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The 2 is a purge line, meant to clear any pressure in the nozzle and wipe it off before a print. It can be edited in your Start G-code on the printer settings tab > custom g-code on prusaslicer.

The 1 is a skirt, meant to get rid of any last few hanging bits of filament and start a clean print (sometimes the purge line doesn’t get everything off the nozzle). It can also be used to gauge any last minute adjustments to your z offset. If the nozzle is too close or too far, you’ll know before the print actually starts. I find that the skirt can be disabled if you’re using a brim, since it’s redundant at that point. Some who have fine tuned printers may opt not to use one at all without much issue. It isn’t meant as any kind of draft shield as another person said - that’s a separate setting. It’s just a failsafe for the cleanest prints possible, avoiding hanging bits of filament, blobs from built up pressure, and incorrect z height. The first layer is the most important so everything that helps the first layer helps the rest.


This sounds eerily like the motto of conspiracy theorists when you start to ask too many questions.


Doubtful. The main reason I could see a 3D printer starting a fire is either thermal runaway, often caused by bad software (on cheap printers) or electrical issues. You can check your wiring and make sure that nothing looks loose and all of your cables are in good condition. You can also make sure that your printer firmware is up to date. It’s a Prusa right? I think you should be safe from software failure in that case, as they’re quality.

If you’re really concerned about it, you can also move your power supply, and even your mainboard, outside of the enclosure by using longer cables. This would keep the majority of the electrical components away from the foam and heated box. From my position I don’t see an issue, but that’s my personal opinion – not legally accountable information. I will say that Stefan on CNC Kitchen uses foam as well, to get rid of ringing in prints. If you decide to go through with it, just use common sense and check to see if anything is hot. You might also get some benefit out of looking into silent stepper motors/drivers and trying to make the printer itself quieter.


I was in my early 20s when I started. Wanted the calming effects of nicotine, was into other similar interests, and was dating someone who also got into it. He was actually the second vaper I’d dated, so you could say it took me a while to be interested.

I’d had a couple cigs before but I never considered myself a smoker and didn’t take to it. Vaping became a huuuge hobby for me. Learning about different mods, building your own coils, DIY e-juice, etc. I was vaping all day, all the time, pretty much as soon as I woke up (at the lowest amount possible though). It was a nice flavor and chemical pick me up when I was on edge. Sort of like a physical distraction. I vaped for 5 or so years. The lasting effects I’ve noticed are that sometimes I miss it. That’s it. It was pretty hard to quit, mostly because I didn’t want to. I had a lot of resistance, because it became a passion for me. But nicotine regulations started to suck, and that same partner quit as well. I got really sick with a flu and didn’t vape during it. Then, I didn’t start again after I got better. I had dreams about it, and it took a bit for me to want to move on.

The thing is, though, I don’t feel any different now than when I was vaping constantly. It doesn’t improve your life that much. It’d be great if it could be an occasional thing, like alcohol or dessert is, but it’s hard to not do it all the time if you’re doing it at all. And you get to an equilibrium where it just doesn’t feel that strong. Hence the constant clouds.

The most annoying part about it is that it becomes like a security blanket. You have to take it everywhere. Forget it for work? Guess you’ll just be late today. Have to sit for a movie? Man it sucks not to vape inside. Flying for hours? What a nightmare, can’t wait to land and go outside.

It was annoying to not feel myself if I ever decided to leave my vape behind. And blowing clouds out of my car was great, but it sucked having to wipe down my car windshield all the time due to the glycerin condensation. Same with inside – no smoke on the walls, but the glycerine would hang around and I’d have to run an air purifier. I’d often worry about the vapor leaving slight residue all over my apartment, belongings, monitors, PC internals and such.

Overall, it was great for a while as it was something I got really into, but it was also a lot of money and stress over something that didn’t really benefit my life the way other hobbies still continue to do. Much better to be a free person unattached from adult security blankets. 😎

Are Internet boards and Forums dead

i started using the internet in the late 2000’s and still remember when you search for something most of the times it would return with a forum post … now its just random websites … if you ever need real and concise answer you have to add at every search and since discord or twitter are not crawlable by...


