jeebus avatar

Fuck this is trash. DRM for the web. I wish people would understand websites like kbin are not free and that if you use a website you need to pay to keep it alive. But no one wants to pay for anything on the internet, and so we have ads. Ads will for sure kill the internet.

interolivary, avatar

The fact that people feel entitled to free content online really activates my almonds. They’ll whine and moan about enshittification and how eg. news is just clickbait now, and then promptly shit their pants when someone suggests they actually pay for things since they clearly don’t want ads either

Anomandaris avatar

Surely you can reverse that and point out corporations whining and moaning about people expecting free content when they're barely paying their employees enough to afford to pay their bills.

The problem starts with corporate greed, hoarding revenue by keeping employee's salaries to the minimum acceptable, providing as little functionality as possible to reduce overheads, double dipping by selling a product/subscription and then selling their customer's data, and then complaining they aren't getting more money for what little they are doing.

Then inevitably a little guy like Kbin comes along and suffers because the internet is filled with soulless, ultra-capitalist corpo scumbags.

interolivary, avatar

Surely you can reverse that and point out corporations whining and moaning about people expecting free content when they’re barely paying their employees enough to afford to pay their bills.

Those are separate issues

Anomandaris avatar

They are absolutely not separate issues. How can I be expected to shell out $15 per month for 10 different content subscriptions if I can only just afford to put food on my table?

interolivary, avatar

Doesn’t mean that content producers and the people running services don’t need to eat too. Sure, many if not all big corporations are terrible, but not all online content is provided by them.

Anomandaris avatar

But a massive amount of them are. Small and solo creators on Youtube or Twitch need to conform to the rules of Google and Amazon, and even medium size creators are influenced and coerced by the precedents and market trends set by the much larger corporations.

And it doesn't matter if not all content is provided by large corporations, those large corporations employ the most people, and dictate in a lot of ways, the rules of the employment market. It's due to their habits and practices that wages are artificially low and expenses are inflated for record profits.

Until corporate greed is managed properly, consumers will always struggle to have enough expendable income to pay content creators, and therefore will always be searching for free content.

interolivary, avatar

Oh yeah, no disagreement there; the source of all these problems is ultimately an economic system designed by and for sociopaths. But, be that as it may, the fact that even the people who could afford to pay for services simply don’t, and many run adblockers too and rarely turn them off for eg. news sites even if the ads they run aren’t extremely distracting. For example when ABP introduced a whitelist for “non-annoying” ads, it didn’t exactly go down well and people said they had “sold out.”

Big corporations can get fucked for all I care, but as I said, the ones not working for them and running services or news media or whatever also need to eat, and peoples’ reticience to pay for things in one way or another has directly led to those big companies taking over more and more of the field and WEI is an outgrowth of that.

nyakojiru, avatar

The real two internets is happening


Can someone ELI5 me on what this is and why it is bad?


google want websites to be able to check whether you’re running an approved browser. And they also want to be the ones to have the authority to decide what an “approved browser” is.

Given that google is an advertising company that owns a browser, constantly tries to cripple ad blockers they will probably simply start saying that any browser that doesn’t implement the stuff they want (crippled ad blockers) is “untrustworthy”


Why is this bad? On first read, it seems like it could replace personally identifiable advertiser cookies with a trusted assertion that I am a human. Feels like a win


I guess I’ll never use Chrome or Google products again then


Any ideas what the behavior of webpages will be if somebody uses PiHole?


Since PiHole isn’t part of the browser but in the network I assume that still works.


And this is the consequence of browser vendors relying on Chromium.


To be honest - easy to pull a Microsoft a fork a branch without the crap.

Rivers, avatar

Chrome is a bag of shit anyway, easy jump

venoft, (edited ) avatar

Chromium, not chrome. Which means also Brave, Edge, Opera, Vivaldi and a lot more. Basically only Firefox and Safari are left as the big non-chromium ones.

