
Wish it was available here in India. i would have totally bought this for my father. Repairing these phones is better than buying new ones when he barely does anything other than WhatsApp, youtube and calls.

ripcord avatar

Repairing has generally been better than buying new for 98+% of cases in the last 5 years or so.


Nah these glue shut phones are pain in ass. Phones need battery replacement after 3 years don’t want to go to a service center for a simple job.

ripcord avatar

I didn't mean in the sense that it's been more practical. I was replying more to the idea that repairing being better isn't dependent on a phone getting very light usage which is what they seemed to be impying.

Very few new phone features released in the last 5 years or so add very much real value for very many people.


Threads for Fairphone often fill up with “it’s not going to work if they don’t X.” Lots of people don’t seem to understand that their personal viewpoint can be quite different from other’s.

There are people who are aware of the trade-offs of a Fairphone, but still choose to get one.


I’ve always been in favour of a phone with a shitty camera. I don’t give a fuck about posting on social media, and these days a huge chunk of a phone’s price is determined by how powerful of a camera they were able to cram into it.

I recognize that this apparently sounds insane to most people.


The cameras aren’t even bad, they are perfectly acceptable for a mid-range phone. If you use a GCam port they can look great.

ripcord avatar

In terms of BOM the cameras usually aren't even that much. It's just one factor that allows them to differentiate "premium" phones they can gouge more for.


My socially isolated self rarely if ever needs to take a single picture. I’m doing perfectly fine with the base camera that my old devices came with.


I don’t post on social media either, but my phone have replaced the compact camera that I used to pack for family vacations.

I suspect that’s what most people use their phone camera phone: to take personal photos that will only be shared with family members.


It’s nice to have a decent camera, but honestly, 90% of the people (including myself) are so bad at taking pictures, that the difference between mid range and ultra premium is almost zero.

The only thing that’s really really cool is night mode. My Pixel can take really great photos with extremely low light levels.


That’s what I want to see. Real choice in smartphones.



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  • bioemerl,

    Unfortunately it's impossible to offer support for longer than the chipset


    Actually in the past they updated their software even past the support from qualcomm, rewriting by themselves what was needed to allow and old chipset to run newer android version



    Yeah, well, they are just doing what custom ROM makers have been doing for a decade and a half.

    My old Droid 4 was also EOL after Android 4.1. Custom ROM makers pushed this up to Android 7.1 by ignoring the parts (e.g. the Kernel) that they couldn’t update.


    Sure, but the good is that this is the only company doing it. Also my Galaxy Nexus received a big kernel update from people at xda developers, but was by chance and good will of the people involved. Here they did it because they kept up the commercial promise behind the product they sell, something that basically no other company in this sector does (or they do, but with very short term promises).



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  • Uranium3006,
    Uranium3006 avatar

    The price is also higher because they use fair trade gold and whatnot. Given the mission to clean up the electronics industry it's plesently suprising it doesn't cost more


    They are offering a minimum of 8 years of software support. 5 years is the warranty. I’m not sure why OP wrote that, it’s not what was announced.



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  • gelberhut,

    It’s not, according to Fairphone “We plan at least 5 Android OS version updates after Android 13”. So, 5 years of os and other 3 years of security.

    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    ah.. I will flash it with a custom rom anyway from day 1 :D





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  • Ilandar,

    Sorry, I misunderstood what OP was trying to say. I didn’t realise they were talking about feature updates when they mentioned the 5 years. A security patch is still an update to the operating system and evidence of support, so my initial reaction was that they were wrong when they said “5 years of OS support”.


    With the pace of OS updates that Fairphone had so far, it will be 8 years of OS updates. But only because the OS updates will be 3 years late.

    The FP4 just got Android 12 earlier this year, with no Android 13 in sight.


    A good point.


    5 years of OS updates is more than you get from any other Android manufacturer. For everyone else in the space, you are lucky to get 3.

    gelberhut, (edited )

    Samsung offers 4 years of os updates for many phones and watches. And news reported that pixel 8 will have better.

    If I recall correctly, Xiaomi recently declared the same for some of their phones.


    There’s a clear trajectory where this is heading. From 2027 the EU will enforce replaceable batteries and it looks like some other markets might follow. Software support duration is increasing a lot as well.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d get most of the Fairphone’s benefits on a regular Samsung in a few years.


    Yes, very realistic scenario. TBF, I cannot remember if I ever upgraded a phone due to the battery issuses.

    So, for me personally, replaceable battery is not a significant benefit.


