
Mister_Rogers, to til

- Of the 12 astronauts that have walked on the moon, Neil Armstrong spent the least time on it (2h 31m, tied with Buzz Aldrin), and that there is only 4 people left alive who have walked on the moon!



People far too often argue "Communism/Socialism/Capitalism/etc. is the best economic system, because blah blah blah". Anyone that has played Civilization and has half a brain cell can tell you that there is no single best economic system, as it's so heavily dependent on the structure of a country, current levels of development, and many other factors.

I have always said, that capitalism is very probably the best economic system for rapidly developing countries in a state of industrialization (there was obvious horrific cons to this, but the complexity of discussing the use of slavery, child labour, land repossession, genocide, etc., is a conversation beyond the scope of this simple remark on economics. Consider the dominance of France, Britain, and Spain in 1800 and compare it to the juggernaut that the US became in the next 100 years by 1900, and the benefits of relatively unfettered capitalism during industrializing periods, should be readily apparent given that colossal level of growth from a sparsely populated and undeveloped country in it's infancy in the late 1700s-early 1800s) and is probably the best economic system for this, BUUUUUUT commensurate with the level of automation, and computerized work roles within a society, a more and more heavily socialized economic system makes sense to stymie the accumulation and sole ownership of the automated systems by the wealthy few who profit off of it, while job opportunities dwindle for the rest.

The world needs to socialize more heavily, and fast, the US is in a particularly precarious spot. The number 1 job in nearly every state is truck driver, and there are already autonomous trucks on the road today. Between AI, and autonomous vehicles, we will see what happened to jobs in the automotive sector from 1950-2000, in industries like taxis, truck driving, coding, graphic design, journalism, and much much MUCH more in the next 50 years, and the US is not ready for it's job market to do country wide, what happened in Detroit. The wealthy owners of these automated machines, and AI systems filling these job roles will become richer off of them, while the rest of the country struggles. Heavy socialization, alongside reduced work weeks and either subsequent massive increases in minimum wages, or guaranteed basic income will be a necessity for coming generations to not exist in poverty.


America (and alot of countries to be fair) need ranked choice voting systems so damn badly for this exact reason (if you're unfamiliar with it, a simple version is that basically you rank your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pick, your first pick gets 3 points, 2nd pick 2 points, 3rd pick 1 point. At the end they tally up the points, and the party with the most wins).

Singular vote systems trend naturally towards 2 party systems often, whereas with a ranked choice system, far right people would vote for far-right-person that loads of people hate, far left people would vote for far-left-person that loads of people hate, but since almost everyone would put moderate-person as their 2nd choice that everyone kind of doesn't like, they would be the one to get elected in this case. It's like the old saying, a good compromise is when nobody is happy. That's what's needed to move away from extremist politics, but without a ranked choice system, it's not going to happen any time soon.

*this is grossly simplified, and there are examples of multi-party systems that don't use ranked choice, and there's many many caveats besides when talking so simply about something as complex as electoral politics, but the fundamental point stands.


I follow tech pretty avidly, my wife has a steam deck on her christmas+birthday list (they're close so it's a combo). I've intentionally not told her about the refresh and all the goodness it brings, so that I can surprise her with a 1TB Steam Deck that surpasses everything she expected! I've got the whole family pitching in to get it, Valve's timing couldn't have been better!

America needs more small cars!!

I’m currently driving around Iceland. I have seen a Renault Megane, a plethora of newer Yaris’, one Yaris Cross (I lost my damned mind) and a crap ton of Suzuki Jimnys. Now, I’ve driven in some awful conditions in the states. Blizzards in Montana, Tornadoes in Texas, hail storms in the South and ridiculous wind in Arizona....


The degree to which you're wrong is truly astonishing.


For what it's worth, I'm 100% a nihilist, it's absurd to me that there is some inherent meaning in life. Who tf am I to say I know the meaning to life??? BUT I also recognize that I'm alive, as is everyone able to think that thought, and we might as well do something with it despite this. I think everyone contrives meaning in their own lives, and THAT. IS. OK. That itch for meaning needs to be scratched, I live as a rule utilitarian primarily, even though I accept this worldview as one I've contrived for myself rather than something inherently right. If you've got a kitchen full of ingredients, and there's not outright purpose to the "right" thing to cook, it still seems to make more sense to scramble an egg or two, than to demolish the kitchen over the notion of a lack of inherent meaning.

