HeyJoe, to games in Report: Fall Guys dev Mediatonic "decimated" by Epic layoffs

As someone who has played the game from day 1, and almost every day since, it’s a shame that this game that already is on auto drive will be crippled even further. If you have a bunch of friends who just wanna chat and don’t wanna play something competitive it fills all those roles.

I guess we should expect even less changes and content going forward… I know the level creation was just created to allow the community to provide free content so I wonder what else they can do to continue this or if the game will just die off.

ChicoSuave, to gamedev in Report: Unity narrows controversial Runtime Fee policy

The problem with CEOs like Riccitiello is he is so focused on making money that he doesn’t understand how to build a business. He is looking for existing processes to monetize instead of finding new ways to generate revenue. He’s unimaginative and it’s killing any business he runs. The people want to buy a product, not buy into a scheme.


And the telling thing is that the share holders are keeping him in post. They either don’t have a long term interest in the business, or support him, and even if he goes, the rot is still there. The larger shareholders should be seriously reflecting on how is on the board and applying significant pressure to change that if they care about the long term of the company.

KoboldCoterie, to gamedev in Report: Unity narrows controversial Runtime Fee policy avatar

Hopefully every developer who has the means to still drops Unity like a bad habit. They’ve tipped their hand and shown what they’re willing to do, which is ‘as much as we can possibly get away with’. It’s only a matter of time until they find a new, more abusive way to do this. I think at this point, any developer who chooses to use Unity when other options are equally viable for their project is, to use Unity’s CEO’s own words, “a fucking idiot”.

Jaysyn avatar

That’s an awesome thread

KoboldCoterie, avatar

Damn, that’s impressive (and a really interesting read-through!)

vrojak avatar

The absolute madman, I strive to become the programmer he is.

Pichu0102, to gaming in Unity introducing new fee attached to game installs

@chloyster So if I want to reinstall a game I have to decide if it's worth making the dev pay more money due to my game reinstall or install on another device? Is that what I'm reading?


The most they’ll have to pay is 20 cents. And that’s only with the 200,000th to 210,000th download for developers who are using the free version of Unity (provided that the developer is also making more then $200k/yr in revenue). After that, the developer will probably get Unity Pro and the download fees will start up at $1 million/yr in revenue and more than 1 million downloads. At that point, I don’t think that the 15 cents to 0.1 cents that will be charged will hurt too badly.

EvaUnit02 avatar

I guess good luck to the mid-size developers who take service deals, then.

ampersandrew avatar

Unless there's a coordinated effort by a fanbase to install the game over and over again because the game asked you for your preferred pronouns or some nonsense. Or maybe a pirated copy of the game still phones home to Unity and charges the developer. There are a lot of ways this could be problematic.


One Dev have already pointed out that they have a Unity based game due next year they’ve already contracted to game pass, so that’s 20 million odd subs who’ll have access to try the game, where as they didn’t negotiate with MS on the price knowing this clause was coming.

gonzoknowsdotcom1, to gaming in Unity introducing new fee attached to game installs

GoDot say it louder

BolexForSoup avatar

Isn't Godot primarily a 2D tool? Is it really a suitable replacement for Unity?

makingStuffForFun, avatar

That was correct about maybe 5 + years ago. However, particularly the latest 4.x builds, the 3d is top shelf. It won’t beat unreal, but it’s 3d capabilities are better than most people’s ability to use them.

atocci avatar

How's the performance?

BolexForSoup avatar

Great to hear!


Godot’s 3D is perfectly usable in my experience, it’s been a while since I’ve used Unity though so I can’t tell you how they compare.


It has 3d

insomniac_lemon avatar

Have you seen Godot's releases after 4.0? Particularly the SDFGI feature?

ICastFist, to gamedev in Tim Sweeney says Epic Games Store is open to devs using generative AI avatar

Epic taking a “we’ll accept first and consider the consequences later” isn’t the right move, in my opinion. Sure, the points they make, that “not all AI content is infringing or bad” is true, but the vast majority of AI being used in games is cheap and quick art assets for shovelware titles. Steam already has a considerable amount of shitty titles, allowing stuff made with AI would only make it even worse.

I think the major pushback against AI in games is exactly that, they just scream “cheap money grab” from a zero-skill nobody


Epic is desperate to get a leg up in steam. This is a risk they are willing to take in order to try to get ahead of steam.


It ain’t gonna work, in any universe; but hey, Epic do Epic.


