interesting comments from perspectives not often expressed in popular media. But they were perspectives praising Russia’s and China’s horrible actions that I don’t really want to deal with. I gave some of them reasoned answers as well, but I would rather not see that junk daily. Thoughtful and well reasoned doesn’t mean it can’t also be horrible destructive tankie garbage.


    it might be your instance not being fed'd with them



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  • harmonea,
    harmonea avatar

    I wonder if this is why I’ll see a post has a larger comment count than the comments I can read, too.

    If you've blocked someone, that person's comments and all comments replying to theirs are hidden from your view. This is my only guess why you might be seeing this. The comment count you see on your instance should be accurate, since it only counts comments it knows about and it doesn't know about defederated ones.


    Now that’s interesting, I haven’t blocked any users, just communities. I wonder if it’s an issue with the client? I’m using Sync for Lemmy rn but I’ve been thinking about switching because it feels like it’s bad at searching for new communities.


    I, uh, think your instance is federated with them.

    The op of this post who’s hollering at the moons instance is defederated with em.


    There was a wave of tankie on Reddit and here during the reddexit. It was like, “where the fuck did stalin/mao/pol pot loving, atrocity denying weirdos come from en masse?” But you’re right the shock was bigger than the phenomenon.

    @AdlachGyfiawn@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    The commies were here first—we created Lemmy, lol


    Thank you for your service; now move along.

    @AdlachGyfiawn@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    Smh more settler colonialism


    Wtf, lmao. The only people calling pol pot communist are liberals.


    TIL Marxist-Leninists (which Pol Pot was) are not communist.


    No one called them communist here, they are just calling out people who are apologists for genocide.


    Blehh yeah it feels a little astroturfy, all the push to conflating leftists with china-loving authoritarians. Makes a man wonder if libs actually stand for anything at all.



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  • the_post_of_tom_joad,

    You’re probably right but i didn’t come all the way over here to hear you talk sensibly damnit



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  • the_post_of_tom_joad,

    UGH FINE. here is the new favorite recipe around this house, the surprise hit at the diner table this summer. kimchi noodles


    It doesn’t help that the tankies are trying to push the idea that “Tankie is a slur against all communists/leftists!” The word “tankie” was invented by communists as an insult against those specific “communists” the cheer on brutal oppression of civilians – particularly when those civilians are communists themselves.

    The irony is tankies hate the “wrong kind of leftist” just as much as their other ideological enemies.


    I’ve known many tankies (myself included) and I’ve never met a single one that thought it was a slur, but ok. Those civilians were fascists uprising BTW.


    Yes, the famous “fascist uprisings” where students demanded things like a return to democracy with free elections, putting local communist politicians in power in the interim, end of occupation by a foreign power or state military, end to media censorship and oppression of dissidents, and the return to local rule.

    Yep, all of those revolutions were clearly the work of fascists.

    Those are the things tankies defend. They self identify as communist, because anyone can call themself a communist. Tankies are the “communists” that blindly celebrate the instances of failure and oppression instead of denouncing or learning from them – that is what separates a tankie from normal, sane communists.


    Depending on the instance you are on and the blocks you have set up, your feed can be very full of the stuff


    This is something that I consistently see that people still haven’t gotten used to with Lemmy and other federated sites. People often complain about what they see on their feed or sometimes attack an OP for reposting. I assume people just aren’t thinking about it since we’re all still used to Reddit and using a centralized platform where everyone can see the same stuff. But with Lemmy, it seems that people forget that their feed will be completely different, based on which instance they are in.

    Roundcat avatar

    I have seen my fair share of tankies here, so there definitely is a presence of them here. But I also do think a lot of the complaints come from people who assume any leftist user or post is also a "tankie."

    Like I do see a lot of leftist memes posted to memes@lemmy.ml, which might be where a lot of the complaints are coming from. Likewise there has been a lot of drama with hexbear federating with a lot of communities that were previously shielded from them.

    @Buelldozer@lemmy.world avatar

    I think a lot of people don’t realize that the .ml in lemmygrad.ml and lemmy.ml stands for “Marxist Leninist”. They actually ARE Communist instances so their anti-capitalist stuff is perfectly fine in their instances and communities. If you don’t want to see their stuff then block it, otherwise some of us occasionally find it funny and / or thought provoking.


    I’m talking about hexbear as tankie specifically. I haven’t really seen any reasonable leftists on that instance. They use lib as an insult to give an idea.

    @Dirk@lemmy.ml avatar

    Keep your political bullshit on hexbear and lemmygrad!

    @Vuraniute@thelemmy.club avatar

    fr. the only political post I ever made was mocking tankie propaganda being posted to a non political meme community


    That’s for that post btw. Was called for.

    @Mcballs1234@lemmy.ml avatar

    We’ll create our own instance with black jack and hookers and we’ll settle our political differences over a game of uno



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  • sky,

    you go first, shitwad


    You can do better than that


    Tankies (commies) are like this everywhere it seems :D here orban from hungary:







    i’m so sick of these goddamn tankies

    they’re literally just fascists painted red


    Y’all calling hexbear tankies is proof that word don’t mean anything anymore 🤷🏿‍♂️

    @purahna@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    right? It’s literally a pan leftist instance, there’s anarchist comms and everything. The thing that people are afraid of when they call people tankies isn’t any particular ideology, it’s just a fear of confident and firm left wing ideology of any sort. In order to not be a tankie, you have to be compromising and undedicated in your left wing beliefs, that’s it, that’s the criteria.