I achievement hunt in video games, sure as heck not because it's the most enjoyable way to play a game (some are annoying and hard) but because I also struggle with feelings like yours, and when I get that little ding, it feels like I've done something (I know I haven't!) but it feels like I did, and that's nice to scratch that little "I did a thing" itch. It's okay that it feels nice, even if deep down I know it means nothing. Crap, so what? Same thing when I finish a book, finish a puzzle, watch a new movie, etc. Everything else means nothing too! But it doesn't do me much good to dwell on that, and so I plod along for my next little ding. Sometimes that ding is the thought that "damn, this subway sandwich, is fucking bangin". Sometimes that ding is getting a chuckle out of how stupid life is (I recently won a costume contest at my work I joined over Zoom. I planned to just watch, and as a dry stupid joke I pulled the lampshade of my lamp, plunked it on my head, and said I was a lamp. I promptly won a vote, and a gift basket to the chagrin of everyone who actually tried on their costume. If that's not some stupid good shit to live for I don't know what is.)

Sometimes that ding (and get this) ISNT EVEN FUN. That's also okay. I often say satisfaction, is more important to my mental health than actual happiness or fun. THIS IS NOT THE CASE FOR EVERYONE, GIANT DISCLAIMER but this is the case for my particular brain. When it's hard to be happy, or smile, the feeling of "hey, well at least I beat that hard level today" sometimes is enough to feel satisfied that I did something today even if I was banging my head against a wall a bit to do it.

My hobbies aren't important, there isn't an inherent meaning in my life, and perhaps I'm not important (who tf decides anyways though?). But I'm here, and I'm going to at least scramble a god damn egg, because someone built the kitchen so I might as well get cooking and see what happens.

I hope you open that fridge and scramble some wicked fucking eggs man.


I feel like that's a bit of a cop out to say "it was good except for the last season". That statement is true, much of GOT of absolutely S-tier stuff, but the last season was also part of the show. That's like saying "that meal I was the best I ever had", and when your friend asks "what about the chef's eccentric decision to put dog feces on the potatoes?", you replying "oh don't get hung up on that, it was the best meal I had, but you have ignore that part", if it was on the plate, it was on the plate.

I adore the first few seasons of Community, but would never in a million years (like Game of Thrones) say it's the best show I've ever seen because they both have garbage parts, that as unfortunate as it is, are legitimate parts of each of them.


As a Canadian, it is my sworn duty to engage in weather based one-upmanship, and thus:

Rain? I live in Edmonton, rain everyday is as liveable as the Bahamas compared the frigid wasteland, PLUS you don't have live with Albertans and their lifted Cummins Turbo Rammins.

Also Ich Iel I guess, I don't know what it means but don't hate me Germans.

What's your Patient Gamer's Unpopular Opinion?

Share your unfiltered, unpopular gaming opinions and let’s dive into some real discussions. If you come across a view you disagree with, feel free to (respectfully) defend your perspective. I don’t want to see anyone say stuff like “we’re all entitled to our own opinions.” Let’s pretend like gaming is a science and...


I held on to physical media for a long time, and the legal ownership implications are scary for digital media, BUT the argument of avoiding creating plastic waste at one point outweighed this for me, and I've been all digital ever since, but to each their own. Definitely pros and cons either way.


Sure, thanks for asking, as with anything, these are my opinions and I hope you form your own as well. My opinions aren't perfect, and none of these companies are outright "good" or "bad". It is very hard, I definitely am not always successful (living without touching Apple, Google, and Microsoft some way in the modern world is near impossible), but I do my best.

Costco is definitely one of the less clear cut "they're bad guys" ones on this list, and definitely is doing many good things. My primary reason is the use of a yearly subscription model. Again, a hugely complex topic that could take up paragraphs, but overall I disagree with subscription models for goods, that $1.50 hot dog is not actually $1.50. There are benefits to subscription models (in this case ensuring regular stable income for the company, helps keep prices lower for products where profits might otherwise fluctuate more and they need a bigger profit buffer). They're also on here for the damage they do to local businesses and just suburban colossus that they are with acres of parking lot, it's an eysore, and unpleasant to go to. Lastly, is a 100% biased personal one, but I went once with an autistic client who was so excited to go see Costco, and he only wanted to see and look around, and despite being told beforehand we could go in with a friend who had a card, they turned us away at the door despite my explaining the situation and it totally ruined his day and forever rubbed me the wrong way.

