@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar



she/her - hammer/sickle - state/revolution

Migrating to lemm.ee

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@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

In this thread: Shit loads of people who will say they care about the climate crisis on one day, then say they don’t care about the 18.5% of global carbon emissions that the meat industry causes the next day because they can’t get over the decade worth of anti-veganism jokes and memes that they’ve constantly repeated uncritically.

Individual habits MUST be changed to solve this part of the problem, there is literally no way around that. Getting triggered and writing screeds because you’ve spent decades getting caught up in hate over food choices won’t stop the planet burning.

Lenins2ndCat, (edited )
@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

7 out of 11 countries believe the end of the USSR harmed their countries rather than benefited them

Reflecting back on the breakup of the Soviet Union that happened 22 years ago next week, residents in seven out of 11 countries that were part of the union are more likely to believe its collapse harmed their countries than benefited them. Only Azerbaijanis, Kazakhstanis, and Turkmens are more likely to see benefit than harm from the breakup. Georgians are divided.

Hungary: 72% of Hungarians say they are worse off today economically than under communism

A remarkable 72% of Hungarians say that most people in their country are actually worse off today economically than they were under communism. Only 8% say most people in Hungary are better off, and 16% say things are about the same. In no other Central or Eastern European country surveyed did so many believe that economic life is worse now than during the communist era. This is the result of almost universal displeasure with the economy. Fully 94% describe the country’s economy as bad, the highest level of economic discontent in the hard hit region of Central and Eastern Europe. Just 46% of Hungarians approve of their country’s switch from a state-controlled economy to a market economy; 42% disapprove of the move away from communism. The public is even more negative toward Hungary’s integration into Europe; 71% say their country has been weakened by the process.

Romania: 63% of the survey participants said their life was better during communism

The most incredible result was registered in a July 2010 IRES (Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy) poll, according to which 41% of the respondents would have voted for Ceausescu, had he run for the position of president. And 63% of the survey participants said their life was better during communism, while only 23% attested that their life was worse then. Some 68% declared that communism was a good idea, just one that had been poorly applied.

Germany: more than half of former eastern Germans defend the GDR

Glorification of the German Democratic Republic is on the rise two decades after the Berlin Wall fell. Young people and the better off are among those rebuffing criticism of East Germany as an “illegitimate state.” In a new poll, more than half of former eastern Germans defend the GDR.

28 percent of Czechs say they were better off under the Communist regime

Roughly 28 percent of Czechs say they were better off under the Communist regime, according to a poll conducted by the polling institute SC&C and released Sunday.

81% of Serbians believe they lived best in Yugoslavia

A poll shows that as many as 81 per cent of Serbians believe they lived best in the former Yugoslavia -”during the time of socialism”.

Majority of Russians

The majority of Russians polled in a 2016 study said they would prefer living under the old Soviet Union and would like to see the socialist system and the Soviet state restored.

The above memes are almost always made by Americans, whose brains are riddled with red scare brainworms and are completely devoid of any knowledge or understand of what the left thinks in Europe because Americans do not have a left.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

Almost once a week for the last 5 years there is a neoliberal that screams about defederating from leftist instances that have absolutely zero power and influence in the world just for disagreeing with them politically. Doesn’t matter whether you’re on lemmy or mastodon or other services, this happens like clockwork.

Those exact same people are currently defending against defederating from an evil megacorporation with literal cia employees on staff that does real quantifiable evil shit in the world, and they claim to be moral.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

This is not particularly surprising. Lemmy was started as an anti-corporate project by leftists after /r/chapotraphouse got quarantined and later banned (subreddit for the most popular podcast and most donated patreon at the time), with the explicit goal of preventing corporate control from being able to silence leftists when they’re blasting off. CTH was skyrocketing in subscribers at the time it was quarantined on August 8th 2019, and when even quarantining didn’t stop its growth or slow down its activity afterwards Reddit pulled the plug under the excuse it promoted violence, but the only particularly edgy thing ever said there was “slave owners should be killed” and support for John Brown. This evolved post-ban into the assessment that Spez banned it because he wants to own slaves.

When that happened there was a massive shift in the leftist parts of reddit as we very quickly realised we’d be targeted if reddit ever deemed us to be too successful, and projects like Lemmy began in reaction. CTH’s community in fact moved to Lemmy 3 years ago, and resides on Hexbear.net but has not yet joined the rest of federated lemmy due to technical issues (it used to be a fork with a different front end).

Given lemmy’s specific anti-corporate origins seeing Lemmy.ml do this should surprise nobody. It’s the correct move anyway.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

People still bring up the ““spy”” balloons despite the fact the US gov has basically pulled back on everything it said about them, it’s so fucking weird, they were just boring weather balloons but they were used to cause such a ridiculous amount of drama.

