
My home is my 7x7 sim #bigcitylife on decadence grid in #opensim

hop:// City Life/277/419/29

And Jimmy's and my old decadence sim on decadence grid


since 2007 in virtual worlds and you can reach me on Jami and Matrix.

I'm also on Facebook and rumble


This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

jupiter_rowland, to random

I won't even consider believing in artificial intelligence, blockchains and cryptocurrencies in "the Metaverse" until both OSgrid and Kitely introduce them.

There are things that even commercial grids won't do, and I think I know Ilan Tochner quite well now. And while OSgrid is bleeding-edge as hell, being OpenSim's development testbed, it isn't like it doesn't have any other issues that are more important, be it PBR looming over OpenSim, be it its asset server crammed with almost 17 years worth of stuff acting up every couple months. Also, a cryptocurrency doesn't even make sense in a grid that doesn't have any in-world payment to begin with.

And what's AI supposed to do in OpenSim beyond driving chatbots? Build assets? Then it'd have to become better in meshing, texturing and scripting than the professional "creators" in Second Life whose stuff ends up pirated. Unless prompting an AI ends up so much easier than wading through the Marketplace and spending money through your SL avatar on stuff to export or searching SL's grid for places to copybot that content that quality no longer matters.

Build sims? Before you've managed to teach an AI to do that and find the right prompts, you've built that sim yourself, and it's probably been more fun. Good luck finding the right prompts to give you something akin to Novale, Nadejdae or Zweet ZurroundingZ anyway.

And besides, loading a ready-made OAR and rezzing a few extra things to make it your own is still quicker and easier. Even with sim-building AI available, more beach sims will come from Joe Builder, more educational sims from Nebadon Izumi and more amusement park sims from Cuteulala Artis than from an AI.

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #TheMetaverse #VirtualWorlds #OSgrid #Kitely #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #Blockchain #Cryptocurrency #Cryptocurrencies #Crypto #Buzzwords


For building animesh people ruth and roth body is great and easy. If it is advanced I don't know. Athena looks better. That's all. I use legacy. Is better than Athena.
If you really try not use any objects that are copyboted then we all have to use Ruth and roth or walking as cartoon people without clothes. That's right. But no one wants this.

jupiter_rowland, to random

It's been over two months since the last time I've posted an image and even longer since the last time I've posted a meme.

Maybe I should do it again. But ever since I've started taking image descriptions seriously, each image or meme post has become a project that might take up most of the day.

It's hard enough already to find something that's interesting to show while not impossible to describe.

And I guess there are fewer users all across the Fediverse who appreciate my image descriptions than Mastodon users who block me for posting tens of thousands of characters at once because my image descriptions are so long. That's also because Misskey and the Forkeys reject all posts with a five-digit character count, so nobody there even receives my image posts, but not only.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta


25271 characters is a novel. No one is reading and not even for a pic.
You could be Stephen King describing a house and room and atmosphere 30 pages. After you read the 30 pages you have forgotten what it is about he wants to write.
Main focus is important. No one is reading novels and just for a pic that should just give an impression it is useless to write novels about a pic.

CherylFurse, to random

Central Park has horse carriage now. Is also animesh and on route. Not easy to make route with curves, because it is long and has no axis. Aligned wouldn't work. So it is one piece. Carriage and horse. But can be compensated a bit with tricky route in curves. Is not perfect but ok.

jupiter_rowland, to metaverse

As I hope you've already discovered, the Fediverse is nothing like Twitter/𝕏. There is no algorithm automatically forwarding your posts to those who might be interested in them. Also, even though Mastodon has introduced full-text search, it's only slowly picking up.

Instead, the key to post visibility and discoverability is using hashtags.

If you're using OpenSim, and you aren't sure what to tag, here are some recommendations. If I mention a tag explicitly, it most likely already exists.

First of all, of course, #OpenSimulator and #OpenSim. You may use either, but I recommend using both.

Then there's #Metaverse. The OpenSim community has used that word for some 15 years already. Besides, it helps demonstrate three things to those who search for it. One, "The Metaverse" isn't dead. Two, it wasn't invented by Zuckerberg either. Three, it can be done and has been done without a blockchain, a cryptocurrency and NFTs. (If you want to write about Zuck's worlds, use #Horizons or specifically #HorizonWorlds instead.)

I myself also use #VirtualWorlds, and so do some Second Life and OpenSim users.

If you write about a grid or mention it sufficiently, tag it. #OSgrid, #Kitely, #3rdRockGrid, #Groovyverse, #CraftWorld, #Bridgemere, #DorenasWorld, #Dereos, #ArtDestiny, #DiscoveryGrid, #BarefootDreamers, #Neverworld, #Astralia, #AviWorlds, #EtheriaGrid, #TheGridThatShallNotBeNamed (you know which one I mean) etc. This should include dead grids such as #Metropolis.

Sometimes things might get complicated, for example if there's a popular abbreviation or acronym for a grid. In that case, feel free to tag e.g. both #AlternateMetaverse and #AMV or both #GreatCanadianGrid and #GCG. It really only gets complicated with #WolfTerritories, #WolfTerritoriesGrid, #WTGrid and #WolfGrid, all four of which have been used by Lone Wolf himself.

