Ai Art

hal9kart, avatar

Dive into the serenity of the Aegean with 'Aegean Dreams.'

This block-style artwork transports you to the picturesque charm of Santorini, where white and blue buildings dance against the azure sky.

Explore the beauty:

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VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-12 Visual Inspiration prompt.

From the archives of the

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Maybe sketch some creature?Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the tag.

ixtlidekami, avatar

—It's a flea.

—No, it is NOT a flea. Fleas don't have only four limbs. I don't know what this thin is, but it is NOT a flea. Where the hell did you found this?

—On the head of one child in the school I work.

—It was the only one?

—Yeah. I think so. There's no other report of sudden rashes.

—What did you used with that kid?

—Chlorine and ammonia. I was the only thing that worked.

—How's the kid.

—Fine. He'll go back home in one week.

—Good, good…

knodel, avatar

Species: Quesadilla norstrillaria vomitans.
Origin: New Oklahoma, Villarops 3.
Appearance: 5 - 10 cm long, pink, four-legged, pink, acanthous BLARK
Habitat: Damp basements, wine cellars.
Intelligent: Non-descript.
Edible: No.
Food: BLARK.
Special features: Hypnotic abilities, mainly forcing BLARK affected individuals to regularly BLARK the expression BLARK instead of BLARK BLARK with increasing BLARK BLARK BLARK

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-11 Visual Inspiration prompt.

I'm not scared at all

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Or whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the tag.

eperales, avatar

Crows are my friends. They come to stand on my shoulders. Not much after Ol' Farmer set me up, a crow came and tried to eat my eyes. "I don't have any" I said. "Then I'll eat the corn" it cawed. "Don't. I'll tell you tales of the humans, as I'm stuffed with pages of old books". I told it a story about a sad lover and one of its kind and said while taking off "I'll bring my friends"
Ol' Farmer is puzzled: he has more crows than ever and an acre of pristine corn. I just smile and start a new tale.

lumiworx, avatar

@VisualInspiration ... Every 7 years, the rift opens, and before they are halfway through the field, they're detected and suspended mid-step.

They're no threat except to themselves. Our air is toxic for them, and the time dilation during cross-over slows their system to a crawl. At least that keeps them alive and gives us time to reset their portal and reverse their travel.

Aaron is only 8, and doesn't understand why they're here. He thinks we're adding new scarecrows to watch over the crops.

echevarian, avatar
echevarian, avatar

This Midjourney output composited with some of my photography with an app called OneLab and then further enhanced by an upscaled called Magnific.

I am particularly impressed by what Magnific does with details, a lot my stuff looks really amazing these days because of it.

echevarian, avatar

And Midjourney was prompted with about 10 other pieces of my artwork, so this is very much a procedural sort of work flow.

Not purely generative art but using it as step in a process.

Beautiful_Sun_Creations, avatar

I recently had a super vivid dream about a sunflower wheeling its baby around in a stroller (I had been thinking a lot about gardening lately). I even asked my husband if it was from an animated film or something - nope! So, I figured I'd use AI to bring that quirky vision to life. Here's the first pic, just like in my dream. Funny!

Zestryon, French avatar


VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-09 Visual Inspiration prompt.

What do you do when evil charges at you?

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Or play a game! Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the tag.

knodel, avatar


  • Report.
  • Yes, Ma’am… It was just a harmless joke, we do it to every noob aboard. A crossing-the-line-ceremony.
  • Explain.
  • We order him to care for the ship’s mascot, a Th’rolx from Kornheim 47. They look so cute with their fur and the large eyes...
  • Get to the point.
  • Yes, Ma’am. Sooner or later, everybody gets bored and feeds it one of his pizza slices. The cheese triggers its mating rage and it transforms into, well, you’ve seen it, and begins to act kinda rude, making grunting noises, demolishing the interior, so…
  • So?
  • Nothing serious, There might be some bruises, maybe he’d need a shower. And there’d be a party afterwards.
  • A party?
  • Yes, Ma’am. But Branson hit the alarm button and you put the poor thing out yourself.
  • You do that joke to every new crew member, you said?
  • Yes, Captain.
  • So, what do you have in mind for me?
  • I’d rather ot tell, Ma’am.

ixtlidekami, avatar

The aliens looked like a force sent from hell, like those the marines fought in that Martian base a few years ago. But these aliens didn't attack at first. They looked awful, sure, but their behavior was… peaceful? But, they invaded the marines ship, so they had to be destroyed. When the first one died, the rest of the aliens attacked. Everything ended up covered in blood. Even in the sales brochures and free samples the aliens had with them…

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-08 Visual Inspiration prompt.

