@ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar

Hey everyone. Happy to finally get this out, it’s been one busy month.

I’m looking to add a lifetime option for ultra & option to just remove ads. Keep in mind this is the first release, lots more to follow.




Please bring the lifetime option!


He already did it a few hours ago.


Just saw and subscribed.


Immediately looked for a lifetime option, looking forward to it!

@Hexarei@programming.dev avatar

You’re my hero right now, sir. Sync has been missing from my life for too long!


Congrats, please buy yourself a beer with my sub money!


Really excellent so far! I bought the lifetime ultra for SfR and I’ll do it again for SfL! Especially if you bring back the comment restore function.


Thank you! We appreciate your hard work 👍


I subscribed to Ultra for a year to thank you for the development work on this. If I wanted to get the lifetime instead is there some way to refund the year and wait for lifetime?

@ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar


@KazuyaDarklight@lemmy.world avatar

You can try asking Google for a refund, I did that because I did ad-free lifetime before realizing there was an ultra lifetime. I suspect the sooner you do it after the purchase the better, though mine is still under review so we’ll see. I also tried to make sure to explain that I was basically just trying to swap for a higher tier of product in the app as part of my refund request.

@KazuyaDarklight@lemmy.world avatar

Refund approved.


Awesome! Thanks for the great work!


Thanks a lot for this best client so far.

@ijeff@lemdro.id avatar

Excellent! Thanks for this update and a great first release! Hopefully mod tools are also in the pipeline :).

@ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar


@ijeff@lemdro.id avatar

Excellent! As an aside, I scrolled the instance list for an embarrassingly long time looking for lemdro.id 😅.

@ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar

If you have time come join us on discord. I’d really value mod input how to improve sync:


@ijeff@lemdro.id avatar

Sure thing! I’ve joined up - just let me know which channel I should be paying attention to :).


Thank you!


Never used your app before. Very impressed. You’ll be getting my money.


Purchased Ultra on one phone and was hoping to use it on the other. Doesn’t seem to sync up yet. Hopefully that’s on the roadmap.

@ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar

If you’re using the same Google account it should restore on both


You’re a legend! It’s good to be back home.

@ruffsl@programming.dev avatar

Thanks so much for your hard work and the terrific beta release!
Here’s to the success of Lemmy, Sync for Lemmy, and the rest of the Fediverse,
Cheers! 🍻


Cool! Gonna buy Ultra for a year and then switch to the ad-free version. That’s all I can and want to afford. Thanks for your great work!


The hard work is so appreciated.


Feels good to be using sync again. Hurry up with the lifetime one so I can give you my money!

WarmSoda, (edited )

What ads are being removed?

Edit; oh God theres ads on the app?? I thought you were talking about ads somewhere on lemmy.

Edit again. Yes I now know there ads on the app. I thought the first edit made that clear. You can stop replying telling me there’s ads on the app. I know this. Stop acting like reddit.


The current version has ads in the feed if you haven’t subscribed.



Probably the ads placed in the app to help pay for development costs of creating a free app.


No shit. Thanks Mr obvious. Lol


Why’d you ask?


Seriously? Do you know what time is?
At the time the app had just released and I didn’t know there were ads in the app. As time went on I found out there are ads in the AP. That’s what the first edit is. In fact I even told you why I asked in the edit.

Fast forward to long after all of this happened, and you come strolling in “I can’t read and don’t understand series of events so I’m going to chime in with a dumb question”


I guess I’m more so questioning your “no shit” comment then. Seems like it was shit


You guess? You don’t even know why you’re talking? Lol aren’t you just the brightest bulb in the box.

Have a good one.


The hostility is a little unnecessary.


I’m sorry, can’t help it when people are so blatantly stupid. They came in wanting to argue, that’s on them.


Seems like you may be the dense one


Damn man. 22 day retort. Do you feel like a big man now?




Makes sense to have a free ad-supported tier, since not a lot of people will be okay with paying money to access an unproven platform.


