PenguinJuice, to kbinMeta in "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.

People are allowed to have a difference of opinion. You don't get to silence people just because you disagree with them. Please do not go down that dark path.

Believe it or not there are people who do not subscribe to certain views, bur that does not make them "hate mongerers" anymore than the extreme opposition. It's only extremists and people who try to silence others for their views that are assholes. You live in a great big world full of a lot of differing opinions and that's what makes it beautiful. Silencing opinions because of your personal beliefs is not acceptable.

fedosyndicate avatar

If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. [...] for it may easily turn out that [the intolerant] are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; [the intolerant] may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive [...] We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.

We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to [other crimes] as criminal.

spicy_biscuits avatar

Exactly this why is this so hard for these motherfuckers to understand

Harlan_Cloverseed avatar

No, we’re not going to let shitheads like this ruin our community.


"Disagreements" are for things like tax milage, or whether or not a school needs a new football field. "Disagreements" are not for things like, "jews should be gassed", or "trans people are all pedophiles".

  1. To be very clear, in my opinion, Jews should not be gassed (or otherwise murdered), and not all trans people are pedophiles (I don't know the stats, but I'd guess they're about the same as the rest of the population).
  2. Anyone who disagrees on the preceding two points has every right to openly speak their mind in a free society. And whereas their free speech rights are our own free speech rights, we must defend their right to freely state their opinions in all public forums. Free speech is not for ideas we like, but precisely for the ideas we dislike.

What if my ideas are so fragile that mere exposure to a contrasting opinion makes them crumble?


Transphobia, racism, etc aren't an opinion. They are hate speech. Full stop.

I am absolutely against silencing opinions. I am also absolutely in favor of silencing hate speech. Understand the difference.


Racism is disgusting but transpobia? I don't believe that's hate speech. People can not like something but not wish death on the person or outright hate who they are as a person. People are allowed to dislike certain behaviors. It's not comparable to racism and its definitely not hate speech.


but transpobia? I don't believe that's hate speech., that is hate speech. It's in definition damnit.

I'm going down this thread and holy crap did you 180 from normal conversation into downright bigot.

szczur, (edited )
szczur avatar

But you do not disagree with someone doing or believing something. By defending transphobia you disagree with someone being one thing or the other. Because transphobia isn't based on disagreeing with what trans people are doing or believe in. It disagrees with their fundamental right to exist and wants to take it away. It's no different from racism or antisemitism.

That's the difference you seem to miss.


Just as there is no "gay gene", there is no "transgender gene".


No "straight" gene either


That's true, and it's a good point. All of our behavior is rooted in our free will.


Which of course brings up the question why you care if others choose to live differently than you, or if others choose to try to resolve their gender dysphoria by aligning their biology to match their brain's perception of what they should be? Or if they choose to enter relationships with other people of the same gender? How does that harm anyone?


God does not make mistakes. That principle was widely accepted as indisputable until recent times. Say it with me now, God does not make mistakes. It's not something we're allowed to doubt or question.

I care because this is spiritual warfare. Everyone who rejects God is choosing to follow Satan, whether or not they understand that. It is our moral duty to love one another as Jesus has loved us, which means to make our best effort to lead each other to God.

Please read your Bible. I want to point you to a single verse or two, but so much of the whole book deals with these topics that I find it overwhelming to think I could choose just one or two verses. We're discussing what God has repeatedly warned us against. If you care about humanity at all, you have a moral duty to make your best effort to stop this madness.

That's why.


"Ah shit, I might have fucked up"

  • Jesus (Matthew 27:46)

But anyway, religion isn't rational, there's no way to reason or logic with someone basing their worldview on an elaborate schizophrenic delusion, so this is a dead end conversation.

effingjoe avatar

How do you know it's not a "demon whispering this in your ear"?


at the end of the day, you’re just an asshole for telling other people who they can and can’t be when it doesn’t affect you AT ALL.

minnieo avatar

transphobia literally = "outright hating who someone is as a person". are you okay???


What about when it's more nuanced like "I support trans people to do whatever they want, but I don't support transwomen in women's sports." Or "I am cautious about transitioning young children until we have a better medical understanding of gender dysphoria." Seems like many here would still consider my perspective to be "hate speech," which I, of course, find ridiculous.