Honestly, Epic gets 5% of the profits of a lot of games. Most major studios are switching to Unreal. So that’s likely going to be their money maker for years to come. A storefront is their bonus cash. A lot of people seem to be getting games on EGS.

ch0ccyra1n, avatar

I would argue that "zero-skill" games can have charm if they're still fun or creative. Perhaps I'm a bit biased though as a beginner gamedev who doesn't have much skill outside of programming though.

Pregnenolone, to games in Tim Sweeney says Epic Games Store is open to devs using generative AI

Common Tim Sweeney L


This is actually ultra rare Tim Sweeney W.

No need to act like it’s breaking copyright laws when in it’s current state it’s not even defined.

Arkarian, to games in Tim Sweeney says Epic Games Store is open to devs using generative AI

As always, when Steam does one thing, Epic does the opposite.

But still, Steam doesn’t forbid all AI content. It requires developers to have rights over the content on which it was trained, which seems logical.


And impractical, because that effectively eliminates all popular models I believe


Man this is one legal mess we’re going to have to iron out as a society. I see both sides, obviously a creator doesn’t want their work to be utilized in a way they don’t approve…on the other hand we severely limit ourselves on AI development if we don’t use the collective work of society as a whole. And policing may be a LOT harder than people realize…taking that too far while it protects authors and creatives may ultimately mean falling behind in this area to competitive countries.

For games, at least it kind of makes sense to want to use a model that doesn’t have things trained from libraries or television/movies. You don’t want to be talking to an NPC in a Star Wars game that keeps referencing Harry Potter as an example lol…might be a little immersion breaking haha.

But also, AI usage could bring development a step forward. Indie devs may be able to produce AAA quality experiences on their normal budget, or conversely hobbyist may be able to create Indie-level games.

I see AI bringing us potentially marrying a lot of silos of entertainment in the future. We may move beyond movies, TV shows, gaming into more collective “experiences” that combine the best aspects of all of these mediums.

Idk what the answer is but it’s going to be interesting to see how it plays out.


Can you explain how that seems logical? It makes it impossible for anyone but the mega-rich to use. AAA developers alone will be able to reap the benefits of generative AI and outcompete indie devs who can’t afford models that meet these ridiculous restrictions.


Indie games have been able to compete just fine without generative AI, even though in average AAA games already are much more grandiose productions.


See my latest comment. Part of it addresses what you said.


Your comment doesn’t address what I said in any way whatsoever. Especially as far as respecting indie developers go.

To restate it, indie developers already manage to find success even though AAA studios already have a massive advantage in production. If they don’t have access to generative AI, that’s only going to keep things as they already are.

Keep in mind, above everything else, what draws people towards indie games is the developers’ vision. While AAA studios can resort to have hyper-realistc, intricately rendered graphics, orchestral music and hundreds of thousands of lines of text, indie games still manage to find their appeal through simple visuals, more personal music and writing. The personal touch and daring vision gives them an appeal that most corporate productions fail to capture. Frankly, your insinuation that access to AI is going to make it or break it for them, that if not for that they are all but doomed to be replaced by corporate AI driven works, doesn’t seem to value the work that they already do.


Big developers don’t have to just increase the scope of their games, they could just as easily make many small teams that can each work on their own smaller games. You appear to have a very narrow view of what generative AI can do for game development. You assume it isn’t good for creating the types of things that makes indie games appealing, rather you can only create cold corporate schlock with it. It can also help with simple visuals, personal music, and writing (this link is possibly NSFW). You can also create with it procedural content, landscapes, dungeons, quests, and characters in your style.

Generative AI can help indie developers save time and money, increase their scope and variety, and give them the time to experiment with new ideas and genres. They can also reach a wider audience, by helping with content in different languages and cultures. They could also help collaborate with other developers, artists, and players, by sharing and remixing content.

I think you’re missing the point of generative AI. You are ignoring the fact that generative AI isn’t a monolithic entity, but a diverse, evolving field of research and practice.


Big developers don’t have to just increase the scope of their games, they could just as easily make many small teams that can each work on their own smaller games.

There was never anything stopping them from doing that without AI. They don’t do it because their executives and investors want the large Return on Investment that they can only get with big blockbusters. They don’t care to take over the indie scene because it’s often focused on titles that are niche and risky.