So happy to see you are back and active. Thank you!


My excitement is tempered by two things, the ultra cost being a subscription (I get the “why” I just hate more subscriptions) and also the pretty crappy targeted adverts “consent” whereby you have to scroll through page after page of third party vendors to turn off the “legitimate” interest which is, let’s be honest their way around consent by just ignoring what you want. That’s put me right off in all honesty sorry.


Would be good to have both options. Someone prefers to have a subscription to cancel whenever, and someone wants to not think about it anymore after purchasing.


There will be both options


Thanks for having the balls to say this, because yeah, I immediately noticed this.


I didn’t even notice that at first, because ProtonVPN blocks ads and all that’s left is a blank grey square.


When I installed the app I didn’t see any vendor list to turn off ads. This is what my feed looks like


(I couldn’t figure out the formatting for hyperlinks, hopefully this works.


We need a Pro version, ad free, but without a subscription. Ultra should stay ultra.


It’s a service, why should you pay once? It’s like water and electricity, ongoing cost needs to be balanced by ongoing revenue. Especially when the utility is also ongoing.

If you prefer paying once, get some dividend ETFs and use the dividends to pay for the service. Yes, it’s expensive, but you can also sell the etf again when you stop using the service.


One of the dumbest comments I read here.


can you enlighten me?


I get why subscriptions exist but everything right now is trying to push you into a subscription. I really don’t need yet another subscription in my life.

I’m all for paying for Sync but it won’t be via a subscription. Sorry.

@Madbrad200@lemmy.world avatar

Ads are blocked if you use something like NextDNS


I bought the yearly subscription.

One, I want to support devs making top tier clients for lemmy. Two, this stuff isn’t free to do or maintain, as a dev, I recognize and appreciate that.

If someone comes out with a better client for cheaper, then I’ll switch, otherwise, these terms are acceptable.


Sure, development isn’t free, but $2 a month per user? That seems excessive for a free website that doesn’t charge an API fee…

And does any of that make it over to the instance hosts? I’m genuinely asking.

somedaysoon, (edited )

Using Adguard Home on network and Adaway on my phone I have no ads in apps.

I do not get ads in any apps on my phone, nor YouTube on phone/desktop/Firestick, nor Twitch on phone/desktop/Firestick, nor even on the Firestick launcher because I replaced the stock launcher. I will take the time to make sure I don’t ever get any ads on any of my devices and I can’t tell you how much of a quality of life improvement it makes. If you’re adverse to ads, there are ways to block them. It takes a little bit of effort, but it is so very much worth it in my opinion.

With that said, I also do not support subscription services, but I like to support developers that make good apps. When the option to remove ads is made available for purchase, I will still purchase it even though I gain nothing from it.

OrangeCorvus, (edited )
@OrangeCorvus@lemmy.world avatar

Same, I’m ok with a subscription but I would want it like Sync for Reddit where I pay 5-6-7€ to remove the ads and the rest can stay on Ultra.

Edit: Also the per vendor “legitimate interest” toggle without the option to decline all at once is pretty scummy and also illegal.


And the list is soon loooong


What the heck, I’m glad I found this comment thread to remove the “legitimate interest” from everything, and there are so many!


per vendor “legitimate interest” toggle

Where is this toggle?


I also don’t see this anywhere… Would love some clues!


Main page > Menu > Settings > Privacy > Revoke GDPR permissions


Then there’s me, who actively went hunting for where I could pay for this app as soon as I opened it

This dev has never been anything but respectful of his community. I have no qualms paying him the equivalent of 2 beers a year for something I have used for multiple hours a day every day for more than a decade. Easy value proposition.

The targeted ads thing I guess I get, but I haven’t had ads on Sync for so long it honestly didn’t really phase me because I planned to buy ad free anyway. Hopefully that bit gets streamlined.

