Ai Art

Beautiful_Sun_Creations, avatar

This is so me! I have always had a thrill for speed when it comes to driving a car. A few years ago, I owned a little Mazda Miata convertible and it was so much fun to drive! I've always wanted to learn how to do power slides, but I was never willing to ruin the tires on my own vehicles, so that's still on my bucket list.

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-29 Visual Inspiration prompt.

A breath of fresh air is needed once in a while

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Or take a deep breath! Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the tag.

eperales, avatar

This is the last picture I've of her. Ben said it was a nice day and just snapped the two of us together. Isn't she beautiful?

The next morning she took off the mask. It had become filled with water after she fell into the pond. I ran to stop her, but I was too slow. The Gas had already acted.

We buried her below her favorite tree. We can't have more babies: We can't afford the fetal mask. I've come to terms with it. But what is going to happen to the farm? What is going to happen to us all?

knodel, avatar


"This would be… wow! 180 kilos in just three days! How do you breathe such a lot?"
"Well... we have seven children." Under her mask, Mary showed an awkward smile. "What else do you do here..?"
"No reason to feel uncomfortable," the machine said with a friendly voice.
Since AIs had been granted full civil rights, as long as they could afford a body, the question of authenticity had come up. Some of the NewCits only had a poor ventilation system, purposeless, of course. The rich ones aimed to be more and more human – including exhaling air with a higher carbon ratio – and they were willing to pay for it. Humans, on the other hand, had been pushed out of their jobs and fallen into poverty. So they breathed for a living and sold their expired air to the machines. CarlX3 was one of the customers.
"Carbon dioxide is at 0.012, water at 0.35 – that’s still okay," he said and handed Mary a parcel; his artificial face formed something like sympathetic expression. Then he rolled away.
The box contained a loaf of bread, two cartons of soylk, and a piece of something like cheese.
"Tightwad!" Mary grunted and pulled off her mask just like her daughter did. Then she went to the shed to refill the bottles. Slowly, she adjusted the air pump. Just a little more CO2 would do; maybe he’d pay better then. Seven kids – you bet!
"Mummy, the next one’s coming," the girl said, "put on your mask again."

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-28 Visual Inspiration prompt

Finding Nemo...

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the tag.

jeffc, avatar

"Godspeed, Carl Jung."

"What's the mission, Jocko?"

"Disinfo patrol. And stay out of trouble."

"It's just the collective unconscious. What kind of trouble could there be?"

"Beyoncé's album drop once put me in psych for 3 weeks. I thought I was a cowboy."

"Oh... Two o'clock!"

"Follow it!"


"What's happening?"

"Info dump! My controls!"

"...too strong..."

"...pulling us..."

"...LOOK OUT!"

. . .

"Jocko? You ok?"

"I'm back in the saddle again..."

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-27 Visual Inspiration prompt.

Your choice.

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... But choose. Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


knodel, avatar

My doctor grinned and offered me two pills, a red one and a blue one.
This one makes you wake up from a nightmare. The other makes you wake up in an nightmare. Choose wisely.
Then he had to answer the phone and left his office. I took both pills and…
… had to save the world. Communist eco-muslims had installed a 20 Gt nuke in the New York underground and time was running out. Two wires led from a battery to a chaotic tangle of electronics, the blue one labeled ‚voltage‘, the red one said ‚current‘. The cutter was in my hand. Choose wisely. I cut both wires and... BLAM…
… moved with light speed. I was a photon on my way to a double slit. The left slit was coloured blue, the other was red. Passing the red one I could solve the twin paradox, going through the blue slit, I’d falsify the wave-particle-dualism. Einstein was giggling. Femtoseconds left. Choose wisely . I stretched myself and passed both slits simultaneously…
… and finally woke up in my bed. What a relief! How doy you feel? Two identical versions of my wife were standing at my bed, one in a red dress, the other in blue. What now? Choose wisely again. What is the difference between you two, I asked them.
Try and find out, they said,

jeffc, avatar


Life had gotten complicated ever since the Free Mind folks showed up.

Carmen had dropped off the pills. Blue, stay in the Matrix. Red, see Outside. The Matrix Again guy on TV was saying the Matrix is reality, and we should ban hallucinogenic red pills. Carmen said Matrix Again was a machine-funded psy-op, whatever that meant.

He hesitated, then reached for the red pill; Carmen was really cute.


VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-26 Visual Inspiration prompt

With your actions, you may dig your own grave

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


knodel, avatar

Father Dorrell told him he wouldn’t have to come tonight. He got his wages though, but he’d have an evening off, as a reward for all his good work, and he was encouraged to go to Pincie’s and have a pint or two. So off he went but halfway there, he remembered he’d left his hat a the chapel so he walked back to the graveyard.
The ceremony had already begun, with the priest in his finest attire. The congregation was peculiar: Solely men with coat collars up and the hat pulled low over their faces. Did they even have faces? He couldn’t discern. And the stench! These people were dressed like gentleman but they smelled like a bunch of fishmongers and tanners. However, the most unsettling sight was the oversized, crudely constructed casket, fortified with iron belts and ferrules. Who would rest in such an ugly coffer? He considered stepping closer but when one of the strangers played Pie Jesu on the harmonium, the others stood up and emitted horrendously croaking noises like a derisive caricature of singin. It was terrifying.
All he wanted was to grab his hat and leave. But when the first iron belt snapped and the wooden planks began to burst, he ran off and never came back.

lumiworx, avatar

@VisualInspiration ... After Covid 27's devastating start, we've found a need to revitalize our long-closed Heavenly Hills cemetary. For the surviving grounds staff with questions, we've hired Eustis for chamber reclamation.

