@atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar



I'm a blind attorney from Oklahoma. I'm a rower and devote most of my free time to training. I’m interested in disability, accessibility, Braille literacy and technology. I read a lot, mostly fantasy but I'm a sucker for all things Jane Austen. My music listening tends to be a mix of punk, ska, reggae, alternative and classical. Sarcasm is my love language and everything I say on here is nonsense. I think cows are neat even though I have neither lived on a farm nor owned a cow.

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atfarnum, to random
@atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

I have chicks!!! The plan was to get 2. Yadda, yadda, yadda… Now I have 4 baby chicks!!! Originally they were just going to be added to my roommate’s flock and they’d move out in a few weeks with her. Well, the chickens have given me so much joy I decided to get some for me to keep. The breeder had 4 left when we got there. I kind of wanted 3 but then I didn’t want that last little peep to be left alone so it came home with us too. I’m such a sucker. The new plan is for me to keep 3 and the other one can go with my roommate. We’ll see. I don’t think anyone will be surprised if I decide to keep all of them because again, sucker. Anyway, we have them set up in a plastic container with bedding, food and water and a heat lamp so they don’t get cold. They’re already about 2 weeks old so they’ll stay in the house for a couple weeks. I had 2 names ready to go but now I need a couple more. So far there’s Nugget and Noodle. I’m leaning toward sticking to the food theme. Dumpling? Drumstick? Taco? Waffles? So many choices. I’m holding off on naming them until they are a little more distinctive and I can tell them apart. Right now, they are all adorable little fluffy balls of joy and they all feel and sound the same to me. We also need to get past the point where we know with confidence that they are all females. If we do end up with a rooster, the breeder will take him back and give him a good home.

atfarnum, to random
@atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

Me looking all over the place for my AirPods. They were in my ears. Sigh.

atfarnum, to random
@atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

I have no issue with paying for apps and I understand the need for developers to make a living off of their work. I get paid for my work. Developers should too. No problem there. I have a problem with capitalism but not with people trying to survive in this capitalist hell-hole we are all stuck in. I pay several subscriptions for things that are useful but I barely use VoiceDream Reader anymore and I haven’t opened it in months. I just gave Dolphin EasyReader a spin and while it has flaws, it will do what I need. So, I'll bid farewell to VDR. It was a fun ride. If the Kindle integration mentioned in the blog post works out, I'd consider going back but for now, I'm good. Also, the subscription process feels sketchy and poorly implemented. i’ll pass. See 'ya, VDR.

evilcookies98, to random
@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

Two questions. One, do any of you take melatonin to help your sleep schedule not go flippity flop? Two, if you do, does it give you really screwed up dreams? I’ve been oversleeping lately, so I take it so I don’t get my days and nights mixed up, and my dreams have been so messed up. It’s not even funny.

@atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

@evilcookies98 Yes and yes. Try a smaller dose. Also, try different brands. I finally found a brand that seems to help and the dreams are more normal. I still occasionally have vivid, creepy dreams but not as much as when I first started.

atfarnum, to random
@atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

Hmmm, the fireworks weren't too bad this year. There are a few stragglers but it's mostly quiet now. Way to prove me wrong, OKC. Y'all were on good behavior this year. I'm going to consider it a good omen for the year ahead.

alexhall, to random

Something I seem to run into more and more and which makes me irrationally irritated: etcetera (or et cetera). The abbreviation is "etc". I don't know why, but it feels like everyone has started writing "ect". It's obvious if you say it aloud, yet it seems to be an increasingly common mistake. It's like writing "ts" instead of "st" as the abbreviation for "street". The order of letters is right there in the thing you're abbreviating!

@atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

@alexhall @ladymunch It's probably all the same people who are pronouncing it wrong too. Just listen. The majority of the time, I hear people say x-cetera. it's everywhere and along with people using sell and sale incorrectly, triggers my irrational rage more than anything else.

atfarnum, to random
@atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

Here’s a head scratcher for all you smart, techy blind people. I have a Word document where a caption is written in all caps and visually, it appears in all caps. JAWS is reading some of the characters as lowercase. The characters in question also appear as lowercase on my Braille display. My sighted co-worker assures me they are all capitalized. Thoughts? What’s up with that? Specialized formatting is very critical to what I do and I need to be able to trust my screen reader.

atfarnum, to random
@atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

My dad is 69 years old and has a brain injury that causes difficulty with communication. Slowly but surely, he has been learning to text and has figured out how to use emojis. He is starting to move beyond the basics and is getting creative with sending me strings of emojis to represent More complex words, phrases and descriptions. So, I just taught him about the alternative uses for the eggplant emoji. I'm pretty sure I have created a monster. Did I mention he's responsible for my warped sense of humor and the reason I am perpetually 12? My messages app will never be the same. 🍆😂🤣

atfarnum, to Rowing
@atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

It's been cold, cloudy and damp all day and I can't get warm. I just retreated to my bed and a big pile of blankets. I'm going to listen to a book which means I'll probably fall asleep before 9 but I don't care. I have to get up at 5:30 for practice anyway so at least I'll be rested for whatever fresh hell coach has in store for training in the morning.

atfarnum, to random
@atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

Type to Alexa is basically useless with VoiceOver in the iOS app now. That last update was garbage for accessibility and it’s really interfering with me playing Knight Manager. I’m grumpy.

evilcookies98, to random
@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

Self-control is not going to the closet to get out the Christmas tree you aren't allowed to put up for at least a few more days even though it's in such close reach.

@atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

@evilcookies98 Who says you can't put it up now? You do you. I just helped my parents put up their tree and no one has shown up to arrest me. I think it's early but it makes my mom happy so whatever. Rules are overated.

weirdwriter, to accessibility


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  • atfarnum,
    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

    @weirdwriter @devinprater I got so sick of poor VoiceOver performance on the Audible app that I cancelled my subscription. I'm trying out Libro FM. It's a much nicer experience but I'm struggling with the fact that there are series I want to keep reading but they're Audible exclusive. I'll probably cave at some point and go back to AUDIBLE but I really don't want to.

    atfarnum, to random
    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

    I ordered dinner from a local burger place I’ve never tried before and it was so good. I can’t stop thinking about it and I finished the burger hours ago. So tasty. I’m definitely doing that again soon.

    atfarnum, to random
    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

    ,A while back, I saw a discussion on here about accessible alternatives to Windows Explorer but apparently, I didn't bookmark it. Windows 11 keeps changing things and I've had it. I just want Windows XP again. Things were so simple back then. Sigh. Anyway, any recommendations from people would be appreciated.

    ChristineMalec, to random

    Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge fan
    of profanity, and use it with enthusiasm daily, but I happened to be in the last row of an airplane recently and one of the flight crew kept inserting “shit” and “fuck” into their conversation with their colleague during takeoff and landing, and I found myself disapproving. I might have sworn once or twice on the job, but I’m not in a position of holding people’s safety in my keeping. I was surprised by my own disapproval.

    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

    @ChristineMalec It would’ve bothered me too. Not because of the swearing, but because of the unprofessionalism. I’ve been swearing since I started learning to talk. Bitch was my third word and fuck wasn’t too far behind. However, I also learned that there’s a time and a place. Work is neither the time nor the place, especially if your profession requires you to interact with the public. I’m not going to sit here and tell you I don’t swear at work. I will swear in casual conversation with some of my coworkers who are fellow connoisseurs of cussing, but never when I am in the presence of someone from the public.

    atfarnum, to random
    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

    Just got around to installing Firefox on my Mac. Fun fact: Can’t watch YouTube TV from Safari because “Safari not responding”. Logged into my account from Firefox and YouTube TV works flawlessly. Hmmmm. Think I’ll stick with Firefox for a while and see if I get better results. That “Safari not responding” thing is a pain. Now I must go to bed. I really need to stop going down these little rabbit holes on work nights.

