

"Communist China" is such a loaded phrase.

That old Conservative trope of telling you how to feel about something before they tell you about it.

Very Tucker Carlson. Or Donny T.

Here's my phone's new cloud storage. Accessible everywhere, no internet needed, nobody gonna stick their nose in it or decide that I suddenly need to pay 6000x more or they'll hold my data hostage (lemmy.world)

I still remember when this cloud thing was just starting, and some people were absolutely glowing that they can have 4 gigs in the cloud for only 5 bucks a month. At the time I had been drowning in 4GB and larger memory cards for probably a decade.


As someone clumsy who lives in a city with a lot of canals...

There are associated risks with this kind of "backup" also.


I think I have a beard but I've lost my glasses. I'll have a look when I find them, but I already have my suspicions.

"Antiwoke" magazin on kbin.social posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin. (calckey.social)

@ernest how do I report a Magazin on kbin.social ? There is a usere called "ps" who is posting to his own "antiwoke" Magazin on kbin.social. Please remove this and dont give them a chance to etablish them self on kbin.social. When I report his stuff it will go to him because he is the moderator of the magazin? Seems like a...


I think you mistyped truth social in your URL bar. This place will not welcome you, I think.

nixCraft, to random
@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

Hello Mastodon, could you suggest a computer game suitable for kids aged 10 to 14 that can run on older hardware? Thank you.


@nixCraft it depends how old but portal 2 is probably a decade old and a great family friendly puzzle game.

Portal 1 is a bit more indie but will run on even older machines.


Yeah. If they can literally pay for thousands of Ads saying the game is "X", why is it rude for us to claim (as a single individual) that is was not so.


Yeah the only mission with the multiple paths/strategies to go through was the one from the gameplay demo. Everything else was pretty much on rails.

That annoyed me so much.


Mirror is absolute trash. They love the "make an article from this press release. They're paying us for this" model, especially when it's anti-worker.

Also there's literally a dog bowl in the bed shot lol

Dear pre-migration Keebinetters, how can we NOT ruin kbin for you?

As a former redditor I am glad to have found a new "home" and I hope I'm not intruding. Nevertheless, we are all a huge migration that is bound to change how kbin works and we're bound to piss off some pre-migration Keebinetters. The fact you guys were here before and not in reddit makes evident you don't want this to become a...


What are those?

I think I remember apps with those names. But it sounds like you mean a particular kind of user?


My hope is that a lot of the more annoyed subs will do the two days and then continue indefinitely after.

Saying it's only two days makes it harder for Reddit to prepare some bad-faith counter to it (like replacing the mods and/or putting the sub back to being live).

A lot of redditors still have no idea what's going on, so even the two days gives them a chance to get caught up so they can decide if they care about it or not.


I think Google will still be able to index the web pages with the info on them (they may never have been using the API at all).

Have you heard something different to this?

If so I'm very keen to read more.

bushOfBerries, to CasualUK

My Gran just called me to say it's going to be hot, my cousin just got a dog and that house prices are going "down" (which I suspect just means "not as 'up' as usual").

Oh and eggs for breakfast.

How's your Sunday going?


Oh wow thank you. I could not follow the other explanations.

I usually need to start with an ELI5 like this and then go and read the breakdowns


Testing out delete function. Please ignore.

Edit: test failed

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