Even if you are correct about the capabilities of AI, and to be clear I do believe you are mostly correct, it’s an overstatement to talk of it as if it will replace all other disciplines. It’s almost like saying there is no more purpose for drawing now that we have photography, and nobody can thrive if not for photography. Even if AI is widely adopted there will still be plenty of space for works made without it.

Really, I’m not entirely opposed to AI but the mindset here is definitely one I cannot gel with, one that making more, larger, faster art is more worthwhile than making it yourself. Even if AI could make whole characters and settings in someone’s style, the people working on it often want to make it themselves. An AI can’t condense all your inspirations and personality and the meaning you would put into a work for you. AI does not even truly understand what it does, it’s only providing a statistics-based output. Even the best, most complex, most truly intelligent AI imaginable is not replacement for an artist, because it isn’t that artist.

Ultimately AI still seems to serve better to expansive games that need to be filled with a lot of content than small works of passion.


There was never anything stopping them from doing that without AI. They don’t do it because their executives and investors want the large Return on Investment that they can only get with big blockbusters. They don’t care to take over the indie scene because it’s often focused on titles that are niche and risky.

There’s a possibility the profit margins could just get that juicy. You could have a skeleton crew work on a game for a shorter amount of time and get it out there making money.

Really, I’m not entirely opposed to AI but the mindset here is definitely one I cannot gel with, one that making more, larger, faster art is more worthwhile than making it yourself. Even if AI could make whole characters and settings in someone’s style, the people working on it often want to make it themselves. An AI can’t condense all your inspirations and personality and the meaning you would put into a work for you. AI does not even truly understand what it does, it’s only providing a statistics-based output. Even the best, most complex, most truly intelligent AI imaginable is not replacement for an artist, because it isn’t that artist.

AI can’t create anything itself, it’s a tool to help artists create explore, expedite, and improve. An AI can’t condense all of your inspirations and personality and meaning in the same way a drawing tablet can’t. It’s all in how you use it. You can infuse it with your learned experiences at training, guidance, inference, and post-processing to make it more closely adhere to your statistics.

Ultimately AI still seems to serve better to expansive games that need to be filled with a lot of content than small works of passion.

We’ve been talking about indie game devs this whole time, but we haven’t even touched on amateur games devs. For small scale, I think this is where we’ll see the biggest impact. People with fewer or no skills might get the helping hand they need to fill the gaps in their knowledge and get started.


There’s a possibility the profit margins could just get that juicy. You could have a skeleton crew work on a game for a shorter amount of time and get it out there making money.

This is pure speculation, and a very iffy one at that. Large game companies keep betting on larger and larger projects, distancing themselves from niche genres. It’s a huge leap to go from “maybe they will try to make smaller games with AI”, which is already speculation, to “indie devs won’t be able to survive if they don’t use AI too”.

An AI can’t condense all of your inspirations and personality and meaning in the same way a drawing tablet can’t. It’s all in how you use it.

The tablet can be a neutral medium, an AI is trying to condense the outwardly obvious stylistic choices of countless other artists, without an understanding of the underlying ideas that guided them, while you are trying to wrestle something somewhat close to your vision out of it. I suppose that’s like being a director, but it inherently means the result less personal. What decided the shapes and colors? What decided the wording and tone? Who can say.

People with fewer or no skills might get the helping hand they need to fill the gaps in their knowledge and get started.

I’d say today there are easy enough tools that getting started is fairly easy, but there’s some merit to that. Still… that bumps with the uncomfortable possibility that if AI is widely adopted, there will be less game developer and artist jobs available. Sure, more people could get their start, but could they actually get any further than that?


This is pure speculation, and a very iffy one at that. Large game companies keep betting on larger and larger projects, distancing themselves from niche genres. It’s a huge leap to go from “maybe they will try to make smaller games with AI”, which is already speculation, to “indie devs won’t be able to survive if they don’t use AI too”.

Square Enix, one of the biggest game publishers in the world, has several divisions that make gacha games for mobile platforms. These games are very profitable, and almost every one of them is developed in house. These games don’t compete with or replace their AAA games, and they keep on making them, so it must be good enough. It’s almost a requirement for there to be a mobile game of the latest Square-Enix game.

The tablet can be a neutral medium, an AI is trying to condense the outwardly obvious stylistic choices of countless other artists, without an understanding of the underlying ideas that guided them, while you are trying to wrestle something somewhat close to your vision out of it. I suppose that’s like being a director, but it inherently means the result less personal. What decided the shapes and colors? What decided the wording and tone? Who can say.

