espiritu_p avatar


My tWiTcH
My yOuTuBe
My rEdDiT
My wEbLoG

espiritu_p avatar

Poor suckers are at least 15 years too late.

espiritu_p avatar

I have a coop game with my wife too. We have about 40 hours on our clock too, and we just yet entered the Underdark.
At that pace I expect our game to last for years, because in my "normal" run I am at 170 hours and still have plenty to do.
You can of course do it faster, by lowering diffiCulty (we did) and by just following the main quest. But much fun lies in exploring the world and finding the many secrets.

espiritu_p avatar

That's a great initiative.
I haven't bought games from big publishers as EA or Ubi for years because of this issue.

espiritu_p avatar

My last survey was in November.

But yes: Selection is random. And since Linux users still make a small perecentage of Steam users it can make a huge difference when the randomizer selects fewwer Linux gamers.

espiritu_p, (edited )
espiritu_p avatar

I want to add OpenTTD and Battle for Polytopia to the list.
OpenTTD is a free as free can be transport simulation. You have to get used to the controls, but I had some fun with it on my android tablet. Although I prefer to play it on PC.
Battle for Polytopia is a Civilization style game with awesome Voxel graphic for mobile devices. One game in standard mode lasts about an hour. It is free2play in a way that you get the game and the first 3 civilizations for free and can buy additional ones for a small fee. Offline playing is possible and I've never seen any ads in it.

Oh, and of course try Gwent.
This is a CCG in the world of The Witcher - known from the books, the games and of course the Netflix series too.
It's free to play, and very generous to free players. No ads, no pay2win, and you gain ressources to craft your cards very fast.
If you want to see some gameplay: I am streaming it every wednesday on Twitch.

espiritu_p avatar

Björn tuend Björn Sachen.

Der Begriff "Urkatastrophe" wirD, soweit mir bekannt, auch von echten Historikern verwendet. Aber die beziehen das auf das 4 Jahre dauernde Massenmorden im industriellen Maßstab, und beweinen nicht, daß in der Folge ein paar gekrönte Inzuchtergebnisse ihre Macht abgeben durften.

espiritu_p avatar

Auf der anderen Seite supported Putin aber auch die Hamas. Und es gibt Anzeichen, daß er die auch mit Beutewaffen aus der ukraine beliefert hat die am 7. Oktober verwendet wurden.
Hanas ist nicht ISIS, aber wenn man von russischer Seite anfragt, können die sicher Kontakte herstellen, um einen Terroranschlag auszuhandeln, den beide Seiten ausschlachten können.

espiritu_p avatar

I am not that sure here.
Moscow will of course hide any evidence that could attribute to ISIS. they already started to blame Ukraine. For obvious reasons.

But the timing is really bad for a terror attack.
Putin has consolidated his power with the fake elections, and they are supporting hamas terrorists in Gaza.
My bet is on FSB here, and that ISIS is just hitchhiking.

espiritu_p avatar

Putin did it once.
With the bombings in august and september 1999 which he used as an excuse to invade chechnya.
not one of the terrorist had been found or punished afterwards, which is a strong indicative that it was FSB.

If really IS was behind it they would have done it before presidential election, not a week after. Same for Ukraine.
Putin will use it to justify mass mobilisation against ukraine.

espiritu_p avatar

The are of course blaming Ukraine.

espiritu_p avatar

well, it's maybe because actual Gen Z considers everyone a boomer who is older than 30.
In that sense a "boomer shooter" is a game that everyone can manage who isn't Gen Z

espiritu_p avatar

...from what games you want to play, which hardware are you using, and so on.
I built up a new pc last november, mostly for gaming. So nobara was a great choice and all my games are running fine on it. Including Baldurs Gate3, Cyberpunk 2077, Satisfactory and Everspace2.
If you are not into buying the top-notch games on day one, you may look into other distros too. Nobara is grear, but I had some issues with my display setup (2 monitors with different rosolution) that may not have happened with mint or another more stable distro

espiritu_p avatar

So it will be a purchase on their website.

