
Power tripping mods vs Greedy admins.

grabs popcorn



LOL In my experience, they're one and the same: power tripping and greedy, the lot of them! (On Reddit, anyway)


Toasty! 🍞

@Psyc@lemmy.ml avatar

Reddit has shown their cards and in my opinion even if they walk back these changes the writing has been on the wall for a while that they are looking to change the site in ways that people who prefer old Reddit will likely not prefer. It would be better to move on

@SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah, I already pulled the trigger on deleting my account. I've no interest in staying there with what they're doing, and like you said, even if they roll back on it I'm done. They've shown time and again they give zero shits about the user base, and I for one am sick of it.


The exact same thing here. Ran a script while I still could use the API to also delete all of my comments and post after editing them. I'm leaving nothing behind as much as possible. In my reason for leaving text, I stated that even if the decision is reversed or adjusted, I can no longer trust Reddit to make good decisions.

@SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.ml avatar

Here, here!🍻


Which script? The first monkey grease script I tried failed.


Power Delete Suite. It's a JavaScript bookmarklet.


I support the blackouts, and I'm happy to see some of the larger subreddits starting to join, but I highly doubt this will change the API policy. The Reddit administration knew they were committing to a destructive course of action; they are not stupid, they're pursuing an aggressive, purposeful corporate monetization strategy. That said, I do hope more major subreddits speak out, and I think the 48-hour blackout will open some users' eyes to Reddit's questionable philosophy.

@Suppoze@beehaw.org avatar

Even more so, I agree with @tangentism's thought in this post "It’s great that subs and users are organising to fight this but maybe Reddit should be allowed to carry out this change and metaphorically shoot itself in the face? This is just the latest in a long horrifying series of policies that the admins have pushed through, actions they have failed to take, or when they finally did, it was long after the horse had bolted."

If Reddit would backstep from this change somehow, then the rare opportunity of change will close shortly. Reddit just needs to push this through and hopefully it'll burn itself down.

CheshireSnake, (edited )

I agree with this. Pretty sure Reddit has already done their share of research on the possible backlash and figured it was still profitable. I highly doubt they'd change their mind now.

My experience here has been great, tbh. Much less toxicity than on Reddit. I'm missing a few subs I frequented there and the app needs some work, but at least there's no big corporation telling me what to do.


Much less toxicity than on Reddit.

This. The 2016 US presidential election attracted an awful lot of awfully hateful people to Reddit, and they've been there pushing my buttons ever since.


Around then I feel is when spam bots on the site started to become really rampant too. I could be mistaken though


I'm in the same boat as you in regards to Reddit; there are certainly some niche places that I will miss but there are already good alternatives growing. I'm taking this opportunity to both re-evaluate how I engage with the internet and take the time to choose communities that better align with my values.


I can't agree more. I sincerely hope this lasts. Whatever happens, though, I don't think I'll be leaving. Regardless of what happens to reddit.

@animist@lemmy.one avatar

Yeah I'm planning to just buy extra server space and start my own instance. I'd love to see the fediverse grow

@whitehatbofh@beehaw.org avatar

Good. Though I expect it won't change a dammed thing. The Amina know what they're doing, this is a purge of thoughtful culture do they can promulgate the drivel that facilitates ad revenue generating doom scrolling.


It won't change a damn thing about Reddit, but a lot of people will be checking new places for memes.


Exacty. Even a couple thousand new users out of reddits millions make a huge difference


Although everyone is welcome, I think I would especially like seeing those who care enough about good social media experiences to want to use 3rd party clients join Fedi platforms like Lemmy.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Agreed. Previously these blackouts made a difference like against SOPA and non-reddit things, but they fully knew that this would cause backlash and deemed it still worth it. Maybe not this huge of backlash, but they know they're "too big to fail" at this point, people are comfortable.

I full expect this is going to go into effect. I'm hoping in this next month we can build Lemmy up to a decent enough successor so that if people do decide to look elsewhere we can provide them a landing space.

Apollo's dev said 1.5million people use his app. Let's say just 10% decide to stick to their guns and say "I'm leaving Reddit", that's still 150 thousand people who are looking for new communities. That's a ton of people we could bring here.

So I'm evangelizing for people to spin up more instances. Yes, they may be quiet now, but if we take this opportunity where Reddit showed their hand early, we could provide a hell of a landing place come July 1 for a huge chunk of Reddit. It's not going to match them in size right away, but we take this as a moment to start growing.