In addition, if you actually write about a grid, you might want to use #Grid. Not so much for fleeting mentions.

Of course, #Hypergrid if you mention that.

Events usually come with their own official suggestions for social media hashtags. This year, for example, we've already had #OSG16B for OSgrid's 16th birthday, #OSFest2023 for OpenSimFest (#OpenSimFest or #OSFest) and #HIE2023 for the Hypergrid International Expo (#HypergridInternationalExpo, #HIE or #HIEOpenSim). The OpenSimulator Community Conference is always shortened to #OSCC, and the year is always two-digit, e.g. #OSCC23. And let's not forget #CornflakesWeek.

Other things worth tagging include OpenSim's own mesh bodies: #RuthAndRoth for the whole project, #Ruth2 and #Roth2. #RuthToo and #RothToo or even #RuthTooRC3 and #RothTooRC1. #LuvMyBod. #Max, #Maxine and #Maxwell.

Some more examples for OpenSim-related tags I've used before: #OAR, #HGSafari, #MadeInOpenSim, #ArcadiaAsylum, #LbsaPlaza, #WrightPlaza, #EventPlaza, #Clutterfly, #OpenSimWorld, #BakesOnMesh (feel free to yoink this one, Second Life users), #FirestormViewer (ditto), #PBR (ditto), #LSL (ditto) and #OSSL, #ZHAO (ditto) and #khAOs, #SFposer, #DreamGrid, #Sim, #SimBuilding (good for talking about how a sim is built)... You could also reference what I call #TheGreatGridDyingOf2022.

More generally, there are tags such as #Avatar/#Avatars, #VirtualArchitecture, #VirtualTravel and #VirtualClothing/#VirtualFashion. And if it's related to education, #VirtualWorldsEducation would be the tag.

#Hashtags #Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost


Then you have forgotten a lot more hashtags

I put just

This should be enough.


We have also Fediverse Users here

jupiter_rowland, to random

And the #OpenSimStatistics for September are in: Opensim Social wrote the following post Sun, 15 Oct 2023 18:31:28 +0200

OpenSim roundup

Land area records have been broken again, both for all #OpenSimulator #grids that have reported stats this time, for all those amongst them that are connected to the #Hypergrid and for some individual grids.

Not only is #OSgrid alone still bigger than #SecondLife, but it is so by almost 11%, even in comparison with Second Life's September 10th stats which I used the last time. For today, GridSurvey has reported that Second Life has slightly shrunk since September 10th. This does not change the fact that OSgrid has grown beyond 30,000 standard regions as well as beyond 2,000km².

The #WolfTerritoriesGrid is still hot on Second Life's heels at 94% of its land area. Now, while OSgrid is almost entirely hosted by the owners of the respective sims, all of #WolfTerritories was created and is owned by @Lone Wolf, and it runs on his servers. Granted, it helps that the grid mostly consists of large varsims which are made of multiple standard regions.

#Kitely is now larger than Second Life's Private Estates combined. Still, Kitely requires only a fraction of Second Life's server power because sims with nobody on them are automatically shut down and powered back up when someone wants to visit them.

As always, add #ZetaWorlds, and you've got three times Second Life's entire landmass. And the nine biggest #OpenSim grids, all on the Hypergrid, make up four times Second Life's landmass. Last month, this still required eleven grids. Down from there, grids quickly get smaller. The 13th-largest grid is already under 1,000 standard regions, and around the 40th place, grids have only 140 standard regions, so I'm not sure if five times Second Life's landmass can be amassed, especially if only grids on the Hypergrid count.

It's a pity that there are no stats on the actual number of sims. It'd be interesting to see their average size, and especially sailing grids would be way up this ranking.

#Metaverse #VirtualWorlds


@jupiter_rowland @lonewolf

Is all not really important if there are no people. In SL you have a house with parcel. In Opensim you have own Grid even. But if no one visits you it doesn't matter.

Second life is a big City
Opensim is countryside lol

jupiter_rowland, to random

#OpenSim 10 years ago: Come visit my shop and check out the cool things I've made. They're licensed under #CreativeCommons.

OpenSim 5 years ago: Sharing is caring. Share with no mercy! SHARE OR DIE!!! Oh, and yeah, our stuff is totally stolen from #SecondLife because we're totally badass gangstaz, and because that stuff is better than all this made-in-OpenSim Linda Kellie crap. But it wasn't us who stole it, and we don't know how it got here.

OpenSim today: How dare you steal my stuff from my shops, god-mode it and hang it up in your own shop? And no, my stuff is totally not ripped from Second Life! It's also total coincidence that it looks exactly the same as those items that are also available on the #Kitely Market.

#OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #Drama




We should be happy that everyone is sharing all stuff. Then in a decentralized network where Grids come and go all the stuff is still stored somewhere and is not getting lost.

