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I feel like I’ve been falling into that stereotype for a while, but it’s purely because I DON’T want to be that, ironically. As a bilingual software dev in a third world country, being able to get jobs with US-level salaries means I earn more than pretty much every salaried worker in my country, and probably still earn more than most business owners as well. I have the kind of salaries that congresspeople of my country earn. I can easily 2x my salary as well, if I sacrifice mental health. This means I’m the provider by default. Thus, I feel the pressure of having to be the provider, not because of gender roles, but because having such ease of access to high salaries puts me there. The goal, as it should be for everyone, is to save up and retire young, to not work ever again. I don’t care what my role is as long as I get me and my family there, but I do indeed feel that pressure to provide.


The problem is the content being uploaded to these platforms serves a real and meaningful public, community purpose. Reddit has always been a knowledge base for a plethora of different subjects, YouTube has all sorts of content that has historical importance to the internet, as well as a trove of educational content that is unparalleled in size and quality.

I take issue with that, because it’s not the company’s content, it’s just their platform. The content is vastly more important than the platform, but the companies act as if it’s theirs. They do everything based off what the community has built on their platforms, it’s their true essence and what actually attracts people.

In the specific case of YouTube, I’d say that content is irreplaceable and indispensable. While it’s true that it is a privately owned platform and we don’t have much of a say on its direction, I truly believe the content is so important that the only viable path forward to prevent its loss, is to take said platform off private hands. I don’t believe it’ll ever happen, but it is what should happen, as it’s literally impossible to back up YouTube, just like it’s currently impossible to compete with YouTube.


If one gallon is 3.785 liters, then one gallon is less than 4 liters. So, 4 liters should’ve been the answer.

18+ OC Edibles effects?

Is there a way to seek out certain edibles effects like how is done with different flower strains for smoking? It seems like the edibles market in Arizona is far less diverse than flower and I'm wondering if it has to do with the effects of edibles in general? I generally want a product that will energize me and help with the...


Ok so it’s not just me then? I can get pretty fucked out of 0.1g to 0.3g of vaped weed, but I have to choke on some heavy cannabutter to feel the effects. My girlfriend barely gets a buzz off vaped weed, but will get fucked by a few grams of the same cannabutter.


brief moment

Speak for yourself. I read your comment and it still didn’t hit me until like 5 minutes later


Wait, when did this happen? I’ve been subscribed for years now and all I’ve ever seen on his channel are laptop and phone reviews.


I honestly don’t think I’d notice a real world difference between 4G and H+ in most scenarios except for, maybe, video. I never understood the hype for 5G, especially considering the horrendous frequency limitations that imply line of sight AND very small coverage radii.


To be fair, I’ve yet had a job that actually pulls off unit testing. Most either don’t bother or just go for the grunt work bare minimum to force pass tests. Most friends in my field have had pretty much the same experience. Unit tests can be just a chore with little to no real benefit. Maybe an opensource project that actually cares about its code can pull it off, but I wouldn’t bat an eye if they never get to it.

JGrffn, (edited )

Usually a React dev, have been some other stuff, but generally yeah, websites. Anything from resort chain websites to complex internal applications. Unit tests were optional at best in most jobs I’ve been at. I’ve heard of jobs where they’re pulled off, but from what I’ve seen, those are the exception and not the rule.

Edit: given the downvotes on my other comment, I should add that this is both anecdotal and unopinionated from my behalf. My opinion on unit testing is “meh”, if I’m asked to do tests, I’ll do tests, if not, I won’t. I wouldn’t go out of my way to implement them, say, on a personal project or most work projects, but if I was tasked to lead certain project and that project could clearly benefit from them (i.e. Fintech, data security, high availability operation-critical tools), I wouldn’t think twice about it. Most of what I’ve worked on, however, has not been that operation-critical. What few things were critical in my work experience, would sometimes be the only code being unit tested.


I feel like pure demonization is such an easy path to distrust and abuse. For the longest time I didn’t know the difference between even weed and other drugs, just that it was “bad”, weed might as well have been crack. I sure as shit didn’t know the harder drugs make you feel unimaginably good and that this in specific was the danger.

I actually had a bad LSD trip that went worse than it should have due to this demonization, I couldn’t stop thinking of all the times I was told or overheard as a kid that such drugs drive you insane. I knew beforehand what I was doing and what that would entail, but it didn’t matter once I had jumped in, the paranoia from years of growing up hearing such things won.

