Conversations about the fediverse

drq, (edited ) Russian avatar

Happy Birthday, Fediverse!

May you live long and prosper!

ZySoua, avatar
drq, Russian avatar

The Fediverse is turning 16 in 2 days.

This is fucking nuts, if you ask me.

#fedi16 #fediverse16 #FediverseMeta

doomsdayrs, avatar

@drq how do you feel as a senior citizen?

drq, avatar
byte, avatar

I finally caught the idea why fedi feels superior to other platforms (besides the obvious) - reacts.

where did you see a dislike button last time? i only see it on stackexchange where it serves only functional purposes and disqus where it serves only social purposes.

here we have a bunch of conditionally negative reacts and full freedom of expression. my favs are woozy cats and wrenches. they also can be completely ironic, can you imagine an ironic dislike button? i certainly can't

platforms with only likes absolutely suck. fuck you for your "positive engagement" farming, my people need TOOLS to express ourselves, we need WRENCHES 🔧🔧🔧


philpem, avatar

Normalise commenting on the last boost and including the link to the last boost in your toot

philpem, avatar

@forza4galicia People often boost it, then toot "LB: <thing I have to add> and then you have to dig through their profile to find the last boost before the toot.

hrefna, avatar

Tell me you know absolutely nothing about system design without saying you know absolutely nothing about system design.

Or software architecture, for that matter.

hrefna, avatar

You can be upset about something or not like something without:

  1. It being Problematic™
  2. Vilifying those who have come to different conclusions or who weigh priorities differently
  3. Making up things that aren't true or creating distortions to support your argument
  4. Harassing those who disagree
  5. Borrowing from other concerns where the concern is true, but unrelated to what you are concerned about
  6. There even being a reason at all

You can just not like it. It's okay.

hrefna, avatar

@argv_minus_one They also do it as a way to convince people, including sometimes themselves, that it is "okay" to not like something.

Someone has a squick and rather than acknowledge that "this is a squick and I should just put filters in place" they try to find a way to make it Problematic™ and blame others for their feelings, because then it is "okay" for them to hate it and demand that others remove it.

It's the dance of "someone (who is not me) should be protecting me."

driftini, avatar

so announced they're introducing a temporary measure against the spambots by ignoring all posts, boosts, replies and whatnot from other instances, UNLESS a user from a different instance is followed by someone on

if you wanna maintain communication with's users you should make an account from there and follow your main that is on another instance (the announcement itself recommends this method)

boost to let as many people know or something

experiencer, avatar

@driftini never really interacted with that server but some of my followers on @splatoon are on that server so those posts will appear there I guess

driftini, avatar

@experiencer yeah they should

lea, avatar

I'm (not) sorry if this sounds like gatekeeping, but if you aren't technical enough and/or don't have the time to administrate an instance properly, please do not host a fediverse server. At the very least, don't allow open registrations or keep it single-user.

I've seen users losing their entire social graph due to instances randomly shutting down or losing their data, which is unfair to those users and paints a negative light of fediverse. And now, we're seeing the entire fediverse bogged down with spam because of instances that fail to mitigate bots, affecting the experience of everyone else.

In a related light, it's concerning how a small group of actors (at least based on our internal intelligence) can degrade the experience of the fediverse this effectively. It signals that we have a have a long ways to go in terms of the technologies, strategies, and tools we use to mitigate bad actors in the fediverse. What we currently have isn't enough for a resilient fediverse.

BrodieOnLinux, avatar

@lea For personal instances go and deploy unstable git commits or patches you wrote yourself for all I care but I agree, as soon as you start publically accepting users you need to be a bit more careful. I will make an exception for private signups where an instance exists for the purpose of general testing.

serge, avatar

I'm so tired of the idea that people we listen to have to:

a) Have opinions on every topic (especially those outside their expertise)
b) Opine those opinions publicly or else be accused of participation in whatever someone doesn't like
c) Parrot exactly what someone else already believes or be accused of being a plant for, not just the other side, but the furthest extreme of the other side

This is not how human beings work.

People may not have well considered opinions on all topics- I certainly don't.

People may choose to stay out of a conversation for a myriad of reasons.

People may have opinions that are right in some areas and wrong in others.

