
Are people on the left saying this?

The 2 things I’ve really not liked about biden is he

  1. Continued trump era boarder policies significantly harming refugees.
  2. Has doggedly supported israel in their current genocide campaign.

Other wise his admin has ranged from pretty good to business as usual. 1000% better than trump, but also with some glaring problems.

PugJesus avatar

Are people on the left saying this?

A few. A small, but very loud group online. They're larger on the Fediverse than most places.

GuyDudeman, avatar

They’re called “Blue MAGA”.

PugJesus avatar

Usually, that's the accusation leveled towards "Vote Blue no matter who" types, not the far-left types who deny that Democrats have ever done anything that has improved anyone's life.



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  • PugJesus,
    PugJesus avatar

    No, and I don't know where I suggested they would be?

    federatingIsTooHard, avatar

    it’s in the meme

    GuyDudeman, avatar

    Oh, I meant the people saying all the stuff that SpongeBob is showing Patrick.

    Blue MAGA are vociferous that Biden is the second coming of Jesus Christ.


    That’s… not a thing. I can walk outside and find a MAGA, I would have to troll online depths to find anyone that thinks Biden is great.

    GuyDudeman, avatar

    You haven’t been on reddit’s politics subreddit, or on BlueSky enough then.


    Correct. Why would I go to either place?


    I have never, ever come across this person, but I will totally vote blue no matter who when the opposition is today’s average Republican


    And that’s why they’ll never change


    I vote in the primaries too

    federatingIsTooHard, avatar

    democrats went to court to defend their right to ignore primary voters.


    I can’t find anything about this, what are you referring to?

    federatingIsTooHard, avatar

    The DNC completely restructured their convention process after this happened. Sanders and his supporters fought hard for this change, at least try to pay attention:

    Adoption of superdelegate reform (2018)

    On August 25, 2018, the DNC approved a plan to reduce the influence of superdelegates by barring them from voting on the first ballot at the Democratic National Convention, allowing them to vote only in a contested convention (i.e., if a Democratic National Convention did not choose the nominee on the first ballot, because no candidate received an absolute majority (more than 50%) of the pledged delegates elected from the outcome of primaries and caucuses). This does not preclude superdelegates from publicly endorsing a candidate of their choosing before the convention.

    federatingIsTooHard, avatar

    at least try to pay attention

    don’t condescend to me

    federatingIsTooHard, avatar

    Adoption of superdelegate reform (2018)

    this has nothing to do with how they structured the primary, favoring hilary with party resources. they chose hilary long before the first superdelegate vote.


    democrats went to court to defend their right to ignore primary voters

    this has nothing to do with how they structured the primary

    ?! If you don’t want to be condescended to, don’t set yourself up for it. Develop a cogent argument my man

    federatingIsTooHard, avatar

    you seem to be misunderstanding me. the comment i’m quoting had nothing to do with how the structured the primary.


    2 is huge, but you forgot that he busted the railroad union which directly led to ohio burning down

    Urist, avatar

    I just thought union busting was something of a proud American tradition.


    It’s true, we bust unions like their kneecaps were full of oil.

    FoxBJK, avatar

    2 is kinda irrelevant in the context of the election though. If you think Biden supports them too much wait until you see the alternative. Trump doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy to say “Palestinians need our help”. He strikes me as the guy who’ll say “See? This is why I’m writing a new Muslim ban”


    I’m no fan of Biden (though I did and will vote for him) but that’s not what happened. He did not bust the unions, the 12 unions still exist. He broke a strike, which is the intended purpose of the Railway Labor Act of 1926.

    The law he put before congress to force a resolution to the three year negotiation deadlock would have guaranteed the workers 7 days of sick leave per year (they wanted 15). It passed the House but the Senate knocked it down to 1 day, with a 14% immediate pay increase and an additional 25% over the next five years.

    Biden continued negotiate for the unions to get the sick days. They don’t all have them yet, but at this point 61% of the workers do have 4 short notice paid sick days with the option to trade three personal days for an additional 3 short notice sick days. Negotiations are still happening, the Biden administration is still part of them.

    The Ohio derailment disaster was not a result of worker error (or lack of sick days) but lack of maintenance regulations, which was not something that was being negotiated at that time.…/2022_United_States_railroad_la……/white-house-renews-pressure-railroa……/most-unionized-us-rail-workers-now-…

    Beau of the Fifth Column, Let’s Talk About Biden, the Rails and Sick days… Youtube link

    Jaysyn avatar

    Continued trump era boarder policies significantly harming refugees.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't his Administration forced to continue those by SCotUS?

    Has doggedly supported israel in their current genocide campaign.

    Agree, but that looks like it's starting to turn as well.

    PugJesus avatar

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't his Administration forced to continue those by SCotUS?

    Some, but he's also put some effort of his own on being seen as 'tough on the border' due to increased migration.

    A stupid decision, but a predictable one considering the hand-wringing our population goes through every fucking time there's a bump in scary furriners coming in to this land which our ancestors were born i-oh, wait


    Agree, but that looks like it’s starting to turn as well

    Honest question, where have you seen this?

