Polydextrous, to news in New video shows Philadelphia Police officer shot Eddie Irizarry within seconds of getting out of patrol car

“Outlaw,” which is a fucking incredible name for a police commissioner, is really just saying the quiet part out loud. “It’s very difficult when the details of a case change, and change in such a public way.” Like…difficult for who, you fucking monster?


This isn’t about the individual murders. Of course it is, but in the larger sense, how the fuck can these fuckers just keep perjuring themselves, and then when they get found out just paint the issue as, “oh, well, we are working to get the details straight.” MOTHERFUCKER, YOU ARE THE ONES OBSCURING THE GODDAMN DETAILS.

God fuckin dammit this is so incredibly fucked up. This is so, so, SO clearly a fucking system-wide problem. It’s not just the trigger happy cops. It’s the entire policing concept, it’s the entire concept of hierarchy, it’s legally protected murderers and liars and—honestly, just some fuckin assholes. No one should have this power. Yet here we are trying to figure out how to continue the problematic part without the ultra problematic part.

be_excellent_to_each_other, (edited )
be_excellent_to_each_other avatar


Go to the cop subs at reddit. They can't get past "everyone hates us because we catch them breaking the law" or "everyone hates us because they don't know what a hard job it is."

No assholes, it's because very nearly every single time there is video of a controversial event what turns out to be true? Cops lied, and would clearly have never come clean about those lies without BOTH the video AND public outcry and/or unsanctioned investigation of one sort or another.

Here's two other recent headlines about exactly that.

Anyone paying attention in recent years can rattle off more names almost without thinking.

There's a clear pattern across a wide number of departments. They are all about the legal power to end life or dispense life-altering injuries, but not whatsoever about culpability when they fuck it up. THAT is what is feeding public distrust of police, and it's not going to stop until it becomes the exception rather than the very observable rule.

YoBuckStopsHere, to politics in Journalism fails miserably at explaining what is really happening to America avatar

Journalists today have no association with the scum of the Earth types radicalized by authoritarian movements. They are college educated and understand complex principles, but radicalized people are the opposite, which is simple and based on assumptions. It’s built on racism, xenophobia, and hate towards anyone different from them that they can blame. The entire point is about power and ensuring that conservatives hold that power.

Now many young people think there is an oligarchy in the United States, which there isn’t, yet. This conservative authoritarian movement intends to establish it. Currently power still resides in the voters. The wealthy keep circumventing the means of messaging but fail time after time. That is why Elon really bought Twitter and intends to destroy it, because it prevented the message the wealthy wanted the public to believe. It’s why the Fediverse is so important, because the wealthy can’t stop the flow of information.

TrismegistusMx, to news in For 30 years, a memorial to Nazi collaborators sat largely unnoticed just outside Philadelphia. Now it’s drawing outrage. avatar

There’s a confederate monument with a huge coward’s flag at mile marker 16 on I-24 in West Kentucky. I hate it and wish somebody would do something about it.


If I lived nearby, I’d take care of it myself.

TrismegistusMx, avatar

It being on an interstate, pretty much anybody could be a suspect.


It’s not like they have round-the-clock security for these places. It’d be pretty easy to just walk in at night and do the deed.

TrismegistusMx, avatar

Could even be a fun team building exercise.


Shouldn’t this be as simple as spraying something inflammable at the cloth and lighting it up? One needs a sprayer, a couple of canisters of gas (maybe diesel is better, though, cause gasoline evaporates too fast, various dangers due to it), and matches.

TrismegistusMx, avatar

The flag is too high to spray with anything other a drone. There are some ugly stupid coward statues at the bottom.

Unrelated, did you know that thermite is nothing more than rust and aluminum powder?


There’s nuance to that, though generally correct, and you also don’t have to make it, I think it’s available for purchase.


Oh won’t someone rid me of this racist sign?

Granite avatar

This is a fine example of stochastic Shakespeare.


I don’t think that that quote ever appeared in Shakespeare.


Stochastic altruism.

Erasmus, avatar

I-40 going thru NC around I think Morganton but I may be off on my towns there is a giant traitors flag right on the edge of the Interstate. Largest I have ever seen.

Also if you are ever in SC traveling toward the coast near Hilton Head you will get the luxury of seeing these billboards.


They call it the war of northern aggression. There “ain’t nothing civil about it”.


The South sure was civil after they had their asses kicked. That’s about it though.


…Sherman didn’t burn them enough.

0110010001100010, to pennsylvania in Satanic Temple after school club wins $200k settlement from Hellertown school district avatar

This article missed the best bit:

The district has agreed to pay $200,000 in attorneys’ fees and costs to TST’s attorneys.” Additionally, the Saucon Valley School District agreed to pay the ceremonial sum of $1 to The Satanic Temple in nominal damages.

Classy AF, they didn’t even press for damages. From their blog and email newsletter.…/saucon-valley-district-set…


Fuck that shit. The only reason they did this was to spare the school district.

The right people didn’t even get punished here.

