beefcat, avatar

The elongated muskrat is learning first hand how the Nazi Bar Problem works


excuse me but what the fuck is the nazi bat problem


So, basically, if you tolerate the intolerant, the intolerant will eventually wipe out tolerance.

A more accurate way to say it is, “if you tolerate the intolerant BEING intolerant, intolerance will eventually wipe out tolerance.”

It does not say you should be intolerant of the intolerant while they’re minding their own business. I just think a bar owner is free to kick people out for representing Nazis purely because it’s their bar and they can do what they want.

But X’s problem is a bit different from the Nazi Bar problem, in that you don’t really see the Neo Nazis on X sitting there minding their own business. You ONLY see them voicing their intolerance. Which of course, should not be tolerated.

Tolerate tolerate tolerate. There.

FfaerieOxide avatar

Nazism—the attempt to organize the commission of genocide—is an act of violence and must always be responded to as such.

Nazism is never minding its own business.


A more accurate way to say it is, “if you tolerate the intolerant BEING intolerant, intolerance will eventually wipe out tolerance.”

If the intolerant could mind their own business and tolerate people they didn’t agree with, they literally wouldn’t be part of the intolerant. That’s the point: it’s a core part of who they are and we have to cut it out like a cancer to have a tolerant society. (Sorry for making you read the T-word so many times.)

gregorum, (edited )

It does not say you should be intolerant of the intolerant while they’re minding their own business

it is a fallacy that the intolerant mind their own business. being intolerant is, itself, an active state, not a passive one, and one to be actively resisted. being intolerant involves choice, a choice to be intolerant. there is no “minding one’s own business” in being intolerant, as being intolerant necessarily involves minding the business of others and then making the choice to react to it.

so your argument is, itself, spurious for it is fallacious in its foundation.

gtfo with your nazi apologism

The Paradox of Tolerance

Tolerate tolerate tolerate. There.


gtfo with your nazi apologism

That was so fast, you make me rub my temples in pain, my guy.

So, people are people, they aren’t their ideals. People have more than one state of mind, they aren’t 2D cardboard cutouts (or drawings of red skull). Life would be easier if they were, I agree, but the world is more complex than that.

People are born into environments they have no control over. People are handed ideals before they know what they are. People learn from their environment. People change their minds about things. You literally wouldn’t bother commenting right now if you didn’t agree with me.

If a person is sitting peacefully, let them. If a person is taking any action to impede any other person’s ability to sit peacefully, then stop them. But don’t attack a person who is sitting peacefully, because they’ll probably want to attack you, or someone else, back.

Now call me a nazi again, and we can agree to disagree. Jfc.


Nazi’s whole ideology is that they see themselves better than everyone else and they are willing to kill the “lesser beings” in order to make the world “pure”.

It is literally the genocide ideology.

There are no good Nazi’s, because if a Nazi was good, they wouldn’t be a Nazi.


That was so fast, you make me rub my temples in pain, my guy.


People are born into environments they have no control over

Nobody is born a Nazi. That is a choice someone makes. And it’s a choice that has consequences.

If a person is sitting peacefully

Being a Nazi isn’t “peaceful.” There is no “peaceful” state of being a Nazi. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain of the United Kingdom taught the world that 1936 when he tried to leave Nazi Germany sitting peacefully alone.

gtfo with you Nazi apologism


The difference between us is, I want Nazis to renounce their Nazi-ism. You don’t.

I don’t believe you’ll always be this way. I believe you can change. Godspeed.

gregorum, (edited )

The difference between us is, I want Nazis to renounce their Nazi-ism. You don’t.

you’ve made another mistake: assuming you can read my mind. you can’t, of course. and, in making that assumption, not only were you wrong, you came to the wrong conclusion-- it’d be thrilled if Nazis renounced their beliefs.

However, in the meantime, neither they nor their beliefs should be tolerated, and you haven’t made any argument that compels me to believe otherwise.

and attacking me personally rather than my argument is a pretty weak ad hominem fallacy, as i’ve demonstrated. so is using the straw man argument about “changing their beliefs” rather than what we were discussing: tolerating them.

I don’t believe you’ll always be this way. I believe you can change

i suggest you stick with the facts rather than beliefs and logical fallacies. they make for a better argument.

gtfo with your nazi apologism

FfaerieOxide avatar

excuse me but what the fuck is the nazi bat problem

When you find a nazi but you can't find a bat.


You have a bar: Nazi comes into your bar, you let him stay, because why not its just a single nazi. Nazi invites friends, those friends invite their friends, and so on. Now you a have nazi bar.


Speaking of Nazis, are you able to provide any evidence whatsoever of Nazi activity on X?