@v4ld1z@lemmy.zip avatar

Thanks for pointing that out. Big no for me. I shuddered when I saw Facebook mentioned there.


It’s amazing how many cookie consent banners aren’t compliant. There has to be a button where you can clearly reject all, where it has equal look and feel as accept all. By default all non required cookies must be disabled, but the fact we can turn off the legitimate interest options shows they’re not required, and so they’re not compliant.

Basically every banner should have a reject button that’s just as clear as the accept. I’d you’re going through any extra effort to reject then it’s not compliant.


I always struggle with the bbc’s one… I always lose patience before I’ve ever figured out how to reject all

@ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar

Clicking X rejects consent from everything.


Well, if you need to tell people that, it’s not clear enough and thus breaks the law. I don’t know what it looks like and I can imagine you used a third party to provide it, but for user friendliness it could be a good idea to change it. I doubt you would get into legal trouble though since a lot of websites use this same format, but I always hate it when I see it.

@ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar

Theres also the big do not consent button


That will still allow “legitimate interest”.


Not for me, in fact, my one doesn’t seem to save the preferences and I’m not using beta.

@Crackhappy@lemmy.world avatar

Man, when the Pro lifetime comes out I’m there but at this point I’m not going to engage at all with either being tracked by advertisers or being forced to go through all that. There are other open source apps that don’t do any of that which may not be quite as good but the difference is worth it. Lemmy doesn’t have any ads. Why should I subject myself to ads or being tracked to use what is already free?


Because you know what sync provides and why it’s worth spending money on it. I get these arguments and they are valid but no one forces anyone to use an app. You can just ignore it. I also prefer open source apps and don’t like subscriptions but I bought the Ultra even if I just want to remove the ads. Also the price is not that big so i think of it as a donation.


Exactly what I thought, agree 100 %


Also the price is not that big so i think of it as a donation.

idk man 530 TRY is kinda not that small of a donation


yeah it was 185 try in sync for reddit although it was probably last updated when try/usd was 20 or so


I like sync and spend most of my phone screen time on it so I’m all for buying lj a case of beer once a year.


This right here. I had ultra for reddit and was paying monthly out of my Google rewards earnings. I’m going to do the same again.

I’m never surprised by the lack of understanding as to what it actually costs to run the servers and the time that goes into services and apps like this.


Haha I was the same and didn’t know what to do with myself when I deleted the other app when the blackouts started. Like I would take my phone out, stare at it for a few seconds and put it away again.

Anyway I found other things to do instead of Reddit, and now I’m wondering if it’s a good idea to get Sync again lol. I’ve done so well!


It’s a nice app, but so is Jerboa, which does not have ads. If there was a one-time ad-free purchase; I would strongly consider it; but I’m not going to pay a subscription to avoid ads on an already ad-free website.


He has already said the onetime ad free purchase is in the works


How is it “in the works”? It’s not hard to implement, seeing as how he already did it.

And no timeline when it’s coming just a promise it will?

Sounds more like he just wants to test the waters and see what he can make.


Because he prioritized his time in getting the application usable rather than implementing various tiers of payments instead.

One of the messages to the discord this morning seems to indicate he’s planning on adding the one time ad-free unlock today.


He literally already has all the other tiers of payment, though? You can select “per month” or “per year”, you just don’t have an option for one-time.


Honestly a third sub option for lifetime wouldn’t have been a timesink. Just like the old version had. I guess it was more of a time waste removing the third option.


Well I’ve known him to be a straight up guy for a long time so I’m not gonna impute any wrong motives to him as you are. It’s all a choice, if you don’t like the app don’t use it, simple. By the same token others like me choose to use the app, subscription or whatever, and you should accept that too. I could say that you just sound like a negative hater, but I won’t.


The dev don’t want to charge money while the app is still buggy. The subscription option is there for the die hard fans who keep pestering him to let them send their money. If it weren’t for people pestering him, the option to subscribe is probably not even offered right now.


