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Australian police arrest 7 alleged teen extremists linked to stabbing of a bishop in a Sydney church (

Australian police arrested seven teenagers accused of following a violent extremist ideology in raids across Sydney on Wednesday, as a judge extended a ban on social media platform X sharing video of a knife attack on a bishop that started the criminal investigation....


He was Muslim not Christian so most likely never went to that church, unless he converted or something. But it does sound like it was religiously motivated:

the boy had told churchgoers who restrained him, in Arabic: “If they didn’t insult my Prophet, I wouldn’t have come here.”


Thanks for the suggestion! FitoTrack looks great, but I don’t really do outdoor activities. I mostly do weight training so I’m looking for something that tracks reps/weight etc.


I’m getting the same issues but with Firefox + uBlockOrigin


Embracer Group were expecting a massive investment to fund all their recent aquisitions (2 billions I think?) that fell through. So they have been cutting and closing studios ever since.

Netflix considers adding in-app purchases and ads to games, report says (

According to The Wall Street Journal, the company has had discussions about how to make money from its games for months now, including in-app purchases, putting a price tag on more premium titles and placing ads on games that subscribers to its ad tier have access to. These methods are common (and effective) in the mobile gaming...


If you already pay for Netflix then there are a few decent games like Into the Breach. Most of it is garbage though.


This article phrases this like it’s a positive. Instead it now forces companies to preinstall even more bs.

Trouble with Hardware Accelerated Transcoding

Hey there, I’m not exactly sure where to post this, but I have been trying to solve this issue for hours now. I have an old Intel NUC which runs Ubuntu/Docker with Sonarr, Jellyfin etc. I’ve found that it is slightly too slow for ‘live’ transcoding through Jellyfin. Enabling hardware transcoding I’m experiencing speeds...


There is 1 plugin that seems to support H.264, the rest are H.265. I tried the following plugins:

  • “Transcode Video Files” with the following options selected
    • Video Code = H264
    • Video Encoder = hvec_qvc
  • "Video Encoder H265/HEVC - hevc_vaapi (INTEL/AMD)"
  • “Video Encoder H265/HEVC - hevc_qsv (Intel)”

None of them worked.


I just tried it with

ffmpeg -c:v h264_qsv -i Kimetsu no Yaiba Yuukaku Hen - 01 [Blu-Ray][1080p][10bit][BCEFB086].mkv -map 0 -c copy -c:v hevc_qsv -preset slow -global_quality 22 -look_ahead 1 output.mkv

and got:

<span style="color:#323232;">[h264_qsv @ 0x5647e6354780] Error initializing the MFX video decoder: invalid handle (-6)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid argument
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[h264_qsv @ 0x5647e6354780] [IMGUTILS @ 0x7fffc3312e40] Picture size 0x0 is invalid
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[h264_qsv @ 0x5647e6354780] video_get_buffer: image parameters invalid
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[h264_qsv @ 0x5647e6354780] get_buffer() failed
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid argument

Could this mean it is a driver issue?

Stuck at 0% Progress with qBittorrent on Torrent/Media Server Setup - Seeking Help and Insights

Hello everyone, I’ve been working on setting up a torrent/media server on an old PC. Everything works near perfectly. However, I’m encountering an issue where qBittorrent gets stuck at 0% progress and just says ‘Downloading Metadata’....


Thankyou, I tried it however it didn’t work. But I did find the solution. I’m not sure why but changing from Wireguard to OpenVPN worked.

Need Guidance on Routing Docker Container Traffic through a Wireguard VPN

Hey there, I’m a newbie when it comes to self-hosting and working with Docker. I’m looking to route traffic from a couple of my Docker containers (specifically, qBittorrent and Prowlarr) through a Wireguard container that’s hooked up to Mullvad. Any tips on how to set this up?...


Thank you so much! I managed to get it working. However, I’m not sure now how to establish communication between Sonarr/Radarr/etc and Prowlarr, as well as the reverse.


I was also wondering that. Anything worth playing is just a port of a PC game. Like Slay the Spire or Dead cells.


Fans expectations for games are already insanely high. Baldur’s Gate 3 isn’t going to change much.

Also the video implies that this complaint is industry wide but only has 3 tweets (or X’s?).


The video tries to imply it’s industry wide, but only show 3 tweets. I’ve also seen nothing but praise from other game developers I know.

Do you guys even know of Adblock Plus? (

I literally haven’t seen anyone even mention it anywhere on the internet as if it never existed, when it comes to Ad blockers I always see uBO recommended with absolutely no mention whatsoever of ABP why? What makes it better than ABP? What happened to it? or maybe I’m wrong and ABP is not as well known as I think it is....


Yeah. I believe YouTube ads are basically just YouTube videos so it’s difficult to filter out.


Up initially blocked my payment, but after reaching out to them, I encountered no problems with crypto exchanges. Is it possible that they only restrict new accounts?

It has been about 6 months since I’ve used crypto so it could also be a new rule.


I really like the idea. However, I think maybe 1 or 2 apps on my phone support the color theming.


Does the premium version remove trackers or just stops ads appearing?

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