Or is it more of a feeling you have?

beefcat, avatar
HeartyBeast avatar

He’s clearly an anti-semite, or at least a sympathers. ‘Nazi’ is getting thrown around a bit too liberally


X will be dead any day now people! Any day now!


Yeah people keep posting these articles and celebrating as if it’s not still a very relevant social media platform. I am concerned it will take so long to “die” that there might actually be time for a revival.



DogPeePoo, (edited )

He’s making X into a “whites only” platform. What did he expect?

scrubbles, avatar

When the only people I saw there were the leftest lefties I ever saw… then he just alienated all of them


What did he do that alienated them?


Musk isn’t gonna pay you for all these apologetics you’re making in this post


Elon is a very odd duck, and not at all in a good way.


Twitter was always a very strange place, i know that before musk it has been a super left woke bouble (woke in this case meaning intersectional world view)

Most people he unbanned didn’t actually come back either. Its just dieing all together.


I remain convinced he’s killing it on purpose. I don’t know a plausible motive, but I guarantee it’s on purpose.


You think conspiracy theories in general sound reasonable, don’t you

kubica avatar

I used to think so too, but I don't know if he is also bad at that because it is taking him longer than I expected.


I agree he’s killing it on purpose. Something to do with information control.

His meeting so long at the Superbowl with Rupert Murdoch in his suite sure didn’t give me a warm fuzzy feeling.


He would have done good for the world if he would have just pulled the plug on day one.


The problem with this narrative is that Musk lost money doing so.


I thought that for a bit, but more and more I think it’s just extreme incompetence. Remember, he wanted X to be a thing for a long time, it’s telling that he wanted it to succeed in that he renamed Twitter to X.


He’s making X into a “whites only” platform

Is there some evidence of this outrageous claim or it is just something that sounded cool in your head?

Grant_M, avatar

With so many options becoming available, increasingly less people will select the platform preferred by Nazis.


Actual Nazis aren’t on Twitter, they have their own platforms nowadays.

Twitter is just becoming more and more toxic as its dieing.

Grant_M, avatar

The owner is an actual Nazi


You have no idea what a Nazi is and your usage only waters down its meaning.

Grant_M, avatar


HeartyBeast avatar

Racist arsehole yes, Nazi is hyperbole and I’m sick of hyperbole

FfaerieOxide avatar

What do you call 10 people having dinner with a nazi?

knightly, avatar

11 Nazis


What do you call a room with eleven non-Nazis in it?

Eleven Nazis.

— postmodern language freedom technique


Nah, musk is a Faschistoid but not a nazi.

Grant_M, avatar

People who associate with and protect Nazis are also Nazis, imo.


Eh. If you go to that point everyone is one as you just created a spiral of what you define nazi.

Grant_M, avatar

Not really.


Yes. By your definition everyone is a nazi.

Grant_M, avatar




Grant_M, avatar

I only label a very select few Nazis. Musk made the list. It’s okay.

HeartyBeast avatar

OK, convince me. Why do you define him as a Nazi, specifically?

Grant_M, avatar

He provides aid and comfort to Nazis.


(seven hours with no reply)

FfaerieOxide avatar

By your definition everyone is a nazi.

Everyone associates with and protects nazis? What are your social groups like to arrive at that opinion?


Nazi gets protected by Somebody > Somebody turns Nazi> somebody is protected by someone else> someone else turns nazi and so on.

Its a spiral.

FfaerieOxide avatar

Nazi gets protected by Somebody > Somebody turns Nazi> somebody is protected by someone else> someone else turns nazi and so on.

You're laying it out wrong.

Nazi gets popped in the mouth > everybody cheers

See how we short-circuited your "spiral"?


No. That’s not how it works.

FfaerieOxide avatar

No. That’s not how it works.

That's absolutely how it works; fascist shit said so himself:

“I was planning to go out tomorrow during the Women’s March to do some journalism but I can’t do that anymore,” Spencer told viewers.


Bro… This isn’t about the shitshow musk is. This id about a users perspective that everyone “protecting” a “nazi” is one.

FfaerieOxide avatar

10 people having dinner with a nazi is 11 nazis.

Why do you keep arguing for tolerating people fomenting genocide?


If 100 people are in the same room as a nazi they are all Nazis…

This is just fucking idiotic and you both keep arguing that BS point.

FfaerieOxide avatar

If 100 people are in the same room as a nazi they are all Nazis…

I said "having dinner", but if a nazi shows up at your event and no one throws them out, that's a nazi event.

All you have to do is not tolerate nazis, my dude.


All you have to do is to tolerate that you can’t just call everyone nazi because they once had dinner with someone that might be a “nazi”

FfaerieOxide avatar

All you have to do is to tolerate that you can’t just call everyone nazi because they once had dinner with someone that might be a “nazi”

If you sat down and broke bread with someone who argued for killing all the Jews and Queers and you didn't punch them in the mouth for even thinking that what the fuck do you think that would make you?