    None of these commie-subtypes mean anything lmao

    They are all fascists who pretend social democracy doesnt exist


    Communists are very aware that social democracy exists. Social democracy very famously split out of socialist thought. Originally social democracy was another term for socialism.

    Communists take issue with the very real fact that social democracy preserves capitalism and thus the exploitation that comes with it. Social democracy simply exports that exploitation. Without the subjugation of the global south, social democracy could not exist. Just because you have exported that exploitation doesn’t mean it went away.


    Communists are very aware that social democracy exists.

    Never said they weren’t. Said they pretended it doesn’t exist since SocDem provably fixes everything they claim communism does, but it just isn’t fascist enough for them.

    Without the subjugation of the global south, social democracy could not exist.

    Where we’re going we don’t need to cite our sources! Though admittedly this is better than the one guy who told me social democracy exists because USA spends money on their military. Dude was just as clueless as you’d think a communist is haha fucking funny lads you fascists.


    Social democracy does not fix every problem communism claims to because it preserves capitalism. Social democracy, but without capitalism is no longer social democracy. That is socialism. Believe it or not, communists are pro-socialism.

    All of the Scandinavian social democracies that are supposedly the gold standard are former colonial powers. Colonial powers extract wealth from their colonies to the detriment of the indigenous inhabitants of the colony. This is referred to as primitive accumulation and is a direct precursor to capitalism. These nations built their wealth through colonialism and continue to maintain wealth through neocolonialism. This is really only unheard of or controversial if you have your head in the ground. Look up the WTO and the IMF and how they fuck over the global south at the benefit of wealthy nations if you’re interested in more information (spoilers: you’re not)

    Where are your sources that all communists are fascists? Are the communists in the Philippines fighting their fascist government also fascists? What about in India? The list goes on. You’ll find that neither of these groups of communists are particularly fond of China by the way.


    All of the Scandinavian social democracies that are supposedly the gold standard are former colonial powers.

    Dude read too much into finno-korean hyperwar.

    Look up the WTO and the IMF and how they fuck over the global south

    Bailing out countries that fuck themselves over with communist policies is now fault of the helper. Alright next time the west should just let them starve :)

    Where are your sources that all communists are fascists?

    Reality. It’s this weird fringe thing you’ve delusioned yourself out of

    Are the communists in the Philippines fighting their fascist government also fascists?


    What about in India?


    neither of these groups of communists are particularly fond of China by the way.

    Lmao communists aren’t fond of other type of communists, what a revelation. My country of Finland has at least 5 different communist parties, each with like 10 total members and they hate each other more than they hate the ruling pro-NATO parties.

    God I live for redfash attempts at argumentation, the nazi ones get really stale after a while.


    You really are not as informed on communist thought as you think you are. Nor are you very informed on the very real problems with the IMF or WTO saying that these organizations save countries from “communist policies” is so hysterically wrong that I can’t believe it’s an actual thought that someone had. This discussion clearly isn’t going anywhere because it’s like I’m talking to a brick wall. Have a nice life.


    Man I just want the Finnish colonial empire back

    And to bomb ser*ia for good measure


    The actual academic take on this is that capitalistic forces are inevitable in the presence of scarcity. We’ve already proven pretty conclusively that mass murder also doesn’t end capitalism, and social democracy has arguably gotten much closer and is far more sustainable.


    Capitalist forces absolutely are not inevitable with scarcity. Native Americans lived in societies that have been described as primitive communism. Did they not have scarcity?

    Further, mass murder is not a prerequisite for communism.


    Native Americans made war with each other. It wasn’t an idea that was introduced to them by colonizers.


    And Native Americans were at near constant war with each other prior to European settlement. No competition at all eyeroll



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  • socsa, (edited )

    They are unironically Marxist-Leninists and actively chase away democratic socialists, and say things like “nuking American is based.”

    I’m not sure what else you want.

    @bizzle@midwest.social avatar

    Word, anyone that thinks China should be the hegemon is deluded.


    they went so far into the spectrum that they overflowed into the opposite side

    @agentshags@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Painted RED? That’s RACIST ™!

    @rustyfish@lemmy.world avatar

    Oh ffs, what now?

    harmonea avatar

    Drama between Hexbear and ShitJustWorks. Have some popcorn.


    So who is the person on the bicycle in this scenario?


    Hexbear. They’re an instance that exists mostly to troll and harass others, and have been defederated by most of Lemmy.


    So… they’re not the ones defederating everyone?


    They also tend to defederate in turn with anyone who blocks them.

    @Vuraniute@thelemmy.club avatar

    my home instance hasn’t defederated them yet. super small instance, but still

    @rustyfish@lemmy.world avatar

    We have so many communities about drama and not a single one seems active. I wonder if these users, who poured hours and hours of their lifetime into creating a bazillion dead communities the last few months, feel stupid for doing that.


    We need to preserve our instance of 7 people using lemmy like a group text from the corruptions of the outside world.

    HootinNHollerin, (edited )
    @HootinNHollerin@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Instead of yelling “OWWW”, they yell “MAOOO”


    My old neighbor’s cat sounded like that a couple of times a year, good ol Meow Zedong.


    It’s funny because Māo is actually Chinese for “cat”

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