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  • instamat,

    Did you see that picture of him wielding a katana?? He’s the epitome of manliness!



    Psychopathic men are more likely to have lots of children, with minimal regard in actually being a parent to those children.

    If it quacks like a duck…


    Reminder. He’s a billionaire.

    $2760 a month is about $33,120 a year.

    According to this calculation, he makes $46,303,000 A DAY.

    For context:

    At $33,120 a year, he could fund 1,398 child support babies with a single day of work.

    And there are Elon-stans.


    Small reminder that Elon Musk doesn’t have that money in his bank account.

    The only reason why his net worth is that high is because he has stock in the stupidly overinflated (and now quickly deflating) Tesla.

    He had to pull loads of stock from tesla to buy twitter (after he was forced to do so by courts because he said he would) and still had to borrow money because he simply doesn’t have 44 billion. Quick side note: payments with interest for those loans are due, good luck paying those billions from a company that lost.over half its value, asshole!

    If he pulls all his tesla stock then telsa would completely crash, he’ll never get access to anything near 166 billion.

    I’m sure he has a few millions in liquid assets, but he is VERY far from making millions per day. The way he’s going right now, his ex wife better hurry because he’ll be bankrupt within a few years.


    His Money in the Bank Account and his Net Worth are 2 different Pairs of Shoe but Elon takes a Credit for Multiple Millions (cheaper than having a Wage) and then giving them Stocks as Security.

    He totally can afford to have his Child getting more than 33k in a Year.


    After watching his management skills in business, I suspect his being a father isn’t a great thing for his kids.


    Completely shocking after the amazing role model his dad was.


    Something something sins of the father…


    An expensive coffee costs $5. For a person that makes $100,000 that’s 0.005% of annual income.

    Musk’s annual cost would be $33,120 for all three kids. I don’t know his annual income and because a lot of his worth is in stocks it’s probably hard to figure out and highly variable. I’ll do some pretty stupid math and say he’s worth 185 billion and he’s 52, so he’s made 3.5 billion a year.

    Musk is fighting to pay an annual cost for all three of his three kids of 0.0009% of his annual income, a amount proportionally less than what many spend one day on coffee.


    Consider also that the median household income is $74,580 and is actually on the decline from a couple of years ago. The median household income.


    Again, no. Musks networth was somewhere around 160 billion because of stocks in the stupidly overinflated tesla. The tesla bubble is already inflating like hell and with that I’m sure he’s losing networth like hell. If he continues current course he’ll be bankrupt withing a few years.

    Either way, the money he has in his bank accounts is NOT the same and probably in the tens of millions tops.


    Who or what is “Grimes”? Is this some woman’s surname?


    This fucking guy…



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  • Kethal,

    It’s $2,760 for all three kids. Still considerable extra income but kids are expensive.


    Is it in Houston or Austin or Dallas?


    $2760 isn’t even enough for rent 💀


    I always wondered why Musk keeps taking X around to all the things and never any of his other kids.

    I previously attributed it to getting good PR.

    I now sees it’s how he’s going to “win” against Grimes.



    I mean does anyone feel bad for Grimes?

    It’s not like it was some big secret he was an egomaniac years ago.


    TIL that he called his child “X”. What an idiot.


    It turns into a mega X child to fight space invaders.


    I love how all we need to do to find loop holes in the system is try to apply a law to the rich and see how they try to wiggle out of it. Then we close that loop hole. Seems like a pretty good system to me!


    Yeah, worked great so far!


    What’s the loop hole ? It’s over 32,000 a year for the child. A child doesn’t require 32,000 a year. The mother wants to move the case and get more child support so she can use it on her self and her life style.


    I’d argue that Musk needs that $32,000 even less. It’s a rounding error to him. This is Smaug, fighting over a rounding error. Stop begging to gobble his knob.

    Also, that’s for three kids.

    I take it back. Choke on that knob.


    What is your point here?: A) Musk deserves a break B) Never side with women

    Which is it?


    Downvote Musk spam.

    The billionaire doesn’t need your help ensuring him and his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle. Don’t be a useful idiot.


    I always block muskposters


    I agree, downvote and move on. First I would like to state, People need to realize the only thing a billionaire wants that they can’t buy is celebrity. He obviously wants to be front and center, don’t give him the attention .