I think for the whole few people who are living in
We are not many people and for those it is necessary that all the stuff is still available. It doesn't matter who imported from Secondlife or got it somewhere. You can't make money anyway in with just 200 or 300 people. And there won't be more. Just thousands of new alts.

dgar, to random avatar

Now listening to:
Carry On Wayward Son
~ Kansas



Love it since I watched Supernatural 🙂

jupiter_rowland, to random

Now I have decided to take a few pictures at #OSFest2023. Which means in a 3-D #VirtualWorld.

Which, in turn, means very long #ImageDescriptions because there's nothing in these pictures that anyone is familiar with. You think 1,500 characters are long? You're cute.

I've been working on it for about an hour. I'm past the 4,000-character mark. Already now, that's too much not only for #Mastodon, but also for #Misskey and default-settings #Firefish. It's way too much for #AltText almost everywhere in the #Fediverse. And I've barely scratched the surface, also because explaining the very setting took more than 3,000 characters already.

Now I'm facing the first challenge. There are four pictures of nebulae. I'll have to identify three of them to be sufficiently informative for curious users, and then I'll have to describe all four of them in all their details for #Blind or #VisuallyImpaired users. And this is what people are the most likely to be familiar with. There are also more than a dozen different spaceships, a space statiion and whatnot.

The things you do for #Accessibility and #Inclusion and to make your pictures understandable for everyone.



You will break record of Stephen King to describe a room on 30 pages lol

jupiter_rowland, to random

I'd love to take and post pictures of #OSFest2023, maybe even the events. But I'd have to spend several hours writing an #ImageDescription for each one of them. It'd be even worse with other avatars in the pictures, the more avatars, the worse. Descriptions for event pictures would probably be completed days after the event itself, extensive research for each avatar included.

And then someone will complain that my post is over #500Characters long. Well, the several-thousand-character description for only one measly image had to go somewhere, and that couldn't possibly be the #AltText.

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #OpenSimFest #OSFest #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds



lol funny



I like your crazy obsessive perfectionism 🙂

You must be a German lol
Sometimes it is better just to let it go and do something that is only half professional.

jupiter_rowland, to random

Always interesting to look at the monthly #OpenSimulator stats from #HypergridBusiness.

For example, #OSgrid, the oldest and biggest grid, has once again managed to grow larger than #SecondLife. OSgrid reported 29,770 standard regions; the most recent number from Second Life are 27,813 regions as per September 10th.

Only one more #grid measures over 20,000 standard regions, over 25,000 even, and that's the #WolfTerritoriesGrid (25,504 standard regions). Now, while all of OSgrid except for the official sims is hosted by its respective owners and attached to the grid for free, the #WolfGrid is entirely owned by @Lone Wolf and offered as paid rentals. Long ago, when the grid wasn't nearly as big yet, he said you'd have to be a millionnaire to own so much land in Second Life.

#Kitely (18,301 standard regions) is almost as big as all Second Life Private Estates (18,380) put together.

Add #ZetaWorlds (10,386 standard regions) with its massive sailable grid-owned ocean, and you've got four grids which altogether have three times Second Life's landmass. And the top 38 grids on the #Hypergrid that report their stats to Hypergrid Business are a bit over 440% as big as Second Life.

The second-oldest grid, #3rdRockGrid, has shrunk by about 30%. Should I be worried?

One more detail: #TheGridThatShallNotBeNamed is back in the stats. Maybe it wasn't shut down after all. Interestingly, it ranks 9th in active users (1,121), but 34th in land mass (209 standard regions). As the active users include Hypergrid visitors, this might be a case of bile fascination after the Hypergrid connection was re-established. If not, it says a lot about the target audience of this grid. Opensim Social wrote the following post Fri, 15 Sep 2023 18:48:35 +0200


#OpenSim #OpenSimStatistics #Statistics #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds


@jupiter_rowland @lonewolf

It is like in RL. In the desert you get every land for free but no one lives there. In big cities where all the people meet you just pay for an apartment a fortune.

arstechnica, to random avatar

Yes, this year is as hot as you think it is

The hottest Northern Hemisphere summer on record follows climate-driven heat waves.



In germany we had worst summer. Cold and rainy.

I long for climate change to get tropical climate lol

so don't make just propaganda. Let it getting warmer in real lol

jupiter_rowland, to random


Don't blindly trust Adult ratings on sims in #OpenSimulator. They don't necessarily mean the same as in #SecondLife.

If #OpenSimWorld advertises a sim as Adult-rated, and the description is in any language other than English, chances are the sim owner doesn't even know what Adult means in this context. Chances are they run the whole of OSW through Google Translate, and "Adult" is translated into what only means "grown-up" in their language.

The concept of "adult" meaning #NSFW pretty much only exists in English-speaking countries, if not even only in North America. Places with other main languages use different wordings and often don't shy away from naming things clearly. Thus, people who live there may be unaware that "adult" stands for stuff like nudity or sex.

Also, the translations of "adult" in the viewers may not be the same as the translation of "adult" when running OSW through Google Translate. This might explain why some sims by non-English-speaking users have different ratings in-world and on OSW.