CynAq avatar

That's not nuance, that's just ignorance and a knee-jerk reaction to a very complicated issue which has to be left to experts, who, in addition to being normal people with compassion and love like most of us towards their fellow humans, know the most about their topic of expertise than any of us.

hydro033, (edited )

It is indeed nuance. Just because you're not well read or educated on the topic, doesn't mean I am not. I have been thinking about these things for years and years, and I do indeed have a formal education in biology. So, no, not a knee-jerk reaction, sorry. Again, I am all for letting trans individuals transition and exist how they want, and I am all for respecting pronoun usage, and whatever else - that is compassion towards fellow humans. I am just pointing out two aspects of this debate where I have my own thoughts that have some slight pushback on progressive perspectives.

CynAq avatar

If you were as "well read" as you think you are, you would know how much bullshit you're spewing right now. Especially about children getting the gender affirming care they need without any need interference from "well-mean" idiots like you.

Your "concern" is potentially killing young people, and you're here talking out of your ass, convinced you have compassion for people.


Nuanced opinions are worthy of discussion. That's not what I've seen on the community in question.

effingjoe avatar

When you're discussing traits inherent to a person-- not things they do or believe, but things they are, it's almost certainly hate speech. A quick test would be to swap the inherent thing you're talking about with skin color, since that one seems obvious to most people. So, would you say that an opinion that you support people of color, you just don't support them playing sports with people that aren't POC, be nuanced opinion or hate speech?

As for your second hypothetical, that is a discussion for doctors and experts, and they've already had it, and that's why children can't get non-reversible procedures until they're 18. No one is transitioning children; they are blocking their development so they can have a choice on how to proceed when they're adults.

hydro033, (edited )

False equivalence. XY humans destroy XX humans in sports, it's why we have men's and women's divisions - women are a protected class. Allowing XY individuals in women's sports is not fair to women, and undermines the entire purpose of sport and a women's division. Look at it this way : men's division is really an open division, but we created a women's division for the purpose of fairness.

Second point, let's just say you don't know how much I know about this topic or these issues. The question of reversibility by using hormone blockers is still being debated. We simply do not have enough data to know if its safe. You cannot treat hormone manipulation as some simple process. There are many feedback loops involved in the HPG axes.


Your logic means men (not trans women) should be able to compete in women's sports.

fosho, (edited )

regarding the sports issue, i can understand the argument that this situation could be abused for an unfair advantage. and eventually it most likely would be by someone. however i don’t have any good solutions that aren’t shitty. even an absolutely sincere trans person could still have an unfair advantage but i would never advocate discrimination by banning them from competing. either option is unfair to someone. it’s a tough issue and one that has no easy answers.


and eventually it most likely would be by someone

Err, this has already happened quite a few times.


Agreed - I think relabeling divisions as open and women (XX) divisions is the best solution. Other solutions I have heard include only regulating things at high levels of play, e.g., championships and other events that have prestigious awards. Joanna Harper has advocated the latter.


hmm - i like the idea of removing gender from divisions and instead using another criteria that better defines an individual’s ability. that way when a trans woman goes to compete they aren’t specifically put into a category for men but rather a group of people who have relatively comparable abilities. sortof like weight classes. i mean - it’s still kinda shitty because now someone has to decide based on difficult criteria who belongs where, but i think that’s a step in the right direction. i’m would hope that for trans folks, the idea that they are put into a gendered category is what is the most discriminatory rather than a skill/ability category. however, the end result would likely be the same just with different labels. maybe that’s what matters most? i don’t know. no easy answers.

spicy_biscuits avatar

Look up the tolerance paradox and then suck my dick

slicedcheesegremlin, (edited )
slicedcheesegremlin avatar

complexity does not inherently make your argument better. "Slavery is is horrible and evil but free black people shouldn't have the right to vote" is a "nuanced opinion," but that doesn't mean it isn't racist and terrible.


I agree in principle but that's not a great example

Cylusthevirus avatar

If your "certain view" is that trans people, other queer people, and/or anyone left of Tucker Carlson shouldn't exist, you've opted out of the social contract of tolerance and should expect to be shunned.

