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If you like international and eclectic news, come and join me at @worldwithoutus (Link for Lemmy = worldwithoutus).

I've also started helping out at @worldnews, (Link for Lemmy = worldnews), @movies, (Lemmy = movies), and am a ghost at @13thfloor (Lemmy = 13th Floor).

livus avatar

Pretty psyched for this movie, it has an interesting premise.

livus avatar

Idk I think it's valid to look back on stuff like this. I don't want/need a 24h news cycle for discussing movies.

livus avatar

I agree with this. I think you're right.

livus avatar

According to the world map in this link the countries that have banned it outright are: North Korea, China, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Krzykstan, India, Nepal, and Somalia.

(For anyone else like me who has trouble with unlabeled maps).

livus avatar

You think Chinese-owned Tiktok is inciting anti genocide protests on purpose?

That train of thought has interesting implications. American-owned Facebook keeps being caught inciting actual genocides in other countries...

livus avatar

And Biden himself has a tiktok account that pumps out content.

The whole thing is very cynical and weird.

livus avatar

lots of “tradwife”

Wild, I've never stumbled on any of that. But it has a really sensitive algorithm and I'm pretty firmly entrenched in the science-travel-pets axis.

livus avatar

One of the weirdest things about having a kbin account is we can see low effort trolling comments like this even after the mods removed it and the rest of the people in here can't see it.

livus avatar

invoking Umberto Eco with no evidence

Gold. I'm tempted to put this on a rules list somewhere.

livus avatar

That's a pretty bizare straw man; I'm picturing it looks like this.

livus avatar

Good name for it. I've been weirdly haunted by it.

iPhones 'tainted with blood'? Congo accuses Apple of using ‘illegally exploited' minerals from war zones (

The accusations against Apple come amid ongoing violence and conflict in the DRC’s mineral-rich Great Lakes region, with accusations against Rwanda of supporting rebel groups to control the region’s resources....

livus avatar

This is particularly egregious though. They're talking about North Kivu.

The DRC’s lawyers claim that Apple is purchasing minerals that have been smuggled from the DRC into neighbouring Rwanda, where they are then laundered and integrated into the global supply chain.

So, M23. Massive human rights abuses.

livus avatar

Hmmm I hope this works out better than the dam.

Only 6% of Ghana has electricity and I'm pretty sure they still have a Karpowership.

livus avatar


This presents me with a dilemma. On the one hand we could use more content in here.

On the other hand, I've worked out infoterkiniviral uses AI to rewrite stories from other outlets, sometimes with misleading, incorrect, or nonsensical results.

You were also a thorn in my side with repeated violations of rules in my other community, and I've seen you engage in ban evasions elsewhere. It's clear that your aim on the fediverse is to spam your website, not to contribute in good faith.

livus avatar

Exactly. The whole reason Poland wants them is because they've been invaded by Russia before and it's becomming aggressive again.

I'm against nuclear proliferation but this argument is ridiculous.

livus avatar

I agree. I hope they do float safe. People have lost their lives doing this in the past.

livus avatar

I really hope they manage to get someone with forensic pathology experience into that site to document it.

livus avatar

Have you hand-knitted her a cashmere sweater that fit her perfectly? What am I saying, that was probably why you learned knitting.

livus avatar

Asked what kind of protest might be appropriate, Smith cited a recent instance in an armed services hearing in which “people came in and they didn’t say anything, they just held up bloody hands. And the chairman noticed that and said, ‘You can’t do that, you’re out, and they got up and left.”

I can't even.

livus avatar

Should probably put some MGMT on there.

livus avatar

The reportage here may not be doing the study justice. They most likely used other metrics.

I notice the BBC on same subject talks about children actually being drunk and about "last 30 days" both of which are better proxies.

livus avatar

We can dance, we can dance, everybody look at your hands

livus avatar

I don't agree that it's a "shithole". It's the largest country in the world and it has some good things - good and bad.

But I agree with you Modi is trying to keep much of the population ignorant. Its what populists usually do.

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