@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar



Quality Ass Man by day, tired by night.

#iPod nerd, #ADHD brain, fundamentally lazy.

He/Him Cishet, but pronounced like it's French.

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DJDarren, to random
@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

Lads; in a stunning turn of events I’ve had a bath this evening and have just got into bed. Wonderful scenes.

Wind the clock back 35 years and the same situation would have had me fucking outraged.

DJDarren, to random
@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

Ed Balls

DJDarren, to random
@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

If you haven’t already seen this on Disney+, get on it on the iPlayer. It’s utterly absorbing, and left me wanting every single member of the Sackler family dropped on a tiny island full of crabs. https://bbq.snoot.com/@AntBit/112348067185622376

DJDarren, to random
@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar
DJDarren, to random
@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar
@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

I also met these splendid little flowers who have made their home in an otherwise inhospitable nook.


@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

I will say that all the while we were there I was expecting a metal band to suddenly pop up and start recording a video.

DJDarren, (edited )
@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

There’s a touch of there, for the perverts who love that sort of thing.

@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

@heapy Ha!

@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar
DJDarren, to random
@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

@TheBreadmonkey Was digging through boxes in my mum’s loft yesterday, and happened upon this…

@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

@TheBreadmonkey I’m now humming the theme to Knight Rider.

DJDarren, to random
@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

Morning champions!

I want to spend the whole day playing golf on my phone, but instead I must attend a family event, for which I’m supplying one of the dishes.


patrickworld, to random
@patrickworld@mastodon.online avatar

Harvey Weinstein hospitalized after his return to New York from upstate prison - Oh man I hope he’s not OK!

@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

@patrickworld Oh dear. Will you join me in lighting a candle and wishing him ill?

DJDarren, to random
@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

Had an email from Yahoo this morning urging me to log in to my ancient account or they’d close it.

But it’s still my log on for some long unused services, so I need to keep it active.

Just logged in, then got an email warning me of an unusual login.


Troggie, to random
@Troggie@mendeddrum.org avatar

Me: “Go stand in the big crack”
@DJDarren: “Can I keep eating my crisps?”

@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

@Troggie This is the worst photo of me in quite a while.

DJDarren, to random
@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

Are things shitter these days, or are we older and have a wider frame of reference?

@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

Have things always been kinda shit, but you never really paid attention before because you were a kid and you had other stuff to figure out? But now you’re older aren’t allowed to go out to play anymore, so you spend your time rubbing the glass, seeing all the shitty things in the world.

@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

Are people more ignorant these days, or are you just older, tired, and more grumpy so more likely to notice it?

DJDarren, to random
@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

Morning, champions!

@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

@cablespaghetti Read it how you will, friend. But consider that I hear it as read by Brian Blessed.

Alice, to random
@Alice@beige.party avatar


I'll go first.
45/tomato bisque/California

@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

@Alice OH! ‘L’ is ‘Location’! I always assumed it stood for ‘Legs’.

@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

@Alice 43/Cauliflower and chestnut/3

DJDarren, to random
@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

Been faffing about with Fallout 4 on my Mac, and trying (and failing) to explain to my better half why getting it to work is as enjoyable to me as just playing it.

Playing it by streaming from their PC to the TV is the easy part. Anyone can do that.

But making it work as flawlessly as possible on a fanless laptop that it wasn't developed for? Well, that's the challenge!

@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

And for what it's worth, I've been largely successful.

The game now runs perfectly fine on medium settings. There are some graphical glitches, but nothing game breaking.

However, if I try to output it to the TV, the sound is dog shit.

So yeah, as long as I'm happy to play it on my Mac by myself, it's genuinely playable. Which is nice.

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