Mister_Rogers, (edited )

Here's my list that I avoid if and where I can. As with everything, things are nuanced and complex, and it's not like every company I personally boycott is outright bad or good all around. I wasn't going to write down the reasoning for each and every one, but ask away if you want to know about the reasoning behind particular ones. I'll also note, this is 100% not in any order (other than as they came to mind), it was time consuming enough making this vs. ranking them all!

Old Spice
Fountain Tire
Moxies Group
Hewlett Packard

On the flip side, companies that while not perfect, I think overall are doing good things that I try to support when I can (if only with word of mouth in some cases):

Raspberry Pi
System 76
Trail Tire
Amanita Games

There's probably more I'm missing, I'm a pretty strong believer that companies rule most of the western world and that if individuals want the world to meaningfully improve, we have to vote with our wallets as diligently as we vote at the polling stations.


Thanks for the response and clarification :) you definitely make some good points!


I replied above if you want more context for my reasoning. It seems to be one of the more controversial takes on the list, perhaps something for me to reassess!


Sure, thanks for asking, as with anything, these are my opinions and I hope you form your own as well. My opinions aren't perfect, and none of these companies are outright "good" or "bad".

Haha, you're closer than you think, chemical burned my wife. This one is fairly personal obviously rather than an overarching issue, but there was a class action lawsuit maybe 8ish years ago over a faulty batch, my wife was unable to be involved for compensation since the class action was in the US, but we were applying gauze and antibiotics, and watching her skin goopify and have to peel it off her screaming in the shower, it was pretty awful. Despite reaching out, all we got was a resounding "deal with it bud" from Old Spice. I refuse to ever use their products again.


That would be a TON of writing, which nobody would read. Thanks for pointing that out, as with anything, these are my opinions and I hope you form your own as well. My opinions aren't perfect, and none of these companies are outright "good" or "bad".

Their immobilizer issues (also see the fire issues with the Telluride and Palisade), are definitely a pretty dark mark on them recently, and I can't account for every individual's. It sounds like your views towards them are entirely justified, my main reasons (I have this above in more detail) for supporting them are because I've always gotten utterly exceptional customer support from them (again things vary), but primarily because they've been a leader in electrication, they continue to make smaller vehicles and not road hogging mega-SUVs only, and all around are making very good products right now despite some issues.

I think there's a definite media/perspective bias with vehicle manufacturers, for example Toyota is on my naughty list which would probably surprise alot of people, but they have had some of the largest (and indeed the very largest) vehicle recalls in automotive history in the last 10 years, some causing death and injury (see floormat recalls, Takata airbags, etc.) and yet they have so much hush money and such a "good reliable brand" reputation that nobody seems to care.

Hyundai (like alot of Korean companies, coughsamsungcough) has pretty heavy ties and influence over the government which is also kinda sketch, but perhaps you're right and maybe they better deserve to be in just a neutral category for myself.

I won't tell you to get the fuck outta here for your differing views on Hyundai, but as I noted, none of these companies are perfect and their recalls and issues with this pale in comparison to those recently with Toyota for example, as much as I know this has personally harmed you directly.


I'm in the fairly niche group preferring digital ownership (although I also strongly feel we need legal revisions and consumer protections over things we digitally own, instead of the "well if this digital shop goes bankrupt, your stuff is just gone", DRM, HDCP hellscape, wild west we're in now) primarily because I'm against the huge amount of plastic and physical materials physical media creates. I am most heavily against the "subscribe to everything, give all the companies your money, and own NOTHING" extra super duper hellscape we're going towards now.


Trump is a giant prick. Robert DeNiro is a lesser prick, but an uneducated, stupid, anti-vax prick nonetheless, who should not have the spotlight shined on him any more. Just because the brainless ape happened to say something correct this time, doesn't mean his opinion matters. He's right, but they both suck royally.