Tolerance is either a two way street or a suicide pact and I'm not here to watch people die so the worst dregs of humanity can spew their garbage.


Whoa, I would never wish someone wouldn't exist anymore, wtf? Most moderate people I know just don't like the behavior, they don't hate the people... I know assholes exist who actually want to kill people who disagree with them but that exists on both sides of the aisle.

z500, (edited ) avatar

Yes, because certainly this time around people are going to stop at side eye and clucking their tongues. Because it's nothing but a difference of opinion, you see.


It's not "behavior", it's who they are.

minnieo avatar

Most moderate people I know just don't like the behavior

what does that even mean? what is 'the behavior'? i'd like to see you try and tell me without generalizing literally millions of people


you could always … you know … not care. your life would be so much more fulfilling and meaningful if you stopped sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.

szczur avatar

Disagreeing with someone having the right to exist is not an opinion.

Haan, to kbinMeta in "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.

Why do you care? Is not a free speech platform? If not, I’ll find somewhere else to go.

I don’t even agree with these folks, but if people are going to start raising a big stink because people are saying things they don’t like, I’m out.

Harlan_Cloverseed avatar

Buh bye


I may disagree with what you have to say, but I'll fight to the death to defend your right to say it.


until it’s hate speech. then you shouldn’t have the right to say it. because that makes you a dick-head who has broken the social contract.


I don’t even agree with these folks> if you sit at a table with 7 nazi that table contain 8 nazi

szczur avatar

There's free speech in good faith, and the one in the bad. But that's not even about that. If someone's speech is basically "all trans people are a pedophiles and belong on the cross in defence of good christian values" (not a direct quote, just a representation) it's not free speech. It's hate speech and that kind of speech is not protected. Free speech is meant to protect voicing opinions. Thinking some people are not deserving of worthy living is not an opinion.

kestrel7, to kbinMeta in "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
kestrel7 avatar

Yeah I was worried this could become a problem, because I imagine a lot of chuds are turned off of lemmy because of the tankie devs. Which makes sense. But I don't think they should be welcome here, either. I'm trying to get away from that authoritarian shit, not get closer to the even worse kind of authoritarian shit.


Hold on, I dislike authoritarianism too. Isn't it authoritarian to ban users and magazines for expressing views with which you disagree?


Isn't it authoritarian to beat to death people expressing views with which you disagree with?

Something which you all but advocated in the thread in question? You just want a platform to advocate far more extreme methods than bans.

10A, (edited )

No, not whatsoever. Try reading my entire comment on the purpose of freedom, and not cherrypicking a few words that look damning out of context.

Also, I wrote "with which" so you didn't need to add another "with" at the end.

Edit: This was a bad answer. See below.


You know, even if it was cherrypicked (which it was not, I stand by it, and you're welcome to try to actually argue how that's not what you said and not pretend I didn't read it)

I just asked

Isn't it authoritarian to beat to death people expressing views with which you disagree with?

You didn't answer with "I never said that"

You answered with

No, not whatsoever.

As far as I'm concerned you're just pretending to be a mature guy who wants people to debate, but in truth you just want to shame people away from the hate speech that's being spewed where people are either not responding or are making arguments in bad faith in response. Basically letting the text get onto the page and hoping everyone gives up.


I'm sorry. I was replying to a lot of comments, and I totally misunderstood yours. I thought you copied and pasted what I wrote, and added the word "with", because it ends with "with which you disagree with". I only saw the grammatical error, not the complete change of question. Please forgive me.

Yes, of course it's authoritarian to beat someone to death for expressing a different view! Goodness, how is that even a question.

I answered "No, not whatsoever" to your assertion that "You just want a platform to advocate far more extreme methods than bans."

I do like to debate, but I also like to keep things on topic, so I've been kinda trying to avoid debates in this thread, while also standing up for the relevant aspects of my rather unpopular opinions.

I certainly don't want to shame anyone for anything, and if I've inadvertently done that, I'm sorry.


Is TruthSocial just not up your alley?

aegisgfx877 avatar

Trunff Censhall!