    Happens if you run a phone for long enough ^^


    Well…aside from the fair supply chain, liveable wages, humane working conditions, environment footprint…

    ripcord avatar

    4 years including security updates though right? If that's the flcase then fairphone's doing 8 years.


    No really. Samsung offers 4 years of os updates and 5 years of security updates. Samsung releases os updates really fast, so 5 years basically means 5 os versions.

    Fairhone declares 5 os versions and 8 years of software support. Fairphone users here mentioned that fairphone is very slow with updates, so it could happen that 5 os versions really will take 8 years. If Fairphone will keep same cadence as Samsung, its 5 os versions can be coverted into 5 years.

    But we have a bit of apples vs oranges here.

    I personally find samsung’s policy good enough for majority of users. I expect that I will upgrade my phone every 3 - 5 years for different unpredictable today reasons anyway.

    lol3droflxp avatar
    1. It’s 8 apparently
    2. 5 years is as long as most phones that I used last so there would be no point to buy it

    According to Fairphone “We plan at least 5 Android OS version updates after Android 13”.


    Let’s see. There is still no Android 13 on the FP4.


    At least CalyxOS, DivestOS offer Android 13 builds for FP4 (and obviously LineageOS, but it doesn’t have OTA updates, afaik)



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  • hascat,


    How fast do you need your phone to be for sending messages, streaming video, or browsing the web? Every phone made in the last decade can do these things.


    The high price actually cancels the point of the repairability. I can get a similar phone for easily €400-500 less. If I budget that extra price for repairs, I can get the battery and screen replaced quite a few times.

    I say that as an FP4 owner, who did the same calculation mistake there.


    Fair wages for the people making the phone is also a selling point of this phone. It’s not just about repairability.

    That said I’m also not writing this from a Fairphone, because the price is too high for me.

    lol3droflxp avatar

    That may be true but how are they guaranteeing this on a component level? As far as I know, they use off the shelf stuff so they only have assembly wages. And that doesn’t justify the price imo.

    @domi@lemmy.secnd.me avatar

    You can take a look at their impact reports they release every year: fairphone.com/…/Fairphone-Impact-Report-2022.pdf

    They keep close track of materials used and wage paid for all their suppliers. They also pay wage bonuses to the workers at some of their suppliers (page 41).

    @nlm@beehaw.org avatar

    Looks pretty nice tbh! Probably going to stick to my current phone a few more years until it stops being updated but if I manage to break it this might just be the replacement.

    @tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

    Wish it was degoogled. I’d love one, but… android 🤢 privacy hell


    It will be deGoogled soon enough. The Fairphone 4 is supported across several deGoogled versions of Android including CalyxOS, iodéOS, LineageOS, DivestOS and /e/OS. The Fairphone 3 and even the 2 are also supported by some of those operating systems.


    The Fairphone 2, 3/3+ and 4 can also run PostmarketOS (Linux) and Ubuntu touch IIRC

    Edit: add Fp2 to list

    @tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

    If you were to pick the most mature one, which would you choose?


    CalyxOS is the most advanced of those I mentioned. They have a monthly update schedule and a larger team. My favourite is iodéOS, though, because of the iodé ad and tracker blocker app which can be used simultaneously with a VPN.

    @tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

    Is that ad and tracker blocker just browser level or are there… ads in the OS?!


    No, I mean it runs system wide and can block ads and trackers from any application. There are definitely no ads in the OS lol

    Normally these ad and tracker blocking apps are detected as a VPN by Android, which means you cannot use a real VPN at the same time. iode’s blocker is unique in this area.

    @tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

    Oh I gotcha.


    Lineage is the oldest one (Divest and /e/ are forks of it). Calyx has a focus on security and privacy (comes with a free VPN with no signup requires). Currzntly Calyx is based on Android 13, even on the Fairphone 4 which doesn’t have it supportes. I son’t know enough about iodé to comment about it though.


    Pixel 6a you can find for 250-300 and flash graphene.

    @tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

    Well yes. But I want a NEW phone


    Pixel 7a is like 500

    You get a slightly newer chip. G2 vs G1. New new costs


    It doesn’t have a 3,5mm jack or a microsd slot


    Good luck with that headphone jack on the Fairphone


    oh don’t worry, i ain’t holding out hope

    war avatar


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  • tsonfeir,
    @tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

    The link complains about me not being in France haha. 404 when switching countries.