"The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment"


To try to give you a genuine answer, perhaps because 1) Lemmy is a left leaning environment generally, 2) if you're American, because the majority of the western and 1st world countries are dramatically more left leaning than the US (I live in Canada, and your democrats are more right wing than our main right wing political party)


The American punitive view vs. a rehabilitative one is terrifyingly real in these comments. It was an awful awful thing that happened, and he should be monitored the rest of his life, but if it is determined by medical professionals (a.k.a. not you) then he deserves to lead a full life, and have the opportunity to contribute to a society that he caused harm too instead of being a cost to taxpayers everywhere for the rest of his life, while he is medicated and able to rejoin society, that harms everyone even more in the long run.

This man should have had the health supports he needed before this ever happened, likely something exacerbated by the US medical system.

Also to dispel some common myths:

  • Due to legal fees, it costs significantly MORE to sentence someone to death in the US (sidenote, also one of the few 1st world countries still conducting the backwards barbaric practice), than the cost of them continuing to serve life in prison; it is not the "cheap" option.
  • Insanity pleas on average 1) yield longer sentences in mental facilities than similar cases where there was no insanity plea, b) if not successful in getting an insanity sentence yield longer jail sentences on average. From a criminal judicial standpoint, there is very rarely any advantage to pleading insanity, and it's even rarer still that someone actually gets it when they were not in fact insane. The testing, and level of evidence needed far exceeds what you can gather from a casual read and comment online. It is a hugely rare thing legally, we just tend to hear about them as they're represented in the media at disproportionate rates compared to standard trials.

To all my American friends, not shitting on you, you're a wonderful country, of largely wonderful people, but with some bad bad bad policies that I hope will improve in coming years.


Your hat.


No, there isn't.

Do the actual ethical thing and buy a used car. You're putting money back into the hands of actual working Americans instead of companies, contributing dramatically less to climate change by reusing an existing product, you'll get a dramatically nicer vehicle, and save money too.


As a Canadian it really depends whether I say Zee or Zed. Looking online I was surprised to see that it has apparently been Zed in Canada for a long time, but I distinctly recall being raised on Zee until about the mid 2000s then everywhere in the curriculum it was Zed and I started hearing it more. Probably the biggest influence on whether I say Zee or Zed just depends on pop norms, and what sounds better.

Some examples:

  • Zee Zee Top, obviously
  • Jay Zee
  • 350Zed and 370Zed (in reference to Nissan's sportscar models, this actually changed for me over time, for the longest time I would say 350Zee or 370Zee, but when referring to the model broadly, it's always Zee Cars, or for the classic model, it's Fairlady Zee. Fairlady Zed just sounds awful)
  • Day-Zee (the movie and video game)
  • Dragon Ball Zee (ALWAYS, Dragon Ball Zed would be madness, I've never even considered saying Zed here, perhaps because I encountered it more in my Zee prevalent childhood)
  • Zed-DX (the Acura)
  • BMW Zed4
  • La-Zee-boy (the sofas, obviously, ruins the pun otherwise)
  • Alfa Romeo SZed (another car, it seems any time it is separate letters or a series of letter making up a name it's virtually always Zed)
  • ABC song, is always Zee for me, but I've heard others say Zed her often. To me it's weird because otherwise it doesn't rhyme with "next time won't you sing with me". Oddly if you asked me to say the alphabet backwards though, my first instinct would also be Zee.
  • the phrase "from A to Zee"
  • If you asked me what the last letter of the alphabet is, or to spell Zebra, I would say Zee, it seems when referring to the letter alone I pretty consistently use Zee
  • I just asked my wife to spell Zebra and she said Zee though

At least the British and Americans are consistent, I don't even know what the heck I'm doing here!


I would be very interested in an app like this in general that helped you purchase ethically in general, I have to many other things to remember besides all of Nestle's subsidiaries.


I haven't read The Martian, but Shipwreck by Charles Logan is one of my greatest hidden gems. Not well known at all, I have never heard anyone talk about it. I picked it up for 25 cents at a senior's home garage sale, on a whim and loved it.

The basic plot is that Tansis crash lands on a planet in deep space, the others have died in the accident, and the book starts shortly after the last crew member but him dies. The planet is hostile, filled with a specific plant that has dominated with no signs (at first...) of animal life, and the atmosphere at first doesn't seem safe to breathe. It's a story of isolation, trying to survive, trying to escape, and coming to terms with one's situation. It feels very real, without being extravagant, engaging writing style, and I never quite knew what would happen next even right up to the satisfying (but perhaps not for everyone!) ending.

I really hope you read it, but if not that's okay :)

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