@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar



I was told once that Mastodon is a friendly void that yells back. I really like that.

The world is a big place filled with terrible and wonderful things. I sometimes comment on them at length.

Made 3 people laugh at my HashTagGame entry - Aug 24, 2023.

"One of the fun ones" - Lisa Melton, Jan 2024

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

DemocracySpot, to random
@DemocracySpot@mstdn.social avatar

Never has it been so quiet here as this.

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@DemocracySpot oh? Go on...

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@DemocracySpot :blobcatgiggle:

Fine, I'll look inwardly but I was trapped in an hailstorm today so I'm likely going to add stuff! :blobcatgiggle:

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@DemocracySpot :blobcatmelt3: omg thank you so much.

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@DemocracySpot the cicadas hummed in the distance. Their calls echoing through the screen door faintly to add their voices to the summer sounds.

Glancing up at the ceiling, I watch the fan lazily stir the evenings heat. The night air is hot and dry against my skin, but the fan helps. The summer heat isn't quite here yet, but when the heat stays this long into the evening, it's not far now.

The evening is quiet this late into the night. The days work is over, and long have the families on my street retired for the evening. The late hours being out the night noises, the memory of the day swirling and crawling into the night sky like some serpent seeking it's prey. The monsters have not yet awoken, but are no longer entirely dormant in these hours...

DemocracySpot, (edited ) to animals
@DemocracySpot@mstdn.social avatar

📷 Gus, after a bath this afternoon. He's extra shiny and happy!

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@DemocracySpot pure joy. I love it.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

My hacker name is KillSwitch, what is yours?

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr Crash Override, cause I'm edgy and cool and make an excellent Sherlock Holmes.

the_etrain, to random
@the_etrain@beige.party avatar

Can't wait to one day tell my grandkids how I was on Mastodon in November of '22. They'll probably get sick of me talking about it.

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@the_etrain "Papaw, what was it like in the great network wars?"

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@the_etrain :blobCat_aww:

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

Oooh did he really? :blobcat_aww:


Mrfunkedude, to random
@Mrfunkedude@mastodon.social avatar

If a Linux user runs the OS as their main, yet never opens terminal, are they still allowed to be smug?

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@Mrfunkedude :blobcatgiggle:

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Finally, a gentle way to sweep my kittens!

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@Alice I really should have clicked before I envy bought...

@RickiTarr Zara would like a word. She seems... angry.

purplepadma, to random
@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

Psychiatrist all good, he has concluded that my rapid mood shifts a few weeks ago are best explained as mixed affective state (as opposed to something “more pervasive” like personality disorder, a label I would have vigorously rejected). He told me he is leaving, he’s a locum and they’ve filled the permanent post. Yet another new doctor to get to know sigh Ooh, also he’s letting me try melatonin for sleep! No ones ever been willing to prescribe it for me, and you can’t buy it OTC in the UK

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@purplepadma I am so hopeful for the new meds and the efforts. Sucks about the new doctor but that seems pretty typical now.

I'm hopeful you can get someone in who is less temporary.

purplepadma, to random
@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

Job interview now!

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@purplepadma I'm so happy for you!!!

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

It's Data, not Data.

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr I did...

mentallyalex, to random
@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

Spotify just suggested "Dad Rock", "90s head banging", and "metal" as hashtags I should listen to.

Apparently "Dad Rock" is Shinedown.


mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

The government should give me a grant to spend 3 weeks installing every Linux distribution until I find the right one

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@mcc if you can figure out how to write it, let me know. I have so many people that would love to replicate this project!

DemocracySpot, to streetphotography
@DemocracySpot@mstdn.social avatar
@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@DemocracySpot low rumbling thunder rolled across the sky. The sound was so delicate and feint as if the storm itself was unsure.

Hot air picked up as the summer winds blew across the parking lot. He could smell rain on the wind as the warmed breeze tousled his long slightly curly locks. Running his hand through his hair nervously to settle it down from the winds, he stopped his hurried steps to his car to glance at the rolling city beneath the parking lot on the hill. He could see the shadows of the clouds as they arched across the sky to cover the world around him as the storm moved.