But that’s not the worst of it. Even if you tear out this code, more and more websites will be built that rely on it. Which means Firefox etc also need to include it to keep functioning.


Isn‘t Safari‘s WebKit the origin of Chromium‘s Blink 😉

Rivers, avatar

Well, you can’t say not chrome because it does include chrome, yes, it extends to other browsers using the same codebase, I understand I’m well versed. Either which way, fuck google


If WebKit and Mozilla put up enough fight. It will not be the standard.


Well, that’s the worst case scenario. I hope that Brave will fork Chromium and leave the WEI out. Brave prides itself on being the no nonsense browser …

itadakimasu, avatar

Brave is a PoS. They are not looking out for you


Sorry, what is PoS? I’m using Brave just shortly but it appears to be concerned with privacy and ad-blocking - more than what Firefox does.

itadakimasu, avatar

I saw some people recommend Brave and tried it out. What is with all the crypto integrations in that. Ditched Chrome earlier this year for Firefox when I made the switch from Windows to Linux.


Not saying you don’t realize, but Safari already has this tech. They call it Personal Access Tokens.


i’ve been using a samsung chromebook plus since it launched until now… and it’s end-of-support next month. being a typical human with low funds for new gear, i WAS considering a new chromebook of some kind. The chrome drm bullshit doesn’t effect me too much as I use this mostly within the linux container, or firefox android version… however, I realize i need to take a stand and not financially support these tyrants.

so, what are my options? a pinebook running debian? are there any good netbooks out there? I don’t use this thing for games or streaming media at all - mostly ssh, some browsing, etc. it’s about time I take the final steps to de-goog my life.

venoft, avatar

Install Linux on your current chromebook. If the hardware is still good that’s a no-brainer in my book.


i’m in the middle of this process now, and just frustrating myself. i’ve forgotten too much of the inner workings of the kernel - that is, my old knowledge doesn’t apply anymore. I’ve got a dualboot working, but can’t for the life of me get the wifi module to load. not relevant to this thread, so i won’t dirty it up. but, thank you for getting my head in the right space!

i will, somehow, get some flavor working


Get a used Thinkpad. They run Debian well!


Used thinkpads (like the T480) are a great choice.

I use Manjaro Cinnamon on mine.


So…I don’t use chrome anymore, but I use Vivaldi. Guess this’ll fuck that up too or will they remove it?

Edit: looks like they’re concerned about it but also are worried stripping it out will f up theye browser being accepted


Hey, fellow Vivaldi user👋 . Yep, one of the Vivaldi devs already said if it was added upstream, they’d strip it out of the Chromium code, but they acknowledge that this would cause problems if WEI became standard. Websites would start to expect it, and not having that functionality would be a death-sentence for any browser (Chromium or otherwise).


That’s great to hear. I like it and would like to continue


There’s a “we told you this would happen” going on here.

If chromium didn’t have a monopoly amongst browsers, they would have a much harder time pushing this through.

Imagine everyone using a browser built by an advertising company.


I moved to FF the same time I found out about the DRM shit. It takes literally 10 minutes and the only thing FF lacks is tab groups. Not a big loss compared to a stupid bigtech telling me what I can use.


FF has tab containers which, while I haven’t used much myself, seem pretty similar to tab groups from a quick search. Edit: Also looks like there’s “Simple tab groups” extension which maybe even more similar to what you may want


Containers have nothing to do with tab groups. One is an organisation tool and the other is a privacy tool.


The problem is that Mozilla dropped the ball so hard, by focusing on making their C-staff into millionaires instead of making a good product, that it no longer matters. Their market share is so small that Firefox compatibility no longer matters.

Soon websites will require that DRM and either Firefox will implement it or it will be unable to render those websites.


That’s not even the biggest level of “we told you this would happen.”

They pulled this shit previously with other standards (WebHID). Where they proposed a terrible standard, and then implemented it ignoring all feedback. Only last time it played out over months, and this time… weeks?