For sure raise awareness, for sure drive home the notion that certain drugs will fuck your life up, but they need to seriously sit down and explain the nuances between all of them, they need to explain risks and dangers (the real ones, not the propagandist talking points) as well as the effects, they need to compare them to alcohol, tobacco, coffee, hell even food since even that is addictive. People will try stuff, they better try stuff with an informed perspective and know which ones are too much to consider.


The article makes no mention to the molecules only working on cancer cells. The molecules, according to the article, attach to cell membranes, and then the molecules are jiggled to blow up the cells. That process doesn’t mention an ability to differentiate between cancer and non-cancer cells. The technique was tried on a culture growth, where a hammer would have the same results. It was also tried on mice, where half were left cancer-free, but little is said about the process, the specifics of the results, or what happened to the other half of mice.

We all get the goal of cancer research, OP is just doubtful that this achieves it, as am I, as well as anyone who’s read good news about eradicating cancer in the past few decades. Most are duds or go nowhere even if initially promising, so…


There’s also what another comment pointed out. It’s not so much that most of us are stupid but that we’re not really equipped for the internet as a species. We get bombarded with too much crap from all directions, get stuck on echo-chambers, and don’t really fact-check, even when we do, because you can’t just fact-check everything that’s thrown at you 24/7. It’s a lot easier to not care, or care too much without substantiating your beliefs.

For example, Covid wasn’t the first time the anti-mask, anti-Vax, conspiracy theorist, all-around crazy movement popped out their head. It wasn’t the first time money beat forethought. It wasn’t the first for much of the negative shit we saw, and yet for me it marked the moment I lost hope for the future of our species, after all, how can we hope to deal with stuff as huge and hard to see as climate change if we can’t even believe the existence of a virus that’s actively killing us? Are they all stupid for not putting in some effort to prevent this virus from spreading and killing millions? Am I stupid for thinking they would? Am I stupid for losing hope due to listening to all these stories of people fighting masks and vaccines? How many people worldwide actually fought back and resisted? You see it in my own words, I’m sort of convinced the crazies got riled up, and for sure in some parts of the world they did, but the scope of the internet spreads all sentiments on the matter to every corner of our interconnectedness, before we’re even aware it’s happening. All of a sudden we’re seeing conclusions from all sides without checking for how they all got where they did nor how many people actually believe it, we pick one side, maybe skim over another, and decry the rest as insane and sometimes even malevolent. These republicans sure want their voters dead or at the very least are too stupid to understand the dangers of the virus, this bill gates guy sure wants everyone microchipped or at the very least wants the medical world in his hands, these Chinese fellows for sure developed and released the virus or at the very least had it slip from their fingers. How am I supposed to know, or care, for all of it? How is any of us? Is it our personal responsibility to know and clear every fact we can? Spread awareness and fact-check everything? Just shut up and don’t get involved? What the fuck do we do, what can we do? Do we fight dissenting voices online? Do we march on the streets over beliefs we might not fully grasp nor could we?

We’re just a bit too overloaded with everything to make a good job as a species about anything. At least that’s what I think, at least for the individuals that make up our species. Whatever you choose to believe, whatever actions you choose to take in response, someone somewhere will see you and think you’re an absolute idiot… And, I think, there’s not much to do about it.


5 20tb HDDs in raid5, for about 1.2-1.5k


I don’t understand why more people don’t do this, but if you go to pcpartpicker.com, go to start a build, go to storage, and sort by price per gb, you’ll get all the info you need. I’ve purchased Seagate Exos X20 20TB drives for under $350 us dollars this year. I buy off Amazon US and ship to my country, Honduras. I believe ebay has them at $319 or something.

For reference, that’s around $0.016 usd/gb with some smaller drives going for as low as $0.011 usd/gb (you can get a 6tb Seagate enterprise drive for $64 us dollars), whereas the cheapest SSD you can get is still going to cost you at least twice to three times as much, at $0.037 usd/gb for the cheapest SSD on pcpartpicker, which is still a 2TB SSD for $75 us dollars (crucial p3 plus), amazing value for an SSD but still has a hard time competing with HDDs.


I don’t trust shipping internationally.

It’s the only way I can get anything, and it can and will go badly, but it is what it is. Currently dealing with returning the wrong version of a pixel 8 pro via Amazon, all the way from Honduras. Amazon’s outsourced CS from India doesn’t help one bit, those guys don’t read for shit. We have one advantage, though, there’s some legal Grey area thingy going on in Honduras and we can import and pay simply based on weight or volume. Like $0.80 per pound if shipped via water. No import fees, even though we should be paying them (and last I checked, they’re high). Gotta love third world countries, amirite?

