
Could you send a link to where you bought that one? I like how small it is.

What's your go to B&W film?

I've played with pretty much any film I come across, and in terms of cost-benefit I've settled on Fomapan films. I like the grain structure, they are some of the cheapest BW film available and have great latitude if you like to mess with stand development. I shot this photo on a Pentax ME camera using Fomapan 100. Developed at...


HP5 has been my go-to for a while. I have a friend who recently shot a roll of Dracula 64, an infrared sensitive film, and I'm excited to see how that turns out.


I really enjoyed looking through all these! Do you work in game dev, or just a hobby?


Interesting. I support their right to make that decision and I'm glad that's an option in the Fediverse. I'm not sure I'd want to see that change happening if I were a member of their instance (I haven't spent enough time there to have an informed opinion about the alleged problems they cite in the post), but I suppose the strength of federation is that users can choose to move to another instance without necessarily losing access to Beehaw's content. I wonder how this will play out among their userbase?

cache_miss, to CampingAndHiking

Anyone hiked Harriman State Park in NY before? Excited to knock this one out this weekend. Stony Brook and Diamond Mountain

cache_miss, (edited ) to darkroom

Alterations / Ilford HP5 @ 3200 / DD-X


What were your shot parameters (coffee in/out) if you recall? I wonder if some of the lemon acidity could be reduced by increasing extraction with higher temp or finer grind? That said, I'm with you on Blue Bottle. I'm in NYC and their coffee seems underwhelming and overpriced even by local standards.

How do you delete a magazine ?

Hello, I'm very new to this and I thought it would be clever to create magazines of what I liked on reddit before anybody else. But I'm in over my head, I've never moderated anything, I don't understand the microblog and hashtags (never had a twitter or mastondon account). So I would like to delete the magazines I've created (3)...

E-6 Reversal using C-41 Chemistry and Black and White Developer (HC-110, Rodinal etc) (

So I don't shoot slide film enough to justify having the E6 chemistry on hand, but have seen this process come up a few times where you effectively use a common black and white developer to do a first development on the film, which is subsequently taken out of the developing tank, fogged intentionally using a light source, and...


That's super cool. It looks like the OP got some decent results with Ektachrome, if a bit washed out. I wonder how much the saturation loss was due to the film being expired vs. the processing. I've never tried this but look forward to seeing how yours turn out!


Nice shot—love the eerie hue to the sky. Thanks for posting! What film stock was this?

pliny, to darkroom
pliny avatar

Brand new to film photography and I shot my first roll of HP5 on my inherited Canon AE-1 Program.

This imagine is my favorite and I’m pretty proud of it.

Critique is welcome!


@pliny Very nice—really like how bright the leaves are in the center of the photo. How are you liking the AE-1? It's a classic!


Check out our new darkroom community if you're into darkroom processing or analog/film photography. I'm trying to get it off the ground, so crossposting any of your analog content there would be greatly appreciated!


Check out our new darkroom community if you're into darkroom processing or analog/film photography. I'm trying to get it off the ground, so crossposting any of your analog content there would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks a lot! Yeah, I developed the film and made the print myself. I really enjoy doing the whole process start to finish because I find it very meditative, and it allows for a lot of creative freedom.

cache_miss, to darkroom

New batch of negs—mix of Ilford HP5, Fuji Superia Xtra, and Kodak ColorPlus. Had never even heard of ColorPlus until I decided to pick up a roll on a whim. It's got a really warm tone and feels a bit less sharp than the Fuji—not my favorite, but was fun to try out. Looking forward to printing!


@wavyparrot Cool shot, thanks for posting. Where was this? That's an awesome sculpture!


@Enutro1120 Absolutely. HP5 is such an easy and fun film to work with—there's a reason I'm pulling from a bulk roll of it right now. I typically develop it in DD-X, but D76 is free at my local darkroom and it's hard to turn down free when it's offered!


Thanks for the support! I'd really like to see kbin succeed. I've been feeling a bit artistically uninspired lately, so this has been a great way for me to get back into the hobby myself ;)


I did a quick search on kbin and the Lemmy community browser and didn't see any dedicated photo critique spaces... yet! Of course you're welcome to post anything analog in /m/darkroom for feedback.

If you feel like you're up for committing a bit of time to moderating and growing a new space, creating a magazine is really easy—just mouse over the plus sign in the upper right, and click "Create New Magazine". You'll fill out a few details and you're all set. After creating mine, I filled out the sidebar with some basic info and created a sticky welcome thread so that the main page isn't blank until you get a few users. Then I posted in some related magazines on kbin and elsewhere trying to spread the word without being too obnoxious. I also made posts in /r/darkroom and /r/analog on Reddit. The good news is that my advertisements here were well received—it seems like everyone else is just as excited to see a new magazine getting started. Take a look at my profile if you need some examples, and feel free to post here if you decide to go this route and need some more help.


Just saw your post—thanks for adding it! We're excited to have you.


Thanks for the support. I'm no expert, but feel free to post any questions you have and I'll do my best to help! Beginner questions are okay, of course.


That’s so exciting! I hope all goes well, and definitely let us know how it turns out.

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