@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar



Was once grrrr_shark on Twitter. Now not.

Has 'the dubious honour of having been mansplained to by the Swiss public broadcast company' - https://mastodon.green/@altitis

Nerdgirl. Software engineer, recovering privacy researcher, sometime linguist and writer (fantasy, romance).

Some topics and interests: #gaming (especially #DragonAge), #science, #privacy, #SocialJustice, #ADHD (that's me, so expect rants!), #autism.

Cishet. LGBTQIA+-friendly.

Not your mother.

#TeamFangirls (She/her)

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

cstross, to random
@cstross@wandering.shop avatar

Thought for the day:

Teen superhero teams are morally equivalent to child soldiers.

Organizations who recruit and train child soldiers frequently do so because they're easier to control (and to induce to commit atrocities) than adult recruits …

(A VERY grimdark story lurks behind this idea.)

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@cstross Suddenly grateful that the 15-year-old in the next room is taking a nap, superpower-free.

(You're not wrong. Around here, I am sure the Fascist Order of Occasional Chores and Actually Going To Bed Before 1 AM would be the first thing taken down with extreme force on some bad Tuesday.)

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@cstross Hrmph.


And yet as a teen, the idea of BEING that superhero was empowering.

So what would a world look like where those kids exist and have impactful agency WITHOUT some exploitative adult force being involved?

AmandaMarcotte, to random
@AmandaMarcotte@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

Morning! Take a couple of minutes to read my analysis of why the Tucker Carlson text and Steven Crowder video matter.

There's a myth these guys are just performing for the camera. But no, they really believe this stuff.


@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@futurebird @AmandaMarcotte For sure.

But also, I don't think it's truly a long jump for many allegedly erudite white dudes from one to the other, even the ones who would swear otherwise.

We've seen an awful lot of it these last years from people who weren't even ostensibly conservative, and I watch my own dad from his decades in academia and, though he's not a right-wing fascist or anything, I see hints of how easy it might be to trip the cord, even when he says most of the right things. It's pretty gross and more than a bit scary.

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@hmantegazzi @futurebird @AmandaMarcotte Also, Tucker Carlson has never been anonymous at any point during my adult life. He's been on US national media for the past quarter century at least.

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@hmantegazzi @futurebird @AmandaMarcotte Oh, sure. It is hard not to react to positive reinforcement. But to be fair, maybe Tucker's interally explicit views didn't start this extreme (I have my doubts, I think the externalisation is what is new), but they were always narcissistic and about preservation and amplification of himself and people like him, so as long as there was no conflict, he was happy to adopt that reality if he wasn't already there because it is profitable.

I mean, we all choose what view of things we are going to accept based on what we see around us and what facts we have available.

But the whole point of morality is to not succumb to the temptation that the truth that benefits us most must be fact. And Carlson has always been amoral, at a minimum.

grrrr_shark, to random
@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

LB: OMG. This is my favourite fantasy ever for many, many bearded men of my acquaintance (not all of them, obviously - SPECIFIC ones...)

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@MightyWilltor I mean, I guess it's a matter of choosing heart attack over stroke ;)

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar
@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@puniko XD

grrrr_shark, to random
@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

I would REALLY be happy if my contacts would show up. I keep forgetting my glasses and old age is making reading very difficult, and I can at least remember to pop in my contacts in the morning as part of the "things like underwear that I need every day" list.

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

I wish there were some store here I could just go by and say "hey, I need some of these very popular dailies, I know my prescription, do not make me take an expensive eye exam", but I do not think there is.

elana, to random

this... this student's thesis is that Classical statues are expressions of Renaissance humanism

not... like in a 'Renaissance reception of antiquity' sense

as in the Classical statues

were influenced by Renaissance values


I can't

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@elana I look forward to the part of the essay where they explain the Tardis. XD

grrrr_shark, to random
@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

I really don't understand people going to Bluesky.

Don't get me wrong - I understand that people have valid reasons for looking for other alternatives than Mastodon, but Bluesky?

Bluesky is the half-baked corporate love child of the guy who handed the fucking Twitter reins to the guy who dealt it its death blow AND, if you'll recall, it was announced (I think?) right around the time of Elon's takeover, which Jack had definitely pushed?

Add to that the fact that Jack has clearly thought about the issues in maintaining a decentralised network about as much as he's ever considered any important issue (not at all) and that he's clearly buddies with Mr. Elmo Freeze Peach Space-Karen-von-Axe-Body-Spray probably tells you anything you need to know about how safe or helpful it's going to be to go there.

Again, not an advertisement for Mastodon, but it just feels like jumping ship from the DogeCoin of social networks to the Luna of social networks isn't maybe going to be great.

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@stribika No, for sure. I'm not saying Twitter was well by any means, and I'm also not saying Jack doing whatever he wanted to ensure he got his money was unreasonable for him.

What I AM saying is that as someone who is NOT beholden to whatever makes Jack happy or rich, all of these things should be red flags instead of ignoring all of the fuckery and thinking "Oh, yeah, he's that guy who was at Twitter before Elon, so OBVIOUSLY this is gonna go great because he has somehow magically started doing things in users' interests out of the goodness of his heart".

Twitter had already become a cesspool - you're not wrong. I'm just not sure why people would suddenly ascribe, even tacitly, good customer-centric motives or planning to a guy who has never shown them.

adhdeanasl, to random
@adhdeanasl@beige.party avatar

At our favorite local Mexican restaurant, and all the TVs are tuned to different sports channels. One of them is tag. Professional tag. Had I know this existed, my life would have turned out completely differently.

