
👩‍🔬 #geek girl (#software, #dsl, #retrocomputing, #electronics, #fpga, #maths, #infosec, sometimes #sre);
🧠 #Neurodivergent (#ADHD / #TeamADHD), interested in #ActuallyAutistic / #AuDHD matters;
🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ #trans / #GirlsLikeUs, 💊 2018-12-13;
⬱🌹 Social Democrat (#SocDem), 🧙‍♀️ aspiring Social Justice Witch (#SJW);
🌌 #cosmopolitan (Wahlheimat: 🇩🇪 #Deutschland / #Germany, 🇪🇺 #EU, 🌍 #Terra);
🇺🇦 Protect Ukraine: <>.

𓅾 Twitter refugee. Former G+ refugee.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

natty, to random avatar

I think I'll need to rethink how to retrieve data

Like, first there is that huge SQL select attempting to do as much as possible in one select, then it goes through more crunching, where it essentially runs like 3-4 more selects per each note

There's so much going on everywhere


@natty: Well, a quirk of how the theory of relational queries works is, huge SQL queries are typically not run in the way that they seem. A lot of implementation nuance is just not expressible in SQL.

e_urq, to random avatar

lol there's to much anti-trans propaganda for one man


@e_urq: That kind of sounds like self-harm. :blobcattilt:​

riley, to random

I have a bit of a positive product review.

I replaced my worn Bluetooth headset recently, for besides showing a lot of wear and tear, the previous one's battery had lost most of its ability to store power, and I got a new one, a Soundcore Q30 made by Anker.

So far, I'm fairly happy with it. The audio is noticeably clear, the battery life (at least while it's still new) is consistent with the 40 hours that Anker promises on the box, and I like the feature of switching between pass-through and noise cancellation by a proximity sensor rather than a small button.

My main gripe is, it doesn't support charging during use. Unfortunately, it's very common these days; I think only Bluedio's headsets are willing to charge while the Bluetooth subsystem is in use. (Others typically require switching to 3.5mm interface, but I've even seen one whose wired audio developed weird artefacts, and tended to fade out, during charging. I don't remember what its manufacturer's name was, but looking at my laptop's Bluetooth device list, I think the headset was called Srhythm NC25, and I don't think I'll be recommending that one to anybody. It got a lot of stuff wrong, even including the classic noname Chinese electronic equipment trouble of coming with an USB-C charging port, but not being able to request any power through it, so you'd need to charge it with a cable that explicitly forces USB-C to play old-school USB, with an ampere of two of 5V available without asking. And IIRC, it only actually charged at something like 300mA, anyway. Certainly, modern USB is evil, but that's not the proper Resistance-Do.)

So, overall, the Anker's Soundcore headset is, in my book, one of the good headsets that I'd be happy to recommend.

ObNotAnAd: I do not get paid for saying this, and I paid for the headset out of my own pocket, too. The main reason I'm posting here is, the question of quality headsets came up on one of the threads I participated in a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, Mastodon doesn't have a search feature, so I can't find that thread anymore.

earthshine, to random

This one cuts deep:
The modern condition is mostly trying to do things on your own that people have historically achieved with a large support network and wondering why you're tired all the time.


@the_Effekt: You see, in Fediverse, we get to figure out the exact intricate details of how life sucks as a collective, we don't force everybody to figure all the suckiness out by themselves.


riley, to random

The proper hashtag for Melon's latest stunt is .

riley, to random

Hey @news,

We've got a couple of new blobcat emojis:

:blobcatbirthday:, :blobcatbolb:, :blobcatbot:, :blobcatflop:, :blobcatfloppy:, :blobcatfox:, :blobcatfoxhug:, :blobcatgamer:, and :blobcatthinking:.

I'm still looking out for the Groucho blobcat emoji, the most cultured Marxist among the blobcats.

diana, to random Estonian

Nii - nüüd siis küsitlus lõppenud ja kõige rohkem arvati, et Hiinas mediaanpalk kuus ca 600 dollarit (mis oli ka mu enda esmane pakkumine, kui teema üles kerkis).

Aga nüüd paluks abi müsteeriumi lahendamisel, et mis see number siis ikkagi tegelikult olla võiks… Sest kui ma Google otsingusse panen siis tuleb vastuseks ca 4000 USD, mida mulle ka üks inimene väitis nädal tagasi (ja sealt mu huvi ka teema vastu tekkis)…

Samas mingeid muid lehti külastades tundub, et see jääb pigem sinna 1100 - 1500 USD vahele. Ja siis kuskilt näed, et miinimumpalk 200-300 USD lähedal ja siis ei tundu enam loogiline ka nii kõrge palk.

