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There are some useful things in there, but it can get complicated. If i could get to Linux I wouldn’t need a lot of this stuff, or at least I wouldn’t need to think about it.

Tho I can’t get to it yet (and no I’m not willing to do a windows vm), because of 2 things :

  • I’m playing warframe, and sometimes I open alecafrale in the background with the overlays to know what reward to pick. And it seems they overwolf and the app is not compatible with Linux, at least from what I could read.
  • I am using gpu virtualisation to share my pc occasionally with my brother. And on Linux, there is an alternative with LIBVF.IO. but sadly, not compatible with newer amd gpus, or at least from the tutorial and arch wiki, pretty complicated to make it run, if even possible.

When these 2 things would be fixed, maybe I’ll consider it, if i don’t have to switch to windows every 2 days…


It requires powerful gpus yes but not always. It depends a lot on how fast you want it to run. Microsoft and openai need powerful ai gpus because they have a lot of requests, data and want it to go fast. The dataset may also require to be stored in memory or gpu memory for fast access and use by the ai.

For Llama, it has been released as open source. And what is amazing about open source, is the community. A Llama entirely in c++ has been created github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp .

And someone even managed to make it run, fast enough, on a phone with 8gb of available ram github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/discussions/750 . Tho with a smaller dataset.

"Linux Desktop: A Collective Delusion" - an unhinged rant (tadeubento.com)

Linux has made significant strides, and in 2023, it’s better than ever. However, there are still individuals perpetuating a delusion: that desktop Linux is as user-friendly and productive as its mainstream counterparts. After a few discussions on Lemmy, I believe it’s important to provide a clear review of where Linux falls...


Photoshop online?


Well there is light room, and the more expensive Photoshop online.

They now offer an online version of maybe full Photoshop. Tho no idea what is included.


Well Wayland support and performance may vary. For Wayland to work well on nvidia the most recent software is needed.

Wayland support would get better with a bit more time. Wine has pushed updates in the latest versions for better Wayland support.

For gaming, X11 would work maybe a bit better for performance, however it could also have evolved fast and performance of Xwayland be better rn.

I wouldn’t say you need to avoid Wayland, but rather test how it works. On distros shipping Wayland and X11, you can often switch between them at the login screen.

For nobara, well it would be interesting and an “easy” start to fedora. Tho I tried to install it, and I never got to boot into it, while I installed fedora without any issues. Not sure if I made a mistake or an incompatibility with my laptop.

The issue with fedora, is that software without gui aren’t available in the gnome store. And only installable though command line with dnf or flatpak. Also the fedora forum help online is a bit of a desert, or soo old that it doesn’t apply anymore. Tho it could have evolved since I tried it. However the fedora support page is pretty good, tho it is missing some things on first install for some things. However Nobara would have already got all those issues dealt with.

If you have no experience with Linux, I’ll suggest to first discover with a distro, then when you feel a bit more comfortable to try other compositors. Using non “common” compositors may create bugs which may not be very much discussed online. So it can be a bit discouraging for a new user.


For less work and nice interface on a laptop, I can suggest Pop OS. Tho you would still need to install software and tools.

It is using gnome, but you can install extensions to change how the desktop appears.

Gnome is pretty good for laptops and supports gestures pretty well.

Pop os has already installed extensions allowing switching for optimus and they have an ISO with nvidia drivers already installed.

How optimus switching works on Linux is : There are 3 modes :

  • integrated (nvidia disabled)
  • hybrid (intel used, Nvidia available at very low power constantly. Nvidia gpus cannot be disabled in this mode. It uses more power than integrated becauset the nvidia gpu is running at low power)
  • dedicated (nvidia gpu, highest power consumption)

In hybrid mode, When you want to use the nvidia gpu in games or something which cannot auto detect the gpus in it’s configuration, you need to launch it with an argument to get it to run on the nvidia gpu.

For games, i suggest to use proton-ge on steam, by enabling the compatibility in the settings. Proton-ge has enhancements compared to default proton with automatic launch of gamemode (additional software to be installed), already integrated fsr 1… It is also available for other software (heroic launcher (gui for legendary)/legendary (epic games & gog) with Wine-GE, and specific versions for Lutris…

For garuda Linux, when i tried it, it was a trash experience. I wasn’t even able to install wine because it wanted to remove the audio driver (pipewire if I remember), and obviously not tested by the devs. Wine was installing perfectly fine on other distros.

And as said in another comment, no idea for nobara, I couldn’t boot into it.