    I’m sorry, but this simply is not true. You can absolutely, 100%, easily buy fame in America.

    Elon Musk is actually a perfect example of this. Remember when he bought Dave Chapelle and made him introduce him at the end of his set? Sure, he got booed, but he also made the news and nothing was ever going to stop that.

    You can also literally buy media companies, or spots in the media, and simply put yourself in the news.


    I normally agree, but this seems like one of those cases where name and shame might actually get some results 🤷‍♂️


    He has been “shamed” by news articles every single day for the past how many years? It’s not working. Downvote his bullshit.



    When your eyes are bigger than your stomach, lol.

    @Ulrich_the_Elder@mastodon.social avatar

    @return2ozma If the shitstain did not buy twitter he literally could have handed each of his children a billion dollars and still be richer than if he had not bought twitter. He does not appear to be very bright.


    I’m no Muskcuck, but I am in favor of capping the generational transfer of wealth. Let these big inequalities die with this generation and set up a (more) even playing field for the next. If the rich want enhanced educational outcomes for their kids they have to fund public institutions.


    It’s child support bro


    He didn’t say Musk shouldn’t have to pay child support.

    He’s arguing that his children shouldn’t be billionaires out the gate because their daddy screwed over other parents.


    They wouldn’t even become billionaires if he had to pay a million a month.


    Missing the point of the comment thread?

    If musk was a billionaire then died and settled in the money to his kids then how are they not billionaires?


    Now this is a reasonable stance.


    I’m so glad this insane take will die on the internet where it belongs.

    Imagine telling a grown adult they can’t give their kids things.


    What makes you think this opinion will die on the Internet?


    Because it’s truly insane and will never get any support in real life.

    Absolutely no one will vote in favor of the government confiscating all of your property when you die. Tankie shit isn’t popular outside of a handful of message boards.


    I am in favor of capping the generational transfer of wealth

    Can you read?


    Yes, clearly


    Oh so you’re intentionally being intellectually dishonest, got it 👍


    You’re so weird man


    What do you think wealth is? It’s assets usually, very rarely cash.


    The key word here is “capping”. People are assuming for some reason that an estate tax means the repo man comes and takes all your earthly possessions after you die or something, but no one’s suggesting that. They’re suggesting putting a cap on how much you can pass down in an inheritance, as a way to prevent the hoarding of wealth by a single person/family.


    What happens to the wealth beyond the cap?


    It’s taxed.


    How is the tax realized in assets? Are they sold?


    If necessary for the inheritor to meet their tax obligations, sure. I’m sure there’s a dozen different estate tax systems in place that tax professionals would know more about, but yes, liquidating assets would be one way for an interior to meet their tax obligations.


    What would another way be? Say I inherited my parents company they built, entirely privately owned.


    You would be charged a tax proportional to the value of that business. How you pay it is up to you. This is how estate tax is currently done in the US at the Federal level. Again, I’m not a tax professional, so if you want to know more I’d suggest looking into it yourself.


    That would essentially mean family businesses, at least past a certain size, would be impossible. Or more realistically, they would just obfuscate the ownership structure.


    Which is why estate taxes have caps such that people who own small family businesses are rarely affected.


    Not all family businesses are small


    I’m aware.


    Capping the amount of wealth anyone can inherit seems sane to me. In fact it seems healthy for the whole economy, so not just sane but prudent. If you let all the wealth be collected by a few the system breaks down and all the money becomes worthless. Preventing that is entirely sane.

    I’m against preventing the transfer all all property. That seems like a recipe for corruption but I’d vote for limiting it to a trust of like $50-$100 million maximum plus an occupied home, a vacation home, and some reasonable amount of small property like boats and cars. Honestly that amount seems excessive to me but I think the majority would be in favor of such a law.


    If you let all the wealth be collected by a few the system breaks down and all the money becomes worthless.

    This is not how wealth works



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  • SCB,

    It literally is not.


    Yes. It is.


    You’ll learn more as you get older. It’s cool.



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  • SCB,

    Hoarding that fiat currency first causes inflation

    This is not a thing wealthy people do, nor does it cause inflation


    There is a 0% chance you’ve taken macro econ yet


    Yeah okay sure buddy. Your claims are working great. Keep it up, little man!


