
I don’t get it. Biden has done a fantastic job as president and seen us through some of the toughest times in recent history. The economy is strong, unemployment is at 60-year lows, inflation is tamed. But there are people calling for that youngster to drop out? (I have 6 years on him…) Why aren’t they calling on the guy who’s been indicted in four places and charged 91 times to drop out?


I've been a Biden watcher for nearly 40 years. In all of that time I've never seen anything to suggest that he's not genuine. A smart, dedicated public servant. I would point to his VP debate with Paul Ryan as illustration.

Always right? No, but in economic and world affairs, right and wrong don't so readily apply, it's more "optimal" with the sands shifting beneath your feet. But competent, and if he sees he's made a mistake, he tries to fix it.

I've learned to trust him.


@stargazersmith @georgetakei 40 years of Biden being a fascist whose evil legislation and voting record makes Trump look like a saint in comparison:


darwinwoodka, avatar

@CosmicTrigger @stargazersmith @georgetakei

what universe are you in?? Or are you Russian?


@georgetakei biden is a fascist rightwing nazi...

currentbias, avatar

@georgetakei he enabled untold thousands of American deaths by minimizing the pandemic every chance he got, including telling vaxxed folks they no longer need to wear a mask, and allowing the public health emergency declaration to expire so that the government wouldn't have to bankroll any more mitigations:


@georgetakei Biden's team quietly and competently governs. The media wants controversy, scandal, uncivilized behavior, bc that gets clicks, so they cover Trump and his lies.


Everyone ages differently. I have my own reason for not backing for round 2. I won't vote for Trump, but I also won't vote for Joe.


@WiseMagic @georgetakei

Only a vote for Biden stops Trump, which means that throwing away your vote only helps Trump.

You’re a Trumper. How does “purity” feel, Trumper?


@TruthSandwich @georgetakei

I'm 66 years old. This isn't the first time I've decided not to support a candidate over the years & you calling me a "Trumper" is not going to sway me in the least. hasn't just alienated me. I don't think the Pro-Palestine protesters are in any hurry to vote for him either. And I'm sure there are many out there that have their own reasons.¯_(ツ)_/¯

admitsWrongIfProven, avatar

@WiseMagic @TruthSandwich @georgetakei You're basically beating each other up to not have to see the problem with just two parties that are viable handing both of them an amount of power they should not have.


@admitsWrongIfProven @WiseMagic @georgetakei

Bad take. This has nothing to do with the de facto two party system. It has everything to do with the far left rejecting democracy.


@TruthSandwich @admitsWrongIfProven @georgetakei

I'd like to see more parties. But a 3rd party president would have to lean left or right to get anything done. A third party needs to start in getting seats in the house & senate. Otherwise you're electing a "3rd party" president, that still does what the left or right does.

SETIEric, avatar

@WiseMagic @TruthSandwich @admitsWrongIfProven @georgetakei The system (requiring a majority of the electoral votes rather than electing the one who gets the most) was designed to prevent 3rd parties. That's why there will not be a 3rd party president. The way a 3rd party succeeds is through the destruction of one of the other two parties, and then you end up with two parties. That hasn't happened in 167 years. Till then you are stuck with two choices. Voting for a 3rd party is effectively a vote for the candidate that is least like the one you voted for.


@SETIEric @WiseMagic @admitsWrongIfProven @georgetakei

FpTP, even without an electoral college, prevents third parties from winning. It's Duverger's law.

A third-party vote is a protest vote, which is actually just a type of protest, not a type of vote. The anti-liberal left, in refusing to vote for Biden, is helping Trump. And they don't care.


@TruthSandwich @SETIEric @admitsWrongIfProven @georgetakei

"The anti-liberal left, 🤔 in refusing to vote for Biden, is helping Trump. And they don't care"

"anti-liberal left ( would mean,... the right)"🤔 😳 .

But anyway, isn't, what you call the"anti-liberal left", actually just casting a "protest vote" also?


@WiseMagic @SETIEric @admitsWrongIfProven @georgetakei

The anti-liberal left is you. It’s people who follow Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and AOC.

They’re not Democrats. They hate liberals. And they care more about harming liberals than stopping Trump.

They’d rather throw their vote away in empty protest than to do their part to block the rise of fascism.

admitsWrongIfProven, avatar

@TruthSandwich @WiseMagic @SETIEric Amazing display of position politics and emotionalization.