As other comments suggested too, Linux mint is a good one too. The switch between gpu config isn’t made through the power menu, but through the nvidia panel for that distro.

However I don’t like it very much for dual booting, because even if I make another efi partition, it still writes to the windows partition. So when I delete the linux mint partitions, I still have a Linux mint entry lingering in the bios. I uses cinnamon as a desktop. It works great too. Tho not sure how well it got updated to gestures compared to gnome.


Ubuntu is a bit of a between good and meh distro nowadays : It is well maintained and up to date enough, with the gnome desktop. So good enough.

However they push their own “proprietary” (at least for the servers), packaging format : snap. Currently it’s OK, but also a security nightmare.

Anyone can put software on there, it is not checked for malware, and there is very little official support from devs, so often it’s community packages, which obviously aren’t to be always trusted.

There are a bit similar issues with flatpak. But at least it’s open source. Tho not sure on how the official flatpak repo is checked for malware, if it even is.

For native packages (apt-get for Ubuntu as example) (not in their snap or flatpak containers), it is often maintained by trusted people in the community or companies. So the software is checked and more trustworthy.

Linux mint and pop os are based on Ubuntu, and so also use apt. But they don’t force snap packages if you like to stay on something you experimented with.

Other distros like fedora (or nobara) can use other packaging formats. Dnf for them. It works about the same, however as they don’t use the same packaging, they are not directly compatible with .deb files (often proposed by companies which software wasn’t put in a repo).

However, the flatpak community is also often here to get all these things working smoother. So for example discord isn’t available natively on fedora, but it is available from in flatpak.


You can replicate the nobara distro by installing some software and switching some things, but there are some hurdles.

For example installing the codecs to be able to play proprietary or manage proprietary codecs for softwares which rely on the system to do so is a bit of a mess currently (vlc can read without the system) :

The tutorial on how to do so is, well outdated. It works until it doesn’t because it’s missing a command to switch from the fedora open source only ffmpeg to the one containing the proprietary software one.

After a bit of research I got to it, but it was a bit of a head scratching moment.

For the rest, well there are some modifications to the kernel too it seems, but the performance boost is still low.

For the rest well it’s software that can be easily installed (steam, wine and other related, …).

Tho I made the mistake to use an outdated tutorial on how to install nvidia drivers for fedora. In fact it’s very easy. I just had to install it from the store, the nvidia package… Tho it runs in hybrid mode by default, I think I installed an extension on gnome to easilly switch between these modes.


They really want to go home soo bad that I failed the mission when the guy spoke at the begining lol.

No idea why my team failed. And because it was the first time I got the voicelines, it was a bit comical. (I did not get it the first run).


Un ordinateur fixe peut être beaucoup plus grand qu’un ordinateur portable. Je suppose que c’est un ordinateur atx. Et non pas un tout petit, mini-pc.

Déjà le boîtier est plus grand, la carte mère et la carte graphique sont des composants séparés, plus grands…

Il y a plein d’éléments dans le pc fixe qui sont plus grands, dont l’écran aussi.

L’ordinateur fixe consomme plus aussi, même sur le bureau. La consommation des processeurs pc fixe et cartes graphiques pc fixe est plus élevée.

Celle des pc portables est optimisée pour consommer moins, avec une puce graphique intégrée qui gère l’affichage.


The game dlls weren’t “modified”, but amd’s antilag+ was grabbing the dll process to execute their code in the middle of it.

It would be like a detour in a dll adding an additional process in the middle, while not modifying the file.

Cheats also use such methods.

What are your thoughts on fiber through the city?

After 16 years of living in my city, they will finally have city-wide fiber internet. I’m pretty stoked because the fastest internet I could possibly have is a WISP at 50gbps down and 10gbps up. Now I will finally have gigabit but it’s through the city, and I’m wondering if they will be more strict on illegal content...


Am I mistaken, or did you want to say 50mbps and 10mbps? 50gbps seems way above what a wireless network can do.

For a vpn, your connection through wireless or fiber is exactly the same. The city only provides the fiber infrastructure. When you get Internet, it’s through a provider which will use their equipments and main network (they link their network to the city infrastructure, using their devices. At least, it’s how it works in France). Unless the provider is the city.

Tho I guess that providers do give data to the state so whatever the case, it would be the same thing.


Well it depends.

Just from the subject: are mobile photos real

(to simplify this and avoid a definitive no, well not talk about photos beeing real or not in numeric form).

Photography is a complicated topic on mobile phones, with plenty of algorithms enhancing what a tiny sensor can deliver.