I don’t know. Going by that logic, there should not be any ads in the beta as well as the app is not officially finished. That way people can use and try the app until the official launch and then buy it when the one time ad free purchase options are added without being exposed to our tracked by ads.


Can’t argue with that, I’ll go that route if it were me, but ultimately it’s the app creator’s decision.


Holy shit y’all are miserable lmao


Glad to hear 👍

Edit image for those who are curious:



That makes me nervous for how much he’s going to charge… I paid like $8 for the last one I used on reddit for ten years.


It’s out now, and it’s $20. Way too steep of a price for me.


OK I haven’t seen it yet, guess my playstore hasn’t updated yet. $20 isn’t even a decent lunch for me where I live, so that’s cheap for me 😂… I mean the $16.99 sub for a year was cheap for me, so one time $20 is a steal


I believe the developer is working on a one-time payment Pro version that removes ads. Ultra has additional features for a subscription fee.


It’s out now. $20. No thanks.


I bought it. I want to support LJ. He’s doing a great job and really got shafted by reddit.


Yeah I’m sticking with voyager/memmy


This is also the dev that got really hurt over his paying customers not liking when he completely changed the app they paid for under their nose with no option to roll back, and quit pushing updates for a while after that. It was a whole thing.

I’m not paying a dev that can’t handle feedback and has an entire fanclub cheering on literally every single decision.

zecg, (edited )
@zecg@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, Sync is a great app but it’s basically subscription or ads+tracking for a really slick UI.

@Amir@lemmy.ml avatar

If you use dns.adguard.com you won’t have any ads.

@Dasnap@lemmy.world avatar

I always have Blokada running on my phone and while it does remove the ads it still leaves behind a large blank space in the feed.


In case you don’t know, there is a newer version which I’ve been rocking for a while with no notable impact:


@Amir@lemmy.ml avatar

What’s the difference? Better blocklist? If yes, why did they not update the old domain?


Who knows!

@Amir@lemmy.ml avatar

Well until anyone knows I think I’ll stick with the old one lol


It’s been on their official site for many months!


Yep is true, I don’t see ads because of that.


Oh my god it’s beautiful. It’s so beautiful.


It’s so smooooth.


It’s awesome!


I think how well sync was made is why I got so addicted to reddit in the first place. I use redreader now for reddit and it’s a major reason I’m over there way less often. Just not as enjoyable.


I am here now and I am sad for liftoff. It has been great. But Sync. Man.


I downloaded it and it’s so nice and smooth.

It makes me very sad that I made the switch to iPhone so I can’t use it as my main Lemmy app. 🙁

@JulesWinnfield@lemmy.world avatar

It’s like having Reddit back, this is amazing. 🙏

For as long as I can remember Reddit and Sync have been one and the same. I never used Reddit website or app, only ever used Sync to browse Reddit hosted content. I used it a lot. I’ve missed it a lot.

Between the Lemmy platform and Sync client, to all intents and purposes what Reddit was has been fully restored/migrated.

I know it’s early days, but I did not expect to see anything like this so soon and it gives me hope that Lemmy can grow and thrive into the network of people that always made Reddit what it was. Everything that’s needed is there - early, a little rough around the edges, but there. And being improved constantly.




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  • ljdawson,
    @ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar

    Couldn’t agree more


    It is a really nice streamlined interface.

    @ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar

    Once Sync for Lemmy got to an even usable state I completely stopped using Reddit. Here’s to the next 10 years of development!


    As I said back on reddit multiple times: you are a legend. Thanks for your work!


    I tried relay since sync ended and I still get annoyed at things it doesn’t do the way sync does lol. Randomly looked sync up and was like oh shit here it is! Feels so good


    Aaagh It’s taken me four months to finally get into lemmy. And grateful to find a sync option for it here my first successful day. I have just downloaded sync for lemmy. What a relief. Reddit is truly awful. It’s been unbearable over there the last few months. Absolutely horrible. Thank goodness for Lemmy & Dawson.