Don’t underestimate what you can do with fine-tuning. There’s more to guidance than just text prompts.

I’d say today there are easy enough tools that getting started is fairly easy, but there’s some merit to that. Still… that bumps with the uncomfortable possibility that if AI is widely adopted, there will be less game developer and artist jobs available. Sure, more people could get their start, but could they actually get any further than that?

That I can’t say, but I hate that this tool with boundless potential to revolutionize the way we communicate, inspire, create, and connect with each other out of the gate has people attacking it with saws trying to get it to fit into the curtain rod shaped box of capitalism. It’s a sorry state. Maybe more people will follow cottage creators with a vision they find appealing, like on OnlyFans and Patreon? We’re social creatures, we like having shared experiences in that way. Hell, maybe collaborative projects like SCP in the future.


Square Enix, one of the biggest game publishers in the world, has several divisions that make gacha games for mobile platforms.

Did you know that mobile freemium games already surpassed console games in revenue? Sure they may be cheaper to produce, but they are not niche or low in Return of Investment, much the opposite. This does not even vaguely correlate with a total indie market takeover.

Don’t underestimate what you can do with fine-tuning. There’s more to guidance than just text prompts.

However many examples you may pick, it still doesn’t make the tech able to make works exactly as the user envisions, and it isn’t based on their own internalized inspirations and personality the same way. If anything, using established popular characters and styles as an example indicates that you aren’t quite grasping what I’m getting at, about the unique characteristics that each artist puts in their work, sometimes even unwittingly. I don’t doubt that AI could perfectly make infinite Mickeys. This isn’t about making more Mickeys. So to speak, it’s about making less Mickeys and more of something entirely new.

That I can’t say, but I hate that this tool with boundless potential to revolutionize the way we communicate, inspire, create, and connect with each other out of the gate has people attacking it with saws trying to get it to fit into the curtain rod shaped box of capitalism. It’s a sorry state.

I’m not usually this radical, but putting it bluntly, either AI or Capitalism has to go. If not like this, I wouldn’t see any issue with this easier way to get some form of guided aid for artistic expression, leaving aside its limitations and the matter of scraping for a moment. Both of them together, we’ll see artists and game developers driven out of their industries, not to mention all the other artistic, customer service and intelectual jobs that will soon be replaced to optimize profits for executives and investors. None of this would be a concern if everyone could just work on their passion projects and have a guaranteed livelihood, but that’s not how it works as it is.

More crowdfunding as a solution? On whose wages? Making it that way is already a rare luck, before any larger issues. But what if everyone used AI? Well, that wouldn’t really make the potential customers any more numerous. It would, however, make the number of artists and developers needed less numerous. So, how do they make a living then? What good is it if an artist has to take some sweatshop job to survive because AI is now making works in their style for free?

But I admit that the AI genie probably can’t be put back in the bottle, now that it’s already so widespread with no legal repercussion. But it’s a battle that will get much uglier, and resentment is the least that we will have to worry about. No wonder, because it’s going to suck for a lot of people.


Did you know that mobile freemium games already surpassed console games in revenue? Sure they may be cheaper to produce, but they are not niche or low in Return of Investment, much the opposite. This does not even vaguely correlate with a total indie market takeover.

You’re moving the goalposts here, your original comment asserted that large companies only bet on larger and larger games, and when you have this many mobile games out at once, a lot of them are going to be pretty niche. Currently, gacha is the go-to for small development for large companies, it’s not out of the realm of possibility for lower costs to lead to more traditional games to me.

However many examples you may pick, it still doesn’t make the tech able to make works exactly as the user envisions, and it isn’t based on their own internalized inspirations and personality the same way. If anything, using established popular characters and styles as an example indicates that you aren’t quite grasping what I’m getting at, about the unique characteristics that each artist puts in their work, sometimes even unwittingly. I don’t doubt that AI could perfectly make infinite Mickeys. This isn’t about making more Mickeys. So to speak, it’s about making less Mickeys and more of something entirely new. If you tell me what you want to see, I can probably find it.

I’m not sure what you believe generative tools are supposed to do. This is just one tool in a chest of many, it isn’t going to pop out fully finished work. You need to work with what you make. It also isn’t a requirement to use established characters, I picked things with distinctive characteristics, the characters are just a touchstone for people to evaluate how well those characteristics are transferred. This can work just as well for anyone, I’ve seen people fine tune with just nine images.