@admitsWrongIfProven @WiseMagic @SETIEric

An amazing display of cluelessness. Why are you even commenting if you have nothing intelligent to add?

admitsWrongIfProven, avatar

@TruthSandwich What can i say but welcome to the club?



I’m going to block you now.

admitsWrongIfProven, avatar
freemo, avatar


Dont worry, being blocked by sandwich puts yo uin excellent company to be sure! I’ve gotten into the habit of following him just so I can follow the people he blocks cause they have interesting points of view, and often nuanced and worth considering (even if i ultimately disagree).


admitsWrongIfProven, avatar

@freemo Now that is an interesting idea. And i was not worried, just amused.

Needed something to cheer me up after that certification disaster that sucked out all my energy for the day.

admitsWrongIfProven, avatar

@freemo Haha, i just realized i technically earned the follow from you retroactively! /s

freemo, avatar

@admitsWrongIfProven haha you sure did.

freemo, avatar


I see your still repeating that same old bad take… You have probably done more to push voters to Trumps side with this rhetoric than an actual Trumper.

@WiseMagic @georgetakei


@freemo @TruthSandwich @georgetakei

I haven't asked anyone to not vote for either candidate. I've expressed my decision. And I'll stand by it 🤨

freemo, avatar


Ok, that seems random and out of context... I never addressed you at all, let alone make any accusations of that nature... what prompted you to say that to me?

@TruthSandwich @georgetakei


@freemo @TruthSandwich @georgetakei

I got included because my username is included in your post.

All good though.🤣

freemo, avatar


I dont mind you being included int he conversation. Just not sure why your responding as if i was directing it at you :) You are more than welcome to add your two cents of course.

I think you just mistook my reply to the sandwich as directed at you when it wasnt :)

@TruthSandwich @georgetakei


@freemo @TruthSandwich @georgetakei

I did, and apologize 😀

freemo, avatar

@WiseMagic @freemo @georgetakei

Your decision is Trumpism.

freemo, avatar


Remember folks, anyone who disagrees with the Sandwich must be a Trumper!

@WiseMagic @georgetakei


@WiseMagic @georgetakei Bullshit! He is NOT perptuating Genocide! Seriously?!


@otownKim @georgetakei

He said he stands with Israel. Israel is committing ¯_(ツ)_/¯


@WiseMagic @otownKim @georgetakei Nobody is committing genocide in Gaza. You hurt your own cause when you make outlandish claims like that.


@ptg @otownKim @georgetakei

What do you call murdering 10,000 civilians in a country that has no military?

I call it 🤨


@WiseMagic @otownKim @georgetakei No, it's not genocide. Israel is not trying to kill every Palestinians. What you are seeing are many civilian casualties. It's awful, but that's war. The allies burned Dresden and nuked Japan twice. Hamas should have thought of that before they decided to start a war by cooking babies in ovens and partying over it.

BTW, Hamas could surrender anytime and the fighting would end. Maybe take it up with them.


@ptg @otownKim @georgetakei

They have no military defense.
An advance Israeli military force vs a bunch of unarmed civilians.

Collective punishment is a war crime prohibited by treaty in both international and non-international armed conflicts, more specifically Common Article 33 of the Geneva Conventions and Article 6 of the Additional Protocol II.


@WiseMagic @otownKim @georgetakei By your logic Hamas should return the hostages and surrender ASAP. I agree.

And you can't be serious. Hamas has short range rockets, ATGMs, a huge stockpile of small arms and ammunition, fortified underground bases.

You've fallen for their victim schtick.


@ptg @otownKim @georgetakei

They won't do a pause to get the hostages out safely.
They won't do a cease fire to get the hostages out safely.
Slows down the process. Funny we don't hear of mass Israeli casualties. 🤔


@WiseMagic @otownKim @georgetakei Its not Israel's fault that Hamas took hostages. Hamas can just release them anytime it choses, assuming it has raped the babies and cooked them in ovens already.


@ptg @otownKim @georgetakei

All Israel has to do is cease fire and start negotiations.
That is of course if they weren't bombed and laying under tons of rubble somewhere.


@WiseMagic @otownKim @georgetakei Negotiate with terrorists, who by your own admission they have hopelessly outgunned? Nope. Hamas can surrender or die.


@ptg @otownKim @georgetakei

That's your opinion ¯_(ツ)_/¯


@WiseMagic @otownKim @georgetakei Seems like an objective assessment of the facts we both agree on. Hamas is hopelessly outgunned and Israel will win in the end. The only choice is surrender or death. Looks like they choose the latter. Meh. Good riddance to Hamas.