    I don’t need to be at you in an argument for reality to be reality.


    Yeah, okay, sure buddy. You’re doing great. Keep it up, little man!


    Thanks! I am indeed kickass


    An economy only works when a majority participates. An ideal economy has everyone participating.

    You can do a basic thought experiment to figure this out. Imagine 10 people control $100 trillion. Everyone else controls $0. What do you think you’ll be able to get for $1?

    You might then say, “money isn’t wealth.” True. But if 10 people control all the wealth and everyone else has starved to death that’s even worse.


    I’m sure you have lots of fanciful imaginings of how economies work

    My kid believes in Santa.


    #1 Are you not familiar with thought experiments?

    #2 cool story bro.



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  • SCB,

    I think the entire basis from which you’re arguing is founded in jealousy and not economics



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  • SCB,

    Except clearly you’re exhibit A.



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  • SCB,

    I don’t think so, Tim.


    Holy multi Strawman attack batman LOL.

    Because it’s truly insane and will never get any support in real life.

    It’s got lots of support IRL already. I support it, therefore your assertion of ‘never get support in real life’ is specious and incorrect.

    Absolutely no one

    bzzzt wrong again, I’d vote for estate tax reform in a heartbeat.

    no one will vote in favor of the government confiscating all of your property when you die.

    if this is what you think the estate tax is you’re incredibly stupid. yet another misrepresentation of reality to fit into your premise, but it’s so fucking dumb from the outset it doesn’t even warrant a reply. Yet here we are.

    Tankie shit isn’t popular outside of a handful of message boards.

    Taxing the ultra wealthy isn’t ‘tankie shit’ you fucking dirtbag. Cute attempt to associate ‘people who don’t think a few should horde all the wealth’ with ‘tankies’.

    Your entire argument is lies and garbage. Please, just stop whatever weird piece of performance art this utter shitshow is.


    It’s got lots of support IRL already. I support it, therefore your assertion of ‘never get support in real life’ is specious and incorrect.



    that’s all you got huh?

    weaksauce. no refutation, no thesis just… lol.

    god what a waste of time your entire existence must be.


    Bro do you even understand why what I quoted is funny?


    Estate tax is a tax, not a confiscation. If the tax were two high it would require manu inheritors to sell shares to shares to pay it, which would dump the share price of a company.



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  • aidan,

    No, I prefer being employed


    give all the things you want. multiple BILLIONS of dollars? nah man.

    imagine telling a grown adult one person shouldn’t horder 30% of the money. IMAGINE!


    imagine telling a grown adult one person shouldn’t horder 30% of the money. IMAGINE!

    Two things.

    1: You can just tax rich people without crazy-ass plans like this

    2: this isn’t how money works


    Yeah they’re definitely getting billions in cash??

    When they own a company where does it go when they die? Does the government just get it?



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  • SCB,

    Nah I’m the normal person. I understand this is fringe social media, and I accept that, but you’re not the normal people.

    This is why downvotes and mean comments never bother me. I’m hanging out in the crazy neighborhood. It’s gonna happen

    But this place will eventually get more popular and every normal person that joins is just more of me.


    It’s fairly enough to raise one child. I don’t see where should be the controversy here, the kid can still have access to his dad’s wealth when he turns 18.


    In previous comments, you’ve defended trump and twitter. I’m pretty sure your opinion is not relevant on this topic either.


    I don’t see things in black and white. I find them to be both morons, but I am not blinded by my political leaning to the point of seeing everything with Manichean reductionist lenses. by the way I have no shtick in US politics


    by the way I have no shtick in US politics

    Really? Why do you come to the defense of fascist U.S. political figures? Is it because you are so open-minded?


    Only? I’d live with that amount of income


    It wouldn’t even cover the childcare you’d need while you work to keep a roof over all four heads.


    I have no idea is this is true, but this seems a terrible situation for anyone.


    Depends where you live I’m sure, but in many places in the US, definitely true.


    Curious how people raise children on way less 🤷


    In terrible poverty, yes. You know Musk is a billionaire, right?


    Yeah, I just don’t see why his kids should get luxuries while others go without food and water.


    Do you imagine he is doing this so that he can afford to lift all kids out of poverty?



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