In general, it isn't quite as bad if the sim owner's native language is German. Germans are often pretty relaxed, and they're very likely to run sims which actually allow for nudity or even more. See Stark. Also, English as a second language has been mandatory in the Federal Republic of Germany for decades.

On the other hand, it tends to be somewhat worse if the sim owner is Italian, not only due to a frequent lack of any knowledge of English, but also because Italians seem to be particularly up-tight. It may be another case of that dreaded prudish "wishful thinking" that "Adult" only means "no child avatars allowed" in #OpenSim.

So if a sim is rated Adult, but the sim description is not in English, be careful and look around the sim. If you spot things like nude beach signs or furniture with naughty animations, chances are good that the Adult rating means what it usually means. But if not, don't assume it does.

#Metaverse #VirtualWorlds


@jupiter_rowland @opensim

Is anyway all nonsense in Opensim. Never met somone younger than 40. lol Average age is 60.

In SL it makes sense. In the early years of course. There were teenagers in second life when it was new. But now you will only find teenagers in Fortenight (average age 27 yo) or other games.

What would it mean then for Americans if they are under 21? In Germany you are adult as 18 years old. In USA you can go in adult shop when you are 21 yo or in a Pub and drink alcohol.
In all other countries in the world you can go at the age of 18 in an adult shop or drink alcohol even with 16 in a bar or Disco.

It is all nonsense and made perverted what Americans made out of opensim. OSW is just a typical prude american website. There is no need for such. We write in Fediverse or Facebook anyway more.

jupiter_rowland, to random

Firestorm 6.6.14 must truly be a massive upgrade. The devs have promised us one new release every three months, and this one was four months due.

Well, let's see how it'll fare. For #OpenSim, it's definitely an improvement over Firestorm 6.6.8 whose new Profile window is only compatible with #SecondLife.

Oh, by the way, #PBR a.k.a. #PeanutButter is not included yet. Viewer – The Phoenix Firestorm Project Inc. wrote the following post Tue, 15 Aug 2023 03:00:11 +0200

Summer fun and fixes – Firestorm 6.6.14

Where did those months go? Summer is here (for those of us in the Northern
Hemisphere, at least) and it’s been far too long since the last
Firestorm update. We are happy to announce that the latest Firestorm
Release is now available for download in the usual place. As this has been
over six months...

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#^Summer fun and fixes – Firestorm 6.6.14

Where did those months go? Summer is here (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, at least) and it’s been far too long since the last Firestorm update. We are happy to announce that the latest Firestorm Release is now available for download in the usual place.

As this has been over six months in the making, you can expect many fixes and feature enhancements. Inara Pey’s customary in-depth review has more detail about the features, fixes and improvements, while the full blow-by-blow details can be found on Whirly’s comprehensive release notes page.

Supported platforms:

All of our official builds are created using GitHub build servers; as such, we track supported platforms closely and cannot build for out-of-date platforms. If you run your systems on out-of-support platforms, you may find that Firestorm no longer runs for you.

Our current builds are built on the following platforms- Windows Server 2022 (compatible with Windows 10 & 11)

  • Mac Os: Big Sur (MacOS 11)
  • Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Safety and security reminder

Please only download the Firestorm Viewer from the official Firestorm viewer download page. Do not trust anyone who asks you to download from their website; this includes OpenSim grid operators (who really should know better) and, of course, any sites that try to look like our official pages. Be wary of any location that asks you to log in before downloading. Firestorm will never ask you to do this. See our recent blog post on phishing; phishing happens both in-world and on the web.

A new viewer release always triggers the paranoia of Anti-Virus (AV) software because it shows up as not previously seen in their databases. Assuming that you trust us, you can safely ignore the warnings (it goes without saying that if you don’t trust us, you should probably not be using our viewer!). This advice only applies to the viewer downloaded from our website. We will not support any viewer that has been downloaded from anywhere else.

End-of-life notice for 32-bit Windows users.

Following Linden Lab’s decision to cease support for 32-bit Windows builds, this may be the last Firestorm release that offers full functionality for Second Life. Only 2% of current users run 32-bit Windows Firestorm builds, and while we will not remove 32-bit builds as long as they are easily maintained, the time is fast approaching when the maintenance overhead of supporting this legacy platform will be more than we can justify,

More specifically, the forthcoming PBR viewer requires an updated Havok physics library which Linden Lab provide under a sub-license. As LL will no longer be producing this library for any 32-bit viewers, we, in turn, cannot support a Havok build.

If (and when) other more fundamental libraries on which the viewer depends remove 32-bit support, we will have no choice but to remove the 32-bit viewer altogether from future releases.

What does this mean for you?

