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InternetIsScary, to lemmy French
@InternetIsScary@mstdn.social avatar

How did you come up with your username?

I’ll go first, it’s simple, the Internet is literally an open field where anyone can do whatever they want.



Love your avatar btw.


100% agree. Programming is programming, and these divisions are arbitrary and restrictive.

It’d be like if someone wanted to learn a language, but refused to learn vocabulary about an important topic.


Why? Several Hualong One’s are grid-connected in China and Pakistan already, its been approved for installation in the EU and UK, and a lot more countries have plans to install them.

MisterMoo, to firefox
@MisterMoo@mastodon.online avatar

Dear @firefox : Please stop saving images as webp when I drag them out of the browser. Forever stop that. Even if they are webp originally, just give me a setting to auto-convert them to JPEG. When I get a webp file the first thing I have to do is convert it manually if I'm going to do anything with it.


jxl can’t come fast enough.


Most projectors are dumb, and HD ones aren’t too expensive anymore.


I’ve had good luck with optoma projectors.


Far, far worse for your own country to have that data. If you live in the US for example, facebook can and does forward your messages about getting an abortion to law enforcement if you live in one of the no-abortion states. That mother and daughter both have charges now.


They rarely get past the signup form, it’s trivial to spot them.


Yo, would you like to be a mod of this comm?


If you’re referring to keepass database merge conflicts, I use Syncthing and get these occasionally too, but KeepassDX for android can sometimes notice it and ask you if you want to merge them.


Hedgedoc / hackmd support a good amount of extensions out of the box. I think typora and obsidias do also (but not open source).


My main wishlist for markdown, is a better live collaborative markdown editor. Hedgedoc works, but it’s showing it’s age, and they don’t seem to be getting close to releasing v2.

Etherpad also has a markdown extension, but it doesn’t import / export that well.


I believe commonmark tries to specify a minimum baseline spec, and doesn’t try to to expand beyond that. It can be frustrating bc we’d like to see tables, superscripts, spoilers, and other things standardized, but I can see why they’d want to keep things minimal.

Is there a way to view the frontpage of another server, or get an RSS feed of another server's single community?

My lemmy account is on the programming.dev instance but I use newsboat for RSS reading of some lemmy.ml communities, along with browsing the local homepage of lemmy.ml and some other instances in a regular browser. Is there a way to do either of these things from the programming.dev instance so that I can easily comment on posts...


Here’s an rss link of a single community: programming.dev/feeds/c/programming.xml?sort=Acti…


You might have to use one of those lemmy link plugins for that, bc lemmy’s community rss feeds are meant to be for local communities, not federated ones.


“I’m as left as they come! I also agree with US foreign policy, and think that every country on the official US sanctions and foreign adversary list needs to be overthrown.”


I make a ton of vegan chicken, steak, and jerky nearly every week and use it in all my recipes. You can make a ton at once, and obvi it’s much cheaper than flesh / secretion-based products.

After getting really good at them, and swapping out milk for oat milk, I’ve pretty much had to change nothing about what I want to make / eat.



  • VSteak
  • VChicken (I don’t use jackfruit tho, and just use the same weight of tofu as the base)

For vjerky, I just make a double batch of the steak, but after it’s done cooking, instead of marinating it, I cut them into thin strips, put it in a dehydrator (you can also just use an oven), then put them into plastic bags with some olive oil and different spices, or just pepper. There are good youtube vids that are all pretty close to that.


I don’t follow. But vegan chefs are wizards that can recreate any taste / texture.


That’s incredibly sad.

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