  • But let’s assume there is a phone and algorithm, which manages to represent a photograph as close as possible to what I see.

Are my photos real because they represent what I see at one precise point in time? Because it is what I remember something was?

Or are they not real because of the algorithms interpreting the results to make it look like I see it?

  • Now let’s assume I have another phone, like a Samsung or whatever. Such phone may take a picture, but that picture is modified, there is maybe more saturation for the sky and grass, while combining multiple pictures to do HDR… And plenty of other things.

Now are these photos real?

They change what I see, but would that make them less real for you/me? How do you see your pictures?

**about the article :**When ai/photography manipulation is brought in the question, in order to change the first result :

  • It could slightly change colors, then I guess we could maybe comme back to above, is this interpretation real or not? More or less real?
  • It could be a modification of what and how elements appear in that picture. Here, for me, there isn’t any question. The reality of the pictures are completely broken as they do not represent anymore what I could see.

What's the worst spoiler that you've inadvertently given to someone? (Please use spoiler tags.)

When I was in college, my then girlfriend texted me that she was watching Jojo Rabbit. She knew it was one of my favorite movies, and said that she loved it too. She was talking about how Scarlett Johannson’s shoes almost have their own personality. So I said,...


It works on the website. But some (or many) apps don’t seem to use the tag.


There seems to be a discussion tab for questions on the git page, but it seems a bit dead in there…

I did find a possible answer in the issues but I don’t know what it really means.

| PS: RECORD_AUDIO? Voice input?

Yes, exactly. But it’s only available on devices having a STT service inbuilt (so with Google services), so I don’t know if it actually works, lol.

Fronm this I guess it either used Google online, or some local voice to text included in the Google services.


Lol. Generating a mail with gpt 3 is a mistake lol.

This is what the generated email got me :

Elle remet en question notre liberté individuelle en limitant notre droit d’avoir des animaux de compagnie sans restrictions excessives

Translating to : It challenges our individual freedom by limiting our right to have pets without undue restrictions

entraîner des conséquences économiques néfastes pour les éleveurs et les commerçants spécialisés dans le domaine des animaux domestiques.

lead to harmful economic consequences for breeders and traders specializing in the field of domestic animals.

Lol wtf is this generated out of context.


Sure stay in your extremist childish thinking.

I’m f amazed at the news getting out of the French Parlement, where a party refuses to vote a proposition aligning with their view just because it’s a very opposite party.

Wtf are they f children there?

It’s the exact same thing I see in your comment.


Manjaro is a bit of a strange distro. It works on some setups and breaks on other. On my hp laptop, manjaro stood there without breaking for a year.

On my brother’s Lenovo laptop, the distro craped itself while trying to update packages, after 2 months…

Both had aur enabled, but I had the most aur software installed. So no idea why it broke.

Since I installed fedora on his laptop, no issues for 2 years.


Je ne saurais quoi te proposer précisément, mais n’écouter que des mauvaises nouvelles as un très fort impact négatif sur le moral.

Écouter des nouvelles positives entre temps est très important, et je ne conseille pas de suivre que les chaînes de nouvelles à sensation et négatives.

Perso j’écoute surtout la radio dans la voiture et regarde les articles écrits pour l’actualité avec Google discover. Je ne suis pas vraiment les chaînes vidéo d’activités.

Et un jour je suis tombé sur cette radio : AirZen www.airzen.fr. Une radio 100% positive. Bien qu’elle ne soit pas “complète” pour connaître tout ce qu’il se passe, ça permet d’avoir un super boost au moral.

Perso, j’ai écouté un peu à un moment, mais je suis resté sur la radio de ma voiture sur France Info, parce que plus simple et suffisant (je n’écoute pas en dehors des trajets). Mais par contre, lorsque j’ai écouté, je pense que c’était plutôt bon.

Pour la radio, j’utilise aussi l’application TuneIn. La station AirZen est dessus.


D’après ce que je comprends, sa femme n’écoute que les actualités négatives qui arrivent, vu que c’est les plus sensation.

N’écouter que ces actualites est extremely mauvais pour le moral. Un mélange entre les actualités générales et positives est très bon pour rester dans l’équilibre.

Que des actualites positives pourrais mettre qq dans une désillusion. Et que des actualites négatives peut écraser le moral.

Perso j’ai découvert Airzen www.airzen.fr comme actualites positives. Mais il y aurais sûrement d’autres sources, même vidéo.


On Lemmy, the algorithm is also more prone to show newer with less votes comments, when sorting by hot. So it gives more value to those low votes comments.

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