
This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


That's an open issue on Github. The devs are currently in the middle of trying to optimize performance so the whole network doesn't go down on the 12th. If you know any webdevs willing to have at it, great!


Yeah, I noticed afterwards xD


You should be able to federate with all available communities by default.

The trick is that your instance will not pull in all communities by default. Once 1 person subscribes to a community (a bit tricky for the first time, see here), all users on your instance will start seeing that community in their "All" feeds.

RoaringSilence, to kbinMeta
RoaringSilence avatar

I created a magazine and entered some tags for automatically collect information. I also linked a lemmy community via https link.

It seems that I have to open the thread and then click a second time to open a browser web page containing the community.

I have seen other magazines where you can select a linked community directly and jump to it with clicking a second time. Also the community is presented in kbin with the note on top thst the shown data maybe not complete.

How is this done?

My magazine created is steamdeck see what I mean


Hello from Lemmy!


Definitely yes on lemmy in general, definitely no to Pick a server you like the rules & admin for, maybe ask the admin directly, and direct everyone to that server. That way you can also host the PF2E community on that server.

Things are already getting way too centralized on, we need to spread out a bit


I didn’t even know that was a thing. Subscribed!


All the UI is doing is automatically making it a markdown link. You can do it yourself just by doing !test_community


Yup, but this is early days yet. As issues get filed on the github and more contributors step in to accomplish stuff, things will improve.


Yes, it's a known issue. The devs are absolutely slammed with optimization issues, and this will probably get addressed at some point.


I think this might be what you're looking for.


I actually stumbled across a much better link while helping someone else. This'll be more useful for you


Hi all, wandering around random small Lemmy servers seeing if I can be of use. To pull communities into your instance, you need to first have someone subscribe. Useful picture in this comment, but basically you go to "Communities" at the top, and start a search with the full URL of the community you want (, for example) and change "Communities" to "All" in the search options.

Once you've clicked through to the community and subscribed, it'll be pulled in forever. If you want to dig around for communities to subscribe to, go to the community finder.

Good luck, and see you around Lemmy :)

Following remote communities is hard.

It's easy to discover communities on my instance via the dedicated page in the hamburger menu. But let's say I want to follow a community on another instance, such as !lemmy . I might have found its name mentioned in a post or comment. When I click on the provided link, I'm thrown on that instances web page, from which I of...


Currently, the easiest way to find communities on remote servers to subscribe to is the community browser. I'm not sure how this problem could be solved technically in future, but yeah, discoverability is hard atm.


They've written this handy guide


Go to Communities at the top, change the filter from "Local" to "All" and search for "Gaming".

If you're the first one who wants to register to a community from this server (not the case here) it's slightly more complex.


True, but I agree with lemillionsock's core point. Nothing short of Reddit pulling the plug on the servers will cause 430 million monthly active users to shift in any short time-frame. However, what is likely to happen is a sharp decline in quality as the core content contributors move on, then a slow gradual decline as the remaining users go "Where'd all the content go?".

Barbarian, (edited )

Nope. You can subscribe/post/comment on any community on any instance. There is one small seam though: if you're the first person to subscribe from your instance, you need to put in the full URL of the community (, for example) to pull it into your instance.

After that, everybody on the same instance as you will see it when searching for communities just like it was local.

EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention: make sure the search is set to "All", not "Communities" when you do this.


That would go against the concept in a pretty big way. The entire idea of federation is that each instance owner has control over their own instance, and people should (once they get a handle on how things work) move to an instance where they like the rules and admins.

If users of an instance start brigading around the fediverse and being assholes, and the admins of that instance refuse to take action, other instances can choose to block that instance as a whole (defederation) as a last resort. A user getting dropped into an instance like that, full of assholes and isolated from the rest of the network, would be way worse than just some initial confusion.

Also, should mention that the devs have been very vocal that they want to design the system in such a way that they can't control it, but each admin & user has full autonomy rather than centralised control.


Mostly correct. The only slight correction is that they can delete posts and block users from their own communities. So hypothetically, if User@serverone.lm posts starts being super rude on a community in servertwo.lm, then the admins of servertwo.lm can delete posts in their instance and/or block the user from participating there. That does not stop User@serverone.lm from participating in their own instance or any other.

The defederation thing is very much a last resort. If EVERYONE in serverone.lm is causing problems, and the admins of serverone.lm refuse to do anything, then the admins of servertwo.lm might decide it's not worth the hassle to ban individuals and ban the whole instance.

  1. Technically yes, but it's not even vaguely in the same ballpark. If I've understood the devs talking about the optimization issues (I could be wrong! Just my limited understanding) the big performance hit is in the local feed. That means being on another instance takes a gigantic amount of the load off, even if you're still accessing the same community.
  2. If is down, so are all the communities hosted there. All communities not on would still be up.

Right now, there is no import/export. It's a known useful feature, but the devs have no time to work on it (I've been following all the optimization work they've been doing on github, I don't know if they sleep). You'll have to start over atm, sorry.


Can definitely be done. Just need someone to do it. I need to read more of the documentation and figure out how all this works before contributing, I don't want to waste the dev's time coaching a newbie. That's the last thing they need right now.


I'm a massive fan of Paradox Interactive, and play almost all their stuff. Crusader Kings 3, Victoria 3, Hearts of Iron 4 and Stellaris (in that order).

The time to streamline Lemmy onboaring is now. Let's do it like mastodon did. (

I've seen lots of discussion on reddit of users trying to get others to join Lemmy and the prevailing reply is that it is too difficult to navigate and comprehend. Having to answer multiple questions and wait for manual verification is combersome and is limiting growth at a time when nothing should be standing in Lemmy's way....


Yeah man, I'm in the same boat on feeling excited for the possibilities here. I'm tired as shit after a hard weekend, and I'm still trying to answer as many basic questions that are within my knowledge as possible :))

On the confusion part, yeah, there will be some adjustment for everyone (thankfully I had a 3-day head start). Just like people know that and are 2 different servers, people are gonna need to learn to look at which server a community is on


More power to ya. I like the ruleset here, but that's the glorious thing about Lemmy: don't like the rules of your instance? Go to one that works better for you.

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