    All I’ve seen is talk about possibly maybe telling them to stop genociding. Other than that it’s business as usual. The whole siding with Israel at the ICJ trial isn’t a great look

    PugJesus avatar

    Honest question, where have you seen this?

    In international politics, there are very few unscripted statements. What is said is an important reflection of a country's concerns, and behind-the-scenes demands. There is a distinct contrast between statements from before the current crisis and statements since, especially compared to the unconditional bootlicking normally offered by the US State Department to Israel.

    We are at a point where support for the current course is wavering, and there is the possibility of change in our Israel policy, depending on how the opinions of the electorate continue to develop on the issue.

    Aceticon, (edited )

    Remember when Kamalla Harris said during her speach at COP28 something about the US putting pressure on Israel and then not a week later the US vetoed the resolution for a Cease Fire at the UN Security Council?!

    It’s wasn’t even that long ago that this happenned.

    There really is no reason at all to believe that the Biden Administration has finally given up on their practice of trying to sway voters their way by nothing more than “talking the talk” whilst completelly refusing to “walk the walk” (at times, quite the contrary)

    federatingIsTooHard, avatar

    scotus has no enforcement arm.

    return2ozma, avatar

    I think the DNC finally discovered Lemmy. There’s been a huge uptick of VBNMW and “how dare anyone question Biden” posts. Voters can be critical of Biden and the Dems and still vote for them to “stop Trump”. Even though Trump is merely a symptom of the crappy system we have.

    Edit: also, calling the far left nut jobs isn’t going to win any of them over.


    Joe being an adult and doing the Job isn’t as interesting as trumps jackassery,it seems. The hells wrong with us?


    The really wack thing is everybody already knew when Trump removed criminal only focus of ICE and the holding time limitations that it would weaken the border. We already had data about how those policies improved border security from the Obama Era, but Trump still did what he did to put children in cages for many months for no fucking reason at all.


    I’m actually thrilled with Biden, I think he did a better job than I thought he would and regret calling him No Go Joe


    I’m hugely dissapointed. I wanted Obama-Era 2.0 and instead I have to watch the Palestinian Genocide. Old removed really got my hopes up, if the election outcomes weren’t so grim I’d hope he got primaried.



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  • bort,

    so… what is the word that got removed?


    The word is removed


    Why do you draw the line at racial slurs but sexuality based slurs are ok?


    Long story short, it’s the evolutionary cycle of slurs. Slurs over time so they lose their offensiveness and new ones come in their place. Decades ago “idiot”, “devil” or “shit” were hugely offensive now we use them as normal words. Now we are at the point when sexuality-based slurs slowly lose their power and racial slurs take their place.

    My guess is that it could be partially caused by social changes - younger generations are not forbidden (and sometimes even encouraged) to openly discuss sexuality so sexual words are not taboo for them anymore so they can’t offend them anymore. But racism for them is a big and very serious issue so new slurs are related to that topic. I can imagine though that in the next century when racism is not an issue anymore, people might use n-word in jokes.

    doctorcrimson, (edited )

    More importantly, though, Gender divides do not even approach the magnitude problems that arise from Racial and Ethnic divisions. While it’s possible to take away one gender’s rights and freedoms in subservience to the other, the two genders have and will always comprise one people that they both belong to, incapable of existing without the other at any large scale. On the other hand, racial divides can and have lead to a sort of segregation that divides peoples and historically they have attempted to eradicate each other on many occasions. Sure, a product of the past you might try to argue, but a wound that lingers and festers in a way that makes silly gender disputes look cute.

    EDIT: Hang on, were they talking about LGBTQ slurs when they said “Sexuality Based”? I can see how being called a fag might upset somebody back in Vietnam, but I think most people actually use it as a term of endearment these days? It’s at least no more insulting than Retard is.


    Because the two divides are not remotely worth equating at all.


    Wow, all of that and it’s only removed that gets censored on my instance. Fascinating shit, motherfuckers.


    Keep racial slurs out of it



    TBH I realize it’s not a good symbol to keep around in any context, but it’s still about as innocent (comes with comparatively low animosity) as the word that got removed so I felt like I had to know.


    Could someone link me the bar graph in the bottom most panel?

    It would be nice to refer to when this is brought up by relatives.


    Thanks!! It’s appreciated


    I too would love to see those stats OP uses to claim a win. Apprehensions are up because illegal crossings are at an all time high second year running and even once someone is apprehended they are released into the United States, often with Fed issued phone to report into their “probation” office source:…/illegal-border-crossings-data.html This meme was written by someone who dislikes Republicans so much they are finding any reason to cheer Biden, like maybe he wouldn’t stink if he wasn’t such trash, this feels like trying to blast him with axe spray, my disgust has only increased.


    Whole lot o' lies goin' on in that there gourd.


    Nowhere in your source does it say they're turned loose with a fed provided phone. Do you have an actual source for this claim?

    Edit for spelling.