We need to get away from the idea of someone not fitting a mold exactly as a moral failure. It's not a moral failure to be a person.

feld, avatar

@serge these people are the roadside IEDs on the highway to information. You can do your best to avoid them but you're probably still gonna take some shrapnel from being in their vicinity.

serge, avatar



It may be that, or a different prioritization, or lots of things.

And it's tricky when it's really core stuff to you- I certainly have my core issues. But we can't be entirely consumed with demanding complete agreement. It's harmful to ourselves, to others, and society.

kagan, avatar

Some people seem to think that maybe on the Fediverse, Threads will engage in reasonable moderation, or generally behave like a decent company. This despite the fact they've engaged in so much evil that's been amply documented.

Don't fall for it! Why would they change now?

serge, avatar

Would Fediverse admins like a presentation by Babka folks on antisemitism on the Fediverse, specifically what mainstream Jews/Jewish organizations consider hate speech and why?

If you're an instance admin or a moderator and you'd be interested, I'd like to hear from you. If there's enough interest, I'll put together a signup, but this is just a feeler for now.

If you're interested, please reply or DM me, thanks!

If you're not an admin, please boost or let your admin know about this! Thanks!

serge, avatar


no update yet. But everyone who expressed interest is on a list. I"m just physically and emotionally worn out.

dnddeutsch, avatar

@serge That is absolutely understandable. Thank you for your answer and take good care of yourself!


i hit a new milestone today :3c

hrefna, avatar

As a server admin, what are the things you would like to know before applying a domain block (and/or a ), or what kinds of steps would you like to perform?

Some of my thoughts:

  1. How many people would be impacted on our server and theirs?
  2. How significant the impact would be for those impacted?
  3. Is the domain actually alive still?

What else?

kikobar, avatar

@hrefna blocking a domain is a nuclear option IMHO.

Mostly applicable when the sole purpose of the instance and its administrators is to harass people, spread spam and nonsense and harbour criminal activities.

In any other case, even if the admins are not very responsive to requests of moderation of some of their users, we can still get away by just blocking some individual accounts.

Actually, I think it is more related to how much work is going to take from us as admins to deal with their users than any other thing. 🤔


oblomov, avatar

@hrefna those first two are really important. In general, feeling the pulse of the community concerning the block would be what makes the difference between an admin that does things "by themselves” and those that really act as stewards for their community.


I didn’t understand why I would keep seeing toots from Ro in my timeline since we have him defederated. It is because people on FireFish and Akkoma and all that can quote toots which makes it show up as a link to a website on Ivory. So then I added a keyword mute for ubiqueros and like magic they are gone now. Whoop whoop!!

But someone needs to throw him a life raft for real he is drowning in his own ego over there. :neocat_shocked:


@victor naw I’m just speaking the truth :ms_100_bisexual:


If you throw a blanket over a million people by saying MOST of fedi is bigots you are part of the problem.

I am a POC just like you are.

This is not a point for debate.



@sandy But I guess some folks rather want to live in their fantasies instead of facing the facts...


@victor :ablobcatbongoangry: I should not have said anything and we have his instance suspended but people on FireFish can quote toots and that’s why it was in my feed. So of course I can’t help myself and I read more of his toots. He is a grifter and a transphobe!! We need to create an honest alternative to his blocklist site. He fights people saying that he doesn’t add instances to the list but all of his trusted sources are bigot friends of his.


Apparently there’s more drama? Y’all gotta stop giving them that much power over your lives. They’re sad little dictators with servers not, like, someone or something cool. but also fuck .art


@victor the qualifier here is “sad little dictator” that makes anything attached to it uncool! Your totes cool!!!! :tim_cook_F1:

serge, avatar

In the last three days, myself and Babka's incredible moderators have fielded hate speech reports about 90 accounts, across 53 instances.

As far as I can tell, none of them have been acted on by the remote instances. None.

Saying the Fediverse has an antisemitism problem is an extreme understatement. This network systemically hates Jews and treats us differently than other marginalized groups, even when we're the literal victims of terrorism.

serge, avatar

Update: 5 days and >200 reports.

A few posts were taken down, but no suspensions. None, no matter how vile what they said was.

MJ, avatar

@serge @TonyStark I’m so sorry that the allyship is so lacking.

zorinlynx, avatar

I'd like to make a call for instances that suspended the instance as a result of the Bad Space drama some time ago to consider reversing the decision.

Tensions and egos flared and the result is now the good people there cannot communicate with those on quite a few other instances.