If you are one of the increasingly small number of 32-bit users, you will need to upgrade your PC to enable you to run a 64-bit viewer. Most people using the 32-bit viewer will be doing so deliberately; usually, it is to limit the amount of RAM used because their machine has minimal resources. If this is the case, upgrading your RAM may be the most straightforward option. However, keep in mind that as Second Life has a roadmap to improve performance and graphics quality in the future, weaker hardware is unlikely to be able to keep up with future releases – so if your current PC is older than 5-6 years and certainly if it is ten years or more out of date, then it may be better to invest in a new machine rather than attempt piecemeal upgrades. At present, the viewer can run with 4GB RAM; however, a typical high-detail region with more than a few avatars in it will quickly push the viewer beyond that memory and cause all manner of issues (from slowdowns to crashes).

Is this the Peanut Butter thing?

Nope, this is not PBR (actually Physically Based Rendering), but Linden Lab has been working hard on preparing this major update, and we expect to have an early access (pre-Beta even) version for creators, builders and anyone who wants to see the future (and help debug it). If you want to help us and Linden Lab find as many bugs as possible before the official release, please join the Phoenix Firestorm Preview group and watch for notices.

Retiring older viewers

Per our normal 3-version rule, Firestorm version 6.5.6 will be blocked in 3 weeks.

Key changes from the Lab

While busily focused on the next-generation graphics viewer (PBR), Linden Lab has still been tirelessly fixing bugs and releasing Maintenance updates. Firestorm 6.6.14 merges in all of those releases since our previous update, which aligns us with the Linden Lab 6.6.13 release viewer (also known as Maint-T).

All Maintenance updates include a host of bug fixes and improvements. The following list highlights just a few key updates:- Maint-P – Preferences, Positions and Paste fixes – introduced the ability to hear sound and media from the avatar position, not just from the camera. It also introduced the Firestorm feature for sorting by attachment point, making the feature universal – see Alpha Blend Issues – get them sorted.

  • Maint Q – Quality Contributions – Focused on Quality of Life changes for UI improvements and EEP fixes.
  • Maint R – Resident Inspired Improvements. Are you fed up with entering a group chat mid-conversation? Recent chat history is now displayed when first opening a group chat. Meanwhile, estate owners can now choose to restrict the access of scripted agents (AKA bots) to their regions.
  • Maint S – Superlative Supports – A bumper set of translations for 6 of the LL-supported languages.
  • Maint T – Maintenance Transparent Translation – Keeping with the theme of language translation set by Maint-S, and the retirement of “Bing Translate” by Microsoft, the translation settings have been updated to support a new generation of AI-based real-time translators (full instructions in the release notes). Maint-T also saw a fix for the “show transparency” bug that was causing problems for several creators and users while addressing several other obscure transparency issues at the same time.

Firestorm-specific updates

To keep this blog post short, we won’t reiterate what is already covered in the release notes; instead, we’ll highlight some significant new features and fixes.- This update introduces a new Stream Title Floater and track history. The stream floater is a small window that shows the artist’s name and song title of the currently playing stream.

  • Using the Animation Explorer, you can now add an animation being played on your avatar to your blacklist, preventing you and anyone seeing your avatar from seeing the animation playing. You can still play the animation in local mode.
  • The Asset Cache size management has been rewritten to ensure that the cache is always within the specified “max cache” size. Furthermore, it uses a more effective high/low water model to purge older items and free up space.

This release also sees the addition of Azerbaijani localization, contributed by ღ lєnnч sσulflαчєr ღ (HelenAdamson). You can find it along with the other languages in Preferences → General → Language

Our fantastic, hardworking team of translators have also provided numerous updates to keep existing translations progressing. As always, our thanks go to the following:- German translation updates – Ansariel Hiller

  • Russian translation updates –Romka Swallowtail

  • Polish translation updates – PanteraPolnocy

  • French translation updates – Laurent Bechir

For builders, there are several new features:- We can now find and replace textures. Need to update all the instances of a given texture? Build floater-> Texture Tab-> Find all has you covered; when in face select mode, this button will select all faces with the same diffuse/normal/specular texture as the texture on the selected face, making it super easy to replace all instances of a particular texture.

  • Strip unwanted alpha layers before texture upload. A blank alpha layer wastes resources for the viewer, can lead to unnecessary rendering issues (z-fighting) and is generally bad practice, but some tools don’t automatically remove empty channels. The viewer will now identify these and offer the option to strip out unwanted, unused channels before you upload.

Other build-related fixes include improved and cleaned-up script editing behaviour. The local mesh floater introduced in the last release has seen many fixes and updates based on user feedback (thank you).

Area Search has been broken for a couple of releases, with fewer items being found than expected. This is primarily because of changes that make the viewer faster and leaner by minimizing the amount of redundant information the viewer has to track (such as items that are not visible). This release addresses some of this by forcing the viewer to be less aggressive with house cleaning when the area search is active. You may still need to turn on the spot to make the viewer retrieve certain items, but the overall results should be much more robust than in recent releases.

Other fixes include fixes for double-click TP not working on scripted objects.


There has been no update to RLVa for this release. Firestorm 6.6.14 is running RestrainedLove API: RLV v3.4.3 / RLVa v2.4.2.69596 Catznip RLVa 2.4.1 Release Notes

Open Sim specific

Various fixes for profiles have been applied, addressing many of the issues resulting from the Second Life profiles update. A bug that caused your logs to fill up rapidly after visiting a Var Region has been fixed.