    PugJesus avatar

    No, but plenty of self-proclaimed 'leftists' on here will smirk and agree with blatant conservative bullshit because liberals bad.

    PugJesus avatar

    "Stopped second Cold War and arguably saved democracy in Europe"

    Let's not get ahead of ourselves on either count.

    Cosmonauticus, (edited )

    Also it’s been proven presidential policy has little to do with economic outcome and unemployment rates. Honestly any president other than Trump probably would’ve caused an economic upturn due to the unpredictability of Trump. Also the pandemic being SOMEWHAT over has more to do with unemployment than Biden.


    The fed playing with interest rates certainly has and has had a direct and measurable impact on the current economic situation.

    You can argue that the fed is independent from the president, but the fact is they generally do whatever the president suggests.

    snooggums avatar

    Fewer people looking for work because they realized that working a minimum job is worse than not having a job also lowers unemployment.

    And a lot of old people finally retiring.


    Agreed, not sure a proxy war against Russia is stopping a cold war.

    HubertManne avatar

    yeah and im a big supporter (well relative to what I see on the internets) but obviously all of it is not attributable to him. All the same there have been more things that actually improve my quality of life over what any other president has done in my lifetime and all in one term with an adversarial congress. I loved obama but man he wasted a nice majority trying to play fair with a bunch of known cheaters.

    PugJesus avatar

    I mean, Biden has the 'bipartisanship' disease too. But I certainly won't pretend that he's done nothing.

    HubertManne avatar

    well you have to compromise to some degree but man obamas first term he was bending over backwards to get their input and sign off and they still fought everything he did tooth and nail. He figured it out his second term but had lost the majority at that point.

    PP_BOY_, avatar

    He’s actually done the exact opposite when he directly refused to supply Ukraine with long range missiles early in the conflict, when they had the manpower and logistics to attack Russia directly. But instead he doomed Ukraine to a war of attrition what they can’t possibly hope to win without a serious import of soldiers (which isn’t happening). Biden handed Ukraine to Russia.


    hindsight is 20-20, and even then i’m not sure that would have been the right choice

    back then we there were a lot of people legitimately very worried that russia would use nukes if they felt “cheated”… international diplomacy is a tricky shit show of a game. who knows what would have happened


    Enemy boots on your land is the only time I can think to legitimately use a nuclear weapon

    PugJesus avatar

    Does Russia have a history of acting only under responsible and legitimate circumstances?


    Never implied they did.

    PugJesus avatar

    Mm, misread you then, sorry.


    Weird, I don’t see “Record Oil Production” up there. More oil pumped than any country in history! Wild.


    Hol’ up, we ended no knock raids?


    You can tell it’s a leftist meme because it’s an essay


    Call me when he brings out the trust busting hammer. It’s the one thing that touches on most of the problems in the US.

    He needs to actually stand with Unions, actually bring the economy back for the working class, actually make homes and food affordable again.

    The other shit is just dressing on the cake. Voters aren’t going to vote for him unless he can do that. They might vote against the other guy, but -

    Jobs that don’t pay

    A request to the police forces

    A counselor the visits once a month

    Killing some brown guy in a war we’re all tired of

    Lifted a ban the next GOP president is just going to put back

    Stopped a pipeline the next GOP president is just going to send DHS agents to guard

    And protected land the next GOP president is going to unprotect

    And continuing Trump’s abuses of refugees, more efficiently…

    Ain’t gonna fucking do it. These aren’t the things we care about. We want to put food on the table for our families.


    Since when is insulin $35? My prescription a month ago was almost $4k.


    I think it’s about to become price capped, I recall reading about it recently

    That, and are you seriously paying 4000 dollar a month for insulin? Because those are maffia prices


    It was a 3 month supply when I was between jobs without insurance. But yeah that was rough.

    I keep hearing about price caps but they never come. I’ll probably die by then lol

    eerongal, avatar

    It depends on the company youre getting it from, but there is a coming price cap. Eli lily (as of last march), novo nordisk (as of last september), and sanofi (as of jan 1st) have all lowered their prices to the cap for insured, uninsured, and medicare patients. Those are the three largest insulin producers in the US, but not all of them. It’s been rolling out slowly over the past year.


    Anytime someone whines about lemmy not getting widespread adoption I’m linking this comment section. Cesspool of a community. Go touch some fucking grass lol.


    I love that man, Biden has been such a stud.


    Lol saved democracy in Europe, if the rest is just as accurate then he indeed hasn’t been very active in office


    Also ‘stopped 2nd cold war’, when ukraine is the perfect example of a cold war era proxy war.


    I hate when people are making valid points, but to get their point across they add bs like that. It just invalidates the whole argument, just stick it the straightforward facts.


    Yeah, but it’s about messaging and PR. Many people perceive Trump to do better especially on economy, even though more debt is added to the national debt during his last presidency. People tend to prioritise economy more than other issues; and Biden isn’t doing anything to market himself and his administration that they’re do better on handling the economy.


    It explains a ton about every story we’re presented with when we remember 9/10ths of the news (US at least) is beholden to shareholders. =\

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