Spiracle avatar


Spiracle, (edited )
Spiracle avatar

Achja, der Staat hat wohl wieder zu wenig zu tun. Ziemlich sicher, die Hauptbeschwerde der Asylsuchenden war auch, dass das ganze viel zu schnell geht.

Besser, wir durchsuchen noch einmal auf Amtswegen die Daten der potenziell Millionen von Menschen. Das wird die ganze Angelegenheit angenehm entschleunigen. Man muss ja auch mal Muße haben. Vielleicht kann dann auch noch ein jahrelanges Rechtsverfahren laufen, um festzustellen, ob die Rundumüberwachung vielleicht doch menschenunwürdig ist. Damit hätten alle wieder was zu tun.

Definitiv ein solider Plan, der nicht unnötig Geld kostet und nicht schiefgehen kann.

Spiracle avatar

Wie viel Fleisch hat sie in den letzten Jahrzehnten gegessen? Siehste!

Spiracle avatar

Ich dachte, das wäre schon wieder vorbei. Machen die da noch mehr dieses Jahr?

Spiracle, (edited )
Spiracle avatar

Super simple ELI5:

  • Electronics (computers/phones/laptops etc) work by running electricity through stuff ("conductors").

  • While moving, the electricity "bumps" into stuff on the way. That’s bad, and only the reason electronics get warm. Electric energy is turned into heat instead of doing its job.

  • In a _super_conductor, electricity does not bump into stuff. Everything works smoothly, no waste heat. Batteries would last longer. Heat damage would no longer be (as much) a concern. Basically, all-around better.

The warmest current conductor I’ve read about only worked at below -27 °C, I think, and needed huge pressure, like on the ocean floor. Others work at surface pressure but require even lower temps.

Benefits of safe, cheaply mass-produced, room-temperature, [EDIT: and workable] surface-pressure superconductors:

  • Massively better battery life of everything.

  • Much, much more efficient use of anything that needs electricity, reducing cost of everything that needs electricity.

  • Extremely efficient energy transfer (power lines etc can lose a lot of energy on the way), making electricity itself cheaper.

  • Some inventions are suddenly much more feasible (Maglev trains and hoverboards are examples I’ve seen mentioned, but don’t ask me about the science behind that.)

  • Electronics can become smaller, yet again. It would probably make Smartwatches and "Spatial Computing" devices more feasible.

EDIT: Based on one YT video, I’ll add that the material also needs to be able to worked into various forms and solid/stable enough not to crumble over time. Apparently, there are some technically great superconductors already, but they crumble apart or lose their superconductor status if electricity flows through them the wrong way, or something, making them useless.

Spiracle, (edited )
Spiracle avatar

I remember having to figure out why audio was not working on a new installation. That was once, probably ~5 years ago and was fixed quickly once I found a solution online.

I’d vastly prefer my ears to stop working intermittently due to a FOSS driver issue over a corporate overlord installing bloat, spyware, demanding regular payment for the privilege of them not deleting my driver, just to drop support for them some years later anyway.

Spiracle, (edited )
Spiracle avatar

Children are easy to carry and often easily accessible. Sadly, it is often as simple as driving close to one in a car, then pulling them inside.

Actually, that can work for adults as well, according to some vids and news stories I’ve seen. Many crimes are incredibly easy. Just like the death toll and environmental/monetary/health cost of cars, it’s just not mainstream knowledge.

And that doesn’t include all the other causes. Runaways are missing, and often intentionally trying to stay missing. Parents taking children and leaving the country without telling anyone can make them all be "missing". Bureaucratic issues can mean that a simple move leaves children "missing" in one official register or another. Some people or families are simply not "in the system", living off-the-grid.

Spiracle avatar

Neat. Making this a holiday might actually spread awareness in a meaningful way. Not like any nation would do that.

Spiracle avatar

It was an often-recommended distro a couple of years ago. When SteamOS 3 was on the horizon, some people recommended it as probably the closest to SteamOS 3 on the market. Now, I haven’t bothered uninstalling it on my old computer yet.

Spiracle avatar

Why would a Centaur have a "normal human heart"?

Spiracle avatar

Finally. I haven’t seen a single positive use of these yet due to the poor performance. Only slightly more accurate than professors or lawyers asking ChatGPT whether something was written by ChatGPT.

Spiracle, (edited )
Spiracle avatar

Direct link to the (short) report this article refers to:



After reading it, I’m still unsure what all they consider to be CSAM and how much of each category they found. Here are what they count as CSAM categories as far as I can tell. No idea how much the categories overlap, and therefore no idea how many beyond the 112 PhotoDNA images are of actual children.

