Dukeofdummies avatar


Dukeofdummies avatar

No, I think the comic is making you think about the system at large. It's not the anchors that are the problem. Anybody in any position can be where she is.

You could be getting tons of money... not to produce anything or to improve the world, but to maintain power for an upper echelon. It could be a lawyer, it could be an influencer, it could be a pundit, a politician, a programmer, a security guard, a military contractor. There's this idea that a large paycheck is because you deserve it, because you are providing what's needed. In reality a high paycheck can be given to you because you're part of a problem that someone wants you to maintain.

Dukeofdummies avatar

I respect that, but you can still make that known at the polls with write-in, with third party, or just scrawling "fuck all y'all" over the ballot.

Even if it doesn't lead to someone winning, every one of the above does get recorded. Every year mickey mouse gets a fraction of the vote, and lets be real, if Mickey ever got 5% of the vote, every candidate would be announcing their runs at Disney World with the hope they could attract just half that group.

If you do nothing at the polls, everyone will assume you don't care and don't care back.

If you do something at the polls, that doesn't help either party, then the two other parties might actually be incentivized to get your vote doing things you DO care about. You at least show up, so you are someone they should care about.

If for no other reason, it's a record of someone flipping the bird to everyone in power, a small act of defiance that can't make it back to you because voting is anonymous. If you're really that powerless the process should only take 5 minutes because the lines to the polls will be short.

vote vote vote. even if it's "none of the above"

Dukeofdummies avatar

I sincerely doubt they give a shit about it.

I mean, they definitely won't give a shit if you don't vote. If anything it simplifies their math. If you don't show up if you're mad or sad you sure as hell won't show up if you're glad. So you can be safely ignored.

Biden already gives a shit about ~20% uncommitted in Minnesota, ~10% uncommitted in Michigan in the last primaries. nope, uncommitted didn't win but they're freaking out high ranking Democrats. There are more uncommitted than the percentage he won by in some of these states. They didn't win but now a LOT more politicians are struggling to dismiss Palestine. Hell Pelosi was out and out accusing protestors of being shills for China and Russia last week.

Democrats are currently avoiding college campuses for appearances because they realize how unpopular this war in Gaza is.

showing that there is a voting population that is unhappy carries weight, and it sticks around for years to come. It's a record just like the census.

Dukeofdummies avatar

Perhaps the main use for technology is increasing the amount of inequality society can tolerate without collapse. I can’t fix inequality – that just seems to be what the humans want.

However by investing in surveillance technology, computer vision, and AI I could perhaps help our society to bear unbounded amounts of inequality indefinitely, without collapse. Social collapse is a less-than-zero-sum game, whereas an unequal society is still generally more-than-zero-sum. So I posit that the latter is objectively better.

... Are you suggesting that we increase inequality to make the world better? Like we need an overlord, be it robot or human, and the rest of the population needs to be placated, worked to the bone, and easily replaced?

I gotta assume I am just vastly misunderstanding something in this argument, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is. Is it just sarcastic?

Dukeofdummies avatar

I mean, the sad part is that there's really no other place guys and gals mix besides work or school. Once you graduate it's just work that remains. I don't even mean romantically either. I think it's hand in hand with the loneliness epidemic everyone keeps talking about. Where do you meet new people? Women can be so rare in some men's lives that to just say "ask if they like you" almost implies that they should ask every woman which both sides know is not what should be happening.

Ideally you would be mixing with strangers at a pub or something where if you put your foot in your mouth and somebody says no to friendship/partnership you both go your separate ways and no harm no foul, you probably won't even run into each other for days/weeks, but now everything is just shitty.

  • Clubs are too loud to talk at, so while you might be adjacent to a bunch of new people you won't be with any new people.

  • Bars work somewhat decent, people are friendly, the counter is where strangers mix. It does require you to imbibe a steady stream of booze though. You'll also have to jump around until you find one that you like. Same thing with smoking areas, smokers are crazy friendly, asking for a light is a great ice breaker. I actually used to carry a lighter just for this reason, and I never even smoked. Still a terrible habit to adopt to get friends though.

  • Any speed-friending or dating events/sites are just crawling with cringey people (I once went to one and had someone try to sell me a timeshare)

  • Everything has gone up in price, which sucks because now you go to an event and have a pressure to make it worth the money which just adds to the shittiness of the night.

  • The most reliable place people hang with strangers is the internet, but even then it's not a conversation. It's letters and pen pals.