Please remember that he's technically classed as 'near-dead', so he won't be required to mask up due to his triple filtered mechano-biologic pump taking over all primary lung functions.

Lastly, our friends and family discount has been discontinued until demand slows down.

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-25 Visual Inspiration prompt

I find you lack of shirt disturbing

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Or go shirtless... Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


eperales, avatar

Daiyōkai pitied his squad: A bunch of awful shooters that dared to name themselves Stormtroopers. The worst flowed to the Outer Rim.

"Just like me" he thought. A mind trick on a Colonel had sent him here.

"All right, sand monkeys! We've been tasked to look for a couple of droids! Perimeter and checkpoints NOW! I'll look for them at the Cantina"

The place was packed, but an old man had just maimed a lowlife with a lightsaber and a stool was free. Maybe it was his lucky day, "Blue milk please!"

knodel, avatar

Okay, here we go...Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for the friendly invitation and the opportunity to introduce myself. I'm Bramba. I've jumped the firefalls of Ulathuur, brawled with Knarghian Snow-Goons, messed with a bunch of triple-headed rattlesnakes on Alis-Thar, tussled myself out of the Hairy Dungeons of Rhainda. In Mercanan City, I won every drinking contest until I was asked to leave. They asked politely, so I did. This ship I will leave in a shuttle in about half an hour, just before my friends come and blast it to hell. Do you really think your silly lasertoys will stop me? Come on, let the dance begin.

KydiaMusic, avatar

Tag yourself; I’m Hogby

billyjoebowers, avatar

@WhiteCatTamer @KydiaMusic

To be fair, there's a lot of bowl cuts on young people around here.

qurlyjoe, avatar

Chunus, Jorch, and Hornby. WTF? Nobody in my high school had a beard like that. Not even the greaser-est Greaser even had a mustache.

Beautiful_Sun_Creations, avatar

Just like a warm cuppa soothes the spirit, this steamy script visual sets the scene for relaxation—ideal for a peaceful nook in a kitchen or café.


Wraithe, avatar

Via Vincent Proce on Twitter on AI:
“This is making the rounds!” (On #AIArt)

the doubt I give them another round of feedback making it clear. Next day it's worse. I sit there and patiently paint over, even explaining the steps I would take as a painter. They don't do it, anomalies start appearing when I say I want to keep the exact image but with changes. They can't. They simply don't have the eye to see the basic mistakes so the Ai starts to over compensate. We get people starting to appear in the images. These are obviously holiday snaps. "Remove the people" "What would you like them changed to?" "... grass. I just don't want them there" They can't do it. The one that can actually use photoshop hasn't developed the eye to see his mistakes, ends up getting angry at me for not understanding he can't make specific changes. The girl whose background was a little photography has given me 40 progressively worse images with wilder mistakes every time. This is 4 days into the project. I'm both pissed about the waste, but elated seeing ai fall at the first hurdle. It's not even that the images are
I'm both pissed about the waste, but elated seeing ai fall at the first hurdle. It's not even that the images are unusable, the people making them have no eye for what's wrong, no thicker skin for constructive criticism and feedback, no basic artistic training in perspective and functionality in what they're making. Yes the hype is going to pump more money into this. They won't go anywhere for a while. But this has been such a glowing perfect moment of watching the fundamental part fail in the face of the most simple tasks. All were fired and the company no longer accepts Ai prompters as applicants. Your training as an artist will always be the most important part of this process and it is invaluable. I hope this post gives you a boost in a dark time. (Pic for algo) this machine kills Al

drcaberry, avatar

One way that I get such cute illustrations for my children's books is I use to refine my vision and then send those to the illustrator so she has a guide.


jimkane57, avatar

@drcaberry That is well done!

drcaberry, avatar
unidentified_mustelid, avatar

is like stock image gallery with weird randomizer. You can do with that, but you are constrained by assets available to you. Speaking of "assets", when you make a game using stuff from asset store, be it art, music or code, you are a , but not necessarily an (specifically visual artist), or .

gray17, avatar

@unidentified_mustelid I'm pretty sure the slot machine aspect of generative AI is a large part of the appeal for many users, and also maybe why there's so much money trying to inject it everywhere there might be more addicts

drcaberry, avatar

One way that I get such cute illustrations for my children's books is I use #AIArt to refine my vision and then send those to the illustrator so she has a guide. #KidLit #KidLitArt #ChildrensBooks #TheresARobot


VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-20 Visual Inspiration prompt