    atfarnum, to random
    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

    I updated my iPhone to iOS 17 yesterday. I’m pleasantly surprised to find that the enter key on my Brilliant 20 works as expected once again. No more useless context menu when I try to send a message with the enter key. And as an added bonus, I find that I can compose an email from the mail app with my Braille display without a bunch of random nonsense being inserted. I had honestly stopped using my Braille display with my phone because of those 2 things. I’m so relieved to be able to use my Braille display again. That was really screwing with my productivity. Now if they could just get around to fixing the bug that makes VoiceOver randomly stop speaking, I’d be a happy camper. Well, at least until the next time Apple breaks an essential accessibility function.

    atfarnum, to random
    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

    More tinkering... I took this photo inside the boathouse just to see if it knew the difference between rowing shells, kayaks and canoes. I was honestly expecting it to get it wrong and call these boats kayaks but it got it right. Neat.

    atfarnum, to random
    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

    I just used BeMyAI to read the back of my parent's TV to find the input I wanted. THEN I used it to find the input button on the TV remote. Yadda, yadda, yadda, now my parent's TV problem is fixed and it is thrilling. I know BeMyAi isn't perfect and I have caught it in some halucinations, but if used responsibly, it is an incredible tool to get things done, especially for me in my role as tech support for aging parents

    atfarnum, to random
    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

    So I am officially declaring my impulse purchase of this M2 13 inch MacBook Air to be a success. Seconds after hitting the complete purchase button I was having some buyer’s remorse and was convinced I’d be returning it within a week. After nearly 3 weeks of giving myself a chance to adjust and taking the time to tweak it to fit my workflow, I have no regrets at all. I love how lightweight it is and the battery life is astonishing. It goes for days without a charge. It’s mind-blowing. Most importantly, I can get stuff done and it’s just fun to use. I’ve been doing research on the internet and handling email all night and I can honestly say I was just as efficient as I would have been on my Windows 11 laptop with JAWS. Hooray for irresponsible life choices that don’t haunt me forever.

    DJDarren, to random
    @DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

    Flogging Molly - Within A Mile Of Home

    This is one of those tracks that I can't listen to just the once. I need at least 5 plays before I'm satisfied and can move on to the next thing. Absolute monster of a tune.


    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

    @DJDarren Yes, exactly this. I love this track as well. I can’t ever play it just once.

    atfarnum, to random
    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

    Oops. It’s 1 in the morning. I’ve been reading all the great guides for new Mac users on AppleVis and refreshing my skills. Time got away from me but I’m a total ninja with Finder and Safari now. Thanks to everyone who contributes to AppleVis. There is some really helpful stuff and it is a real time-saver for me getting familiar with this new Mac. Y’all are awesome and AppleVis is a fantastic resource. Now I must stop messing around and go to bed. :)

    atfarnum, to random
    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

    I bought a MacBook Air. Why? I don’t know. It was on sale. I haven’t had a Mac in a while and I was curious. Also, I have no will power. I wanted a small, lightweight thing for basic tasks that will be good for traveling. It will serve that function just fine. I’m still going to use my Windows laptop for serious work, but this thing will come in handy. I kind of want to punch myself in the face for my apparent tech addiction but also, this thing is cool and I don’t care. Anyway, hi from yet another device I don’t really need.

    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

    @devinprater Lol. I'll keep you in mind. Don't hold your breath though.. :)

    atfarnum, to security
    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar

    I requested my employer to purchase an APH Mantis for me (bluetooth keyboard with refreshable Braille). They are balking at the bluetooth because of security. It seems to me if they were really so concerned with bluetooth as a security risk, they wouldn’t have provided everyone in my office with laptops that have bluetooth but whatever.I know the Mantis can be purchased in government mode (bluetooth and wifi disabled by manufacturer) but I’m not interested in that because I have a specific use case for the bluetooth connectivity and connecting by USB drastically limits the usefulness of the device. Really all I want to know from you IT security peeps is what is the real security risk with bluetooth? I’m intending to argue I should be allowed to use bluetooth as a reasonable accomodation but I’d like to understand the security concern better. Please explain it to me like I’m 5.

    @atfarnum@tweesecake.social avatar
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