@ptg @WiseMagic @otownKim @georgetakei you’re being really slick and greasy like Trump. The talk isn’t about Hamas. It’s about civilians whom are not Hamas. With a 40% youth population and nearly 3000 of that 10000 are youth . Shame on you


@dameoutlaw @WiseMagic @otownKim @georgetakei There is no genocide. Lots of war casualties, for sure, but no genocide though.


@ptg @dameoutlaw @otownKim @georgetakei

Like shooting fish in a barrel.

Oddly enough Palestinians expelled from Israel are being sent to , not to the West Bank 🤔

Rounding them up, throwing them in the barrel.


@WiseMagic @dameoutlaw @otownKim @georgetakei Nobody is trying to murder every last Palestinian. Sorry to disappoint, they just aren't.

I really don't think you know what the word means.

RebelGeek99, avatar

@WiseMagic @georgetakei you're not ? What kind of monster are you . Does his eugenics as public health approach not appeal to you either? You do understand that we have lower concert ticket fees during an airborne pandemic thanks to POTUS- many shitlibs would call that a 🍾


@RebelGeek99 @georgetakei

Wow 🤣
Nobody ever asked you to like it. 😎 And nothing you've said will change my point of view. 🤨



Uh . . . I don't think you caught that


was being sarcastic. He's on your side. He literally used the word "shitlibs" multiple times. He used a hashtag specifically created to draw attention to Biden's role in the horrific war crime that's being played out in Gaza right now.

rameshgupta, avatar


It's the same kind of people who are calling the initial victim of rockets attacks to stop fighting in response to killings of its own civilians.

Of the two warring sides in the , the party that launched rocket attacks on civilians to start a , and which embeds itself deviously, heinously , and illegally among civilians to further genocide isn't the one being called to declare full and stop the conflict.

Adventurer, avatar

Because the horseshoe of the left is more preferable to fascism than Democracy. And they want candy or else.


@georgetakei if he were young, it would be “lack of experience”. The amount of disinformation and propoganda flooding from “news sources” and social media is staggering.

microveldt, avatar

@georgetakei it’s also very disrespectful of VP Harris.


@georgetakei the last sentence of whataboutism is unnecessary. They are not comparable at all. Biden is a great President. Period.


@georgetakei the incessant media coverage. And fakeass polls .


@georgetakei Right!!!!!?????

And what's their goal with Trump, kill off the rest of us?

BlueintheSouth, avatar

@georgetakei. I keep getting the ad: "everyone agrees Biden's a disaster" WTAF?!?

debasisg, avatar

Politics is a show business. Image is everything, not accomplishment.


@georgetakei perhaps because he forced people illegally to take an experimental vaccine



ignorance IS NOT bliss, is it? But, I keep saying that Polls don't vote....and tonight proves it. carry on


@georgetakei bruh the man is a pedophile


@georgetakei Because they are all terrified he will somehow arrange their disappearances and deaths.
They know he considers them all disposable. Odd, he doesn’t know he is equally disposable. Tsk. Sigh. Good

chris, avatar

@georgetakei @Skepticat He is too old for the job and declining mentally. He needs to spend more time with his family.

P.S. I’ll vote for him in a heartbeat, but he really does need to step aside.

Skepticat, avatar


I don't see the mental decline but do understand age related concerns .
I will be voting Biden.

chris, avatar

@Skepticat As he speaks, he gets confused, says goofy things, etc. He isn’t the worst aging politician by any means, but it is time to prepare. If an airline pilot is forced to retire at 65, politicians should also be subject to age limits - the damage they can cause can be way worse. I, too, will vote Biden if he is the nominee, but I shouldn’t need to.


@georgetakei Your post capably demonstrates that quite a few people over 80 have lost some of their marbles.


@georgetakei I couldn't agree more.


@georgetakei Both.


@georgetakei 👍🏻👍🏻

phredmoyer, avatar

@georgetakei yeah but you were captain of the Excelsior.

tofugolem, avatar


  1. The economy is less bad than it was under Trump, but that doesn't change the fact that life is a lot harder for regular folk than it was back in the 1970s when we started on this little neoliberal journey. If Dems want credit for fixing things, they are going to have to roll back 4 decades of wealth redistribution and bring things back to where they were in the 1970s.
  2. People are calling for Biden to bow out but not Trump because of the media's right-wing bias.
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