@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar



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@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Oh, I fully support his belief in saying what he thinks.

It’s always good to know where the morons are so you can avoid them.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yup, and no matter how the DM handles it, it’s still a pain in the ass.

My table? That shit don’t fly, but it’s still going to mean some dude getting butt hurt and needing a firm talking to. Might go years without it happening, but I don’t know a DM that hasn’t run into it it once or twice with new groups or new players.

One of my long term players is a woman. She was a “girl” when she started with the core group, if you count 16 as a girl still.

She’s a great player, and a good friend. The number of times I’ve had to tell guys to fuck off and not come back is absurd. Shouldn’t even be once, though you’d expect teenagers to pull it. No, it was grown ass men. The last one, we were all 40ish in the core group, and the guy that pulled it was older than us. He was an acquaintance from where I used to work, and had always been chill with women. No bullshit, no problems. But he still couldn’t get past the idea that she was there and obligated to give him a shot just because they shared a hobby.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Dude is smoking crack. I’ve been using firefox for, shit, I don’t even know how long, but it’s gotta be creeping on at least fifteen years. Feels like forever any way.

Never had any kind of problem like he’s yakking about. Not once.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Legit though, when you’re moving metal in big numbers, there’s some head game involved. You gotta stay in the zone, whatever that zone is for you. Some folks need to focus and stay zen. Others need to stay hyped. Staying hyped is way easier, and a bit of verbal excitement, like a kiai, can enhance your mental state, and make the next lift smoother, better.

Can’t go too crazy, unless the gym you’re in is okay with crazy (which can be fun unless you need zen lol). But a little ooooo baby! can be right in the sweet spot.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I mean, that isn’t some kind of bad thing. Appeals courts are there to catch bad prosecution. They’re supposed to protect citizens from the system failing to work as intended.

Now, the fact that it’s a rich fuck that can afford attorneys to do the work to make the appeal happen and most people couldn’t sucks. That’s a major flaw of the system, that throwing money at it means you’re gong to end up with unbalanced outcomes, but unless the decision handed down was not based in fact, a successful appeal is a good thing.

Fuck Weinstein, but this isn’t about him in specific.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

If they hadn’t gotten so obnoxious with ads that it was impossible to use YouTube without blocking them, I wouldn’t have used the vanced/revanced stuff in the first place.

They find a way to prevent using those, I’m out totally, including on the few devices I didn’t care about playing the ads because it was just background noise.

Oh well

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Okay, this may paint me in a bad light, but I was fucking 40 before I learned peanuts grew underground. I ain’t Joe Rogan stupid, but dang.

Nobody around here grew them (that I know of), and I never went anywhere that grew them where I would see them.

I assumed they were like any legume, growing above ground like peas or green beans.

But noooooo, they’re ground nuts. Which I thought was a different plant entirely.

Out of all my damn family on both sides, visiting (and working on) various farms, nobody grew the damn things.

So, yeah.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar


Though, being real, I would say that it’s a movie that gets more interesting on second watch rather than being one out need to watch twice to get. I honestly haven’t ever run across a movie like that.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

The meme is funny :)

That being said, the only UK foods I’ve had were made by expats here in the states. None of it was bland, with the exception of breakfast beans, “because they’re meant to be mild to start your day” as I was told by a lovely liverpudlian.

She would do fish and chips, and the batter was well seasoned. Not heavily seasoned, but some pepper, a little paprika, and a bit of onion powder to give it some aromatic kick. Well balanced, and imo, as good as any of the southern fried fish recipes I’ve had.

The chips were obviously just salted and vinegar used per person.

But when we did pot luck at work, she would bring in what she called “good english food”, which included some curry a few times.

But her shepherd’s pie? Holy hell, that was some great stuff. She said it was really cottage pie because it was beef usually. But it had the usual pepper, onion, garlic, and herbs.

And the other expats I ate with were similar. Maybe different amounts of a given herb or spice, but it was in there.

I think the UK food thing is a meme in itself, and likely arose the way things usually do, with the majority of cooks just being bad cooks, rather than representative of a cuisine or the way things are done properly in that country.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

When a given demographic is a dominant presence in a given area (not necessarily work, it can be anything), there is a tendency for they demographic to start making assumptions about other demographics.

In most places, men are the dominant presence, and in most of the “western” world, they will also be white.

In this case, the individual who a white male was doing what’s called colloquially, “mansplaining”. He was correcting a woman when not only was the woman right, but was the very source he was using to correct her.

This is a consistent and very unpleasant fact of the world that white men will treat anyone of any other demographic as less than equals.

In this specific case, I suspect that the person making that post was pointing to the prejudice and stupidity of the person indirectly insulting her being a systemic issue arising from both gender and sexual entrenchment along with the privilege that allows the dominance of the white male demographic despite their being no quantifiable factor for that group to be dominant other than that privilege.