    Nevermore, (edited )
    @Nevermore@lemmy.world avatar

    Oh and please note that bugs should be reported in -support-and-bugs in the discord: discord.gg/qYWxqva or the github.

    LJ has been working very hard - this is beta 24 from no betas a week ago.

    And again, it is a beta - some features like Ad-free IAP and submissions are not there, but they will be in there eventually.


    Why not have a lemmy community for support and bugs?

    @Nevermore@lemmy.world avatar

    A lemmy community for bugs woud be very hard to keep track of. Discord allows segmented, real time conversations which is simply better.

    @President_Pyrus@feddit.dk avatar

    A matrix chat would be more optimal then.


    Not everything has to be decentralized or federeted


    Yeah it should. Also Discord is a plague. Though tbh Element is still years behind Discord which is unfortunate.

    randint, (edited )

    I agree that not everything has to be decentralized, but why not replace Discord with Matrix given hew mature and nice Matrix is? IMO, this is one of those things that should be decentralized.

    Edit: for everyone asking why, read cadence.moe/…/2020-06-06-why-you-shouldnt-trust-d…. The main point I care about is that as a free-to-use app with no ads, Discord is not profitable despite the Nitro subscribers. The operating cost to keep up with millions of messages a day is not cheap. They will, at some point, sell our data.


    We’ve been using Discord for 3 or 4 years now, he has a community built there


    How about we bridge the channels across to rooms on Matrix? That could work.


    Why when Discord works great?


    Read my edit on my parent comment. Basically, Reddit works “great” too, yet people still want to move away from it. The same with Discord.


    Agreed. If we want to move away from Reddit, why not move away from Discord too?


    Why move away from discord lol? It’s not like people just moved from reddit for fun. Discord doesn’t have the same issues people left reddit for.


    Discord doesn’t have the same issues people left reddit for.

    Yes, yes it does. Both Reddit and Discord don’t allow 3rd party clients. It’s just that Discord never allowed any in the beginning. The arguments of a centralized content silo applies to Discord too.

    It’s not like people just moved from reddit for fun.

    Neither are people moving away from Discord for fun.

    By the way, read the edit on my parent comment.


    It’s just that Discord never allowed any in the beginning

    Yes. It also never needed third party apps because it works well, has good accessibility features, etc… while reddit doesn’t. I honestly don’t think that third party apps are a necessity most of the time. Reddit is just a relatively unique platform where they had a thriving third party scene and took them away without any intention to add the features that the official app lacked.


    You can report on the GitHub issue tracker too



    Thanks for the info, I was looking for where I could buy Pro (ad-free) and I couldn’t find it.


    Somewhere else in this post, it’s mentioned that an ad-free iap is coming later. Only option at the moment is ultra.

    ijeff, (edited )
    @ijeff@lemdro.id avatar

    According to ljdawson, “later” is apparently pretty damn soon. It’s already in the latest update!


    Seeing all the usernames hosted at different servers feels refreshing. As the internet should be, distributed.


    And that’s a sexy looking autoplaying gif too 😯


    Feels good to be back!

    @sanguinepar@lemmy.world avatar

    How did you get that to auto play?

    I just tried adding a gif, and it only seems to show as a link.

    Oh wait, figured it out - it wasn’t a gif it was an MP4



    It is a gif, at least on desktop for me. Yours only shows as a link.

    @sanguinepar@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, sorry - OP’s was a gif, mine wasn’t (which I assume is why OP’s showed automatically and mine didn’t)


    Yours doesn’t play for me though

    @lazycouchpotato@lemmy.world avatar

    The syntax to embed images/GIFs is ![](%enter_url_here%)

    ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/2268cec6-6ce6-46c2-85ca-57960c09b3d0.mp4) converts to:


    @sanguinepar@lemmy.world avatar

    Thanks, but that still doesn’t show (or not for me anyway), it’s still just a link. Not to worry, it’s hardly a deal-breaker where Sync is concerned :-)


    Game. Changer.