    Just wish it had a US release…

    baseless_discourse, (edited )

    Fairphone 4 is sold and supported in NA, hope they will carry fairphone 5 as well: mander.xyz/comment/2699680


    Nice 👍

    @mosthated@feddit.nl avatar

    I was exited for this phone, but as I said in another thread: I am a bit disappoited about the CPU and the substantial price hike, but most of all aqout the size increase. Is there any market research at all indicating that customers want 6"+ displays?


    The CPU choice is great, why are you disappointed with it? It’s the reason they can offer a minimum of 8 years of support on this model.

    bbbhltz, (edited )
    @bbbhltz@beehaw.org avatar

    I would also like to know what the problem is with the CPU. My current phone has this CPU and it works fine.


    Geekbench FP4 Vs FP5 browser.geekbench.com/v6/cpu/compare/2432096?base…


    You have a Qualcomm QCM 6490? Google told me, there is basically no phone out there that uses it, because it’s an IoT SoC, not one made for phones.

    @bbbhltz@beehaw.org avatar

    How did you end ab with that phone? I never heard of that company.

    @bbbhltz@beehaw.org avatar

    I live in France, I wanted a phone with buttons that wasn’t just an ODM with a different logo on it. It is an interesting company. I’ve had some contact with them. They are legit going to pull out of China and move production back to France. They uphold their 5 year warranty promise as well.

    And, they update their stuff. I’m on Android 13 and apparently older devices are still receiving updates too.


    I’m getting some low-key Fairphone vibes there. Cool stuff!

    @bbbhltz@beehaw.org avatar

    It would be pretty low-key. I wouldn’t want to pry this phone open and then glue it back together. Fairphones are supposed to be rather easy to repair.


    Yeah, that’s true. I meant the software support/warranty aspect.


    Unfortunately I think a lot of people just have zero understanding of how the smartphone industry works. They think small manufacturers like Fairphone just have free reign to get whatever parts they want, offer updates for however long they want, etc.

    The reality is that Fairphone have to find a way to work within the system that has been created by big tech. That means selecting parts based on their suitability for the long-term support goals they have. It’s one of the reasons why the specs are mid-range, because these parts stay in circulation for longer. For example, the 4 had a very generic 60 Hz IPS notch display because it was a widely used panel within the industry at the time. Now that higher refresh rate OLEDs have become more common on mid-range devices, Fairphone has been able to put one into the 5.


    It’s roughly the same size as the Fairphone 4, isn’t it? Like 1mm less thick.


    Is there any market research at all indicating that customers want 6"+ displays?

    Unfortunately, yes. People who buy smaller phones are the people who buy a new phone less often, and small phones tend to sell worse than the big models (see S10e, iPhone 12(?) Mini) so don’t get renewed. Would be nice if they did.

    @NiklzNDimz@beehaw.org avatar

    It’s so frustrating that this is true. I use devices until they’re dead or at risk of serious compromise before getting another, but the only options are ones that I can’t even hold comfortably with one hand. I’m seriously considering the Jelly 2 at this point.


    I picked up a 13 Mini back in March, and will ride this bad boy for as long as I can, in the hope that Apple eventually release another Mini model.

    So perhaps it’s true that we hold onto our little phones for longer, primarily because we’re waiting for another little phone to come along.


    This is so true. I had a 12 mini and upgraded to the 13 mini in December. The battery is better, and I plan on keeping this until the next mini phone arrives. (If any)


    For the FP4 they said one of the reasons they remove the aux input was that more people asked them to reduce the size of their phone than to keep the input.


    With you on almost all points. Only the size didn’t actually increase. The phone’s dimensions are exactly the same. Only the weight went up a bit. The screen size was increased by using up more of the phone’s front side.

    The phone is still a massive brick.


    substantial price hike

    it’s €50 more expensive than the FP4 with the same RAM/storage configuration on its release (€650 fot 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of storage).


    Also it’s 3x cheaper than my pentium that i bought in 1997 and it has 3000x less ram than this. I know that we don’t have that kind of exponential growth of hardware like we had 10 years ago, but still there is progress and it’s expected to have a better product for the same price each generation.


    This is a preorder, not actual release.

    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    it's better than nothing right? 😂


    I know what you mean, but because you’ve allowed yourself to miss my point completely - I’ll do the same.

    No, it is not, in fact, better. Nothing would be better, because we would not have a false impression of the situation.

    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    Anyway I preordered


    I sort of wish I could justify it, but my current phone is more than capable.

    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    My current phone is a Lenovo P2 from 2016. I'm waiting 7 years for this upgrade.

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