It was all so ridiculous when I look back on it. Consider unsuspending so that the Fediverse can heal from this?

brainwane, avatar

Things I wish I could do in the Fediverse (but generally not so much that I want to lobby for them):

  • delegate authority such that specific other users have the ability to edit my posts (use case: proofreading)
  • easily share my blocklist, mute list, & private notes on other users with specific other users
  • view, in aggregate, the private notes I've made on others' profiles
  • while looking at a specific post, simultaneously block user & put link to post in my private note about them
brainwane, avatar

I sometimes use per-profile user notes to note, e.g., that someone lives in a particular city or has a particular interest. So it would be nice to be able to skim a list of all the users I've annotated -- even if I don't follow them -- so I could message them if I'm going to be in their city, would like their critique on a related initiative, etc.


Morning folk. Does anyone run glitch-soc and has the Shinigami Eyes extension still working when visiting your instance?

If not, I'll dive into the code end of the week and try and fix it for us / PR a fix to glitch-soc / write a guide on how to make it work (no idea which, or if any!)


It's interesting how especially instances like mastodon .art keep getting hate and their mods being called entitled holier-than-though people, just because they actually enforce the rules they had for years. (They are very diverse team of marginalised people btw, not some rich White billionaire...)

An instance is very big? "No way you can mute them, so many people are there! Who cares if they post racist, transphobic or even straight up illegal things!"

An instance has popular accounts on it? "How dare you cutting me off from this super important thing that is usally accessible in plenty of other ways, like the big website it keeps linking to."

We are so extremely hardwired by now that companies, popular people or popular social media platforms are above every kind of responsibility or rules that daring to actually holding them accountable the same way one would do with the Average Joe seems like trying to block gravity from existing.

Seeing companies being hold accountable on social media is very refreshing for me, and long overdue. And it's not like blocking them from one social media instance or two would actually limit your access, you just might need a few extra clicks to your browser bookmarks, or a second account on a different instance that doesn't give a shit about protecting you.

You all are screaming "fuck the system" and "eat the rich", but as soon as someone actually makes a small move to do this, they are being blamed for... simply staying true to their rules. It's all torches and pitchforks against the people daring to inconvenince you? Get a grip!


i think blocklists should be made publicly available so users-soon-to-be can check them out and make a decision whether they want to join your instance or they're going to lose a half of their contacts during migration

I just joined a themed instance to make an english-speaking alt and when I tried following people from other instances I found out most of instances with people I wanted to follow are suspended. they suspended even Absturztaube and Snowdin Town, pretty decent and comfy instances. I didn't count but the blocklist probably contained hundreds of instances, malicious and decent alike

the blocklist wasn't available before I signed up
yes, you can just delete your account if you review the list right away after signing up but what if you've run the migration proccess and lost most of your followers due to defederation?

yes I'm aware you risk being defederated for not having defederated someone but you handle the same risk if your blocklist isn't available because some admins may think you aren't blocking anyone


@ajsilu My general advice to new people has been to avoid instances with hidden block lists unless you have friends already there or the topic is going to give you what you want without federation, otherwise look for a server that publishes their blocks in some format.


@ajsilu I personally wouldn't join an instance with a private blocklist in the first place.

Already sets a very really bad first impression on the whole transparency thing.


so lately ive been bouncing between the evil one (threads) the slightly less evil one (tumblr) and of course here

threads still feels meh and i dont like the demographic that much, the algorithm seems to be pretty good actually but the algorithm can only do so much when the content is lacking

tumblr i dont get enough engagement to say anything lol i thought i was using popular tags but i guess not? but tumblr is tumblr i still love writing there


shocked pikachu face at the current drama revelations.

oh, gee, the abusive and manipulative system is primed for abuse and manipulation of its system.

mmeier, avatar

I really need to start keeping links around on Fedi meta conflicts. If only to have a chance to figure out whether the side currently calling bullshit on the other side is actually telling the truth or trying to gaslight me into questioning what I read a week ago.

I will end up with a spreadsheet, won't I?


This idea that the people voicing complaints or criticism over the Fedi HOA are somehow “scared” because they’re racist bigots and are getting found out is foolish. Actual terrible people doing terrible things are not afraid of some silly ass block list or the jokers that are running it.

People that are trying to exist and build a community, however, are concerned and worry about it. Because their connections and community are in constant risk of dissolving over fucked up whims.

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