She, in other words, was pointing out a systemic issue by using an anecdote. Which can be a bit difficult to accept as evidence. Or would be if there wasn’t a good century or so of giant piles of anecdotes from real people pointing to that systemic issue not only existing, but being something that holds everyone back.

Truth? Yes, women and people of color are going to assume they’re right and whoever they’re talking to is wrong just like any humans will. But white dudes have been pulling that crap for multiple generations, and anyone that isn’t both white and male get sick of the bad behavior.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I dunno, I don’t really do guilt beyond truly bad acts done by choice.

That being said, I am a chocolate milk fiend.

I have to strictly limit myself or I’d drink nothing else, and not eat anything useful nutritionally.

Chocolate in general is my one true vice. I don’t drink, I don’t use recreational drugs, I’m monogamous (and happily so), I quit tobacco, and even caffeine beyond trace amounts in decaf. But you try an take chocolate out of my life, and I will fuck you up.

I’ll even accept Hershey’s if there’s nothing else available.

But chocolate milk? Fuck me running. Cold, sweet, chocolatey goodness. I will walk right the fuck over infants and kittens if there’s a cup on the other side. Puppies? I dunno, I think I’d try to step between them, but I’m not making promises.

Home made is incredible. But my particular weaknesses are the pet trumoo, and the promised land midnight. They use thickeners that up the silky texture. The promised land stuff is meant to be more like melted ice cream, and it succeeds.

Which, don’t even ask me how quick I can kill a pint of hagendaz chocolate. Don’t blink is all I’ll say there.

I have no guilt involved there, but holy fuck is it an indulgence.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Damn, that’s a seriously unpopular one!

But, consider this.

It wasn’t so much Elijah by himself that made his Frodo great.

It was the chemistry and dynamic he had with other actors, especially Astin. The way they played off of each other made the movies great. It was synergy. Mind you, Astin killed it as Sam. Just a brilliant performance, and he could have carried anyone as Frodo the way Sam carried Frodo.

But the two of them? Possibly the most amazing duo performance I’ve ever seen. They made each other better, and the way they expressed the lines together was bloody art. I genuinely don’t think there are many actors that could have paired up as well as they did.

Are there other actors that could have done a better Frodo in other ways? I wouldn’t argue with anyone that said yes. There’s certainly plenty that could have done as well (though Wood does bring a delicate vulnerability to the role that’s hard to deny).

I’ve seen suggestions of alternative casting for every role, but I can’t think of any for Frodo and Sam that would have been so magical.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

If you can’t buy parts a decade after something is purchased, the repairability is a gimmick, a sales trick.

I’m not making a joke, that’s the truth of it, imo.

That’s how old the fairphone is.

My lgg3 is a year younger, and it’s a pain in the ass to find a real battery, but LG didn’t sell the thing with the idea of users being able to repair and upgrade. You expect an LG phone to have poor parts availability after a decade.

Like you said, a phone under normal use should last a decade plus. Barring failure of the main board, which is kinda where replacing that part means it’s a new phone rather than a repaired phone, if you’re still left with a device that you can’t get parts for, it’s landfill waste. Kinda puts a damper on sustainability as a factor.

Fairphone is a gimmick, and it always has been. A good gimmick to be sure, but a gimmick.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Jfc, we did that with the necronomicon back in 1991. We’d passed a copy around the role play/d&d group, and it made its way to a kid at school.

He was freaked out about it after he got halfway through. Tried to burn it, got scared, threw it in the river and fessed up (since it wasn’t his damn book).

So we got another copy, beat it up, burned it a little, and then doused it in the sink. Put it in his locker.

He really freaked out, went to fucking confession and begged his priest for help. Got told to do some kind of prayer, and to throw it in the trash there.

We thought about doing it again, but books ain’t free, and it could have gone bad. He was a friend, so no need to really fuck with him like that.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Aight, lets set some terms.

A lot of what people call American cheese, isn’t. But the term has become used for anything yellow and in a package, despite there being regulations about what is and isn’t allowed to be called cheese.

So I’m not going to waste time covering all of that, and I’ll focus on the versions that are cheese, or at least were at one point.

So, waaaaay back, long before processed cheese was a thing, American cheese existed in other usages. As far back as colonial days, “American” cheese was just the term the English used for cheddars or other cheeses made in the colonies that also existed in England.

Time passes, and it turns out that American cheese makers grew in skill and range. But there was still “American” cheese. This was usually a form of mild cheddar, often uncolored. You can still find that kind of cheese, if you don’t mind it being called mild white cheddar.