Zippit, to news in With the world on fire, a cowardly, timid news media is a threat to U.S. democracy

Read this about what they’re planning to do in the first 180 days:…/project-2025

Wiki link:

Someone made a very good post recapping, but I can’t find it. Even as a non American, this scares the shit out of me. Democrats need to pull their heads out of their asses now or be ready for a real life Gilead.



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  • Zippit,

    Yes, imagine being so deluded you even proudly make a website to proudly announce your fucked up plans and think people will be okay with it.


    It serves to normalize the ideas and recruit more followers by advertising “we don’t think your ideas are reprehensible and you have a home here if you want it”

    It’s the digital equivalent of the old Uncle Sam posters “I want YOU for U.S. ARMY” but for fascists.


    “Democrats need to pull their heads out of their asses now or be ready for a real life Gilead.”

    Sadly I can only count on 2 things from the Democrats: being marginally better than moderate Republicans, and falling flat on their faces when trying to do literally anything.

    It sucks that our only defence against the incoming cannon fire is a wet napkin…


    This is why many of us remain pro 2a. Citizens in blue states are rushing to limit their second amendment rights while those in red states are busy expanding their own. I remain optimistic and hopeful it will never come to it, but there may come a time we’ll wish we had access to normal capacity magazines and non-nerfed rifles. Jon Stewart isn’t going to come to my rescue when some fascist militia member has me on my knees in front of a ditch. We need to accept that the fascists will never disarm, regardless of legislation, that cat is out of the bag. We need to believe them when they tell us what kind of America they want and what they’re willing to do to get there because although they may seem like a joke, they are fucking dead serious.


    Uh, why not just call the police? They’re here to protect us so we don’t need guns.


    Sarcasm I’m hoping




    The gun most likely to harm you is your own. Either through an accident, or a family member or friend using it (possibly carelessly). You are not going to fight off any mobs with the one gun you can fit in your sweaty hands.

    There will be no fascist takeover, mainly because the average American will never allow it. Our economy is so interconnected that it can be disrupted by a minor issue (remember the “supply chain” thing?).

    If there was some “fascist mobs” taking over some government buildings or voting booths or whatever, people would definitely slow down at work. Many wouldn’t even show up. A slowdown of the economy is the last thing rich people want. Guess who politicians listen to?


    I feel incredibly uneasy relying on the better judgment of Americans to pull us back from the brink. Not saying that individuals with guns are a real solution. Just that perhaps it would be better to plan for the worst case scenerio rather than expecting a favorable outcome.


    The gun most likely to harm you is your own.

    Only because I’m suicidal.


    There is not going to be a mob at a voting booth, or at a government building, in a way that matters.

    It’ll be done by people not taking action. It’ll be done by installing people sympathetic to fascism installed to positions where they have the authority to approve or enforce (or not enforce) policies. It’ll be done by people saying “oh, that’s fine it doesn’t affect me” , or "people will never allow it "…

    Some of the things that people are allowing lately are downright evil. But it’s okay because it’s what my church said was good.

    Rich people have been advocating for policies and programs that all but force people to work, at borderline slave wages just to survive or participate in society.

    I don’t see an end to this unless something drastic and uncomfortable happens.


    So there weren’t people with guns intimidating voters by monitoring polls for “suspicious activity”?…/election-officials-facing-armed-militi…


    Oh, I know that happened. But that’s just one little bit. The other items I mentioned will have far more broad, devastating and lasting effects.

    The Local PD should have handled cases like that, to protect lawful voters. But I wager that the Local PD was already there, just in the wrong uniform.

    downpunxx, (edited ) to news in With the world on fire, a cowardly, timid news media is a threat to U.S. democracy
    downpunxx avatar

    7 years after 2016, and Trump coming down that fake golden escalator: ya think?

    During 2016 election The New York Times published thousands of stories about Clinton email/Benghazi, not one on Trumps lifelong ties to NY/Russian mob. As if The New York Times wasn't in a particularly knowledgeable position to report on 70 years of NYC construction & mob history


    He came down the escalator in 2015 and it’s been 8 years since then, 7 since 2016

    SonicBlue03, to nottheonion in Philly thief steals a shop-vac filled with hundreds of giant hornets

    Bee on the lookout.

    Hazdaz, to politics in Journalism fails miserably at explaining what is really happening to America

    Spare me the outrage from the press, when the press is the entity that helped create this mess.

    All this could have been avoided some 6 years ago if these clowns in the press did their goddamn jobs. Trump had a history of corruption going back decades. Between sexual assault cases, crooked business dealings,connections to the Russians as well as connections to the mafia, and everything in between. Rarely any of that came to light or was taken as seriously as it should have been. It was one free pass after another. They gave him endless air time because they loved those sweet, sweet ad-dollars. They considered him a joke candidate and never dove deep into his past finances or connections.

    …And then it happened. He was actually elected. And that’s when it became serious.

    Fuck every last one of these journalists who just sat back, let him slide, and just let it happened. Now they have the gall to talk about authoritarian-this, and fascism-that.