Harlan_Cloverseed avatar

We don’t want you here, bigot.


If it's just about disagreement, sure. But it's not, it's about whether you accept the paradox of the tolerance of intolerance.

smokinjoe avatar

No. You can always fuck off to stormfront.

emi, to technology in Calckey rebrands to Firefish

I absolutely love Firefish as a platform. They’ve made something really special. The name Firefish is awful though. I hope they take everyone’s feedback and rebrand again (though I’m sure that’s a massive undertaking)

rain, to calckey in Calckey rebrands as Firefish

@box464 It seems like it might be an unfortunate rebranding, since Firefish is already trademarked for computer software in a bunch of places xP

box464 avatar

I’m just now starting to hear about this issue. Ouch.


@box464 Yeah, it isn't great! I have (at least for now) moved my instance over to Iceshrimp, I feel like it is better to be safe than sorry.

Varyag, to fediverse in Calckey rebranded to Firefish avatar

I really like the interface and features of Firefish, which I just joined like a month ago. May it continue long and prosper!

Peter1986C, to fediverse in Calckey rebranded to Firefish

I joined it when the server was less than a month old. I am definitely staying on board for the forseeable future.

kukkurovaca, to technology in Calckey rebrands to Firefish avatar

Someone checked and there’s already an existing trademark for Firefish in software specifically, at least in Europe. Apparently they make HR solutions of some sort.…/meet-the-team.aspx


nix, avatar

Hopefully it doesn’t cause any issues


Wow, if they haven’t already cleared this with the existing company or lawyers, this is embarrassing.

Wouldn’t you do a quick search as an early step in any branding exercise?

fluorine, to technology in Calckey rebrands to Firefish

I wonder what the overlap of Calckey users and Beehaw users is.

baggins, avatar

That’ll be me 😏

jmanes, to technology in Calckey rebrands to Firefish

I don’t like it. I did sign up for an instance though just to poke around. Seems nice! Not sure if I’ll use it over Lemmy / Mastodon combo though. My attention can only go so many directions.

theyresocool, to kbinMeta in "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.

They hate being woke so they love being asleep.

snowe, to technology in Calckey rebrands to Firefish avatar

I like the new name.

spaduf, to calckey in Calckey rebrands as Firefish avatar

Is there a community rename in the works?

OneRedFox, to technology in Calckey rebrands to Firefish avatar

Firefish sounds like what someone would call malware targeting Firefox users. I was hoping the name would be better.


Anyone remember Firesheep?

bug, to technology in Calckey rebrands to Firefish

So what actually is calckey/firefish? Is it just trying to be Twitter? Is it meaningfully different to Mastodon?

OneRedFox, (edited ) avatar

It’s Mastodon with a better featureset and UX. Forked from the well-established Fediverse platform MissKey. Some things I like:

  • Threaded comment replies (though they display differently from Lemmy’s).
  • Antennae for discoverability.
    • Can use hashtags AND keywords.
    • Can filter results by instance.
    • Can create multiple timelines to display content in.
  • Customizable UI via widgets.
  • I think the theming options are better.
  • Full-text search.
  • Quote posts.
  • Cat mode.
Dee_Imaginarium, avatar

Cat mode.

Could you elaborate on this? lol


Your avatar gets cat ears (more like extra triangles like cat ears on your avatar)

Dee_Imaginarium, avatar

Well that’s pretty fun. Thanks for sharing.


Antennae are such a neat feature that I have yet to play around with.


Imo more people would use them if they were called something clearer. Saved search. Custom timeline or feed. Something like that. But yeah they are awesome

salarua, avatar

Firefish née Calckey is a microblogging platform like Mastodon, but that’s about all it has in common. Firefish has extra features like emoji reactions (like Facebook’s, but you can use any emoji, including custom emoji), quote posts, and better support for deep threads (it displays replies in a tree view like Lemmy or Kbin, unlike Mastodon which tries to linearize them and makes them a confusing mess). it also supports text formatting like bold, italics, headings, custom link text, and even animations (don’t worry, they don’t autoplay). it’s even themable, and supports migrating posts from other accounts so you don’t have to start over!

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