Mul lihtsalt sportlik huvi aru saada, et mis siis tegelik olukord seal on… Ei arvanud, et nii lihtsa küsimuse faktikontroll nii keeruliseks võib muutuda…



@diana: Tõenäoliselt tuleb suur osa vahest sellest, kas konkreetne jüaanides palga saanu saab oma palga dollariteks vahetada ametliku või musta turu kursi alusel. Renminbi on kangesti Nõukogude rubla moodi selles mõttes, et teda on mitmes erinevas vormis, mille omavaheline konverteeritavus võib sõltuda mittetriviaalsetest asjaoludest kuni poliitilise soosinguni välja => ka erinevate jüaanide dollariteks vahetamise kursse on praktikas mitu.


@diana: Mingisugune purchase power parity estimate on tõenäoliselt praktikas informatiivsem kui katse mingisugust üht universaalset vahetuskurssi leida. Ja tõenäoliselt on ka see erinev suuremate ja väiksemate linnade ja linnade ja maakohtade vahel. Hiina on igavesti suur, näiteks Húbĕi provints, kus kurikuulus Wŭhàn'i linn asub, üksinda on ca. pool Saksamaad pindala järgi ja ca. Itaalia elanike arvu järgi. Wŭhàn ise on kõige suurem linn ca. 10 miljoni elanikuga, aga provintsis on veel neli ca. miljoni elanikuga linna ja kolmkümmend või nelikümmend linna, mis on Pärnust suuremad ja millel on üsna erinevad suurused => tõenäoliselt ka erinevad ettevõtluskeskkonnad, erinevad kinnisvarahinnad ja erinevad palgatasemed.


@diana: Näe, NASDAQ träkib sihukest potentsiaalselt kasulikku näitajat:


@madis_l: See on üsna kasutu loosung, sest statistika ei tule kindlasti ühest kohast ja sageli on võimalik erinevate valede vahel vasturääkivused üles korjata. Kas Sa lugesid näiteks seda analüüsi, kus Venemaa teadaolevaid valesid Ukrainas surma saanud ja kaduma jäänute lugemise kohta võrreldi aktuaaritabelite põhjal ennustatud ja kohtustatistikas raporteeritud pärimiskaasuste vahega?


jeff, to incarcerated

I don't wish for anyone to be stabbed 10 times...

... but if it has to happen...

... then it should happen to this guy.


@jeff: Would it have killed his stabber to stab him in the guise of acupuncture? :blobcatcoffee:​

riley, to random

Er ... Mastodon?

I don't particularly care about what's "trending". If you have to sort my post, I'd like to prioritise the sort of things that I would either most enjoy reading, or find most informative, first.

e_urq, to random avatar

A TikTok dad is terrified after his "boy's boy" was asked about gender at a yearly checkup.

In right wing media, this story is proof that LGBTQ+ vampires are raising a generation of indoctrinated super-soldiers against Western Civilization.

In other words, a normal Monday for Assigned Media.


@e_urq: As far as I have seen, "Dad" in a headline of an ostensible news article is a >95% likely indicator of right-wing culture war nonsense.

ClarusPlusPlus, to random

Watching a TV documentary about Titanic, investigating her "mysteries" and the factors that led to her sinking

I swear to dog, if they mention the coal fire for any reason but to debunk it, I'm throwing my computer in the trash

GIF of Ron Swanson throwing his computer in a dumpster


@ClarusPlusPlus: IIRC, even the international treaty that required ships to stop and assist during emergencies was not in force at the time yet. Such an elementary thing, yet so recent in the history of sailing.


@ClarusPlusPlus: Er, the very definition of an "Ordinary Seaman" is somebody randomly plucked off the street and either convinced or coerced into service. White Star Line might not have been exactly the British Navy, but the culture overlap was strong, and the experience standards among the marine community of the day weren't particularly high, still.

riley, (edited )

@ClarusPlusPlus: Perhaps I made it sound harsher than I meant to. I don't think the Titanic's sailors were particularly incompetent, as far as lowering the lifeboats went. Their skill just wasn't something to write home about. I mean, a big point about the Titanic incident is that it made blatantly obvious how poorly the risk engineering for big ocean linears of the time had been done, in a time when ocean liner safety had just became a major selling point, and so the lessons of Titanic led to a bunch of future ships getting designed better for it.

vagina_museum, to random avatar


Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana, and also cunnilingus.

Yep, it's true. Some Drosophila practice oral sex. And that's probably not the wildest thing you're going to learn about fruit fly sex today.


@vagina_museum: I thought it might be a @lowqualityfacts, so I looked it up, and, well, it's actually true:

lauren, to random avatar

Ya' know what ultimately happened long ago to all those small telephone companies that interconnected with AT&T? They became AT&T. Just sayin'.