Everyone’s standard for evidence is basically crap. No evidence required just need some guys to say “yeaaaah totally, trust me bro” and that’s that. This lack of any standards for evidence is leads to people believing made up bullshit like Iraq having WMDs as a justification for war. It allows them to put testimonies of things out there and people will just believe them on testimony with no actual material evidence required.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

Eugene V Debs, a communist that ran for US president from his prison cell, securing 3.4% of the vote. Also the former state representative of Indiana.


@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

This uhh. This is just nonsense right? I’m not aware of Ukraine having broken any of the defensive first lines let alone past any of the dragon’s teeth lines. There’s 2 more lines beyond those. Getting past these lines is necessary before getting even 10%, let alone 50%.

Or are they talking about something that happened much earlier? That’s really confusing too because anyone that’s been watching the map trackers knows nothing close to 50% ever happened. Certainly some pushback several months ago but hardly 50% ???

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

A fascist runs defence for other fascists, no surprises here. He’s been doing fascist dogwhistles for years and years, for example:


“Surf the kali yuga” has been a fascist dogwhistle for a very long time.

Maybe not enough by itself but when you combine it with everything else it’s pretty obvious what he is.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

Read a fucking book I am on my knees literally begging you. Get an absolutely basic level of political literacy, PLEASE.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

Communism is not a magic button, it is a process of development. Reaching the higher-stage communism you’re referring to is very likely to be outside any of our lifetimes it is far easier to talk about socialism as the transitional state between capitalism and eventual communism. Communists being in power doesn’t mean we magically press a button and suddenly everyone lives in a utopia of stateless material abundance, it just means the socialist state is working towards it, the transition between capitalism and communism.

What the socialist state itself looks like differs widely based on the conditions, just like capitalism has a huge amount of variance based on the conditions. Each nation has very different needs, problems and cultural idiosyncrasies that result in the socialist state needing to look quite different for each of them. The outcome is ultimately determined by those conditions, and by the conditions imposed upon it in its defence of itself against capitalist onslaught attempting to destroy it.

Lenins2ndCat, (edited )
@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

Yes I do mean the time the official gamingcirclejerk team asked you to stop the misrepresentation of this GCJ, which is literally stealing the branding, and the graphics created by the official team on the subreddit, and presenting itself as a continuation of it. I asked you to resolve it. Whether that meant putting the official team in charge, or whether that meant some other resolution, because attempts to reach out were being ignored. I am not misrepresenting that conversation, neither are you really I don’t see a reason to contest that other than me as topmod, nobody suggested anything other than the existing team being added to it, most likely in the existing hierarchy but we didn’t get that far in conversation did we? So given there’s no much disagreement on the content let’s just skip to the end eh?

Antik: “And what’s wrong with there being two GCJ’s? Surivival of the fittest basically. If you have a better team you can outgrow the current GCJ on lemmy.world easily - especially since you will be linking from the original subreddit.”

GCJ: “Because it’s our labour? After 12 years of putting in the work to build and manage the existing community it sticks in your throat to have someone come along, use the same name, take the branding that we made with our own hands so they can benefit in taking over from the 12 years of labour that we performed to get it to where it is. If you worked on lemmyworld for 12 years, brought it up to hundreds of thousands of people with a history of thousands of media articles about its antics and influence on the industry you might also have a problem with someone else then using the same name, graphics and branding to take over simply because they typed in the name first.”

And there was no response from then on.

After discussing it with some of the team gossip got around various reddit mod backrooms and bish bash bosh nobody wanted to have anything to do with this space anymore because it doesn’t respect the work and effort people put into creating those communities and bringing them up to what they are today.

Like, what exactly did you expect this response to do? Inspire faith in the way this team respects other teams, wants to maintain positive relations and genuinely does care about the work people put into their communities? It was flippant. And the expectation was that same flippancy about everything would be the experience modteams would all get if communities were made here - so they weren’t, with completely valid concerns.

And now what’s happening? More incredibly shortsighted decision making. This topic is going to come up every single time lemmyworld is ever mentioned now. It is going to haunt the site. And on top of that the site already struggles with clear wreckers trying to harm it, coming from fascists or from some other instance that wants to see it fail or maybe reddit, who the fuck knows. And now it’s taken the risk of adding thousands of extremely pissed off and sleighted leftists to that, completely unnecessarily, because you know damn well they absolutely wanted to play nicely. Are these the actions of an instance carefully thinking about its health(avoiding drama that inspires unstoppable wrecker behaviour that constantly cripples the site) and maximising its growth(networking with and promoting the transition of users from elsewhere) while promoting a positive environment(making people nice to each other instead of hostile)? Fuck no they’re not.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

Do you honestly expect anyone to believe that fucking North Korea ranks highly in ANY developmental index. What a fucking joke. Get your head out of your ass.