SSDs are only 2 times more expensive […] and that makes it worth it for me given all the advantages the offer.

Speaking as someone from Honduras, 2-3x the price for the same functionality, specifically if it’s going to a NAS, doesn’t cut it for me. HDDs are reliable and cheap enough that, if you have the physical space, they make the most sense, and if you need the extra speed, you throw a couple of SSDs in raid 1 for caching. Maybe if you’re going for a smaller-sized NAS, and especially if you’re going to do stuff like video editing off it, SSDs make sense. For my needs, which is mostly data hoarding/photo editing/content serving through plex or jellyfin, I want the most space and can accept gigabit speeds (although an SSD cache would alleviate speed constraints if I wanted more than gigabit speeds).

Of course, if you’re not aiming to build or maintain a NAS, absolutely don’t go for an HDD in 2023. That’s probably the same advice I’d give anyone if they’d asked me in the past 5 to 8 years, though.

Do people who are in late stage dementia still aware of the concept of death?

Seeing famous actors e.g. Robin Williams, and Bruce Willis suffering from dementia made me wonder in later stages do the people still aware of death? We all know death because we know the process we learn from or it’s just that we instinctively aware of it?


No doubt in my mind I’d kill myself.


I’m gonna add a thing here about psychedelics being amazing and at the same time horrifying. Don’t go looking for them thinking ego death will be anything less than death itself. Even though you come back, the you that goes in doesn’t really come back out. There’s also lower doses where the worst case scenario is still a bad trip and potentially months of ptsd.

Still the most positively life-changing experience you could ever have on earth IMO, but not necessarily a fun one, at least not always. Now go, meet the light entities… Hopefully with a trip sitter.


I might get flak for this, but isn’t this the same idea behind hunting for the sake of conservation? Essentially, you just get a free pass and a karma pass to kill cause you paid an obscene amount of money for the right?

It's not just Adobe. Now Logitech wants me to go to a random website in order to add peripherals to my computer, and I'm met with this when I go to the page they tell me to (lemmy.world)

As if it wasn’t bad enough that they want me to use a random internet service to add a keyboard to a usb wifi receiver, they have the balls to put this for Firefox users. I clicked out of pure curiosity, as I’m not even remotely interested in involving a corporate internet service in getting my keyboard connected to my...


I am constantly amazed at this for the US. I’m from Honduras, and most dentist stuff is like 20 bucks, with some more intricate things running you maybe 60 to 90 usd. I’ve literally never spent more than that on a dentist visit in my life, and I’ve been to at least 5 dentists in all 30 years, stayed loyal to two of them because they have been so good, they’re the kind of people you just stick to.

Material From Russia Investigation Went Missing as Trump Left Office (www.nytimes.com)

Material from a binder with highly classified information connected to the investigation into Russian efforts to meddle in the 2016 election disappeared in the final days of Donald J. Trump’s presidency, two people familiar with the matter said....


I kinda find it ridiculous that there’s 300 million+ of you and you guys can’t do better than senile old fart or orange senile Russian-ball-fondling old fart. Where are all the 30, 40, hell 50 year Olds?

I’m almost sure that Putin conducted a successful coup with Trump.

I’m not sure any of it could be classified as “coup”, though arguing terminology can be a pointless rabbit hole. Trump won “fair and square”, since fair and square by design means not necessarily winning the popular vote. The appointments weren’t due to removing other judges, but due to needing to fill spots.


What propaganda, exactly? Did I say anything that wasn’t true? Is it about Biden, who’s 81 and really should be letting a more age-representative president take the spotlight? Is it about Trump, who’s been just about the most divisive president we’ve seen in recent history, not to mention an utter buffoon?

Or is it about the Coup thing, of which I happen to know a bit about since I’ve lived in a country that has actually had coups, the most recent one being sponsored by the US?


And you made the right choice by voting for Biden, it’s just ridiculous that that had to be the case.


I’m in this exact same boat and I don’t love it. I don’t know if my ADHD is acting up or if YouTube has made my productivity take a nosedive (got fired a month ago due to it), but I can’t help myself from watching hours of YouTube a day. I feel like reddit was at least easier to disengage from in order to be productive.

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