    I live my life as FOSS-y as possible.

    This is the only subscription that I have. $2/mo or $16/yr is not even a blip on most people’s radar.

    The OG Sync was the most used app on my phone and tablet.

    So download, enjoy, and pay the dev! He’s phenomenal, approachable, and transparent. This isn’t some Flappy Birds knockoff. This is a polished app that allows us to connect with one another more easily. And I’d like to see what features he comes up with next.

    It takes a lot for me to trust an app/dev this much. Hopefully everybody else will too and we can help him do even more neat things.

    @ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar

    (シ_ _)シ


    Right? It’s like 4 cents a day. I wouldn’t even stop to pick up 4 cents off the ground. For the hundreds or thousands of hours I put into Reddit sync the value prop is more than fair.


    Good call! I had ultra on reddit, and now I’ve got ultra for lemmy!


    Yep! My sentiments exactly. My favorite app is back and I couldn’t be more thankful. Sync was that missing puzzle piece that has completed the Lemmy experience for me. The rest is just gonna be gravy now!


    It’s far more complete than the other Lemmy apps. They were good, don’t get me wrong, but the years of effort on Sync really shows.

    @Stumblinbear@pawb.social avatar

    Only issue I’ve noticed so far is an issue I had to fix when I was working on my own app: sorting comments by hot breaks some nested comments. Yours, for example, is showing as if it is a reply to another comment, but the only thing above you is the root comment and three below yours.

    Lemmy’s API doesn’t properly sort comment trees when sorting by hot: you have to sort them yourself. It’s pretty straightforward, though. It gives you the path to the comment as “comment1.comment2.comment3” you just have to sort the replies by the path string


    Yeah, I’ve seen at least one broken comment tree on Sync, it confused the hell out of me


    I’ve seen tons. It’s the one big bug that’s been annoying me a lot. It’s super frustrating to want to read a thread and then have all the comments jumbled. I’m sure it’ll get fixed relatively quickly, though.


    I don’t really know how Lemmy chains work, but are you able to see comments from a user that’s on a server that the server you’re on isn’t federated with?

    Like say you are on lemmy.world and Other guy is on beehaw and those two are not federated with each other, can you see his comments? Can you interact with him at all?


    Well said!


    Please consider offering a one-time purchase option for certain version milestones, maybe hosted on patreon or something if you need.

    I don’t mind paying to support development, I do mind subscriptions unfortunately.

    @sparrow@pawb.social avatar

    I agree. I’m trying out Sync for the first time, but if I need a subscription to avoid advertising I’ll probably go back to Connect.

    @ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar

    Submitted beta 25 to Google play that adds the option to do a one time payment.


    That’s cool id totally do that and maybe subscribe for extra features some months if that’s a thing


    Are you planning a separate “Sync Pro” app without the app-framework? Like it used to be?

    @ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar

    No. Google suspended me last year for that


    Not complaining, but 15€ for ad-removal without the sync-ultra-features is a bit steeper than I expected.

    I understand that the smaller user base probably requires higher prices, but that’s a number that made me reluctant to pull the trigger.

    I’m subscribing to Ultra anyway, but with Sync for Reddit, I always enjoyed the option to fall back to “Pro,” if I let my subscription lapse. I was going to pounce right away on Sync for Lemmy Pro, but now I’m not so sure.


    I’m subscribing to Ultra anyway, but with Sync for Reddit, I always enjoyed the option to fall back to “Pro,” if I let my subscription lapse.

    So your a previous sync user? Something that made me pull the trigger was remembering just how much time I spent using sync the past couple years. I had a shitty chain restaurant burger earlier today for about $20 that I regretted. I think spending $20 on an app that I use for a couple hours daily is well worth it imo.