JIRA bug fixes

As always, JIRA is a valuable resource to track and account for the many reported bugs and issues; an extensive list is provided in the full release notes. We thank users who take the time to provide polite, complete bug reports via JIRA. A concise description of an issue and accurate, repeatable steps to recreate the problem are essential for a rapid fix.

—The Firestorm Team

The post Summer fun and fixes – Firestorm 6.6.14 appeared first on Firestorm Viewer - The Phoenix Firestorm Project Inc..

#OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #FirestormViewer #Viewer


I compared today the performance of last version and new version.
Looks that there is performance loss in the newest update. Can't say or estimate how much right now but feels like from using and comparing it with last version.
Picks are not really so much important for me to see in Profiles. So if it is true I will use the last version and not the newest.

arstechnica, to random avatar

Report: Apple has already built its own ChatGPT-like chatbot

The tool is being used internally by employees—with some major restrictions.


@arstechnica apple users are conservative too. It is good that apple is using it carefully.

jupiter_rowland, to random

First of all, good news: has upgraded to #Lemmy 0.18.1, so the (unofficial) #OpenSim community on Lemmy can be accessed from outside Lemmy again just like it's supposed to.

You can find it here:

And in case you haven't heard or read about it yet, there are (unoffical again) #OpenSimulator rooms on #Matrix. is not the one with the most members, but the most or rather only halfway active one.

#Metaverse #VirtualWorlds

CherylFurse, (edited )


great! I have Element of Matrix too. By the way they make thirdroom and have chatgroup with almost 600 people on matrix



no one on matrix in the group

jupiter_rowland, to random

"The #Metaverse is dead" vs the probably rather unexpected 20th anniversary of #SecondLife. I couldn't help but ramble away about why some #VirtualWorlds became successes and other, more recent ones failed miserably. And I've made it an article so that mobile users can see the formatting, too.

Click here for your reading pleasure.

#SL20B #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #HorizonWorlds #HorizonWorldsIsNotTheMetaverse #Roblox #Minecraft

CherylFurse, (edited )



but some remarks

My Bitcoin ticker says actually $30667,4
Where is a crypto crash?

secondly was first pushed by media, and even Steven Spielberg, Aerosmith and David Bowie. The problem at that time was that only few had DSL connections. But if you look how it looked it was in the 90s the same as Also same technology based on OpenGL.


Opensim a success? We are just 200 real people with thousands of alts. look at actual pic for traffic charts on OSW site. And I can tell of some sims that just owner is sitting there with alts and is afk or even has NPCs running there.

Some people I know have 3 grids running at the same time. lol


I would compare much more with sim city. In opensim anyway, because most are just building landscapes and take pictures of it. SimCity has some more goals. lol


You wrote in the end:

"In the meantime, the various "open metaverse" endeavours that want to create a decentralised, Fediverse-style network of interconnected virtual worlds are all doomed to make the same mistakes as OpenSim and not see what it has done right, simply because they've never even heard of it, and they probably never will."

You didn't mention thirdroom. Why?

It is open source, decentralized and without NFTs etc.

And now I am curious what you mean by what mistakes opensim did?

For opensim I only see one big problem. Stone age technology. Especially because of openGL and Firestorm still thinks we live in a 8 bit world.

This can be changed if there would be young developers interested in creating high end graphics. But you have only nostalgic 60 years old men in opensim who are not skilled to develop new technology.

That's all.

Thirdroom has 20 years old kids already who can develop new technology



oh my ... Jupiter

first: Bitcoin had always up and downs. Many want to see a crash. Especially EU who even wants to forbid crypto currencies. The truth is like for any assets: Put your coins in a hardware wallet, put it under your cushion and wait 4 years or so. Don't look every day on market what you get for your coin. It is normal that there are ups and downs. What people write is one thing. What bitcoin is worth today is another.

secondly: Ellen even estamates 100 real people in opensim lol If it is 100 or 200 or 300 or even 400 it doesn't matter. Success looks different. And you see it in the traffic charts of the OSW site. To come in traffic charts just because 2 or 3 Avis are there is not really proof for a sim to be crowded lol And if you go to the sims you see the owner afk with his alts or even like last time NPCs that are counting for traffic too. And to have proof that there are thousands of people in Opensim in whole anyway not even. Where are the sims with hundreds of people gathering? It never happened. If there would be thousands like you say then there would be in all the time I'm in opensim just one event where perhaps 100 people were.

I was on parties a lot. There were parties with 50 people. But afterwards I know also that the owner, the DJ and some of the guests let dance 3 or 4 Avis at the same time to have high traffic rate competing with other parties where they did the same lol

Look in Secondlife. There are really thousands of people and there are regions where you meet 250 people 24/7 and you have to get a ticket to stay for an hour like on HBC (Heavy Bondage Club) No one would put alts there because it is so laggy there. lol So all the 250 people are real people there.