So, some bright lads in Switzerland were looking for a way in the early 1900s to make cheese more shelf stable. They were not the only ones, but they were the first. They used ementhal.

Here in the states, James Kraft was working on the same thing, but found a different way there, and using a different base cheese. That base cheese? A mild cheddar.

Essentially, the process in “processed cheese” is taking actual cheese, heating it, stirring it, and adding an emulsifer. That’s it. The process just takes regular cheese and makes it both shelf stable, and smoother.

Essentially, when you make any given cheese sauce for something like homemade mac n cheese, and you use flour as the emulsifier, you’re doing the same thing to it. It isn’t as shelf stable, obviously, but you’re processing the cheese.

So, Kraft not only made shelf stable cheese, he did it using “waste” cheese. When you’re cutting cheese up for shipping and sale, you end up with little chunks and slivers that are not saleable as they are.

This meant that Kraft’s process was inexpensive to produce overall, though it did eventually stop being made of only waste cheese. That led to what’s still called “government cheese”. It was literally given out by the government in various ways.

Now, the ugly side of things.

Even cheese waste is more expensive than oil and chemicals. So the Kraft company (and pretty much every other mass cheese making company) started fucking with it. Adding in more than just cheese, emulsifiers, and stabilizers. There’s shit on the market that gets labeled now as “American slices”. But that shit ain’t cheese any more than vegan cheese is. That gradual race to the bottom by international conglomerates looking to give as little value in their products as possible fucked up the “American cheese” goodness.

And the original processed cheese was a boon. Shelf stable even without refrigeration, well blended for use in multiple applications, and meeting a bare minimum of flavor requirements. It’s the shit that came later that developed the reputation that tarnished all processed cheeses.

If you go shopping, you can still find real cheese that’s been processed. Look at the label. It should have nothing but cheese, sodium citrate (or a similar chemical) and maybe something like tocopherol (aka vitamin e) as a preservative. That’s it. That’s all the good stuff has. There may be annato listed as a colorant, since that’s how many cheeses are made yellow.

Typically, you’ll only find it in the form of a blend of cheddar and Colby, selected for a mild flavor and easy, consistent melting. Salt levels can be higher than with an unprocessed cheese, so check for that if you’re sodium restricted.

But what purpose does it serve? The same as any cheese. It just does it while melting in a smooth, homogeneous way, and lasts longer without going bad

It can also reduce waste, though it has become a product in such demand that chest is produced in quantity just for processing. But there are smaller dairies that process their own out of waste pieces. My uncle used to do so, though after he retired, my cousin took the farm a different way and reduced the things they sell, so he only supplies the family now .

The problem processing solves has already been covered, but I’ll sum it up again. It solves shelf stability as the primary, with melting ease being a secondary benefit. The process using heat means that the cheese is pasteurized when it’s finished. So it can sit for very long times compared to unprocessed cheese, and even longer than that refrigerated (which also extends unprocessed cheese life)

Refrigeration does solve storage life for unprocessed cheese as well. And, it is dead simple to add emulsifiers when cooking, so the melty factor isn’t as big a deal as it used to be.

It is also a very good option when you want a mild, even, predictable taste.

So, check your labels. Make sure you’re getting actual processed cheese rather than “cheese food” or (gods forbid) “american slices”. That being said, “cheese food” is still mostly cheese, and the rest is typically going to include more dairy products than other things . Those shitty “slices” have no cheese at all, and are not allowed to call themselves cheese here in the US.

Now, this is already long, and there’s going to be some short attention span asshole complaining about it.

But let me finish with a fact. All cheese is processed. Period. The only differences are in exactly what processes are used. You take milk, and you use chemicals (be they sourced from something “naturally”, or via a lab) to change that milk. Rennet isn’t exactly dripping from trees, ya know. It is not somehow superior to sodium citrate by virtue of originally being taken from calf stomachs.

Oh, you didn’t know that’s how cheese is made? Yeah. Back before labs, rennet was a side product of calf processing. But no matter what’s used to do it, you can’t make cheese without curds. And making curds means curdling milk. Which is inherently a chemical process.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Legit, your first thing to try is a taco. One soft, one crunchy. That’s actually the best and simplest food they have. You’ll get an idea if you actually like the way they tend to spice things, and that matters because it’s where most of the flavor comes in. Then try the dorito version. It’s disgusting, but in a good way.

There’s really nothing to outright avoid unless you have a sensitive gut. They don’t have much that’s super spicy, and they mark it clearly. But the grease factor runs very high on all their beef options, so if that’s not something your gut likes, you will be spending some of your next day jogging back and forth to the toilet. Since that grease tends to pick up any spice, the hotter options amplify it.