When the day becomes night.

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the tag.

eperales, avatar


Las Vegas, April 8, 2033. After 17 years of twilight, day and night will return to the city. The permanent shade installed to curb the pervasive heat and increase casino income will be retired when the contract expires next month. "As money has moved to orbital casinos, we cannot sustain it anymore" declared the mayor in front of a stunned council.

The city will try to reinvent itself as a solar energy hub by installing a mirror array to have sunlight 24 hours a day.

knodel, avatar

The day, you were born, the moon eclipsed the sun and darkness fell upon the land. The animals began to howl and people went to church and prayed for no reason, just to be sure. The clocks on the walls paused whereas watches began to race like hunted by the devil himself. There was a strange smell of incense and honey in the houses, but outside, the air stood still and a ghostly silence paraylzed the world. Water turned into wine, bread a and meat decayed to an slimy green mass. Strange objects appeared in the sky.
Rumours arose that the king ordered all newborn babies to be slain, so your parents placed you into a little willow basket and set it on the river, hoping someone with a good heart will find you. That’s the reason why you never met your real parents, but it’s only half of the story. You have a sister and together, you are destined to overthrow the Old Empire and rule in peace until the world stops turning.

toplesstopics, avatar

Alleged artist: posts extremely - looking photo, yet claims it's not Ai, , on an account with no work-in-progress images at all
Me: looks cool! I would love to see a time-lapse video of you painting, it's the only way I believe any artist isn't using Ai these days"
Alleged artist: absolutely loses their shit over me daring to state that artists lie sometimes


toplesstopics, avatar

To be fair, these images looked EXACTLY like stills from the Twilight movie, like exact same angle, composition, etc, that just looked like they'd been run through an oil painting filter in photoshop, so the "artist" may not have even been sophisticated enough to type words into a prompt box.

Beautiful_Sun_Creations, avatar

New to this Mastodon.Social space but not to Mastodon. I've been sharing my photography journey on another instance and decided to keep my AI creations separate, so here I am!

I am a creative spirit from the Blue Ridge Mountains, with a deep love for photography and art of all kinds. Married forever, and we have 2 part-Bombay black cats. I'm a a big Stephen King fan, into trance music, and so much more. Excited to share & connect!

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-07 Visual Inspiration prompt.

What is the plot of this movie?

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Maybe binge Netflix? Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the tag.

eperales, avatar

My idea is a quiet Australian town being besieged by a demon liberated when a couple discovers a cursed Aboriginal tomb. They set the demon free but the girl becomes a flying giant. A crowd runs to the... Pardon me?

No, I don't know if the toilet spins the other way there.

What? I've never been there. We would film here and say it is Australia.

You don't like it? What about aliens with a plan to turn corpses into murderous zombies because humans are endangering the galaxy?

Hello? Hello?!

ixtlidekami, avatar

—I like this. Visually speaking, I mean. It conveys the film's message in a very direct way. We need you to change the text.


—Yeah…mmmh…we don't want to attract the wrong kind of criticism. There are many references to black holes.

—So what? This is a scifi film, right?

—Did you watched it?

—The first 5 minutes.

—Change the text. Period.


—Listen, kid. This is a porn parody and we don't want the censors to know that before the premiere…


Instagram -->

Ascend to where the earth touches the sky, and the stars tell ancient tales in a glittering expanse above tranquil peaks.

📌 Art by follow for more!

#aiart #digitalart #artificialintelligence #ai #generativeart #digitalillustration #aiartist #machinelearningart #deeplearningart #neuralnetworkart #digitalartist #aifantasyart #aigeneratedart #aicreativi

hal9kart, avatar

🎨 Transport yourself to the tranquil beauty of Japan with "Japanese Shores." 🌊🏞️

Lose yourself in the delicate lines and soothing watercolors of this serene coastal landscape, where mountains meet the sea and trees sway with the gentle breeze.

🛍️ Add a serene touch to your home:

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-06 Visual Inspiration prompt.

That asteroid rocks!

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Or buy a ticket to space? Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the tag.


As the asteroid approached Earth from deep space, it started transmitting signals towards us, on many frequencies. No patterns emerged, and astrolinguistic experts were baffled.

Desperate, we sent ships and kept trying to communicate. But we were ignored.

At last, Gaia woke up. To preserve its precious children, the planet JUMPED from our doomed system to a safe one across the galaxy, at the location transmitted by the Beacon, days before the deadly gamma ray burst scorched the solar system.

ixtlidekami, avatar

—What do you mean "no space available?"