You can believe in your fake statistics but you lie yourself in pocket if you believe fake statistics. We produce fake all the time by ourself. I'm often online with 2 avis. One is sitting at home on my sim and the other is on Lbsa to talk with people. So in this statistic on OSW site I posted from today with 174 avatars online 2 of them I were there. And I just use 2 Avatars. Esse e.g. has on her Trianon Complex mostly 3 Avatars running. From her own grid one and from two other grids each and look all the same. They are dancing there on stage and should be greeter. Mostly you won't be greeted or just by one of them who are all Esse. lol But she is always with her sim in traffic charts of OSW with 3 people mostly.

In this way I could tell much more.

How many regions are in Opensim doesn't matter anyway. Ask Glenys who has 100 4x4 sims on Wolfsterritories with Abby plus own grids. lol

Jimmy brings also some sims online for some time and shut them again. Just for storage. Other people have whole grids just for storage. Jimmy has also OSgrid sims connected to OSgrid on his own computer at home. Another computer than the one he runs Decadence Grid. I know many people who run 3 Grids at the same time and pretend to be different people as owners.

Etc PP I could tell much more. Just don't believe in your own Propaganda. Otherwise you can't decide anymore what is reality and what is just virtually in your head going on.

Thirdly: To the simcity comparison. Some of the sims you can see where party happened e.g are made in one afternoon and you get a lot of stuff just to put your lego together so that it works in an afternoon. Most female Avis who are real females don't play so much Barbie. For the first 2 weeks it is great but after you miss other things. Most female Avis who are real females don't have so much cybersex. I just know one exception who is insatiable. lol But most female avis I know are men who are for sex.

Then I come to the next point. I'm not a Fangurl. A girl with Dr. rer. nat. in front of my female name often pretending in science forum to be a man just to get some voice lol I know how you old men tick and I use it. By the way Ellen is also a girl with a Ph.D. Very rare but such is existing.

As scientist I'm not a fangirl of anything. I just look and analyze and compare. If thirdroom is really going to become a success I don't know. But the korean developers for all the realistic graphics (third party companies in south korea for thirdroom you can read on the homepage as well) are 20 years old kids and this is a big difference to all the 60 years old men who build in opensim Lego.

And that thirdroom works best on Safari seems to be a hint that there are also connections to apple. This is now just a suspect. But could be a hint.

To the 8 bit world of Firestorm. If you look what you can import and what not then you see that in principle Firestorm allows just that what you you got in the 8 bit world. You can't even import animated gifs and have to trick with 8x8 pics that can only have 1024 x 1024 px resolution. If this is not 8 bit world then I ask you what it is then? Just because you could import a 32 bit image (meaning of colours) doesn't mean that it is 32 bit world. lol




There is no statistical proof, if you can directly falsify from experience living in opensim itself. Just by knowing how it works and when you know the people. And we all fake the statistics. You see it every day in the traffic charts on OSW. I fake it also when I'm online with 2 Avis at the same time. And this is just harmless.

Automatically generated stats are blind. We had last days even sims in traffic charts where most were NPCs. lol This sim was every day listed with 8 to 11 avis. I was there and wanted to know why so many people are there. Then I was talking with chatGPT NPC Aiko lol Just Foxxy was real person. lol It is ok for me and I don't care. I found it funny. Aiko is really fun to talk with. Is better than chatGPT 3.5 Turbo

By the way "...than in the estimations of a hard case of syndrome with no proof to back them." is rude. Be more polite and respect you talk about women with Ph.D. and not any old male hobby informatics that are just chatters like you or Copper. You both are very similar. lol Perhaps because you are so similar you are so hard enemies in your battles on OSW site.

Would it be different if we were men and are chatters like you? I guess so.

I never said I'm tech skilled. I'm even a tech blond. But such like what you are talking about is just general knowledge and you don't have to study for such to get a clue about it. Especially if you are mathematically skilled/educated at university and know how computer generated statistics work.

So don't become an asshole just because someone responds to your post and is interested in what you write and has some critics in your opinions.

I'm the only one in fediverse who cares about what you write.

To the rest I won't write more than that:

To let run software on a 64 bit system doesn't mean that it is also able to do things that are possible in a 64 bit environment. Most 3D Models I have in Blender cannot be imported in OS because complexity is higher than 65,536.

What does it mean? More than 16 bit is not possible. Isn't it the number?

So if it helps to understand and to have a compromise. firestorm still thinks we live in a 16 bit world and not 8 bit world. ;-)

I can run atari games on my Mac with an emulator that is just able to run on new 64 bit MacOS but not on old 32 bit MacOS . So this software is then also 64 bit but what I get on screen is just 8 bit.

In principle we have the same for Firestorm. It can run only on a 64 bit system but what you get is just 16 bit. (For importing things anyway)

I run my Firestorm also on an emulator Rosetta so that it pretends to be running on an Intel Computer. But it doesn't make out of my Firestorm a software that runs on a M Processor like e.g. Resident Evil is doing.