There is a light at the end of the tunnel

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Or go search for lithium... Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


knodel, avatar


Some believe in a hidden world behind the mirror. Others speculate about secret doors in certain wardrobes. There are even those who peer into every rabbit's hole they see. Still others hope to stumble upon a portal during a random walk in the wood. Some are convinced they'll find the entrance to whatsoever at the bottom of an old well, in an abandoned coal mine, an decrepit carriage on a deserted railway track, a forgotten underground station, or between the dusty shelves of a library or the local second-hand-store.
I've tried them all. The portal in the second-hand shop was itself second-hand. It led me down a rabbit hole where I discovered a cupboard with a hidden door to a hall of mirrors, whose exit door... I'll spare you the details. What I really want to say is that I have no idea how I ended up in your cellar and why these two bottles are empty. Perhaps we should open another one. Let's see where it takes us.


jeffc, avatar

We were digging the New Mars Expansion when we nicked a lava tube. Must've been ancient 'cause it still had air in it.

Not long after, crew started dying. Their skin turned all purple and black. It was a Company project, so we sealed off the tube, punched a hole in the tunnel, called it a cave-in, and dug a different route.

I'm telling you now 'cause these purple and black spots on my hand are spreading. If I die, make sure they cremate me. No recycling.

lonelyowl, avatar
TriflingTree, avatar

Space Station as a futuristic fairytale castle 🏰
Dall-e3 AI Art

#dalle3 #dalle #aiart #MachineLearningArt #MachineLearning #stablediffusion #midjourney #ArtfullyIntelligentArt


wagesj45, avatar
ward, avatar

Let's stop using the term, "ai art," and start saying, "ai content."

They want us to call our work, "content," and they want us to call their junk, "art." No.


@ward good point!

ErikUden, avatar

Anything AI synergizes is pixel soup, it has nothing to do with art only if your understanding of the world is as shallow and superficial as it can be.

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-19 Visual Inspiration prompt

How do you relax after a long day?

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Or go hang out in a bar... Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


jeffc, avatar

"It's in here most nights. It's ok. I mean, it's a drunk xenomorph--get too close and it'll eat your face--but it's not looking for trouble. Near as I can tell, its queen fought the perfect battle with a human and lost. Having seen perfection, it can't go back. I don't understand it myself, but it keeps things quiet. And how often do you get to drink with a xenomorph?"

I finished my drink, bought one for the xenomorph, took a discrete selfie, and closed my tab.

Beautiful_Sun_Creations, avatar

I created this AI image with the very descriptive alt-text of my first digital painting "Twilight Blooms" in mind. I added a few other descriptive terms like Zentangle, butterflies, and impasto acrylic painting. And, of course, vivid colors, because I love color!

ornaled, avatar

It was a good idea to check what is happening on Twitter. vs

edit: Just in case if someone would want a link to hellsite ;)

andycarolan, avatar

@ornaled WTF!?

ornaled, avatar

@andycarolan I had the same reaction.

Beautiful_Sun_Creations, avatar

A quirky AI art print that creatively uses steam to spell out a tea-lover's mantra. Perfect for sprucing up your kitchen or adding character to a cafe.

vanilla_vodka, Japanese


VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-14 Visual Inspiration prompt

Do you take home with you?

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Maybe buy an RV? Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the tag.

ixtlidekami, avatar

—I don't know. I'm not sure this is what I'm looking for.

—What's the problem? It has the three rooms with full bathrooms you asked for. The extra bedroom for your guests, and a more than big kitchen. You said your wife wanted a big kitchen, right?

—Yes, but…

—This is a steal! This house has all services, and it can take you to the supermarket if you don't want to walk there!

—But it's too slow…

knodel, avatar

Who are you?

I'm Marty. I'm from SpeedCity, but I've been banned for a week. I have to spend seven days in SlowWorld for racing over neon red and crashing into a patrol car. And you? Why are you here?

I'm a turtle. I live here.

Oh. Sorry...

You want a ride? I'm free for a week.

Thanks, yes. But why just for one week?

My symb has been banned, too. He's to do time in SpeedCity.

Let me guess. He was too slow even for this realm.

No, he peed in the shower.


VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-04-13 Visual Inspiration prompt

It is only logical to dance

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Or dance, dance, dance! Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the tag.

knodel, avatar


  • They all are staring us.
  • Of course, they do. We perform the Jilta-Bilta-Ritual.
  • Yes, but I feel a little uneasy.
  • Completely normal in the RMV. You can never be sure if you're in a story or story about a story or in a clasp of meaning layers.
  • RM-What?
  • RMV: Real Metaverse. Call it postmodernism or referential semiotics.
  • What the heck are you talking about?
  • Every allusion links to a single universe. You never can Tell If this real or.. Stop dancing, the music stops.
    The audience sat silently.
  • How did you like our little performance, Ambassador Spock?
  • Fascinating.
ixtlidekami, avatar


—Oh, my…Not again…SCOTTY!

Captain Kirk swore to NEVER cross through a anti-neutral-charged nebula again. Those things always mess up the Enteprise's systems. Every other starship can stay there for months and nothing bad happens. But them? Ha! When there isn't a mirror universe then there's a suddenly sentient computer, or another crewman gaining god-like powers. But transporter incidents are the worst. These clones won't stop with their horrible song and dance show…

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