Deep in her heart, the thunder rolls... played on the radio softly as the car came alive. Turning the song up to hear it better, he shifted the car into drive and pulled out into the lane .

Skepticat, to random
@Skepticat@mstdn.social avatar

Coffee: Because it doesn't talk back in the morning.

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@Skepticat I'm glad you have such wonderful morning rituals!

Any particular brand or type? Dark/light/mediums or so you just dump flavors into the caffeine and go?

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@Skepticat I have heard of Death Wish but never tried it when I was able. It sounds... dark? I used to love light/medium roasts and the lower 'acids' beans when I could find them.

The day is hot and I am currently hiding from the sun.

TonyStark, to random
@TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

Major policy win and vital to the people who need them.

THESE Companies Will Offer Inhalers At $35 After Pressure From Biden | Times Now:

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

I feel this as well. People demand we believe them when they prove themselves to us, and I am not one to argue with them about that.

I have had to reassess and reduce a great many people over the last few years as the intolerance, apathy, and questionable motivations rear their ugly heads. Decades long acquaintances are calling for "crazy Dems" to either do what they want, "or else". A few I have asked what they think the "or else" looks like in two years, and they get quiet.
They aren't stupid people, they aren't uneducated people, so I must conclude they are simply not concerned.

Anyone not concerned about the GOP in America is not someone to be trusted or taken seriously. They are clearly either lying to you, or to themselves.

At the moment we still have some illusion of choice. We decide between a few selections and hope for the best.
The GOP is actively looking to pivot the country. We need to stop them or they will win and the illusions of choice disappear.

@galad @TonyStark

mentallyalex, to random
@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

Good morning everyone, or good afternoon/evening/mysterious fourth option. I hope you are well?

The dessert treat that left me with breakfast pudding yesterday was a hit, I ended up with very little cleaning which was nice. I haven't seen my Zara cat yet this morning, so I presume she is still sleeping downstairs.

I took her to the vet a few days ago (well visit/shots) and she did amazing. Stressed kitty but she was very mature about the situation and only complained slightly.

mentallyalex, to random
@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

I was inspired to build a simple one-shot D&D adventure last night. I'm not exactly sure why these things overcome me but it was a fun experience.

mentallyalex, to random
@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

One-Shot Goblin Adventure

“Greetings adventurers, we implore your help. Our mines have been overrun with Goblins and we fear that they will eventually destroy the city”

You and your other adventure have been hired to remove the Goblins from the local amethyst mines. They have broken up from a fissure beneath the outer mining chambers and have killed and run off the local miners.

City: Hamlet South of Daggerford down the Coast from Waterdeep

Merovy Ironshaper
Alignment: N/G
Race: Human
Age: 27
Str: 12
Int: 11
Wis: 11
Dex: 10
Con: 12
Cha: 12
Melee: +4 / +4
Weapon: L. Sword 1d8

When the party agrees they will be given:
100gp worth of supplies from the local merchants for what they need for adventures.

The Mine entrance -
The mine opens before the adventurers dark and forbidding. The entrance, normally gated, has been destroyed and refuse and other filth can be seen on the floor. Large tribal painted symbols have been added and you believe that they are religious symbols of Goblin worship.

** Secret **
DC: 18
Searching through the garbage at the entrance to the caverns you find a scroll with mystical writings on it.
Identification: Scroll of Magic Missile

If the players choose to search through the area looking for treasure/information they will find a Miners ledger.

Day 874
More crystal found deeper but we heard noises. Markus doesn’t seem to mind but he isn’t going to have to deal with whatever spawn comes for us is he?
Load: 21

Day 880
Lolth spawn have been seen in the area. Markus has order additional sellswords to keep the crystals safe. This mine is going to keep us rich for a long time.
Load: 19

Day 901
Sellswords are all gone. Two of those bastards sold us out to the Lolth spawn. I caught ‘em leaving the securing ropes off the doors trying to let them damnable slavers in at night! Markus can keep this mine, to the void with them both.