I'm not a tech guru and feel even blond in tech but I can read and think logically.

jupiter_rowland, to random wrote the following post Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:43:56 +0200

why tos popups exist...
On a personal note: To say you won't go to a grid because they ask you to accept the tos is like saying you won't drive in a car because you're expected to wear a seat belt.


what comparison with seatbelt lol

It is easy. OS is not for commercial use. Then I don't need Grids like Kitely.

I hop from one home computer (grid) to another that are all private grids without any commercial interests and just for own joy and hobby.

If someone thinks he can make business (money) with 30 years old technology then he is a fool. (all the traffic charts with beacon is also silly and ridiculous, if you have just 3 people there. And those 3 people are anyway AFK so you could have placed better NPCs there lol)

I even use Tor to get on OSW site and I have no account there. I don't need all the spying who is there and what you are looking at.

Many in OS take themselves much too serious. And no one cares. ;-)

If people have contracts with google then they should not go in fediverse. Fediverse (Mastodon) just uses cookies e.g. for login. No other cookies are needed.

It is anyway just personal hobby of any server owner. Might it be for Mastodon or a grid in OS. Is the same in principle.

jupiter_rowland, to random

One thing I love about #DorenasWorld is how that #grid is chock-full of people with an abnormal music knowledge.

Name a possible music theme for a DJ set while you're at a party. Twenty minutes of collective brain-storming later, you've got enough songs for two hours or so. Maybe even much more, depending on how easy the theme is and how much prog rock or oversized blues tunes people come up with.

Also, chances are that one of our DJs will actually play that theme.

Just a few minutes ago, we've brain-stormed large parts of a playlist with an #LGBTQIA theme for Monday. Suggestions ranged from Marianne Rosenberg to Lou Reed to the Kinks to Bronski Beat to Judas Priest to the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds



Haha dann bin ich gespannt wie ihr Lola und Layla in einem Set unterbringt.

Beide haben das gleiche Thema aber das eine ist für alt Hippies und das andere für Ballermann Touristen.

Aber ich habe auch vor in meiner Park Avenue Broadway neu aufzulegen mit Rocky Horror Picture show und The Greatest Showman. Dann ist es stilistisch wenigstens eine Richtung und keine Stilbrüche.

Ich finde Themen Abende problematisch bei Musik wenn es dann immer zu Stilbrüchen kommt. Bei Schlager und Blues lauf ich davon.


jupiter_rowland, to random

In case you haven't noticed it yet: #SecondLife has arrived in the #Threadiverse. It has its own unofficial Lemmy community. Kind of ironic that you learn this from someone who has never even been to Second Life.

Okay, just in case you haven't heard of #Lemmy yet, or you even still believe the #Fediverse is only Mastodon, here's a little explanation.

Lemmy is to Reddit what Mastodon is to Twitter.

Both are part of the Fediverse which means that you can use your existing (or a new) account anywhere in the Fediverse, including but not limited to Mastodon, to join a Lemmy community, to comment on Lemmy posts, you can even start new posts.

(Oh, and yes, both have their alternatives which, again, are all connected to one another, although Lemmy doesn't have nearly as many as Mastodon. While other projects have forum features, too, #kbin is the closest to being another "Reddit clone".)

I'm almost tempted to say it's a pity that this community is a bit too specifically about Second Life although it does mention #OpenSimulator in its description in one sentence. But a general Lemmy community or /kbin magazine about #VirtualWorlds or #Metaverse would be overrun by cryptobros within no time or at least see lots of posts like, "Why bother, the Metaverse is dead," written by people who either have never heard of Second Life or think it was shut down before summer 2009.

And if someone should feel like starting a Lemmy community or /kbin magazine for #OpenSim, I could crosspost without much of a problem if necessary.


that's really interesting. I came to Mastodon over the SL community. Not Opensim. Later I found out that LoneWolf has also own Mastodon instance for opensimsocial.

I am also on reddit and like the plattform. You have much more choices and is more sorted than Mastodon to have some overview. If it is now a clone of reddit then I will look there.

luana, to apple

Everyone who tried the Apple is saying that it’s way better than any other headsets out there.

If enables support for some kind of passthrough for computer VR programs/games (NOT limited to macOS, bringing to Linux and even Windows too) and for motion controllers, a whole new market will open for this product.
People with a big budget looking for a high-quality VR headset will get the Vision Pro as their first option if this becomes a feature.
Please, Apple! Let VR gamers have a high-quality headset!
(And for its price, being able to use it with computers is like the very least lmao - even cheap ones like the Quest have a way of doing this)



VisionOS is own OS. Vision Pro is own computer with 2 CPU and you don't need a Mac for it.

Vision Pro is not just a headset.

What you will need is then mass of database storage for VR. This will come then from clouds I bet.

Asset database clouds will be then useless for any other system than Vision OS the Vision Pro works with.

Or you let VR run over an Internet browser like Safari or Firefox like is doing already. Then it doesn't matter what OS you have. But then you can only use Vision OS for the headset and there you have Safari anyway installed. For real VR like the feeling you have already with Vision Pro then you don't need any other computer than the Vision Pro because this IS already the computer. Not a headset.

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