So start that instance, plug it everywhere, create that niche community. We don't know who may drop by in a few weeks.

Thanks for coming to my motivational speech.


Let's not forget it's Reddit that causes Hugs of Death

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

It's true, these are growing pains, but it comes with the territory. In the industry we call those good problems. We'd rather have problems because we're getting popular than not have users at all


This is true


Ooo you're smart, driving people to make more instances to help balance the large amounts of people leaving is a great idea, and would allow more niche subs to come here.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Exactly my thought. Why I host one for pop music. Real quiet now, but provides an easy gateway of members who only live in those few subs (and mainsubs) to join, and it's one I'm happy to host. There are dozens, probably hundreds of subs on Reddit under that umbrella, I think that warrants an instance.

Same with other general topics. One specific to gaming, one to sports, one to types of beer, idk any general subject I think can be an instance


So far, Lemmy > Reddit. Was able to easily find equivalent communities and honestly, I enjoy it. :)


That's why I'm here. Still have some stuff to figure out (and I'll really miss BaconReader for mobile) but I'm getting used to this as a replacement.


Honestly, I appreciate the protests, but this whole kerfuffle got me to realize how much I... don't like reddit anymore? There are certain communities that I'll stick around for (shoutout to /r/BravoRealHousewives), but I've already set up an RSS server for news and I'm probably going to unsub from a LOT of the more general ones. Too many bots, too much negativity, etc.


Very good. People have had enough.


I've been testing lemmy and it's been working great so far. It only requires some fixes and influx of users.


I have more posts than I know what to do with. I have subscribed to a lot of communities from a lot of different instances so it's a lot of activity.

I recommend everyone to do this and then later turn off some if it becomes too much. But being able to see most of the posts and contribute there will help Lemmy take off. :)


I'm going to do exactly that right now. Thank you.


I think it would actually be a better user default to be included in the most popular communities so they see a lot of posts. Otherwise if you subscribe to a instance with not many of their own communities, you will think there is nothing going on.

I was thinking to write a guide for this. Users need to go to search, pick All instances and then search on something. But that's not easy to know on day one.


A ELI5 guide for lemmy is sorely needed. I can now see the amazing potential, but it took me some time to wrap my head around how it works. A simple guide for beginners so they have a start point is much required.

@Infinitybiscuit@beehaw.org avatar

I deleted my almost 11 year old account and moved here because of this. I used there shitty app for way too long and after switching to Apollo i suddenly saw all the old subreddits I subscribed too become more prominent in my feed. On there app if felt like I was getting fed rage bait.


Same! I used nothin but Boost, the idea of going to their main app was atrocious, why actively alienate your userbase? They've been falling into a corporate shit-hole for too long

@Ethereal87@beehaw.org avatar

I tried to use Reddit over old.reddit and I was OK with it for a while, but I gave up when topics with barely any engagement would show up at the "top" in my feed and I would get suggestions from other subreddits that I wasn't a part of.

I can adapt to a UI given time and I did like some aspects of their new layout. I'm not on board with desperately trying to fill my feed with "something new" every time I visit the site though because sometimes I want to follow up on a topic from earlier. It just kept burying things and I switched back to old.reddit after maybe six months of trying the new one.

For the sake of the app developers, I hope Reddit reverses course, sets a more reasonable cost, or the devs find ways to hook into something like Lemmy so they can keep doing what they do best. That said, I'm happy to have found a much better community in the whole process :)


Apparently, the substance and quality of thought Redditors post may be a disposable commodity. That is eyeballs on ads may be secondary to our function as generators of natural language as grist for training artificial intelligence—with third-party apps a civilian casualty in a bigger war for the almighty dollar.

According to https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/reddit-sparks-outrage-after-a-popular-app-developer-said-it-wants-him-to-pay-20-million-a-year-for-data-access/ar-AA1c06d9:

Part of the motivation for Reddit’s plan involves the surging popularity of artificial intelligence.

Large language models such as ChatGPT are developed using training data, which in many cases is sourced from content found across the internet. Reddit should not be expected to provide that data to “some of the largest companies in the world for free,” CEO Steve Huffman told the New York Times in a recent interview.


Who would've thought that someone would actually PAY to see what people on Reddit think?


