@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar



He/him, previously design lead on GOV.UK Prototype Kit and other GDS projects.

Looks after plants and animals. Anxiety and depression

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CuriousScutter, to random
@CuriousScutter@mastodon.me.uk avatar

"Dad! Say goodbye to me not having broken legs!" the child, no older than 8, yelled, from the top of the climbing frame.

Will you ever be a more effective thought leader than them?


Give up now, while you still have time 👍

@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

@CuriousScutter reminds me of when I saw a little boy throw up on a bus then wail 'I want the NHS'

joelanman, to CSS
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

Seems like a cool technique - CSS auto scroll to the bottom - for example for a chat window


@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

@siblingpastry ha my first thought too and no

joelanman, to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

Who Shot Mr Burns is the real Simpsons Movie

joelanman, to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

does Cloudinary really not have the ability make a copy of a file? That is very disappointing

joelanman, to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar
joelanman, to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

Getting back into Postgres again after a while, I can see why things like Mongo were popular for a while. It's so hard shifting your thinking between json (nested data) and sql (flat arrays)

@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

@dracos no I need to do joins on it

@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

@zersiax Yeah you can store JSON in it as a column type, which is nice for prototyping and certain kinds of metadata, but for most data it's still best to store in tables

joelanman, to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

I think a pretty simple change we can make around plastic is to use more soap and less handwash (except people who need to use handwash).

In the shops soaps are often hidden away on a bottom shelf and not much choice in comparison.

joelanman, to accessibility
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

Making alt text visible is good, but it can exacerbate the problem of alt text being used for something other than (plain) text descriptions of images


joelanman, to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

TV pitch: an HBO style epic drama about the horrors of the British empire

@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

@jscholes huh, not heard of it, I'll check it out thanks. Though at first glance doesn't look as dark as what I was thinking

@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

something like Bloody Sunday

joelanman, (edited ) to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

what are songs in videogames that are diagetic? (happening in the game world). So Still Alive from Portal wouldn't count, but Kick punch it's all in the mind from PaRappa the Rappa would

@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

Sam n Max has a great one:


@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

This little light of mine from Grim Fandango

joelanman, to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

I got a basil reed diffuser and now my house smells like pizza

joelanman, to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

So the AI companies that were shouting they should be regulated... don't actually want to


joelanman, to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

Security question: What's your favourite mug?

joelanman, to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

Sometimes people question GOV.UK's 3 text inputs for dates, but the pattern means you don't have to know how to format dates, it tests well.

Here's an issue from US design system that shows the problem of one field


joelanman, to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

Finished the Case of the Golden Idol DLCs last night, what a great game! Really ties the story together, highly recommended. Also great for playing remotely with friends on Zoom or Twitch

@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

@mercutio havent played that sorry!

joelanman, to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

Oh Figma desktop doesn't work at all offline, that's a shame

@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

@stew_sims not sure to be honest, sometimes I find it useful to app switch to it, instead of finding the tab in the browser

joelanman, to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

I don't mind Safari address bar only showing the domain (I think its a decent attempt to tackle phishing) but whatever logic they use for searches makes no sense to me. Seems like the search term remains in the address bar, not the url, and is copied when you copy and paste

@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

@rachel is that 'show full website address'? I do actually quite like the default for the most part, its the search behaviour I don't like. But I guess I have to choose between them

joelanman, to random
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

"This means services created for internal users are assessed in the wrong way. Sometimes meeting user needs is not the most important thing"

mm nah. Any service needs to meet user needs otherwise it won't achieve what it needs to achieve. Makes no difference if they are 'internal'

@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

@benjamineskola yeh its tricky because without more context you don't know if like you say the needs haven't been identified properly, or that its a situation the guidance is designed to prevent, that the service really isn't meeting user needs

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