
Ah well.

At least task manager still puts a bullet to its head if I want it to 🔫

I just want windows to go away.

I hope steam OS can somehow take Linux gaming mainstream to the point that we get proper native game releases.


Just lie. Give them junk data and make their analytics worse for annoying you. I have never been bothered by the “explain yourself” dropdowns because I just select a random option and move on.

@punkwalrus@lemmy.world avatar

As if they care about the real data…


Guess what else it’s doing without asking.


It really blows my mind that somehow most popular services/software is at state worse than 10-15 years ago, what the fuck happened? This shit is what is making me move to other interests/hobbies than technology-related stuff.


I am now hosting everything myself because yall don’t take my privacy seriously



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  • HurlingDurling,

    I’m pretty sure microsoft is not a loving parent that cares for their child and wants to make sure nothing bad is going on. They only care for profits


    The same URL now: Microsoft gives in and lets you close OneDrive on Windows without explaining yourself

    Update November 10th, 4:45AM ET: Microsoft has removed the dialog forcing users to fill out a survey when quitting OneDrive, and reverted to the original prompt. In a statement sent to The Verge, Microsoft says:

    Between Nov. 1 and 8, a small subset of consumer OneDrive users were presented with a dialog box when closing the OneDrive sync client, asking for feedback on the reason they chose to close the application. This type of user feedback helps inform our ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of our products.

    The story below is unchanged.


    Useless PMs are KPI farming, more at 8

    @Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah okay microsoft whatever you say. The only thing you’ve ever been interested in ‘enhancing the quality of’ is how tight the leash around your users necks is. At this point I would respect you more if you were just honest about your corporate assholery.

    “We don’t give a fuck about you as a user and want to test how far we can screw with you just for fun, enjoy your 15.99$/month subscription based service to reduce the new 15 second advertisements that show up whenever you launch a program on windows 12, to one per hour. Slop it up, you retarded cattle.”

    @cosmicrookie@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s one of the first apps I uninstall on a fresh windows install


    Same. I hate how it hijacks all of the document/picture/video folders.


    Hey, Lemmy user in this thread: you’re likely in the top 0.1% expertise of all computer users worldwide.

    This prompt is aimed at my boomer dad, who wouldn’t know what that funny icon is but read somewhere to close his apps for better speed. If his OneDrive docs disappear, I’ll get a call about it. At the same time, Microsoft probably can’t sell anything to my dad ever again, except his Office 365 subscription, so that makes him the product.

    Microsoft is usually pretty good at letting tech users disable this kind of stuff with powershell commands or registry keys, which you already know how to do. And of course businesses join windows PCs to domains and disable this stuff centrally too.


    Your stuff wouldn’t disappear if Microsoft didn’t keep stealing it and storing it on their servers, insteads of leaving it on your PC where it belongs.

    This isn’t for your boomer dad, this is for Microsoft. You pay them for software, they steal your data. They’re literally worse than Facebook and Google now.

    Smokeydope, (edited )
    @Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

    My parents are 60 years old and use mint daily. When my mom needs onedrive she just uses the web app through the internet browser. At this point its better for your boomer parents to move them to a OS where they aren’t a product and the corporate overlords won’t be able to fuck with their local files. the 99% of normal users only use their computers to boot into the internet browser, and every piece of software they use from banking to documents has a web-based front end, a FOSS alternative, or can be emulated with wine.

    HelloHotel, (edited )
    @HelloHotel@lemmy.world avatar

    When you do what microsoft wants, they dont punish you. Microsoft have found a way to treat users like employees. Every company knows to punch an employee above the belt (by nesesity of a cruel world or optionally pretend its true), apologise, give them cake and pray they develop a relationship.

    For those that whisper “union” to coworker, punch below the belt, look tough and walk away.

    this is how Microsoft hates your non cooperationThey wont mess with buisnesses because they have too much power to abandon their product in mass and are generally aligned with Microsoft’s productification practices. However, users “dont have any power”. Microsoft doesnt want users to turn these settings off, devorcing your computer as much as they will allow makes a “your device is not set up” screen to appear at login. Its a lie (or gross redefinition of “set up”). I would argue that it is designed to trick users into turning those fetures back on. If you run a program or follow a guide to turn off settings in the registry, they have in the past, changed them back. users often dont check every setting to make sure they havent changed in the night. Microsoft actively disrespected (and mabe still does) the “open urls/links in this app” menu, they give you their sales pitch on edge when switching the prefrence, they overrode the setting to always be edge or they did the above settings tampering


    I recently bought a new computer (left the old one in my car by mistake, and the outdoor heat caused the plastic casing to expand) and moved all my old files over to the new one. Somehow, it ended up sticking a bunch of my files (Desktop, Documents, etc.) in my OneDrive (which was setup without any confirmation that I’d like to use it). I had to create a brand new profile that wasn’t linked to a Microsoft account on my brand new computer and move everything over just to fix the issue.