Room One
One of the oldest and more settled rooms, Room One is home to the administrative works of the mine operations. The tables have all been broken and shattered, the chairs laying in piles of sticks through the room. It would appear that something has made a temporary fire out of the remains of a chair and painting. Something… animal has left poo everywhere.

Four Goblins are sleeping in the room. Perception (DC 15) will remove surprise if the players are attempting to be stealthy.

** Secret **
DC: 15
Searching through the remains of the desks will return 25gp, and 10 arrows.

DC: 20
Searching through the remains of the desk and chairs will return 3 potions of Cure Light Wounds in a leather bandolier.

2 Goblin Fighter(Axe):
AC: 15
HP: 8
STR: 8(-1)
DEX: 14(+2)
CON: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 8 (-1)

Actions: +4 to hit /. 1d6+2 (5) slashing

2 Goblin Fighter (Spear):
AC: 15
HP: 8
STR: 8(-1)
DEX: 14(+2)
CON: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 8 (-1)

Actions: +2 to hit /. 1d6 (4) piercing
Room Two

If a Goblin was able to escape the party and move into Room Two, they will have alerted the others guards so no surprise actions can be taken.

Walls made of hewn stone, this room has a lower ceiling and dark dirt floors. Harden by years of feet trodding upon it, the room offers little in the way of coverage or hidden spots. Overturned mine carts have had their axels removed and lay on the ground in various states of disrepair. The rails leading into the mine below appear to have been removed from the ground.

Knowledge Check (DC 12)
It appears as if the Goblins are removing the metals from the room. Likely to melt them down for weapons and armor.

In the room the players will discover four more Goblins.

2 Goblin Fighter(Axe):
AC: 15
HP: 8
STR: 8(-1)
DEX: 14(+2)
CON: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 8 (-1)

Actions: +4 to hit /. 1d6+2 (5) slashing

2 Goblin Fighter (Spear):
AC: 15
HP: 8
STR: 8(-1)
DEX: 14(+2)
CON: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 8 (-1)

Actions: +2 to hit /. 1d6 (4) piercing

Room Three

The deepest room that has been carved into the mountains this room has a cellar door that has been shattered and leads into the depths of the very ground. Piles of trash have been pushed into the corners of the room. Animal scat and broken bottles lay on the ground and if the player sniffs the air they will be rewarded with the dank smells of Goblin feet that have sat untended for far too long.

2 Goblin Fighter(Axe):
AC: 15
HP: 8
STR: 8(-1)
DEX: 14(+2)
CON: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 8 (-1)

Actions: +4 to hit /. 1d6+2 (5) slashing

Goblin Boss
AC: 17
HP: 18
STR: 10
DEX: 14(+2)
CON: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 10

Actions: +4 to hit / 1d6+2 (5) slashing
+2 to hit / 1d6+2 (5) slashing

The Dungeon
A large cave expanse stretches out before you. Logged in the walls and ceiling, large budding amethysts can been see protruding and reaching out to reflect the caverns light. The room seems to sparkle in the dimness.

Challenge: DC (18)
There is an air current coming from the the depths of the room. A feint stirring of breeze that tells you there must be a deeper chamber somewhere close.

A serious search of the room will reveal a loose amethyst shard that when removed reveals a carved figure of a women in the recess of the wall.

Challenge: Religion (15), Arcana (20)
The figure of the women is none other than the Dark Queen Lolth herself. This must be one of the many passage ways that have been hidden on the surface with access to the Underdark.

mentallyalex, to random
@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

The world is not a business meeting. If you live your life buttoned up, refusing to engage, living as if you are isolated - we will isolate you. Humanity needs to thrive or it will find ways to do so without you.

mentallyalex, to random
@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

I rarely speak sports. I am not exactly a fanatic but I enjoy a few sporting shows.

The NCAA Baseball regionals... :blobcatsob: why are you like this!?

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