What are you imagining the country as? Do you think it’s some country where people push carts? It’s certainly not sunshine and roses but I think you’ll be surprised to hear 50-80% of the population owns a smartphone and at least 6million of the population use a contract mobile operator. www.38north.org/…/twenty-years-of-mobile-communic…

Looking into ownership rates of basic stuff like this is a pretty good way to get perspective on this kind of thing, especially when so far out of touch.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

Nah mate pretty damn sure I told you I wasn’t sure what the position of the team would be until further discussion… A further discussion that didn’t happen because ignoring that response sealed everything.

At this point communications have clearly broken down to the point we will nitpick forever though.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

weren’t even using any of the artwork or branding

Yes they were. That’s not true again. It has changed since which is certainly an improvement, but hardly the whole issue.

Looking at lemm.ee maybe, but thanks for the suggestions.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

They do not federate with grad or hexbear.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

After scanning through a few options, Lemm.ee looks extremely promising.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

Completely own fucking goal too.

Like, what has he achieved here?

Hexbear was going to cause no problems. This has caused no problems for Hexbear - on the contrary it’s REALLY FUNNY. All it has achieved is pissing off half this userbase, splitting the community and making a mockery of everything this instance pretended it stood for.

Complete own goal, entirely for egotism and ideology.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

Of course I do have you read my username?

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar
@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry what? I can’t read context so I don’t quite get what you’re trying to say. Could you maybe quote what you were responding to?

I’m not sure what the problem is with hexbear’s rules. It’s a socialist instance of course it aims to remain socialist. Do you look at the lgbt instances and say “how dare they have motivations to keep their community lgbt!” No of course you don’t. It’s a fundamentally absurd notion.

Hexbear’s goal is to be leftist and have a fucking laugh while doing it. Nothing more. This shit has created a mountain of entertainment, nothing changes for Hexbear but this instance has pissed and shit all over itself.

Lenins2ndCat, (edited )
@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

What the fuck?

I was assured by this server that it has no problem with socialists. This is worse than I expected it to be, I expected a half-hearted attempt to justify this action through means other than “they’re socialists and hold socialist views”.

To the three points here:

  1. “Western propaganda” - Is capitalist propaganda. Of course socialists oppose it, we oppose capitalism.
  2. “Nato” - An anti-nato position is held by literally every single socialist organisation in Europe. You will not find a socialist org with a pro-nato position. Ffs just look at DiEM25’s position on this, it’s probably the most well known cross-nation alliance of socialist groups and parties in europe including people like Yanis Varoufakis, Jeremy Corbyn and Zizek to name a few but that really doesn’t do the size of the DiEM organising alliance justice. Even Noam Chomsky is anti-nato ffs. What the fuck are you doing acting like this is a fringe position not held by a huge number of people over here in Europe and at the forefront of leftist politics on the continent? Taking the position “you’re not allowed to be anti-nato” is blatant american imperialism.
  3. “It is in the Left’s interest for these organizations to be demolished.” - Duh? What the fuck do the liberals running this instance think socialists believe exactly? When Marx calls for revolution do you think that we mean to continue the organisations that existed prior? No, we seek to abolish them and create new socialist organisations that serve the new socialist state we seek to create.

Absolutely mindblowing that this instance ever pretended it was going to play nicely with socialists. I’m disgusted.

Every single take above is also the take you will get from every single socialist community over on reddit. The anarchist communities will also even have an anti-nato position. Like jesus christ. I expected this post to be bad but I didn’t expect it to be “Yeah fuck socialists, oh and fuck what anarchists believe too”.

I’m flabbergasted that @ruud just completely lied about not intending to block based on ideology, and it’s extremely telling that Hexbear gets a pre-emptive defederation for this shit while literal actual nazis were a chore to get defederated.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

Yes it fucking was a colony. Calling somewhere “independent” and puppeting it while maintaining all colonial extractions is not freedom from colonialism.

You only learned the country’s name this week, and your entire understanding of this topic is from wikipedia. I am very much willing to give them, Burkina Faso and Mali an opportunity to be better, or not. At which point I will adjust my opinion.


At least get the name of the fucking country right. You’re naming the wrong ass country.

@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar
@Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world avatar

Watching France lose control of its remaining colonial holdings while the French population simultaneously cause chaos at home is a pleasure I did not expect to get until at least 2030.

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