I was just thinking about this the other day. It’s weird how Google has become so unusable due to its own practices that it seems to be giving up on being a search engine. I’ve been getting spam pop-ups lately on mobile search asking me to use AI. Of course people will wanna use it, they can’t find their answers normally anymore. You search for something and it’ll show you something completely unrelated because it’s trying to be “helpful” and corral you towards buying shit, and it doesn’t even do a good job at that. Heaven forbid you start to look past the first 3 pages… I don’t have a clue how these websites in the search results are maintained when they’re filled solely with spam and nonsensical gibberish. I’m totally with you. We used to actually see communities around and now it seems like they’ve fallen into the dark web, unfindable except by means of knowing someone who knows someone or, frustratingly, reddit. Paradoxically, it’s like the random AI-generated hash from the dark web is now here clogging up the tubes. I feel like everyone else came along and started dumping trash everywhere because we didn’t put up any signs or make any rules not to litter.


This is just one perspective, but people-pleasing is when you go overboard with being considerate of others – to the point that you lose yourself. So like the one friend who will say they like all the same things as you, say yes to everything, never disagree, etc. just because they desperately need you to like them. They don’t have boundaries, so even when someone hurts them, they’re like “it’s okay, I don’t mind!” They’re missing a bit of self-respect.

There’s nothing wrong with being kind or considerate of others! It’s really important to have to form deeper relationships. The problem is when seeming ‘nice’ takes the place of your personality or being honest about your real self, because you value other’s validation more. People can sense that and it can put them off because they want to get to know the real person. People-pleasers can play the character that they think others want them to be, instead of putting in the work to like and value themselves and communicate their own needs and boundaries.


You know, if you think about it, there are a ton of inventions that have been created as a means of that same process of experimentation with divergent thinking. Who knows what you could end up finding out :)


Technically correct is the best kind of correct.


Speaking as someone that started with little experience, I love Adam Ragusea and Pro Home Cooks. Both explain things you never thought to ask about cooking and concepts that you can apply across lots of different dishes. I’ve learned things that I still continue to think about long after watching whenever I’m making up some food :)


I was just playing split screen multiplayer on PC a couple days ago. Not sure where you heard that PC didn’t have it, if that’s what you’re implying. Seems to be working fine.

Does a cloned drive have the same drive letter as the original?

I have a 250GB SSD boot drive and a 1TB SSD, both of which are NVME. I’m buying another 2TB NVME and I don’t know how clone drives so I’m planning to ask the store to clone the contents of the 1TB drive to the 2TB drive, then the 250GB drive to the 1TB SSD and use it as the new boot drive. I’ll use the 250GB SSD as an...


No, it shouldn’t have the same the drive letter. It’s sort of similar to how your computer assigns a new drive letter to each USB drive you plug in. Drive letters aren’t permanent and are based on the order they’re plugged in (except C, which is usually your operating system).

Cloning is extremely easy to do on your own by the way. You can use something like Macrium Reflect Free Edition. Then you just open the program, click on the drive you want to copy, then click on the drive where you want the data to go. Just like if you were uploading files to google drive or something. Cloning just copies all of the files, drivers, operating system, other data, etc. It doesn’t literally “clone” the drive (like the drive letter). Let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to help :)


I’ve been using Firefox mobile for a few years now too, and the one thing I’ll point out is that the addon store is a lot more limited than on PC – unless you’re using Firefox nightly or beta, which lets you use any. But for the average user that only needs ublock or noscript, etc. it’s a perfect choice:)


Talklittle themself has said that it’s actually because they were already working on a tildes app before the reddit API changed. Tildes was different enough from reddit that they felt comfortable investing the time. Then 3rd party apps got booted and everyone started moving over, and at that point it was easier to keep working on the same tildes app than to start anything new.

galaxi, (edited )

Check out the Positron! It’s the most portable one I’ve seen. The guy behind it, Kralyn, been providing the plans to the community so you can make it yourself.

Since he’s released it to the public, it’s possible that you might be able to find someone else selling them commercially rather than having to build it. The latest version is V3. It’s so small it can fit into a filament box!

Those with parents who hold opposite political views than you, how do you go about disagreeing?

To be more specific, my parents raised my siblings and me to “respect” them, saying "yes sir, and “no ma’am” to everything they said. Spankings, all of that. Typical super conservative evangelical parents. Before I learned better, I was that way too. I went to college and since then have embraced the left more and...


The book “Nonviolent Communication” by Marshall Rosenberg has a lot of wisdom to offer this issue. The author moderated and helped to resolve political tensions between countries, for example. His work honestly changed how I view talking to others with opposing beliefs.