Huffman is full of shit. Now I wonder who generates all that data and content on Reddit. Most of it absolutely wasn't stolen from other sites, right?

The TOS literally says they (Reddit) doesn't own it.

Lol The hippocracy of Huffman. The Newhouse family should really can him.


I have been using reddit for about 5 years and have always used the Infinity 3rd party app. I liked it because I didn't have to have an account and it wasn't as buggy. It will be a shame if it has to be discontinued.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

It's good to see the subreddits fight a bit, but the internet of today is not the liquid ever changing space it was 10 or 15 years ago. Websites like reddit facebook and twitter are full on mainstream. Their userbase is huge many of which lurkers who dont pay attention or engage with a lot of the content.

Reddit especially is so compartmentalized that they helped kill off message boards and are essentially a series of small esoteric forums into themselves. At the end of the day there is a lot of value in being able to get pretty much any hobby and find a little active community for it and that really cant be replicated elsewhere. Much like how Facebook has been controversial for years the exodus did nothing because for a lot of people facebook is the internet. Twitter is a cesspool and even the mainstream is clowning on it, and yet it still lives and thrives.

There will be a bit of an exodus, but many of those people will likely begrudgingly go back home to reddit, and even for those that go away forever there are enough users that wont notice or care. Heck look at the new reddit/reddit mobile fiasco. A lot of noise and lots of "Im never going to use anything else". In spite of that you see tons of people with avatars and newreddit style profiles, and you see lots screenshots shared showing the official app and people outright surprised that there even are alternatives when they complain about it. Reddit is too big to fail.

That said enough people will leave and seek alternatives to finally kickstart alternatives in a serious way. I know Ive taken a look at lemmy in the past a few times but upon exploring found instances with double digit monthly user counts that were mostly dead. I dont mind a smaller site and in fact reddit got too big a long time ago, but it needs to be semi active and Im not interesting enough to do it myself. The threats alone have added quite a few users already.

Reddit wont die it will burn on, but the embers it sheds thanks to these events will finally ignite other alternatives.

@reric88@beehaw.org avatar

This is inspiring. I'm here from Reddit. I just joined, and it feels very familiar. I just hope an influx of reddit users won't make things worse for the regular Lemmy users.

@mjr@masto.bike avatar

@lemillionsocks @anji I think that's a bit pessimistic. Reddit is nowhere near a Facebook or even a twitter, and its owners seem to have forgotten it got where it is now when digg's owner lost the curators. I doubt it'll die as quickly as some predict but I also don't think it'll survive unharmed. The truth is probably in between.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

A quick google search(so take this number with a grain of salt) tells me that reddit has 52 million daily active users and 430 million monthly active users monthly active users.

Reddit is BIG. Really big. And websites just dont die or pop up the way they used to because of how theyre designed and because of how the current era of the internet has matured.

That said I wouldnt call my take pessimistic. Reddit has gotten too big and there is an appetite for many users to leave for greener pastures but there just wasnt enough momentum to breath more life and activity into the alternatives. New reddit will chug on but enough people will leave that alternatives will sprout and grow. Whether that is Lemmy or something else it's hard to say this early on, but it means that reddit alternatives will have enough users to thrive.

@mjr@masto.bike avatar

@lemillionsocks now look at the size of twitter and the size of the hole its new owner put in it and tell us that can't happen to reddit because of size?


True, but I agree with lemillionsock's core point. Nothing short of Reddit pulling the plug on the servers will cause 430 million monthly active users to shift in any short time-frame. However, what is likely to happen is a sharp decline in quality as the core content contributors move on, then a slow gradual decline as the remaining users go "Where'd all the content go?".

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

The fact that we’re having a conversation like this on Lemmy, proves to me that Lemmy is ready. There are enough users already that I can make the switch today.

@shortwavesurfer2009@digitaldarkage.cc avatar

@Hamartiogonic @lemillionsocks same, though i hace to look at "all" to do it and i have never once opened r/all on reddit. I bet that will no longer be needed in time

@roblarky@beehaw.org avatar

I haven't used reddit in 3 days now, completely fine with the great community here.


Right? I'm kinda surprised that I haven't looked at Reddit once today.


That's a good thing in my opinion, although it probably won't accomplish anything. But it's also a good time to abandon the sinking ship and try out new things - hey lemmy :-)

@HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

Let it implode. Pass the popcorn!