@lauren: Well, a lot of the little telephone companies that interconnected over the ocean used to be here in Europe. Oftentimes, so tightly government-regulated that they were government-operated, sometimes publicly, sometimes privately in name only. And close government regulation turned out very protectively useful against some of the nasty shit that AT&T used to do.

However, it's not the interconnection that caused the troubles; it's the monopoly power that arose from the first mover advantage. Interconnection between different telephone networks clearly served the interests of customers. Abusing AT&T's disproportionate control over long distance interconnection (which it gathered by being the first mover during a time of glaringly poor competition regulation) in order to leverage its synergy into the ownership of short distance calling markets, obviously, did not. The problem is not interoperability; the problem is insufficient market regulation.

In the AT&T's case, a local government (to AT&T, which is to say, USA's federal government) eventually intervened in a series of relatively effective ways, albeit all too late. This experience, however, is not directly transferrable to the Fediverse / Meta situation. While there's a couple Eurodirectives that are going to be useful, we know what the risks are, we know that government help is likely to be insufficient and too slow, and we will need to figure out a societal way to avoid the dangers that Meta might pose to Fediverse by its inadequately controlled disproportionate market power.

I don't think interoperability as such is going to be a problem, but I would very seriously watch out for Meta trying to pull the sort of classic trick where interoperability works in such a way that people are "subtly" incentivised to talk to Fediverse by using Meta's nodes rather than talking to Meta by using other Fediverse's nodes such as Mastodon instances. I get the impression that Bluesky might have already tried something like that, although details are not yet clear to me.

On the other hand, it may well be that Meta will try its hand at refusing to interoperate with Fediverse on reasonable terms, and pretend, possibly to market regulators, but almost certainly to Enlightened Centrists(tm) among the professional bloviating specialists that the unreasonability is not coming from its side.


@lauren: Oh, and I forgot to spell out: Meta doesn't have the first mover advantage here. Well, not exactly, anyway.


@lauren: I think there's a very strong risk that Meta & pals will be trying to induce class division among Fediverse, playing big nodes against small nodes in the hope of centralising the Fediverse, and then attempting to gain control of some sort over the remaining big nodes. If I had the sort of influence to call for a Fediverse-scale common action, I'd try to hash out some sort of explicit manifesto of principles of decentralisation, a sort of Digitalischer Westfälischer Friede, that would explicitly promote decentralisation on the Fediverse, and discourage shadowy ways of power-play, before Meta gets the time to do shitty shadowy things to Fediverse.


@lauren: Cory Doctorow might be able to get something to this effect done, and is likely to also have other good ideas.

hackaday, to random avatar

We've got an icon for materials meant to be recycled, why not a similar logo for hardware that's designed to be repaired?


@webmink: Perhaps it could be a blue rhombus of four wrenches. On one hand, having a distinct shape makes it easier for visually impaired people to recognise; on the other, some meaning is already attached to the shape of traffic signs; triangular ones are warning and yield, and the sole diamond-shaped one is right-of-way. Repairable devices should have right of way over recyclable ones.



@webmink: If there has to be a silly justification for using a four-sided polygon, it's because Repair is the fourth important R among Reduce, Reuse, Repair, and Recycle. A triangle only covers three Rs.


sentientdolphin, to random

“One of the hardest things,” said the Unicorn, “is realizing you are, in fact, a Unicorn growing up. I was raised by some very nice horses, myself.”

I stared at her, my hooves shifting slightly, in awe of her gorgeous rainbow mane and pearlescent wings. “How could you not know you’re a Unicorn?”

She looked at me deeply, sadly. “Before you met me, did you think we really existed?”

My ears flicker anxiously, “No, if I’m being honest.”

“Me neither. So I hid my wings under a tight sash. I took to wearing a saddle of all things! I ground my horn down on a boulder in the woods. I bleached and trimmed my mane and tail. People thought I was a horse. Kind of a weird one, but the herd took all sorts.”

“What changed?” I ask, with rapt attention.

“Well… I met another, older Unicorn.” And she looked at me knowingly, piercing my heart straight through.

sentientdolphin, to random

So, an introduction is in order.

I'm Justine. I'm mid-40s. I came out fully and started HRT this year. (Out 2022-07-29 ; HRT 2022-08-10)

I first realized I was trans in the 90s, but trusted the wrong sources that told me I was wrong. I spent a long time finding my way back.

I work in tech (but I'd rather not talk about it, mostly). I play videogames. I like to write. Basically, I'm your typical trans girl.


@sentientdolphin :blobcathearthug:​

I lost fifteen years to trusting the wrong sources.

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