    I used several Reddit apps over the years, mostly Relay, Sync, Dash (rip) and Boost. Boost and Sync were my favorites in the end, with a slight preference for Boost (per subreddit view settings and a much better gallery view being the core reasons).

    I bought them all and even subscribed to Sync Ultra several times since its inception. I’ll subscribe to Sync for Lemmy as well, at least until Boost comes out - my ad-filter is preventing the ads from loading anyway and I’ll feel better subscribing.

    But I will break with my rule to purchase the ad-free version of any app if it’s available on this occasion. 22€ is simply too much to gamble on an app with an uncertain future and a flaky history. ljdawson already paused work on Sync on at least one occasion and is almost certainly going to do it again if this financial gamble isn’t working out.


    Joke on you. Now it goes up to €22. /s


    Wow, you weren’t kidding. That’s literally more than 10 times what I paid for the original Sync for Reddit Pro (standalone, without the ad- and tracking framework).

    That’s “I want to technically offer a one-time-payment option, but don’t want people to actually use it”-pricing, especially since it doesn’t come with any of the additional subscription features.

    I just went from “cool, this will probably be my new home” to “I can’t wait to see what Boost has to offer”.

    As someone who bought the premium version of pretty much every single 3rd Party Reddit client (and just about every app I use that allows for ad-removal), this might be the first one I’ll skip.


    yep. same with me - been using it since the early days.

    I think ljdawson has been listening too much to his fanboys at the discord. They’ve been suggesting steep subscribing and one-off prices. I can’t believe the dev follow it through.

    Not everyone has the same level of income as these fanboys. Just imagine, the price is already steep in the US, and Europe - how about for those who have to pay in average 3-5 times more due to exchanged rate? Crazy price. Anyway, we’ll see.


    Thank you. Also recommend adding a copy of this inside of the settings menu. I did not see you had added this until another commenter pointed it out post-update.

    @ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar



    He’s just finished adding one-time ad removal purchases. Just waiting on Google to approve the new release.

    @UhBell@lemmy.world avatar

    Where? I updated and don’t see it.


    I’m told it’s in the account switcher tray and in Settings (I can’t see it myself because of the Ultra subscription)


    He commented 3 hours ago in this thread stating there will be a one time purchase.


    I saw that a bit later. Now it’s a question of Sync vs jerboa and connect and the others. I’ve used sync before and it’s excellent. And I bought Relay for Reddit in the past.

    I think for me the first that has a mark read on scroll and a floating dismiss (not hide) read posts button, is gonna be my winner. That was the feature that I loved on Relay.

    @ilickfrogs@lemmy.world avatar

    Only missing Trump and DeSantis


    Oh wow, that’s brilliant. Copied that list.


    There’s even a community dedicated for Musk hatred now. Forgot the name


    That’s how it should be. Put all of your Musk posts there instead of in a technology community every ten minutes.


    Trump, Desantis, Zuckerberg, Facebook, Bezos, Kanye, Kardashian plus a thousand more.


    Trump, Desantis, Zuckerberg, Facebook, Bezos, Kanye, Kardashian plus a thousand more.


    you know, I never used the filters in the old app, but this is a tempting change

    vanontom, (edited )
    @vanontom@lemmy.world avatar

    Also, lemmygrad.ml (deranged Putin employees and simps seem to gather there and troll news). Fantastic, added to blocked instances (assuming the function works yet).




    You and me brother/sister.


    I missed this so much.


    Like putting on comfy, worn-in jeans


    My thoughts exactly!


    Nothing like coming back to a top tier quality app!


    I want to cry I’m so happy.


    My god, it’s actually like it used to be. Thank you a million times !ljdawson <3


    What the hell, this is so impressive. I’m blown away! Did not expect this kind of experience this fast!


    I feel so at home in this app!


    It’s like being set free from the prison that is the official Reddit app


    I just installed it after using voyager for a while and didn’t realise how much I missed sync. Glad you’re back LJ!