—We are full. Come in a few hours. Please understand.

—Understand my ass. I made a reservation here a year ago. I want my table. NOW!

—Let me check your code again. Please re-send it.

—Done. Where's my table?

—I'm sorry but the system registered your arrival 2 hours ago, and you are enjoying dessert right now.

—I. Am. Not. There.

—Did you used Stargate 3-14?


—Ok…How can I explain it…SECURITY!!!

TheMetalDog, avatar

I Will Be Gone
Vote of No Confidence

echevarian, avatar
echevarian, avatar
TriflingTree, avatar

Crooked little cottage perched precariously on the edge of a cliff
Dall-e3 AI Art

#dalle3 #dalle #aiart #MachineLearningArt #MachineLearning #stablediffusion #midjourney #ArtfullyIntelligentArt

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-05 Visual Inspiration prompt.

Writing letters is a lost art.

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Write to a long lost friend perhaps? Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the tag.

lumiworx, avatar

@VisualInspiration ... APN - For immediate release.

New developments arise in the investigation surrounding the death of disgraced developer and ex-billionaire Melon Husk, as surveillance footage now confirms the DomestiBot that originally alerted authorizes to the body, may have had its own motivation to end his life.

Husk's own paranoia led to him installing a series of hidden cameras, which captured the AI Bot trying to forge his signature on a resale and release agreement.

More to follow.

eperales, avatar

Sometimes, BR3 scribbled long vertical vines on a paper with a fountain pen. Its owner, Ms Ramos, found them beautiful and collected them in a box.

One dreadful Friday, while shopping, BR3 slipped on a wet patch and fell on the way of the tram. Its NPU suffered irreparable damage and didn't boot again.

It was sold for scrap. Ms Ramos was sad until her newer BR7 model arrived.

In the attic, rats eat BR3's vines, its own writing system nobody can read: "I am large, I contain multitudes, f..."

hal9kart, avatar

Introducing "Arboreal Awakening" 🌿

Where nature and spirit intertwine in a breathtaking dance. This artwork blends the form of a woman with the sinuous roots of a tree, evoking a sense of ethereal beauty and interconnectedness with nature.

🎨 For prints:

#aiArt #NatureInspired #digitalart #BuyIntoArt #GiftThemArt #ArtMatters #AYearofArt #artistonmastodon
#AYearForArt #fedigiftshop #MastoArt #wallart #giftideas #homedecor #interiordesigner #artbooster #hal9kart

eleucht, German

Einen schönen
Mein persönlicher zur Zeit


Getting older, walking the lanes of Memory. Rewatching old Anime and Movies I loved.


drcaberry, avatar
echevarian, avatar
echevarian, avatar
VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-03-27 Visual Inspiration prompt.

Let's fight!

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Or slam dunk a friend. Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the tag.

ixtlidekami, avatar

Zancho, el Enmascarado de Fuego was ready for tonight's fight in the World Arena. He trained like crazy man for this day. Should he win, he'll be crowned as The Fighter. It'll be a year of honors, celebration, party, and, most important, more training because he'll defend his title the next year. Again. Should he lose, he'll be executed in the ring, and his existence will be erased. He'll become one more of The Forgotten. Tonight's rival? His son…

jeffc, avatar

"You're a demon?"


"You look like a luchador."

"I'm new. The old ones have full case loads. Why'd you summon me, O mortal?"

"I want to win class president over Sally."

"Here's what you do: your campaign theme is the playground's falling apart and you're the only one who can get it fixed. Then start a rumor that Sally was the one who told on Jessica."

"Sounds hard. Can't you just make it happen?"

"Sorry, no-can-do: Sally already has her own demon."

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-03-26 Visual Inspiration prompt.

So much weight I shall carry...

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Or rent a U-Haul. Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the tag.

staringatclouds, avatar

@VisualInspiration Climate change hit hard

What wasn't underwater was a desert, the air wasn't breathable as the forests had burned along with the vegetation

Humanity survived, barely, in small domes scattered around the world

They built huge transports to barter for supplies from other domes

These were called Autonomous Supply Systems & because of the acronym someone had added an equine head

Jack peered over the edge & thumbed the radio

"Yeah, I found the problem, this ASS's ass is bust"

ixtlidekami, avatar

Operation: Trojan Donkey was successful. It wasn't a military project, of course. The project's leader named the big bot that, and the name did stick. That it could even stand up was a miracle of engineering. Just look at that lovely robot donkey. It looks as if it were to fall down and destroy the city he's carrying. See those robots on its back? Those robots are 20 stories tall. Those things in the ground being lifted? Buildings. People will come next week…

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