    Even setting up an account that isn’t linked to Microsoft is tricky - particularly if it’s the first account. You basically have to keep your PC offline throughout the entire setup, and even then as soon as you connect to the internet it’ll start changing things.

    O&OShutup is an essential piece of software to run, imo. You need to run it regularly also to catch the settings that get reverted with updates.


    The newer Rufus (USB ISO installation tool) let’s you NATIVELY apply several mods to the Win10 installation, and one of them is to pre-create a user account that doesn’t need to be linked to M$. My favorite feature.


    Or, hear me out here, you could use an OS that doesn’t have all that shitfuckery built in the first place.


    Absolutely. Unfortunately a lot of software still only works on Windows. Particularly in industrial settings.


    Yeah, but the more customers demand Linux versions, the more likely companies will be to produce them.


    That’s true, but getting a critical mass to do that with industrial software is like pulling teeth out your toenails. Most of the people writing it only know Windows.

    @Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

    Dual booting is always an option


    Until Windows updates and overwrites the boot manager.


    Or you install rEFInd and bypass this issue completely.


    I feel good when i realize windows’ market share has been declining slowly over the last decade. They had it coming, half baked trash product, i can’t believe people pay for it. Ms should pay people using it, as beta testers.


    i can’t believe people pay for it.

    To be fair, barring the purchase of a brand new computer, they haven’t been. Not since Windows 10 released in 2015.

    brothershamus avatar

    Wow I haven't used windows in over eight years? Nice. Mmmmm yeah. That's the stuff.

    @LunarLoony@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Also Microsoft 365 subscriptions. A huge proportion of Windows licenses have always been from enterprise - they’ve never especially cared about the consumer

    @HotsauceHurricane@lemmy.one avatar

    Because suck-it thats why.


    Microsoft isn’t friendly with the whole forced SaaS thingy.


    This is the software giant equivalent of the Simpsons out of touch meme.

    They’re frantically looking for why nobody likes them while they’re aggressively doing the thing that nobody likes them because of.

    IMO, this is a bit like having a fellow student in your same grade in highschool who asked you out on the first day of class despite not really even knowing your name and when you declined, they asked you why every day for the entire year, and no matter what you said, they would still ask again tomorrow, because your answer never satisfied them.

    Listen to me Microsoft, you have a few winners, like Windows, maybe office/365 for the business folks (though, formerly, it was exchange), and a few other gems. Don’t ruin the reputation you still have for making half decent operating systems by turning them into an ex that just won’t stop calling… IMO, this whole thing started when you axed MSN Messenger, and forcibly merged it into Skype, rather than bringing clever upgrades from the Skype codebase over to messenger. Everything went downhill from there. Even teams is still tainted by the Skype for business shenanigans that happened. You messed up. Stop irritating the clientele that you still have and give it a rest. Just make a good operating system, and focus on innovation. I haven’t seen any of that from you folks since the release of the NT kernel; it’s all been predictable iterative changes.

    Back the hell off.

    @Koordinator_O@lemmy.world avatar

    That comparison is missing a bit. That fellow student is not just asking you. He asks everyone and sure enough there are some willing to say yes. That is the problem. There are still enough such people so its worth for them. They don’t care about the no sayers. Who cares if you are anoyed if the next five people say yes? So no. They will never back off. Only when the numbers turn red. And then they probably will find an even worse system instead of improving.


    They don’t care about the no sayers.

    OP’s article would imply that they do. There’s literally no other reason to do what they’ve done with OneDrive. They’ve given a list of reasons that they find to be “the only possible reasons why you would reject such an amazing program”, and given you no other options. Historically, yeah, that’s been the case, you don’t want it, fine… and they go and sell it to someone who does; but this isn’t that. This is pestering you as to why you don’t like them and no answer YOU provide is good enough; only if you fit into their little boxes, is your answer “good enough”… for now.


    It’s close to malware. I recently helped a friend with his Surface Pro; He had two instances of Onedrive as well as two of Teams running. One with his private Account and one with work & school. There just wasn’t an easy to find quit option for him anymore so everything was constantly running his battery dead and autostarting after rebooting.


    why would you even want to use a computer if it doesn’t have at least two copies of teams and onedrive running at all times? is there even anything else to do on the computer (besides making Bing Searches of course)?


    And of course each teams instance uses 2gb ram each because they’re very badly optimized electron apps.


    Just buy more RAM! And a new computer! Problem solved!

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