CynAq avatar

CynAq avatar

I can’t believe in this day and age marijuana is still an object of political influence.

Just legalize the shit, period. What’s with all the conditionals attached to it? You just have to marginalize users one way or the other because god forbid we have fewer things “those people” do to point fingers at.

CynAq avatar

Right? Both the Israeli and Qatari governments suck ass

CynAq avatar

I want to play that so bad right now. The cat like movement with wall-climb, plus the alien vision is easily one of my top 5 unique gaming experiences.

CynAq avatar

I agree with you.

I think if an attraction leads to the objectification of your “type”, it’s problematic regardless of what that type is. If you just have a preference and you handle your interactions with people with the necessary respect everyone deserves, I can’t see a problem with it.

CynAq avatar

Hua long dong 6 is a hell of a name tho

CynAq avatar

It's surprisingly difficult to find a source which treats RCS as a Google product. It seems like most pieces of information about it is carefully curated to give the impression that RCS is an open standard.

CynAq avatar

LLMs are "generate something that sounds like it would answer the prompt" machines. Nothing more and nothing less.

Through that lens, they are a lot less impressive, a lot less frustrating and also a lot more fun.

CynAq avatar

That sounds nothing like a human.

CynAq avatar

Humans can do something, doesn't mean humans only do that thing and nothing else.

Humans have many models of the world running in different modes in parallel, enabling us to make sense of things other than just process language and come up with plausible sounding answers within the rules of a given language.

Our understanding of concepts is different than how we process language, demonstrated in that there are perfectly intelligent people who can't communicate using spoken or written language (including sign language) but can do so using other methods which demonstrate language processing isn't essential to our intelligence.

The way we learn information and integrate it into our neural network is vastly different than how we train our artificial models using machine learning. Even if we just take language processing, we definitely don't learn by reading the entirety of written human language many times over regardless of what language it's written in, until we can understand how it's underlying mechanics work so that we can form plausible structures of word-chunk strings without necessarily understanding the concepts behind the word-chunks.

CynAq avatar

Ditto for 12 yrs. No porn account either. Quit cold turkey.

CynAq avatar

What in the actual fuck?

This is like a physical embodiment of Poe's law.

CynAq avatar

During what I still consider the golden age of gaming, which is 1997-2004, most single player games were aiming for 30-35 hours. That has been my sweet spot ever since but it doesn't mean a game can't be satisfying with less than that.

I personally don't find anything shorter than 10 hours enough of an experience. 25-30 sounds very reasonable.

CynAq avatar

I, too, agree with the scientists that we're all well and truly fucked.

Supreme Court Ethics Bill Passes Committee over 100% Republican Opposition (

Although I agree with this bill, the NYT calling it “strict new ethics rules” is a bit much. Reading the requirements in the bill itself, it struck me as legislating that SCOTUS justices do the bare ethical minimum required of most every other judge - in other words, it’s the type of bill that shows up when an organization...

CynAq avatar

You're misunderstanding NYT's position and intention on this when they call it "strict new ethics rules". They are a neoliberal organization who'll side with republicans more often than they do with progressives. They are trying to paint it in a bad, big government kinda sentiment when they call it "strict".

CynAq avatar

Yes. That's why who said what, and in what context, matters.

CynAq, (edited )
CynAq avatar

Who told you western teenagers were too dumb to understand this fact and would fail to include the remedies to their ideology when they rile up against capitalism?

CynAq avatar

Your right.

Grammar mistake are one of my pet peeve on the internet. I can't believe how some people seem like they could care less about grammar. I try and use correct grammar all the time. It would be good if every one cared about grammar rule's. I guess they can't help themself.

CynAq avatar

I was just making a lighthearted joke but your serious tone made it even better in contrast. Thank you so much for this comment!

In hindsight, I should've asked how infuriated you were after reading the drivel I posted but you know what they say about hindsight.

CynAq avatar

TIL I didn't know the meaning of normies.

It's not a word I use but when I saw it first, I thought it meant neurotypical, then after a while I saw it in a more political context and thought it meant centrist. Turns out, it just means mainstream. I think.

What exactly does this word mean?

CynAq avatar

Or conversely, a Christian apologist coming to an atheist community and saying "if god isn't real why do good things" as if declaring you are a poorly educated sociopath is a good way to challenge people's well formed ideas.

I've spent quite a bit of time trying to explain to some people why "woke leftists" are so quick to shut them up that they feel like they aren't given a right to speak their minds. "Woke" ideas are generally more developed and complex than "common sense" ideas, which requires some thought being put into them while they evolve from basic to their current level, so when you challenge a person's developed idea with a superficial, usually knee jerk level question or critique, you're most likely engaging in a line of thinking they were done with quite early in their evolution of the idea you're trying to challenge.

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