I’m not usually this radical, but putting it bluntly, either AI or Capitalism has to go. If not like this, I wouldn’t see any issue with this easier way to get some form of guided aid for artistic expression, leaving aside its limitations and the matter of scraping for a moment. Both of them together, we’ll see artists and game developers driven out of their industries, not to mention all the other artistic, customer service and intelectual jobs that will soon be replaced to optimize profits for executives and investors. None of this would be a concern if everyone could just work on their passion projects and have a guaranteed livelihood, but that’s not how it works as it is.

Preach, I nominate we get of capitalism.


Would be nice if there was any headway in that sense but it seems we just get more and more reasons why society can’t keep going like this, but it keeps going like this.

You’re moving the goalposts here, your original comment asserted that large companies only bet on larger and larger games, and when you have this many mobile games out at once, a lot of them are going to be pretty niche. Currently, gacha is the go-to for small development for large companies, it’s not out of the realm of possibility for lower costs to lead to more traditional games to me.

I did not move goalposts one inch. You are thinking of mobile games as “small games” when in fact they are more profitable than console games. I specifically contrasted “niche” to “blockbuster”. Candy Crush may be simple but it’s one of the the most profitable game of all time, it is not niche. Even something like Final Fantasy Dissidia Opera Omnia surpassed 100 million dollars in revenue, which would be a huge fortune for the average, mildly sustainable indie. If you look at them solely in terms of how costly they are to develop you are missing the point.

They are not going to be making, say, psychological surreal point-and-click adventure games because it’s not so easy to shove microtransactions out the wazoo and get hundred million dollars from them. You see them making a lot of live services with endless progression, multiplayer and arcade-style games where it’s easy to monetize.


I never meant small in terms of profits, I only ever meant in terms of development resources, that’s what generative AI will impact. The most humble games can become huge hits, see: Stardew Valley. With a better cost proposition, we might just see those psychological surreal point-and-click adventure games.

Also do mind that Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition isn’t a gacha, it’s a scaled down port of the game of the same name that’s divided into ten chapters; the first one’s free, but the other nine will cost you. Meanwhile, Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis, a free-to-play port of Final Fantasy VII too will be episodic, but it will have a gacha for weapons and costumes.


Well I did mean small in terms of profits, because that’s what directs the investment of big companies. So, yeah, I don’t think so. Farming Sims weren’t even seen as a money maker until Stardew Valley became a hit. Sure they can chase trends, but even if it was cheaper it’s pretty unlikely that they’d bother investing in genres they can’t see big returns in. Even with AI, it’s not like they can put “psychological surreal point-and-click adventure game” on a prompt and get a finished product that easy, they will still need to invest in developers for it, nevermind all the marketing that big companies do for their releases. It’s more likely they’d release yet another gacha.

Even your examples of it being done different are still the highest profile releases from that company, not some quirky novel idea. They were betting big on FFXV when they released that, and they are doing this for FFVII these times.

The AAA companies are too risk-averse to take out the indie scene, they would rather insist on trends until they stagnate.


I was never arguing that it would be effortless, but easier. I also feel like the marketing budgets are kind of beside the point here of development costs, but hey, generative AI might help with that too.

Even your examples of it being done different are still the highest profile releases from that company, not some quirky novel idea. They were betting big on FFXV when they released that, and they are doing this for FFVII these times.

I don’t know, they also released Diofield Chronicle, Triangle Tactics, and Octopath Traveler were smaller budget games with no pre-existing IP that were also pretty experimental. What they make may not be your “psychological surreal point-and-click adventure game”, but it might be something just as adventurous.


Eh, a couple new RPG IPs from a company known for making RPGs is hardly such daring venture. If anything, they used to make more of those around the PS1 era. AI may make game development easier, but it won’t make such a drastic branching out likely.


Some people consider releasing new RPG IPs pitching your money right in the trash. That’s pretty adventurous to me. Even if it doesn’t cause a drastic branching out, more companies dipping their toes might make quite the ripple.


Can you imagine if SquareEnix of all things couldn’t pitch a single brand new RPG IP? If this is what counts as adventurous, I’m not worried for indie studios at all.


It’s wild, but these days this is adventurous, even for Sqaure-Enix. The trend with their AAA games has been not turn based RPG for more than a decade. More big companies might decide to release more modest size games that play to their heritage and strengths.


It'll prevent indie artists from having their work plagiarized over and over without payment from indie "devs" who honestly shouldn't have the right to exist as "developers" if they can't afford to actually hire artists and such.