You are abetting an act of violence to allow people to try to organize a genocide, and any stage of that organization.


I never liked Twitter to begin with, once it became an unabashed environment for hate it was a piece of cake to close my account.

Tarte avatar

He drove me back into using RSS after more than a decade for staying up to date. Much better for the mental health. Thankfully, since Wordpress and also some other CMS have the RSS feature enabled by default, many websites have it even if they’re not advertising it.

Manbart, avatar

It’s built into Mastodon too

dan, (edited ) avatar

WordPress powers over 40% of the web, so that’s a very large number of sites/blogs that have RSS. WordPress has feeds per category/tag too, so you can subscribe just to a subset of posts. For example, I’m subscribed to but just for flights from San Francisco (…/feed/).


But Lonnie said they’re doing great? /s


Why use a platform that sounds like porn when you can just use one that is for porn?


Reddit’s also dying


What is dieing? Digg is long dead.


We need reddit active. It’s the final frontier of the internet containment zone.


No. We still have 4chan and other places. Reddit needs to die.


Its a content farm now, time for it to die


I put a question up yesterday on Reddit and got no engagement with it in like 12 hours. Maybe no one that knows anything is answering questions now. I guess we will see.


Did you try posting it on Lemmy? Wonder how good Lemmy is now when it comes to answering very niche or complex questions that old Reddit was good for.


No I did not. Financial forum her is kind of dead. Not sure what other tax related forums there are on lemmy. My question was about some specific issues related to getting an incorrect 1095-C. I think I have decided on a cousre of action now but was looking for others thought too.

spider, (edited )


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  • furrowsofar,

    Maybe that is why I cannot see the answer. I have ublock origin enabled. :)


    Well, he says X is a free speech platform when it clearly isn’t. Blud can’t even take a joke.


    So at what point does/did it reach death spiral?


    There’s probably a sociology theory that would apply, but my guess would be a loss of 33% of active users over the course of 6 months.

    FfaerieOxide avatar

    So at what point does/did it reach death spiral?

    It isn't so much a spiral as it is a series of 90 degree turns.

    Uranium3006 avatar

    the death spiral is in progress, elon's just rich so he can pay bills (or let leases go resulting in eviction...) for a while

    HeartyBeast avatar

    When the “large” voices leave in significant numbers - in the UK it is used wildly by public sector and charity organisations, there are official governmental Twitter accounts, all the broadcasters have accounts.


    Really wish I could convince local government entities to switch to Mastodon - my local police said it was “subject to O.P.R.A.” and needed to meet retention rules (if you rolled your own…), and the state wildfire commission said they were looking at Threads :/

    So instead, both are still stuck on the platform that requires a login to see posts and filled with nazis.

    HeartyBeast avatar

    I think Threads federation may actually help with. I’m trying to persuade a health body at the moment to switch from Twitter and to roll their own Mastodon instance, based on the fact that what they really want is the widget on the website, control of their data and the ability to reach people.

    Twitter has already screwed the widget with the login/authentication requirements. If
    Threads actually allows its users to see Mastodon posts, that’s a big old reachable audience.


    Like when a US President was banned? Was that an example of those “big voices” leaving the platform?


    At this point Musk has platformed all of the undesirables of the internet. He’s a big, blinking, neon sign that says “there are no adults in the room, do whatever you want.”

    That could be a service to the rest of us. It would be nice if, now that they’re all concentrated there, the internet could quietly agree to shadowban the entire site. Just disappear it from search results, conversation, “zeitgeist.” Let all of the toxic users keep each other busy while the rest of us enjoy a cleaner internet.


    No adults. That’s funny I consider kids to be the ones to he protected from hearing the wrong things.


    It’s a damn racket when most of the artists I enjoy only post on twatter. Just upload to mastodon too ffs!


    Is it really a racket though? Most artists are not tech geeks and desire cultivated feeds instead of … none.


    All the artists are in cahoots with Elon Musk!


    I stopped using it when squacker stopped working, though I don’t think I’m in that statistic because I never had a twitter account.


    Same. I don’t want to make an account.


    I only used it to follow some artists I like, that’s it.


    I only follow specific youtubers and artists. If stray away from my specific feed, Twitter is too scary lol. I am at a loss for good social media though. It seems like most social media sites have just gotten worse over the past decade.

    I guess there’s pros an cons to it all. Pro: less time wasted on social media Con: I’ve missed out on some information that is sometimes good to know.

    ulkesh, avatar

    Yes, this is what happens when you take a big shit in people’s cereal. They tend to leave. I, too, could be an analyst.


    Yeah telling your advertising megacustomers to go F… themselves on TV and naming them explicitly. Wow. That’s some kind of nasty.

    It totally proved Disney right, too.

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