I was a day one buyer of World of Goo back in... 2009?
And of course I want to play the sequel too. Glad I don't have to use Some horrible web store, although I had preferred to have a choice where to buy.

espiritu_p avatar

Der OP hat die Hauptzutat vergessen: Vanille

espiritu_p avatar

Viel braucht es nicht davon. Aber Vanilla macht die Weißtafel erst genießbar.

Ansonsten wäre es in der Tat nur ein Gemisch von Fettmassen.

espiritu_p avatar

Wellt, it did go off. But luckily the idiot threw a smoke grenade instead of an explosive one.

espiritu_p avatar

I will check out Paradox' Millenia as well as Homeworld 3

espiritu_p avatar

As a German you know that a regime is on the brink of collapse if it has to restrict banana imports.

Any way to prevent save files being shared by different Steam users on distros that depend on steam?(SteamOS/ChimeraOS/HoloISO)

I’m thinking about making a dedicated gaming PC which is to be shared in our household. ChimeraOS/HoloISO seems the ideal solution to that… Except that games thay it means that all save files of games that don’t use Steam Cloud OR write save files on Valve’s recommended directory are shared between users....

espiritu_p avatar

you have two problems here:

  • save and config files of linux native games. They will usually create a directory somewhere in your home directory - usually under .var or .config
  • and then the save and config files for wine enabled games. They are saved in the steamapps/compatdata directory tree together with all the (windows) files wine needs to run the program. One folder for each game.
    you would need a separate compatdata structure for every steam account to keep the saves separated.
    A possible solution would be to create a start script for every steam user that links the respective folder to compatdata, and then starts steam with the correct credentials.
    You may need to separate other folders too, although I am not sure which those may be. Steam itself can do several users, since it's based on the same code as on Windows. So you may just test with swapping the compatdata folder and check what it's doing.

A funny thing: Proton/wine seems to have a mechanic to provide a username. Because on my games installed by Heroic Launcher i find the windows Profile folder (in the Heroic prefixes folder which is equal to steams compatdata) under "c:\Users[Linuxusername]" while in the steam compatdata the folder is just named "c:\Users\user"
I found that out because I recently copied my saves files from some games that are not cloud- saved to their folders.
but I haven't seen a setting in Steam to use different profile folders in Proton. Which means you will most probably break cloud features when trying to enforce this by start parameters.

espiritu_p avatar

Yeah, I don't have a solution for this neither.

My suggestion with creating a start script for each user would require to install a more traditional distro.

espiritu_p avatar

Was der Fadengenerator wohl sagt, wenn er erfährt, daß es auch Gemeinschaften gibt, deren Mitgliede sich als "Freichristen" oder "Freimaurer" bezeichnen?

espiritu_p avatar

Danke für die antwort. Aber ist das mIt den Kannibalismusritualen nicht eher so ein Katholending?
Ich kenn das ja auch noch aus meiner Jugend. Und dann schmeckt das ding trotzdem nur nach trockenem Keks, und der Wein nach Essig.
Andere Flavors dieser Kreuzkriechersekte machen den Quatsch entweder nicht mit, oder hauen nur einmal im Jahr was raus.

Sprich vielleicht mal mit deinem Bauunternehmen. Da läßt sich sicher noch was am Preis machen.

espiritu_p avatar

Hey mate.
Getting wrecked is no shame at all.
I got absolutely wrecked by the bandits in the ruis too. Then I reloaded, discovered what use an oil keg can be, and won the fight.
Same with the Goblin camp, or the (second) attack on the Grove (which was far easier after moving some objects)
It's incredible how much easier a fight turns out if you contemplate for half a minute and the restart.
On the other side I decided to not reload, after one of the characters got killed in camp, because opposite to losing a fight, It was my decision to watch the outcome - which was worse.

PS: I am doing it the other way than you did. I started in August alone in balanced mode, and are halfway through act2 by now. And started a co-op playthorugh together with my wife in easy mode two weeks ago.

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