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@adhdeanasl Honestly? It was dumb - I slipped in the wet grass and turned my ankle and broke it. It's just been a pain in the ass ever since as it didn't really heal properly - nothing tragic, just dumb :)

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@adhdeanasl I hate that I wanted to laugh at this and raise my fist in solidarity/appeal to join your new tag career, and then I remembered that my worst lifetime injury came from a game of TV Tag gone horribly wrong at recess XD

grrrr_shark, to random
@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

I find it hilarious when our littlest cat talks to me. She's super tiny, but is usually coming over to chastise me for not understanding the rules of "ALL THE PETS ALL THE TIME EXCEPT WHEN I DON'T WANT PETS BUT SOMETIMES EVEN THEN", but even then, she is very nice about it.

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

She is nice, and also I am in trouble for being an ignorant big clumsy cat.

OldAndCranky, to random
@OldAndCranky@sfba.social avatar

I grew up feeling traumatized by duck and cover drills- we lived 20 miles from NYC and I assumed we'd all die any minute- especially during the Cuban Missile thing- It didn't seem to affect some kids at all. My husband took it all in stride, others of us still have nightmares. Will active shooter drills have the same affect on this generation? I used to think that trauma informed some of the risk taking we boomers indulged in during the 60s and 70s (sex, drugs, rock n roll). We assumed we wouldn't get old.

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@OldAndCranky Oh, I agree. It was a vain hope, but it was one :)

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@OldAndCranky XD So true!

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@OldAndCranky I went to school in the 70s and 80s - my brother, however, was born in 1980.

He never feared nuclear war.

I, on the other hand, was convinced I'd be dead by 14. I think a lot of folks my age are still surprised they are alive. It changes a lot.

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@OldAndCranky Right?

I literally never thought about it. I mean, it's beyond not dreaming about things, it's that I never considered that as a possibility.

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@OldAndCranky What makes me saddest is that my teenager clearly understands what this is like.

I had so hoped we were done with this.

grrrr_shark, to random
@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

You've probably heard this before, but let me tell you personally about no-fault divorce.

I was married for a long time to a guy with an... uneven temper. Most people will never see it, and those who do NEVER forget it.

It's had some negative professional impacts on his life that he basically writes out of his history, but the personal side of it... isn't good.

And it had gotten particularly bad for my kid.

So when I decided to go, a no-fault divorce allowed me to make it "about me", to say that since "he'd done his time single parenting" (he'd been doing this for a few months while I looked for a place in another country for us all) that "I'd take kiddo and pick up the slack, it was my turn", and to leave without having to be afraid that he'd come after me financially or personally.

My kid got to leave the house without being traumatised in a courtroom. And he NEVER fought for custody until YEARS later, and that was only because I asked for child support, because he'd never paid any.

And what I discovered when we had that child support hearing was that if I'd had to face him in an adversarial courtroom at divorce time, he would have ruined my life. He had money, I couldn't have gotten a lawyer. But more than that, well...

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

Let's just say conflicts with narcissists are frightening. People who can only see you as either working towards or against their personal goals and will punish you accordingly are frightening. And I've discovered more than once since I left that being forced into an adversarial position with him requires backup and a lot of planning and is almost never worth the cost.

A no-fault divorce meant I came out of the divorce with my sanity and my family (my child) intact. And I didn't really have to, I think, worry about someone who was going to physically hurt me.

Now... imagine you are in a situation where you do. There are lots of narcissists out there who are happy to use their fists and their guns and their ability to overpower you. A no-fault divorce allows partners to get OUT without their partner feeling threatened.

Yes, it definitely IS a mess to clean things up afterwards when you are pretending to be friendly in order to get out (I wasn't really pretending at first - I wasn't exactly friendly, but I saw no reason to fight... I had to work up to being as mad as I should have been later on). But for a lot of people, that confrontation will never be safe.

Removing no-fault divorce is simply a means for patriarchal creeps to ensure people, especially AFAB folks, can't leave their (usually cishet male) partners.

KatyElphinstone, to random
@KatyElphinstone@mas.to avatar

Subject: wearing braces for teeth

Did you ever need to wear braces and if so, how did you get on with them?

Grateful for reboosts too 😊
(this is for someone I know)

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@KatyElphinstone My daughter has had them for two years. The first weeks were torture - being autistic and having something she couldn't ignore in her mouth was just overwhelming. But after that passed. she's been really fine? And she's getting them off in about 6 weeks!

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@KatyElphinstone yeah - and my daughter is really sensitive, so if she was OK after a few days (and she had a huge correction), I think your son cam expect to pull through it.

Oh! One thing we did - made sure we had lots of soft/liquid foods available and ibuprofen. She built back up to eating chewy foods.

Tinu, to random
@Tinu@mastodon.social avatar

Just sharing that I,

a and patient,

have been coughing and had ANOTHER fever

as a result of my appointment.

Where only 50% of the people were masked.

At JPS Oncology. In Texas.

Where my appointment was expedited. Due to a mandatory ER appointment.

Where also few masked.

And I went in, as mentioned, for a fever.

As I have a mandatory ER not UV visit

whenever my fever goes over 100.5.

As the cancer I have advances when I have an infection.

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@flauschpolizei @DaywalkingRedhead @Tinu It rips me up, because it means one of two things are true: either they are so incompetent that they don't know how much they are risking vulnerable people, or they absolutely know and don't care.

Either is criminal.

grrrr_shark, to random
@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

My physiotherapist KICKED MY ASS today.

But from the moment I got there, I felt like my muscles had no gas to give, so anything would have been kicking my ass XD

grrrr_shark, to random
@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

See, THIS is very cool computational linguistics work - not everything is about producing better spam!


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