Way too many people just have work left to meet people and that's not exactly a great place to pursue a relationship because careers cause way to many tripwires. A foot in the mouth brings in HR. Someone gets promoted and now there's a power dynamic. Yes it's inherently riskier to pursue people there. I think guys complain about it more just because they're more isolated and deal with it more.

I spent a lot of time when I graduated trying to find somewhere where I could find people and I finally landed on the convention scene and even met my wife there, but it took almost 5 years of leaving my house, trial and error, lots of events, and some truly boring expensive nights.

Dukeofdummies avatar

I think they mean triangular walls. they were INCREDIBLY finicky. They were meant to fit under stairs but they HAD to be placed first.

Dukeofdummies avatar

so then, do they get along with other spiders as well? maybe we can finally farm some spider silk without the genetic splicing?

What's the Best Strategy for Michigan Primary Vote? (lemmy.world)

Not sure what the move is here in Michigan in a couple days. Bernie Sanders is my dream candidate. But not an option obviously, so what is the best use of my vote in terms of Game Theory here? Do I vote someone other than Trump on the Republican side of the ticket to make his efforts more difficult? Or vote Uncommitted or...

Dukeofdummies avatar

I mean, it's a primary so you should vote your heart.

I really wouldn't try to game theory a republican vote simply because I don't think there is a single non-trump candidate in the same league as him. Niki Haley couldn't even beat an uncommitted vote so... That Koolaid is getting served whether we like it or not.

As for @Dagwood222 's argument. Trump is always going to say that people are/will be edging away from Trump. Trump is always going to say Biden is corrupt, senile, attacking him purely for political purposes. Right now you get exactly one chance to say how you feel about the current political predicament and 4, 8, 16 years from now people are going to take your vote and try to use it as a statistic for how popular these two absolutely unpopular candidates are.

Don't overthink it. It's just a primary, do what you want. And if Trump wins against Biden in the general, you shrug and say "you warned 'em".

Dukeofdummies avatar

Oh it's easy, they just googled "Roland voice lines" and he sounds like a perfect role for Kevin heart.

Could he pull off the borderlands 2 Roland intro? I don't think so, but I've been surprised before.

What really has me saddened is the whole pisswater gully bit. Tiny Tina is a native of pandora, Roland and Lilith are not (to my knowledge). So if anything, the roles should have been entirely reversed because:

  1. It makes more sense.

  2. It's way funnier.

Which means they're messing with backstory of the characters to match... nothing. Because it doesn't seem to make the writing better, and it differs from the original. It would also match Tiny Tina's character so much better and mitigate the annoying whiny child part of the character that is just SHINING through this trailer.

Dukeofdummies avatar

I mean, I understand leaving out Brick. Both Roland and Brick are not... bastions of dialogue. Both combined could be a bit much in a film. Even though he's a fascinating character. Mordecai confuses me more. He seems like a much better straight man (comedy term, not the orientation) than Roland or Brick, and if he operates like a sniper then he makes a great diagetic narrator to move dialogue and scenes because he operates as the scout from range. Granted the CG for the bird will probably cost.

I'm sure a good chunk was they wanted more Tiny Tina, and then they added Kreig just for the reveal moment which is... a lot of dedicated screen time just to create a moment. Seeing as he barely had any time in the trailer... clearly he doesn't shine in this film.

Dukeofdummies avatar

Borderlands 2, Krieg was an intriguing character but as a class generally sucked. His ult was a melee only mode which... doesn't mesh with a game about COLLECTING GUNS. They also introduced Gaige. Her class worked better in the game, although very gimicky, lore wise she was basically a more sane Tiny Tina.

Like... genuinely a series or a movie about him sounds cool... but... I don't think they're gonna show him off like that link. How is an internal monologue supposed to work if only one of the 4 hear it? It can't work while sharing a spotlight.

Also I can't remember if it's official or cannon but

::: spoiler spoiler
Krieg is Tiny Tina's dad so...

Dukeofdummies avatar

That's... kinda a useless question.

Average 40 year old will have anywhere between 5 to 10 presidents in their lifetime. This is more of a history quiz than an opinion poll. How many presidents can you name? What did they all do?

Dukeofdummies avatar

point #1

No, it wasn't. We didn't keep the secret. USSR successfully stole secrets. They also knew we were up to an atomic bomb. I don't know why you think they didn't.

Point #2

Imagine if someone told you that Europeans never went back to the New World after Columbus.