Sweet jesus.


The Internet in the last five or so years has just been less fun and interesting to use in general. Except for anywhere I can interact with friends, I just don’t really care for using corporate social media sites anymore. I’ve pretty much removed Google from my life except for YouTube and rarely Google Maps, and if Google tries to use this to force ads into YouTube (which I’m sure is going to be one of its uses) then I will just stop using YouTube. I will just stop patronizing any site or business that tries to implement this as a feature to stop my browser choice, OS choice, or my extension choice (which included adblock extensions). I miss the days when the Internet was less corporately controlled than it is now, and I think we need a renaissance of those days.

noughtnaut, avatar

I quite disagree, it is very hard. Sure, switching search engine takes all of two seconds, and email can be had from many vendors free and commercial.

But calendaring! A calendar that is at least somewhat integrated with am email client, supports more than one actual calendar, and has real-world capability to share them with others - “if you succeed in this, two me how.”

(not sure this worked as intended. I meant to reply to


Tutanota is trying, but there’s still ways to go


Pardon my ignorance but Can someone explain what google is trying to do?

mainframegremlin, (edited )

Pardon formatting, on mobile. Its a form of device authentication. Apple does this with safari already BTW, and it can reduce things like captcha because the authentication is done on the backend when a request hits a server. While still an issue in concept with Apple doing it, chromium browsers are a much larger market share. In layman’s terms this is basically the company saying, hey you are attempting to visit this site, we need to verify the device (or browser, or add on configuration, or no ad blocker, etc) is ‘authentic’. Which of course is nebulous. It can be whatever the entity in charge of attestation wants it to be.

This sets the precedent that whomever is controlling verification, can deny whomever they see fit. I’m running GrapheneOS on my phone currently, they could deny for that. Or, if you are blocking ads. Maybe you’re not sharing specific information about your device, and they want to harvest that. Too bad, comply or you’re ‘not allowed to do x or y’.

This is the gist. The web should be able to be accessed by anybody. It isn’t for companies to own nor should it be built that way. Web2 is a corporate hellscape.

Edit wrt Safari:…/apple-private-access-tokens-att…


I suspect “authentic” will mean “pays a license fee to Google.” In this respect it will work like other forms of DRM, and it will have the same effect of excluding new and smaller players from the market. Except in this case the market is the whole of the web.


Yeah, definitely. Some form of extortion because ultimately that’s what it will be either way. I mean, that’s really the whole point of being the party that chooses what is authentic or not (and, what the definition of that word even means in this context). Monetary, data, whatever. Gotta keep the bottom line increasing for shareholders.


Not necessarily. With some forms od tracking being curbed, just being sent the who accesses which webpage on what device when (the bare minimum for attestation) has lots of value. And google won’t stop at the bare minimum of data grabbing, of course.


No, there are no fees at all. Authentic just means approved device state, which will be defined by the website you go to I believe. So youtube might required many different things in order to be “authentic” like no ad blockers, genuine browser, non-rooted phone, etc., whereas bank-xyz may just check for one thing, like a genuine browser. Also, websites have to enable this on their side, so its not going to be used by default on all websites. The whole thing is crap though, even if only a few websites enable this, it could have huge impacts.


Yeah, definitely. Some form of extortion because ultimately that’s what will happen either way. I mean, that’s really the whole point of being the party that chooses what is authentic or not (and, what the definition of that word even means in this context). Monetary, data, whatever. Gotta keep the bottom line increasing for shareholders.

SturgiesYrFase, avatar

From my limited understanding as a common pleb, they are inserting DRM into Chromium browsers to prevent ad-blockers.


Internet with no ad-blockers is like a nightmare

SturgiesYrFase, avatar

Living the dream.


