
Currently juggling Enshrouded, Frostpunk, and Remnant 2. Enjoying all of them for very different reasons.

It’s pretty unusual for me since I don’t have as much time to enjoy games as I used to and I tend to remain pretty focused on a single title on my list at a time.


I am enjoying it so far! The combat is enjoyable, building is robust and the world does call to you for exploration.

Progress is server wide which is strange. My completing a quest completes it for all other players so you probably want to play on a private server.

It definitely has space to improve but I think the devs have a solid foundation here to build something quite enjoyable.


Yup, leave it to Fox Business to convey skewed information in a manner that elicits engagement through enragement

Dismayed by Moscow's war, Russian volunteers are joining Ukrainian ranks to fight Putin's troops (

When Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ignited into war, back in Moscow, a young Russian who now goes by the name of Karabas was plunged into despair. Shocked by images of what was happening to Ukrainians in Russian-occupied areas, he decided to act — against Russia, his home and country....


In a way he is being very patriotic as he is helping fight for change in his country’s leadership


I believe it’s an ad delivery service app developers can deploy in their app to earn revenue from ads delivered to users.


I’ve seen lots of comments about Microsoft engaging in an acquisition war with Sony but isn’t it really against TenCent?


This is pretty incredible! I hope more industries adopt this mindset and begin to find ways to combat climate change. It’s going to take all industries exerting this level of change!

Any way to listen to music (privately?) (

I’m going insane. I cannot for the life of me find a suitable way to listen to music privately. I’m on iOS, and I don’t know whether to just stick to Apple Music or give up on music in general (I tried, TRIED to go local, but all the apps are shitty). Any way to listen to music and not have your data compromised? Should I...


I buy music from 7Digital and Bandcamp, store the files on Plex Media Server and use PlexAmp for playback on my iOS device.


Yeah it was more the music storage/delivery solution. No mobile device is private.


Good for them! Wish more would follow suit!


I do find it interesting how far ahead of its time the GameCube controller is though. It was almost a precursor for mobile button layout with the large A and other buttons around it in a non-traditional form/layout. That’s what immediately came to mind when seeing the controller layouts.

I’m not a huge fan of cloud gaming but Netflix may be on to something here by having games be added value to a sub rather than a discrete service with a separate sub. Plus from my experience, it’s not like the apps are streamed to your device but are available for download with an active sub.


That’s true but I would think that the career path to captain would be more agnostic. Starfleet would benefit from having captains with tactical backgrounds, scientific. Backgrounds etc.


Hope this trend continues to strengthen over the next few years!

I do wonder how Microsoft buying up basically the entirety of the western game dev world will influence this in the future though


Exactly. They won’t do it now while their Activision/Blizzard acquisition is under scrutiny but they could easily adopt a new strategy in a few years that restricts purchases through stores Microsoft controls


What I don’t get is how he thinks this X idea is original or new. Welcome to the “we want ALL the users” club Elon


The original Blade Runner (1982) didn’t do as well as expected at the box office upon release. I originally thought it lost money but when conducting research for this post I found that it apparently did turn a small profit according to Wikipedia.

Now it’s considered a cult classic and some argue it’s one of the best sci-fi movies ever made and its influence can be felt in many other movies, TV shows, anime/manga, and games.


Maybe capitalists instead of economists? 😂


Thanks for the rec, I’ll check it out

Why is youtube recommending conservative "talking points" to me?

Hi, I am a guy in early thirties with a wife and two kids and whenever I go on youtube it always suggests conservative things like guys dunking on women, ben shapiro reacting to some bullshit, joe rogan, all the works. I almost never allow it to go to that type of video and when I do it is either by accident or by curiosity. My...


What state do you live in?

I know I’m doing good WHEN I get served this kind of content. I don’t browse YT logged in, my browser always deletes cookies upon closure, and I run Ghostery/add block plugins.

Living in Texas, I kinda assume that is why I constantly get this right wing content (ads, vid recommendations). I figure my location is all they know about me and so that is why I get served this content.

It just tells me they don’t know anything about me so my countermeasures are working 🤞🏼


Oh you’re right, totally missed that


Should be able to if the different instance federates with this one

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