Me too. I keep forgetting that it’s a thing. I just can’t imagine going to a dinner party and talking to the other adults about one’s career as an influencer…


I had something similar happen a few years back. I had matched on tinder with someone from a different state that I actually met years ago in high school. I hadn’t really been interested in him that way back then, but we reconnected and it was intense. We talked everyday and our birthdays both fell on the same weekend, so I went down there to visit him and celebrate together. Only a couple days in, he told me one night that he was falling in love with me. We built a pillow fort, partied, and went hiking together. I was absolutely smitten and so excited to start something new.

I ended up putting off the rest of my road trip to stay longer with him. However, when I finally did leave, I was driving through miles of desert when he texted me and said that he actually didn’t see anything happening between us. He said that he wanted someone who knew when to “leave him the f alone” and wasn’t looking for someone who wanted something super deep, but more so just companionship. It felt like such a rejection of who I was and I was gutted. I felt like it was somehow my fault. Since I didn’t have signal, it was a rough drive alone with my thoughts.

Towards the end of the night, I ended up texting with a friend about it while I camped out (still on my road trip). It sucked at the time but looking back, he was kind of a prick. He had no shame about leading me on and he picked on me for little things while I was visiting him.

It’s usually a bad sign when things feel so intense right off the bat. It’s only easy for this guy to leave because he really doesn’t know you well enough to know what he’s missing out on. It might feel like you missed some chance, but it isn’t your fault that this happened and there wasn’t more you could do. Be gentle with yourself. ❤️ This guy wasn’t honest with himself or with you about his feelings, and he ended up hurting you for it. It’s clear to me that he likely isn’t mature enough for you. Remind yourself that you were willing to go the distance, right? You did everything you could have. You want someone who will go the distance with you and follow you to the ends of the earth, and tbh, it’s much more likely something to do with him, not you. Meaning that even if the distance wasn’t an issue, you don’t know if it would work either.

And you don’t have to get over it right away. It’s okay to just kind of drag through the days for a bit. But keep socializing, because other nice (and even attractive!) people will remind you that you still have something left and you’re worth kindness from others. And do things for yourself. When I get lost after heartbreak, what has helped a lot is going for walks or hikes, sometimes on trails where the signal is iffy (so I don’t expect a surprise text), with an audiobook or some music. I really wish you the most kindness. Feel free to shoot me a message if you need any extra support, I’ve been there.


I’m not the person you responded to, but I’ll throw my hat in with them and say that running helps my mental health too! I’ve had a terrible history with exercising consistently, but I’ve been running at least a couple times a week for over a year now and the thing that helped a lot was getting away from “my goal is to run X number of days” and focus on rather “my goal is to make the idea of running less painful.” I didn’t want to get super active, I just wanted to lower the bar for action so that it was something I would continue to want to do. I never shame myself for not going, it’s always an open choice for myself to help me feel better, and I let myself even just “go for 60 seconds” or “down the block and back.”

And one thing that helps a lot is if you can figure out a time of day that works the best for you. I have a harder time going on weekends because I normally run during my lunch at work. On the days I don’t run, I walk, because I sit a lot at work and it drives me mad to spend lunch sitting around too. Plus running is a lot more fun if it’s literally taking you farther away from responsibilities, lol. Also, if you tend to do better forming habits with the buddy-system, don’t be afraid to look into trying to use that as a motivator too! :D


Well then, I guess if I buy the same box of cereal at the store each week, the price should be the same too, right? I mean, they haven’t created any revolutionary deli slices or canned tomatoes in the past century to my knowledge. Yet the price goes up. I guess corporate never got the memo eh? :p

Do you use the swipe to type feature on your phone?

Is this how most people type on mobile these days, drawing lines all over a keyboard instead of tapping the individual keys? I've never had an iPhone so I don't even know if they can do this natively, but I know you can switch keyboards at least, so it should still be an option if not.

Are any of your friends on the fediverse too? If not, have you tried to get them to join?

I’ve been telling a lot of people about it, but everyone’s a skeptic. I’ve heard a lot of people saying that they’re just going to wait to see which Reddit clone comes out on top before switching. Most of them haven’t heard of the other parts of the fediverse like mastodon. I’d like to leave fb/instagram, but like...


I’m proud of you!! That’s huge. You should give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. Verifiable progress and it’s only up from here, keep it up :)

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