It'd be one thing if they made an agreement to get assets from artists for cheap or for free as a favor, but just plain putting them all out of business permanently by letting a machine steal their work forever is another thing entirely.

Even_Adder, (edited )

I disagree, for several reasons. First off, you’you’re trying to paint developers who use generative AI plagiarizing other’s work without supporting that claim with any evidence. Then you go on to further and start insulting indie developers by insinuating they’re not real devs and have no right to exist. These personal attacks conveniently don’t address any merits or drawbacks of using generative AI. You should judge them based on their products, not budget or resources.

You end it all off by arguing a slippery slope of catastrophic consequences without evidence or reasoning for this can even happen. Not only that, but you predict that using generative AI to create content will “put them all out of business permanently by letting a machine steal their work forever”(without a shred of evidence as to how this is even stealing). Without you realizing it, this rule could turn Steam into a corpo-only playground by giving them exclusive use of the most powerful cutting edge tools that can save thousands of staff hours, saving only them wads of cash but also giving them a leg up on learning how to use these tools to enhance their work, discover new forms of expression, or to challenge the boundaries of art.

Your comment is elitist and doesn’t reflect the reality or generative AI in game development, and misunderstands our rights to give IP holders more power over creatives than they deserve. I suggest you do some more research and open your mind to the possibilities of generative AI, instead of dismissing it as a threat or a cheat. AI training and use isn’t only for mega-corporations. We can already train our own open source models, so we shouldn’t let people put up barriers that will keep out all but the ultra-wealthy.

I recommend reading this article by Kit Walsh, who’s a senior staff attorney at the EFF, a digital rights group, who recently won a historic case: border guards now need a warrant to search your phone. I’d like to hear your thoughts.


Reading it again in context, your response is at best completely misunderstanding what is being said.

They are not “insulting indie developers by insinuating they’re not real devs and have no right to exist.”. They are saying that developers who rely on AI models should compensate the artists whose works trained that model. The model itself can only exist through processing artists’ copyrighted works.

As much as you talk of defending the little guy from corporate dominance, it doesn’t seem like you are considering the position of game artists, or any other small artists.

Just as that article does, frankly. Not only it seems entirely unconcerned with the realities of artists in a world where AI can replace them, its defense of scraping as “analytical” doesn’t seem very sound when the entire purpose is to create derivative works. Lets not forget that law exists, ideally, to protect people. Any argument that alteration to the law would make it worse tends to treat AI as equivalent to human, which it is not and it shouldn’t be treated as such.


They are not “insulting indie developers by insinuating they’re not real devs and have no right to exist.”. They are saying that developers who rely on AI models should compensate the artists whose works trained that model. The model itself can only exist through processing artists’ copyrighted works.

This is what I meant.

Just as that article does, frankly. Not only it seems entirely unconcerned with the realities of artists in a world where AI can replace them, its defense of scraping as “analytical” doesn’t seem very sound when the entire purpose is to create derivative works. Lets not forget that law exists, ideally, to protect people. Any argument that alteration to the law would make it worse tends to treat AI as equivalent to human, which it is not and it shouldn’t be treated as such.

Derivative works doesn’t mean what you think it does. You should read the article again because I don’t think you took it all in. These are tools made by humans for humans to use. Restricting these models is restricting the rights of the people that use and train them. Mega-corporations will have their own models, no matter the price. What we say and do here will only affect our ability to catch up and stay competitive. And no one is trying to treat AI as equivalent to humans. Humans using machines have always been the copyright holders of any qualifying work they create. AI works are human works. AI can’t be authors or hold copyright.


No, our legal definitions simply haven’t been made with a consideration towards advances in technology. It is made for a world that has printing presses and photocopiers, not for one where people can and do selectively feed one artists’ works into AI without their permission to generate works that are non-identical but clearly intended to be equivalent to that artist’s work. There is no other way to call that but derivative.

But while the overall result is more ambiguous as more works are used for training and the prompt doesn’t rely on one particular artist, it’s much in the same way that a large enough tragedy is a statistic. It’s fueled by massive amounts of copyright infringement. The humans who prepared these tools in this way didn’t have the right to do it as they did.