That would be ridiculous because there was good free unclaimed land. While it's never explicitly said, free unclaimed land requires oxygen, food, and water. Otherwise it's not land you can live on, it's land you can work on while someone keeps you alive.

We should have the Moon setup like it was in the Sam Rockwell movie: Moon by now.

Why? In the arctic we can measure the weather of the poles, study long term isolation of humans. We don't need to provide water or air, transportation is cheap compared to the moon. The marianas trench allows us to study formation of the earth, genetics of crazy offshoots of earth biology. Evacuation procedure is UP, taking hours. Moon trip is 6 days round trip, can't be cancelled or evacuated. Both are drops in the bucket in price vs the moon.

With the moon you can... well what? A telescope could be awesome but if you're going that far you could also just drop one off at a Lagrange point of the earth. Mining sounds great until you realize that bringing the resources home require either an entire manufacturing hub on the moon to launch resources at earth. You won't see returns for decades, any fuck up could ruin it all. Telescopes are unmanned, so drop it somewhere and it lasts as long as it lasts.

I believe the moon landing was faked.

  • The USSR acknowledged that we made it, there's no reason for them to lie.

  • We plopped retroreflectors on the moon, so you can shoot lasers at them and bounce them back.

  • multiple groups were able to track the missions via radio transmissions, which isn't someone saying "oh look they said they're in space so they must be" It's mutiple locations saying. "I'm recieving this signal from this direction at this time. Judging from all this data, they're halfway to the moon."

  • Why would we lie about it? If it's about stealing the money that went into it we already have 60% of the pentagon budget unaccounted for. If it's about deceiving the soviets how could we possibly trick them? If it's about raising nationalism why not pull an FDR and minimize poverty?

just... no. If you want to push this then you need some hard evidence. You're the one making the extraordinary claim.

As an aside, do you also think the James Webb telescope fake? That is as nuts as the moon landing, and is still friggin THERE.

Dukeofdummies avatar

It's always first person for me, but the one lucid dream I ever had I dreamed I was playing kirby on a gameboy advance and I was absolutely the kirby. So I suppose that was third person at least once.

Dukeofdummies avatar

Honestly then Democrats win, because Trump is running. Even if he's not eligible he will whine and moan and a considerable segment will write him in or protest or not vote in protest.

Dukeofdummies avatar

Not only that but on the technical side it is a TERRIBLE idea.

Obsolescence is affecting all technology faster and faster. Would you fuse an iphone to your body? In 8 months they're releasing a new one. Even if you decide to go open source, you can't connect it to an OS or a computer because then updates are required

If it has network capabilities it needs to be constantly updated for security, or else your prosthetic leg becomes part of a botnet launching DDOS attacks like those toothbrushes. Even worse, what if instead of a ransomware attack it's literally becomes a ransom. Want your bionic heart to keep beating? Gonna have to pay the hacker who cracked it.

It gets even worse if the company that builds it goes belly up. At least with a peg leg you can carve a new one, once software gets involved you lose all control unless you're building it yourself.

Just last year Poland literally had to hire hackers to hack their own train because train manufacturers artificially locked them down when they were repaired by a third party.

ownership of electronics is getting absolutely shady fast and you want to integrate them into your body??? You want to give it access to your brain??? Imagine if someone hacks your brain computer interface Elon Musk!

Dukeofdummies avatar

I don't know why, but I always imagine knights moving forward and then left or right, I always get infuriated for some reason when I see their movement described the other way around.

Dukeofdummies avatar

I am so confused by this, why does there need to be AI involved in this at all?

If somebody has a complaint, pull the footage, then the plaintiff goes over the footage and makes their case against the police officer. Why would an AI be necessary to find complaints that are not being complained about?

I feel like it's a technology solution for what should be a "more transparency and a better system" solution. Make complaints easier and reduce the fear factor of making complaints.

Dukeofdummies avatar

So fix that. Don't make an AI to dole out justice against police like some messed up lottery. This is such a hollow solution in my mind. AI struggles to identify a motorcycle, people expect it to identify abuse?

Dukeofdummies avatar

Until you realize that the people who make the final decision on whether something the AI saw is indeed too far or extreme are the exact same people making the decision now and all we've succeeded in doing is creating a million dollar system that makes it look like they're trying to change.

Dukeofdummies, to palworld
Dukeofdummies avatar

More tidbits for base building, because I've now joined a server and dear god these bases are making my eye twitch.

