@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar



pro-ant propaganda, building electronics, writing sci-fi teaching mathematics & CS. I live in NYC.

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futurebird, to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

These cursed "ants" can be ordered for your child's playground... no wonder people grow up fearing bugs. I'm scared of them after seeing this.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

The key to making renditions of ants that are "cute" is simple:

Choose a dark contrasting color for the eyes. Compound eyes don't have pupils, but you can add life to them by giving them a highlight, so they look bright and lively.

Make the mandibles smaller but don't skip them. It's like drawing a bird with lips instead of beak when you skip the mandibles.

Do not make ants "fleshy"

Position the antennae in a lively manner.

It's that easy!

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


Never trust anyone with this expression on their face.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@kechpaja Yup.

ktempestbradford, to random
@ktempestbradford@wandering.shop avatar
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


I would totally eat those. I have this whole thing about terrible food disguised as some other terrible food.

The famous icecream flavored bubblegum bubblegum icecream

And how can we forget the birthday cake flavored cookie cookie cake?

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


This is patriotic.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

ice-cream flavored bubblegum bubblegum astronaut ice-cream milkshake cupcake ... bubblegum ... ice-cream

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@beans_please @ktempestbradford

literally running away

futurebird, to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

German first language speakers will never understand how cute it sounds when ya'll say "multitasking" and "GUI" in English. This is our secret joy.

futurebird, to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Trump has never said anything nasty about David Pecker, the National Enquirer publisher, and self-proclaimed practitioner of "checkbook journalism" (a pair of words that make my skin crawl)-- even as Pecker gives highly damaging testimony.

Pecker has not said anything mean about Trump. Just reported on his crimes. Is Trump just sensitive to those who tease & insult him?

Why is he silent? We know it ain't that gag order. (The only ones gagging are all the judges scared to jail him)

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


Why would the FBI persecute the whistle blower?

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


Why did they try to appoint those people electors? What was the goal of having an "alternate slate" ?

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


So you think the FBI is wrong about Alexander Smirnov being untrustworthy?

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


Smith-Mundt only applies to government funded media. The majority of media people consume isn't government funded so how could easing regulations on this tiny sector of media have a large impact?

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


NPR is not very powerful or popular in the media landscape, that's exactly my point. Private cooperate media is what is most often consumed. Public media is irrelevant in the US.

Which might be a shame depending on your perspective.

So I don't see how a law about public media could be more consequential than say Citizens United... if you want to talk about decisions and laws that have ruined everything.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


Are you saying this was caused by the changes to Smith-Mundt? This has been going on since the dawn of US mass media.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


Blind trust in anything is naive and dangerous. Likewise if we choose to trust only those who agree with us we stand to learn nothing. And further, it's impossible to function without trusting some people and institutions, in some ways, some of the time.

I would trust, CNN, for example, to report about some topics but not others. There are some neat tools to help you do this. (which you also have to think about trusting) Have you looked at ground news?


@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


How do you know, or even why do you suspect they are lying about Alexander Smirnov?

futurebird, to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

More seriously, can someone steel-man the case for executive power being less effective if subject to future evaluations and constraints?

I don't think I've ever looked at any singular leader of any organization and thought "the problem is they can't do what they want easily enough"

When I was younger I might have said that the director of a film or play can do better work if they are an unquestioned dictator... but I've grown to even reject that idea.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


There are no upsides to consider with dictators unless YOU are the dictator or you are maybe a member of his family? (but even than are you really safe)

And no, the Nazi's didn't "build the Autobahn" or "make great scientific advancement" nor did the trains run on time to the south ... much of it didn't happen, and the little that did was in spite of a surrender to absolute ugly power.

It's a damn myth.

futurebird, (edited ) to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Listen it's very simple. The president can't be prosecuted for any official act.

Some worry warts keep asking "well what if the president tells the military to stage a coup?" Always with the "what about a coup?" questions! Listen, Cassandra, we have a safe guard: if something so bad (and unlikely pfft) as a coup happened the congress would obviously impeach the president. Happy? No?

We don't need a judicial check AND a legislative one too. That's too much! The president must be free!

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@duncan_bayne At lest I didn't put an 's and 'r'' in it too this time and make a corpse

futurebird, to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

New outworld is cleaned and landscaped for my Camponotus nicobarensis. I’m going to add some “leaf litter” I would try isopods or springtails… but the girls are so excited to murder— let’s see if they destroy the moss tufts first.

They are also going to put the black dirt all over the place— but that’s the ant way.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

They are such little twerps look how they have ruined it. LMAO.

They are moulding the mud into little huts to hang out in. They have more than enough nest space, so this is just pure spite for my landscaping efforts.

At least they are busy which I assume is the same thing as having fun for ants.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Yes. Every ant is a twerp. They can't help it.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

This colony loves to build with wet sand and soil. So, I kind of knew this might happen. This is what they made a few months ago when I gave them wet sand.

w7voa, to random
@w7voa@journa.host avatar

(AP) — President Joe Biden’s administration on Friday formally began planning for a potential presidential transition, aiming to ensure continuity of government no matter the outcome of November’s general election. https://apnews.com/article/presidential-transition-biden-trump-prepare-2312bba2b6202cd8ddd0e6c7f59ab28b

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


I get why this is news but it also feels like an article reading "Whitehouse file servers backed up again." or "Whitehouse floors mopped once more."

I guess I just wish that's HOW it was.

NanoRaptor, to random
@NanoRaptor@bitbang.social avatar

Apple could do just one thing to make the Mac mini the biggest selling Mac ever among users of a certain age.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


Not immune to marketing at all ... not one bit. Why would you just tell everyone my personal number?

futurebird, to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Found a queen ant on Park Ave. Looks like Prenolepis imparis, or the american winter ant. You can spot queens by their distinctive waddle. She was hustling along the side walk as if on her way to the Chanel store. Now she’s in one of my luxury ant condos— but don’t tell her I’ve moved her out to the Bronx.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

She is still doing well. I will leave her for another week or so then check again. She’s a lovely little queen and very fat. She mostly tends her eggs and rests. I hope they become larvae soon.

A golden brown queen ant touches a small pile of eggs with her antennae. She has a small head, black eyes and a large round gaster.

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