That said, this insistence that the only way to be competitive with corporations using AIs is to use AI is questionable. You said your previous comment responded to me but it didn’t actually. Why is it that AI would make it or break ot for indie developers that can make do without the massive production teams and expensive tools that AAA studios have? Why is this what would drive them out when all the other advantages AAA studios have didn’t? I find it very unlikely that the personal craftsmanship in indie works will cease to be appealing.

Besides, AI could be ethically trained by using works in the Public Domain and Creative Commons. So it’s not even like the only options are being complicit to ripping off artists or being cut off from this tool.


I think you’re replying to me in two different comments. Let’s try to consolidate this.


True. I just responded to the other one but if you want to continue, we can do it here.


I wonder if there are AI models based on Public Domain, and how would that fare under their rule.


Yeah, I was wondering that too. AFAIK not right now, but probably is just a matter of time.


There’s one model but it’s not the greatest quality at the moment, not to undermine that it’s an amazing project


It really just requires a single step of indirection. Instead of indie dev using AI directly, they pay Joe’s Asset Shack for their assets which may or may not be generated.


If you train on AI generated art, you get bad results.

Laser, to gamedev in Tim Sweeney says Epic Games Store is open to devs using generative AI

“Please prop up our meaningless numbers by publishing your NFT cash grab shovelware in our store, you can even use AI generated assets so your actual effort is about zero” is all I’m reading here


That’s spot on. They are trailing steam despite their continuously large efforts to catch up. They’ll do everything except build features like reviews that help the consumer. Instead they’ll have exclusives and lower cuts but they won’t give users any decent features. They even removed chat features because epic doesn’t want to deal with moderation on any level. They barely moderate their unreal marketplace which is full of terrible scams.

gramw, to ghazi in Tinybuild CEO admits publisher is using AI tools to monitor employees

Worth reading the article — really disturbing

Equating toxicity to burnout is misguided at best, but what's more concerning is the fact that, earlier on in the talk, Nichiporchik spoke about removing problematic players from the company to increase productivity.


  • burn out your workers because of your inability to identify structural issues in your company
  • spy on your workers to identify those who are struggling the most
  • accuse them of toxicity by blackbox ML metrics
  • fire them and hire some new meat for the grinder
RightHandOfIkaros, to games in Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem to lose multiplayer and dev support in September

If there was law that forced the developer to include server binaries so players could host their own servers at EoL, this wouldn’t be such a big blow for owners.

voracitude, to games in Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem to lose multiplayer and dev support in September

Welp, I backed the wrong horse there. Shoulda bought Last Epoch instead. Or just kept playing Grim Dawn, that game is fifteen years old and still supported by the devs.

fushuan, (edited )

It’s not like we got the game we backed. Where’s umbra? Where’s the promised distinct campaign for the female character? Where’s the magic heavy setting? Where’s the rotating the camera to find secret paths and using our special powers to gain access to secret places? It’s all military bullshit with a demonic taint.

I also backed the kickstarter and remember what ir said. We got scammed so bad from a good game.


Eh, I still wouldn’t call it a scam. Words have meaning and scams are intentional; this team just couldn’t do what they thought they could, and made a mediocre version of what they had planned. Game development is hard. I’ve tried to get started on simple little projects in UE and Unity a couple times, and the furthest I got was a model that could run and jump on an endless procedural landscape (before the game crashed because the map got too big I mean).

So yeah, absolutely call it a bad purchase, but I don’t think it’s fair to say they were out to “scam” anyone. We got a game, and it wasn’t even truly terrible - way better than that Gollum “RPG” for example - it just didn’t live up to the hype, and better games in the genre exist like Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, PoE, etc.

Onurb, to steamdeck in Why some games can't work well on Steam Deck

I like that the answer boils down to: because the developer dont want to make it work. Its the most honest answer and im totally fine with it. If its because they dont want to do it because of finances or like in this case because they actually do completely different versions for their controller releases. It paints the correct picture that a game doesnt support a platform not the other way around

Zoot, (edited ) to steamdeck in Why some games can't work well on Steam Deck avatar

Sounds more like its just not financially smart to add compatibility for the Steam Deck. Remaking the game for a console version is fine, since they attract a massive amount of sales to pay for said upgrade. They won’t make nearly as much money by just helping out us small 4%'s.

As far as I’m aware, no other developer has had to entirely redesign their game just to add controller support.

mindbleach, to games in Embracer cut ties with more than 4,500 employees and cancelled 80 projects over the past year

“Cut ties with,” as if the studios were made independent. You shitcanned them. You fired four and a half thousand people, because of unrelated gambling problems.

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