    Liftoff was pretty good, but goddamn am I glad to be on Sync again!


    I feel like I’m finally home after a long trip! I love the sync app


    Seriously. I am loving having all my comment editing tools back!


    My first post back on Sync… I’ve never felt this type of euphoric sensation for an app before




    It’s a nice app mostly but there’s a few things stopping me from loving it currently

    • No lifetime license, I refuse to use a subscription service
    • list view mode doesn’t have the option to have buttons enabled and always showing
    • can’t disable auto hide of comment actions
    • No way to hide viewed posts
    • can’t highlight and copy text from a comment It just hides content instead (like why?) Only option is to copy all text from a comment but I don’t want to copy all just a small selection…
    • No option for top bar, only bottom and side

    The only one I can help you with:

    Tap a comment, three dots, select text, and now you can copy anything you want.


    press FAB button and click on hide read, it will hide all post that you have viewed…not sure of it’s an ultra feature but click on a comment, press dotted button on the side and choose select text…if I’m not mistaken the pro version will come soon when the app is out of beta phase


    I also prefer a one time payment. But software doesn’t maintain itself.

    dunestorm, (edited )
    @dunestorm@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah but that doesn’t stop cheap people like me from uninstalling the app, I refuse to pay a subscription fee.

    hogart, (edited )

    Doesn’t have to be the most expensive app I’ve ever bought though. While also collecting and selling data. Right? Don’t get me wrong, I love Sync. I just feel it went a bit overboard.

    aetrix, (edited )

    I hate paying subscription fees to giant greedy megaconglomerations but when we are talking about independent developers charging a reasonable fee for a great app, well…


    • there will be a one time payment option to remove ads later when the app is out of beta
    • you can highlight and copy text by selecting the “copy…” menu item in the comment menu. Just tap and old on the text modal to highlight the text.

    You can hide viewed posts, there’s a button for it. Click the 3 dots in the top right and it’s there.

    You can highlight and copy text from a comment, tap the comment, 3 dots, select text.


    Not sure if the swipe to hide is still available. That was a godsend in Reddit days.

    monkey, (edited )

    Still available! You can find them at: Settings->Post options->Swipe actions

    Personally I keep upvote/downvote as the first two swipe actions, third as the save post.

    Edit: pro-tip I just found after seeing someone else do it: long press on a setting in sync will copy a link to that setting. And you can paste it in a comment as such:

    Settings shortcut: Post options > Swipe to hide


    That’s what I love most about Sync. So incredibly customizable.


    Posting from sync, let’s go!

    I’ve only had a brief look, but is there a way to pay for pro (but not ultra) so I can remove ads?

    @Nevermore@lemmy.world avatar

    From the discussions I have seen, there’s going to be an IAP for ad-free.

    @Dark_Arc@lemmy.world avatar

    What is IAP?


    In App Purchase.

    @v4ld1z@lemmy.zip avatar

    In-app purchase I assume


    in-app purchase! it’ll be a one-time thing, like sync pro for reddit was


    Will there be an option for people who paid for ad free on the reddit sync app to transfer that over to the lemmy app, or will they have to pay again?


    100% no. It’s a different app. I had Pro Ultra Lifetime back there :)


    Is this confirmed by the developer?


    This needs to be done ASAP. There are people refusing to use the app with the subscription model and don’t want ads.


    Agreed. I want a “one and done” payment so I don’t need to keep thinking about it.


    Im.in the android beta, there’s a Sync Ultra option that’s paidw


    Yeah but no lifetime option anymore. That’s sadly a no go for me. I had pro and ultra lifetime before and I would’ve bought ultra again but I don’t do subscriptions anymore. I don’t know. Liftoff isn’t too bad.

    @Crackhappy@lemmy.world avatar

    Same here brother. No lifetime no buy from me too.


    This is a beta version. The dev will add one time purchase to remove ads at later release.


    Ultra and Pro are different things if I’m not wrong.

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