@Boozilla@beehaw.org avatar

More power to the protest, but I am skeptical that it will do much good. I think reddit has strayed so far from its original mission and values that today it is nothing like the platform the reddit founders originally envisioned.

I think the reddit executives have probably already run the numbers on this and don't care if every single user & mod who uses 3rd party apps and the API walks away from their platform. At this point they only care about the IPO and what they need to do to increase shareholder value after the IPO.

They may even see the exodus as a positive. They may think of these power users and API-utilizing mods as a drag on their bandwidth and worse, they are users who seldom if ever see any ads and increase their ad-viewing numbers.

Will the quality of reddit content suffer? I think it very likely will. It's already been going downhill for a while now.

However, the executives mostly don't care about content quality, either. As long as the free content they get from their users doesn't stray into illegal and controversial waters, they are happy. If the content is mediocre memes and cat photos, they are quite happy with that. The goal is to serve as many ads up to as many users per hour as possible. They are banking on millions of "casuals" to stick around and scroll through the content and see those ads. Content quality is way down the list of their concerns.

My guess is the suits are are no longer interested in an "engagement" platform in the same way that Twitter and Facebook try to be (in their own ham-fisted and evil social-engineering ways). At this stage of the game, reddit just wants to be a mindless app that bored people can scroll while in the doctor's waiting room, the airport, in the bathroom, or wherever they are and need to kill time.

Have the reddit suits made a miscalculation here? Will the exodus make reddit another "not cool anymore" type of platform like Digg that almost everyone abandons? Will the mass exodus only leave bots and karma farmers behind to talk to each other? Maybe, I don't know. It's hard to predict that kind of thing. But I think the execs are willing to roll the dice on this because short-term profits are all they care about since they will be going public. If the bots and karma farmers fool the people buying ads, reddit will just roll with that.

(You'd hope anyone buying ads on reddit would check to make sure their investment is actually increasing their sales...but there's a lot of poorly managed businesses out there).

Either way....for those of us who enjoyed old reddit (and Digg before that, and Usenet before that) I think the path forward is a new platform such as this one.


I feel like Tik tok has accelerated this mentality among a lot of the social media sites


Problem for reddit is, the people contributing through posts or comments are the ones most likely take offence to the new API pricing, and losing those people will be exponentially more hurtful for reddit than losing your average redditor. The proportion of people commenting, posting and upvoting is incredibly small compared to the total user number


I don’t think it’s been clearly voiced enough, but there are thousands of sub moderation bots that do things like automatically flag hate speech for mod review that will all just stop working. Some of the larger, older subs have entire ecosystems of content tagging and linking that will break. An example is putting the name of a tv show in braces [TNGS01E13] and getting a link to that episode’s wiki as a comment reply. It dramatically improves the Reddit experience, but isn’t worth the outrageous cost to keep going.

Overnight, Reddit would turn into a (more) poorly moderated nightmare.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Sounds like this move will make Reddit worse in every way possible, which is a pretty impressive feat IMO.

  1. Most (or all?) 3rd party apps will disappear. You’ll miss out on all the cool features that actually made Reddit useable.
  2. You’ll have to see the ads again if you use the default app.
  3. Accessing your curated multireddits will be harder. Just try the default app and you’ll see what I mean.
  4. The UI will be full of trash such as “news” and “discover new subs”.
  5. Lots of users will be gone. There will be less quality conversation and quality posts. This means that you will find fewer things worth reading.
  6. Regulating bot spam and other sorts of trash might (or will?) be harder and less efficient. You’ll be seeing more stuff you don’t want to see.

If all of this comes true, Reddit would earn the ”most hostile move towards your users in hopes of an easy cash grab” -award of the year.


@Hamartiogonic @CaptainCarrot I've got my fingers crossed that Lemmy will take off, assuming Reddit doesn't change their stance.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Why would they. Wasn’t this supposed to be the greatest business move in the history of big business.

BTW did the previous protests make a difference?


My first reply here, and that's why I've gone ahead and branched out into different directions before things go dark. I missed out on Digg, but at the time I had gone from Usenet to various boards, and when some of them began to get quieter or stale looked around and found Reddit, soon after the Digg migration. I don't know if it's Lemmy or some other that will/can take up the need for a collective aggregate service, but this has potential and I like the distributed idea. With improved UI for the novice it could turn into the next Reddit without some of the baggage (and probably its own issues).

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