  • The palbox can be moved and it doesn't automatically destroy the base. It apparently destroys some objects (unsure of what, haven't seen it do that yet) and it shoves all the pals that are out into your personal storage (you should take them out manually first though by finding an empty page and filling it up. then you can easily put them all back) Do be quick putting it back though because everything slowly takes damage while outside the base area.

  • The palbox footprint is so freakishly large because there is a spawn area directly behind the palbox. That's where the players and pals spawn when fast traveling or summoned. They always spawn at the lowest point below that spawn area. So you can place it five stories up with the spawn area off the ledge and have people/pals spawn on the first floor. Sounds hilarious, must try in a server.

  • The palbox ring is really more of a vertical cylinder of control, not a sphere.

  • foundations can be raised and lowered easily if you try to build it as far from your body as you can

  • If you need to build a bit over a body of water, build a foundation as LOW as you can go, as far into the water as you can. Build a wall on the water side of the foundation, you can then build two roofs forward into the water and a roof and stairs towards the land. Extend that left and right as much as desired. It can look cludgey, but when every bit of space matters you can easily fit a ranch or farms on it. You can even throw the beds underneath this platform.

  • Quarries and lumbermills take priority. Pals seem to do tasks from left to right, so if you have a quarry, they don't do anything to the right of mine, and they don't mine anything but a quarry. Same thing with a lumbermill. 3 pals fill a quarry or lumbermill.

  • You don't need quarries and lumbermills, Especially on a server, just leave an area of trees and stone. You can mine boulders and trees for stone and palladium, and wood and fiber. All without a grinder. Yes it makes it slower, but also when everything is gone pals will do other shit while it grows back. Making it superior in many ways to a quarry or lumbermill.

Dukeofdummies avatar


Oh I actually tried to build my base on the destroyed stairs just above you! I get maybe 25% of the raiders to hit my base, the rest just run into walls.

Interesting note about the sand though. That's disappointing.

Dukeofdummies avatar


I came from satisfactory, their building mechanics are just like butter. They don't even support curves but you can make it curve if you so desire.

Hopefully they improve it moving forward, but there's enough to make things work for now.

Dukeofdummies avatar

Can you make it look like a bridge? or is it obviously a table?

Dukeofdummies avatar

hm, never actually edited a wiki before... Usually I'm only using them.

Dukeofdummies, to palworld
Dukeofdummies avatar

Couple of interesting tidbits I've discovered during base building, because I just love the basebuilding aspect of this game.

  • Pals can't pass through closed doors, meaning you can actually turn off an automated task if you put it into a room with a door. So you can easily turn your wood or stone quarry on or off by opening/closing a door. Or just make a private pal proof area.

  • Pals can be too tall to enter a building. Two stories a floor is a good buffer to make sure everyone fits so far. (This happens so much faster than you think. Even a penking is too tall) It's an incredibly stealthy buff to the beginner small pals. (also it's a great way to filter out certain pals from doing things)

  • Grapple gun still works when you're encumbered, so load up on stone and wood, grapple to your palbox, fast travel to the new base, and shove all your wood and stone into a barrel. Your second base will be SOOOO much better than your first.

  • Speaking of barrels (they're in the early furniture research very easy to miss) they stack, and hold inventory! and you can put a chest on top of a barrel, then delete the barrel and place another chest where the barrel was.

  • Lot's of furniture holds inventory like the wall cabinet. It only holds two things, fill it with stone and wood and don't ever worry about someone sticking random shit in it.

  • You do level by building, quite quickly as a matter of fact if you have the resources. Don't be afraid to build massive buildings or towers.

  • shadow type pals don't sleep. Meaning if you compare a Depresso and a Cattiva, a Depresso mines more.

  • I'm not entirely certain but I think pals choose their tasks from left to right (meaning they seem to kindle first, transport last)

Things to avoid

  • Cliffside construction. Their adamant stance on "no clipping in any instance at any time" means that it will never be flush against a cliff. Mountaintops? fantastic. Plains? awesome, but good lord any vertical surface sucks, maybe satisfactory spoiled me.
Dukeofdummies avatar


Honestly, I find their pathfinding greatly improves with flat terrain and walls. A chaotic collection of beds next to a river or cliff can be a death sentence for a pal. Remove all aesthetic rocks and ruins by flattening it all with a raised foundation and stairs, Don't use doors for major throughways. Just large flat open rooms that are two high. That makes pals more intelligent, at least that's what it seems.

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