  1. 112 instances of known CSAM of actual children, (identified by PhotoDNA)
  2. 713 times assumed CSAM, based on hashtags.
  3. 1,217 text posts talking about stuff related to grooming/trading. Includes no actual CSAM or CSAM trading/selling on Mastodon, but some links to other sites?
  4. Drawn and Computer-Generated images. (No quantity given, possibly not counted? Part of the 713 posts above?)
  5. Self-Generated CSAM. (Example is someone literally selling pics of their dick for Robux.) (No quantity given here either.)

Personally, I’m not sure what the take-away is supposed to be from this. It’s impossible to moderate all the user-generated content quickly. This is not a Fediverse issue. The same is true for Mastodon, Twitter, Reddit and all the other big content-generating sites. It’s a hard problem to solve. Known CSAM being deleted within hours is already pretty good, imho.

Meta-discussion especially is hard to police. Based on the report, it seems that most CP-material by mass is traded using other services (chat rooms).

For me, there’s a huge difference between actual children being directly exploited and virtual depictions of fictional children. Personally, I consider it the same as any other fetish-images which would be illegal with actual humans (guro/vore/bestiality/rape etc etc).

Spiracle avatar

I feel it might remain special with enough time between events. Once every 4+ years allows enough shift in users and internet culture to make each unique, if not as special as the first time. Allow every Reddit-"generation" to make their mark.

This one is just empty, though.

Spiracle, (edited )
Spiracle avatar

I suppose giving them a public billboard to voice their dissatisfaction is one way to tempt people back onto the site.

Ok but what is an actually good solution to the whole AI art debacle?

I heard about C2PA and I don’t believe for a second that it’s not going to be used for surveillance and all that other fun stuff. What’s worse is that they’re apparently trying to make it legally required. It also really annoys me when I see headlines along the lines of “Is AI the end of creativity?!1!” or “AI will...

Spiracle avatar

It’s a very difficult topic, and I don’t see any satisfying real-world solutions. Two big issues:

  1. Obvious solutions are impossible. Generative AI are impossible to "undo". Much of the basic tech, and many simpler models, are spread far and wide. Research, likewise, is spread out both globally and on varying levels from large Megacorps down to small groups of researchers. Even severe attempts at restricting it would, at most, punish the small guys.

I don’t want a world, where corporations like Adobe or Microsoft hold sole control over legal "ethically trained" generative AI. However, that is where insistence on copyright for training sets, or insistence on censored "safe" LLMs would lead us.

  1. Many of the ethical and practical concerns are on sliding scales. They are also on the edge of these scales. When does machine assistance become unethical? When does imitating the specific style of an artist become wrong? Where does inspiration end and intellectual rights infringement begin? At what point does reducing racial and other biases from LLMs switch over to turning them into biased propaganda machines?

There are dozens of questions like these, and I have found no satisfying answers to any of them. Yet the answers to some of them are required in order to produce reasonable solutions.

Spiracle avatar

With how cyclical heat seems to be, probably the hottest year until ~4 years from now.

Just long enough for sceptics to dismiss it again, because any day without high heat means climate change is fake.

Spiracle avatar

Yay, more heat. Looking forward to my skin melting off soon.

Spiracle, (edited )
Spiracle avatar

so I don’t know where those “angry car haters” come from

Having read those comments… probably because OP already dismissed the legitimacy of the community and therefore interpreted all comments in the worst light. Any hint at even the smallest passion for the subject becomes "angry haters".

Same as the other commenter who dismissed anyone wanting to go without cars as "paupers", because they cannot imagine there being legitimate reasons to avoid cars.

Spiracle avatar

Personally, sitting in a seat with plenty of room and casually watching videos, browsing kbin, or eating some food is a strictly superior experience to the constant vigilance of city traffic while not being allowed to move from my place.

Spiracle avatar

In case someone doesn’t already know these 58 licensed Star Trek sets: https://www.bluebrixx.com/en/sets/star_trek?filter=parts&order=desc&limit=58

Spiracle avatar


If you want a more LEGO-like feel, you can probably replace the high quality printed blocks with some stickers.

Spiracle, (edited )
Spiracle avatar

Edit: I misunderstood the sets the above post was referring to.

Definitely need some stickers, at least, for this.
the miniscule size
Lego Millenium Falcon

I’m about 80% sure you are being sarcastic at this point. Just to be sure:

  1. The BlueBrixx sets print unique design elements like names, numbers, coloured lines directly onto the bricks. LEGO is known for adding packs of cheap stickers for most of that.
  2. The ready room picture is, afaik, one of the more iconic objects associated with Picard.
  3. The painting is 1m x 0.5m with some depth.
  4. The Lego Millennium Falcon has ~2.5 as many pieces for ~4.5 as high a price. (Using the regular price, which is €189.95, btw, ten less than you wrote.)
  5. Intricate details I cannot judge from the pictures. I suppose that comparing a painting set to a ship that’s several times as expensive may also not be the easiest to compare, even in person.