Yes, it is a nightmare. The insane volume of ads and clickbait injected into web pages is killing the internet as an information source. Most of the searchable stuff is unusable. Which explains why ChatGPT was so enthusiastically embraced - it’s really just synthesizing content into a readable form that doesn’t require navigating around a jungle of animated gifs and flashing ads. That’s also I think why Lemmy and Mastodon are so refreshing to use, and hopefully will stay that way - although money seems to find a way to ruin everything. Lemmy right now feels a lot like the internet used to be before the big money came along and ruined it with advertising and platform lock-ins.


@fuser @Lem0n Regarding articles, I just save them to a read-later app that strips them of all the crap. If the site won't let me, I'll find another source reporting the same information, and save it to read later. If this process ultimately fails without a saved page, I won't read the article.


Right - that’s a good approach, however if you’re looking for a quick answer to an immediate question by searching using a common search engine, the garbage SEO pages are the most irritating, even with adblocking.

Catweazle, avatar

@fuser @Lem0n, the only AI I most use and which is really useful for me is Andisearch.

fuser, looks like it might be a better option - thank you so much for posting. I’m mostly using duck-duck-go which is tolerable but by this point we should have come up with a more useful way to index relevant information. Google would rather we see ads than any relevant content, which wasn’t the case when they first launched google in the late 1990s. Google was refreshing at the time because of its cleaner interface than yahoo and uncluttered results, amusingly enough - it’s a far cry from what it once was.

Catweazle, avatar

@fuser, Andi certainly is a fresh wind, it was the first search engine with AI which appears, before Google, Bing and the others. Great work of two very nice and friendly devs, Angie Hoover and Jed White, with an open ear to the user in their Discord channel for suggestions, feature request, bug report (well, it's still in developement) or simple chat.


Well, thanks again for the info - I’m trying it now and the results seem excellent, it took me to wikiwand, which I’d never used but it’s a front end for wikipedia - it’s quite nice. I’ve learned so much about alternative FOSS and great ad-free content by reading and posting here. I was never a great fan of reddit - liked to scroll but hardly ever posted there - I thought RPAN was the coolest thing they did - but Lemmy is great for conversation, despite the relatively small user base - I’m grateful that reddit’s nonsense drove so many helpful people here.

Catweazle, avatar

@fuser, the fediverse has nothing to do with monolithic social networks, controlled by large multinationals. It doesn't matter if you use an instance of Lemmy, Friendica, Diaspora, or Mastodon. etc., are really of the people and independent of large corporations and linkable with each other. Here in Mastodon I see posts of all these in my Timeline and I suppose you too, like the one where I am.


I didn’t notice that you were posting from Mastodon as I’m on Lemmy and your posts appear here just like any other Lemmy user - but the @fuser at the start of your messages is probably the tell, I think Mastodon defaults the username you’re replying to, whereas Lemmy doesn’t. It’s great that we can use different applications without some corporate gatekeeper capturing everybody’s personal info at the integration point to hawk to an advertising company.

Catweazle, avatar

@fuser, with Mastodon you can even logging in Pixelfed. I love the .

Catweazle, avatar

@fuser, apart of Vivaldi social, the instance made by the Vivaldi browser for it's users, I'm also since long time ago in (with another Nick), also conected to Mastodon.


To be fair, it is useful for other purposes, but the cost to users is likely to be huge, with ad blocking being one of them. It probably also prevents other things even outside your browser because there’s no point in securing a browser running in an untrusted environment. IIRC there is/was an issue running Netflix on certain Android devices and rooted devices after a similar feature was added to Android.

SturgiesYrFase, avatar

My S7 was running a custom rom, I had to manually download and install the Netflix apk, as the play store wouldn’t let me do it. WhatsApp was weird too, it would let you install, but there were a bunch of aggravating bugs, like if your device was on it showed you as “online”. Got in trouble at work because my boss thought I was on my phone all day.


EME for the rest of the internet, not just video. Basically doing what hulu does to stop screen recording/as blocking but across every webpage

drwho, avatar

I guess I won that bet. :/

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