Being real, Taco Bell doesn’t deserve the hate it gets any more than any other fast food. It ain’t real Mexican, it ain’t real southwestern or texmex either. It just takes “inspiration” from that kind of thing.

Now, back in my younger days, running d&d games with other teenagers and early 20s monkeys, taco bell was the only option late at night for those long sessions. So I ate way more of it than I should have lol.

My personal favorite was the 7 layer burrito. That shit was bomb. But you can mimic it. Order a cheesy bean & rice burrito change it to “fresco”, add three cheese blend, lettuce, guac, plus tomatoes and sour cream. You will be farting! But it is worth it.

Now, the “Mexican pizza” is another classic that they’re famous for. My best friend was super into them, it was all he ever got back in the nineties. It’s not bad. Not great, but not bad either. Kinda just a taco with extra steps, but the way you end up eating it has the ingredients hit your tongue in different ways.

There’s the black bean crunch wrap supreme too. It’s a giant, fart causing calorie bomb, but the black beans really are nice.

I find chalupas and gorditas to be a gimmick that isn’t worth the extra cost over tacos.

One of the surprisingly addictive things they have is the grilled cheese burrito. It’s kinda nuts. 700+ calories. Beef, rice, cheese sauce, sour cream, cheese mix, chipotle sauce, and “fiesta strips”. Now, I have no fucking clue what is in the fiesta strips. Maybe it’s chitlins made from the guts of immigrants, maybe it’s a magic spell, but fuck me running, they make that fucking burrito rock. It is a gut bomb from hell, but it’s worth it.

You kinda gotta try the cinnamon twists too, even though they’re kinda shitty. It’s like the downs syndrome version of a churro.

Thing with Taco Bell though, you gotta get the sauce packets. Mild is mostly pointless tbh. It adds a little zing, but you have to use two packs per taco to really notice it’s there. The hot is probably not going to do your gut any favors, but calling it hot is a bit of a stretch when it comes to spiciness in the mouth. The fire though? You’ll know it’s there even if you just add a little. It’ll make your lips tingle a little. I don’t recommend the Diablo unless you like heat over flavor. If you really like heat, buy a better sauce that tastes good as well. It’ll light you up decently, but that’s really all it brings imo. The other “levels” have decent flavor under their heat.

Their quesadillas are all “okay”. They’re basic, mild flavored, but can fill you up decently. If I go that route, I like little extra sour cream on the side and a generous drizzle of sauce.

Again, don’t expect this to be some kind of 5star dining. It’s cheap, it’s fast, and it’s designed to hit you with enough salt and fats wrapped in some carbs that you’ll feel plenty full. If you want something with nuanced flavors and depth, taco bell ain’t it. But there’s really no other chain food like it.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s still under 3 months since the last update.

There’s not really any giant bugs to squash, there’s no features missing that are vital (tbh, I would say that there’s really only two or three QOL features missing).

I’m not sure why people think apps need constant updates. Once you’re stable, and sync is, you can take time to handle minor bugs and feature changes. Hell, it’s better to handle those, test them well, and only then make an update, compared to cranking out untested stuff monthly.

And, with your post here in specific, why the fuck does a dev have to waste their time and ours popping in to say anything? Makes no damn sense at all. Idgaf how much an app costs, there’s is zero obligation, or point to empty posts just to check in.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

That really is one of the best parts of being with someone that will let you be vulnerable as a guy.

We talk about toxic masculinity online, but can can you imagine having to keep that front of “manly man” up even when you’re in bed with your spouse/SO? How fucking cruel a world that is.

Sometimes, when you’re a man, you end up having to shove all that stress down so you can handle things. Having someone that not only recognizes that, but reaches out to help when it’s finally safe to let go of the bullshit is just miraculous. Not having to be the big spoon, to have someone comfort and shelter you, to be your strength when you’ve run out of it. That’s beautiful.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

You know, Klingons, for all the cheese they got saddled with over the decades, were sometimes given some truly amazing moments like that one. They’re this hyper macho, warrior driven and hide-bound culture, but they value friendship in a beautiful way. They really get loyalty to a friend in a way that no other in-universe culture does.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ngl, I’ve seen this before, and I still thought it was a paw

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

They mean the ones that are glued in, inside of casings that are glued in? Gee, how nice.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Now, if only Google wasn’t a cunt about allowing other apps for rcs, that would be great

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

If some lady brought out a conversation that fucking awesome, I wouldn’t want a second date either. I’d fucking propose. Well, would have. There’s very little sexier than enthusiasm and a love of knowledge.

And no, not literally propose, and it would hopefully turn into a second date, but that’s no fucking fun to open up with in a comment, ffs, you fucking pedant.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Kids? I’d fucking love to read it. Brilliant fucking premise.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Is there a reason you’re trying to stir shit?

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