The Star Trek ships should be bigger and cost more, or cheaper and cost less. Not the same amount for far, far less.

That’s, like, your opinion. Personally, I think €850 for a single set is a bit much. I’d rather have 5 smaller sets for that price. That said, Bluebrixx does plenty of ships that are "cheaper and cost less", down to tiny sets for ~€10 each.

Spiracle avatar

Lol, I complete misread part of your first post.

The repulsive Picard picture on the Enterprise D,

Looking at the catalogue, the first is "Picard ready room painting", and I somehow mixed the two together. Complete reading comprehension failure on my part. All the other erroneous points in my post followed from that. Sorry!

That said, the whole thing still seems to be an issue of "your mileage may vary". I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the image of Picard on some other official Star Trek stuff at well. (DVD Box art?) I wouldn’t describe it as "repulsive".

Comparing https://www.lego.com/en-de/product/millennium-falcon-75257 and https://www.bluebrixx.com/en/star-trek/104184/Star-Trek-USS-Enterprise-NCC-1701-D-BlueBrixx-Pro :

The Star Trek looks like the original. I don’t think a bridge would make sense given the scale. If you look at the video, every single dot is a room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IwxDO2Lrnk

I’d say there are plenty of details, and ~1.5 as many parts to represent as many features as possible on the model. It doesn’t have any play features, as far as I can tell, but I don’t think that was the goal either. Unlike the LEGO set, it’s a straight-up display model, and it works quite well for that, by my estimate. Again, this is just personal opinion. Everyone should judge for themselves what they like.

Spiracle avatar

Based on the ~2 videos I’ve seen, the newly released Debian 12 stable might actually be good for newbies without being noticeably out-of-date. Thanks to Flatpak etc, new software versions can be installed / updated easily without compromising stability.

Spiracle avatar

Isn't fresher always better?

Due to the nature as a community of tech enthusiasts, normal end-users can easily get software that is a bit too fresh. You probably don’t want to be a beta-tester unless you don’t mind updates frequently breaking your system.

Usually, default settings put you a few levels down from that, depending on which distro you go for. This doesn’t keep you completely save from some developers doing stupid shit (Manjaro), but this shouldn’t be a concern for any distro I’ve seen recommended here.

What got you into VTubing?

Before VTubing, I just streamed art and stuff with/without webcam! And then right at the VTuber boom of 2020, a couple of my friends told me I should try to be a VTuber since I already had experience doing stuff in Live2D. So I just made a joke character, and then I eventually just... kinda kept doing it, since I really like not...

Spiracle avatar

Not quite the target you were thinking of, probably, but the sub is a bit too dead for my tastes, so:

As a fan who never understood the whole parasocial thing and was turned off by what I saw as the typical Streamer stuff, Streamers covering stuff I was interested in is how I found them. The whole trying to be lewd and parasocial thing most VTubers seem to go for still turns me away from most. Basically, I’m consuming most content like I would any other video on YouTube.

virtualharby would be the first. During the last r/place event, an obsessive "fan" of hers decided to use bots to place her face into the location a game sub was already using. Basically, small community vs 1 guy with bots. She called him out and berated him on stream, then got a small shoutout in the sub’s pixel art. I followed her and started watching if a Stream seemed interesting. (Mostly does game programming or plays games on stream.) She’s still the only one whose Streams I occasionally watch live. Due to her having ~20 viewers, the parasociality is less of an issue for me, I suppose. Since chatters can actually talk with her like normal people, viewing her as an online acquaintance works for me.

I only really sort-of got into VTubers proper due to being recommended a couple shorts by Filian, and the prevalent lewdness of the community seems to weird her out as much as it does me. I’m still only watching some VODs or edited videos, though. Mostly her collabs with other people like her friends LaynaLazar and ProjektMelody. Also got into some cooking videos by Onigiri. Check out this great song by Auteru Tori.

There have been a couple YouTubers who I don’t count as getting me into VTubers. I’m not watching their streams, if they have any at all.

Drumsy runs a virtual reality show (mostly comedic sketches). VRchat is the medium, but I don’t think his group are streamers.
RedRisley is a streamer, but I’m only watching edited gameplay footage, and she’s also considering switching to being a "normal" streamer.
Thrillseeker does VR tech related content, but rarely Streams.
Phia’s The Virtual Reality Show and TVRS Studio feature VTubers on occasion, including an interview with Filian, but are more about VRChat culture, communities and people.

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