    The press isn’t monolithic. This is one journalist stating their opinion and analysis of what the rest of the industry needs to focus on.

    HeartyBeast avatar

    Came here to say this. There is some excellent, probing journalism out there. The problem is, it's not very profitable

    downpunxx avatar

    and in there lies the rub, everybody's gotta fill their own ricebowl

    HelloHotel, (edited ) avatar

    If you can control who gets a job based on their background, (example: “no socialists, gays, or jews. off the record policy”) you dont even need to use invasive mind control techniques. Just have your writing teams sniff their own farts.

    People like murdock control huge swaths of news outlets. The corprate office issues propaganda scripts that individuals are forced to put their name on (example, by reading it aloud).


    It isn’t, I totally agree, but there are far fewer independently owned news outlets and far fewer owners than ever. And that is part of the reason we are here.

    But, yeah, this is one of a few journalists reporting on what is actually happening with regard to Republican authoritarianism.


    It is far more monolithic than people realize. Folks think that only the Fox News if the world were being overly generous to Trump when he was just a candidate. The reality is that all mass market news outlets were.

    I was a loooong time listener of NPR, a news outlets that most would probably consider as neutral or even left of center as you’ll get from US mass media. And I totally lost respect for them hearing them cover Trump as a candidate. Even now, I can just about hear Steve Inskeep chuckling after a Trump speech and simply never taking him as a serious candidate. This was someone who was running for the highest office in the land. He would have access to our nuclear codes. And these fucken reporters, who I had previously held in high regard, were just laughing at some of the insane antics that Donald was pulling. They were letting this shit slide while they would have roasted any other candidate if they had said the same thing.

    And it’s not just NPR but any mass media news outlets acted the same way. That’s where the majority of Americans get their news and they were all doing the same things.


    Conversely, I had to stop listening to NPR during donny’s tenure, they got so one sided it was disgusting. I’m a Democrat but I don’t need my news to hold my hand and tell me stories. Maybe it was extra bad becuase it’s the Seattle NPR station, but regardless I’ve not returned since.

    It’s one thing to be Fox News and everybody knows what kind of bullshit you’re up to, it’s another to be a well of respected news station and try and pull the same kind of bs.


    I had the opposite experience. I would listen to Mitch and others go spout blatant lies and receive absolutely no pushback from the hosts/journalists.


    Thats problematic as well, agreed.

    AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

    Thanks for your perspective, “ubermeisters”


    Omg foreign language = bad!!

    Idc if you want to question my authenticity. That’s within our rights.


    Give us one example of NPR saying something incorrect about Tronald


    I don’t know why you’re baiting me with things that I didn’t say


    I’m a Democrat but I don’t need my news to hold my hand and tell me stories.

    What does that mean?


    It means I’m aware that my party has problems and I don’t want the media that I watch to skirt around it, these issues need to be addressed on all sides.

    We are never going to heal as a nation and start improving if we keep insisting on only “bettering our half of the equation”, or only “attacking the bad half of the equation”. That’s not realistic. Not every criticism that Republicans have of democrats is invalid either.


    Yep, one side belongs in jail and the D’s have to split into progressive and centerists, that’s when we can go back to being both sides. They are traitors to our country and we watched it happen live on TV, that’s like inviting vampires over for a midnight snack. Plus they will lie, cheat and steal to get what they want out in the open. Dude, both sides is temporarily on hold until we can get the traitors back in line.


    NPR isn’t perfect but damn if it isn’t one of the best we’ve got. NPR, Reuters, Al Jezeera sometimes, that’s all I got for being dependable. Washington Post can be surprisingly neutral considering who they’re owned by. Who do you pay attention to?


    I refuse to give NPR any more of my time anymore. I used to have a very long commute so for many years my radio was locked in on them all the time (the fact that music stations are shit these days doesn’t help either). Not any more. I’ll look at their stories if they come across my news feed these days, but they lost their credibility with how they handled Trump with kid gloves and they lost even more credibility with how they tried to sink Bidens agenda more recently.

    Our news media gives one free pass after another to Republicans and holds Democrats to impossibly high standards.

    In terms of what I listen to now, it’s a random assortment of what comes through my feed. I really haven’t had a good “home” for news in a while and I don’t like that, but reading multiple sources is probably the best move regardless since you can see how various outlets spin the same story. I’d love to find some slick app that compiled many outlets so I could read them on my tablet that filtered out the noise but I’ve yet to find that solution.


    I get it, I agree that NPR got weird for a bit there.



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  • PersnickityPenguin,

    I have PTSD from listening to too much Trump news during his presidency. I never want to hear another word about any president ever again for the rest of my fucking life!

    agnomeunknown, avatar

    Check out ground news. It’s designed to clearly and fairly show bias in news coverage and lets you compare multiple sources side by side. Their free level is not very good imo but the cheapest subscription adds a good amount of utility and the higher tiers even include media ownership breakdowns so you can see whose money is behind which coverage.

    They also have optional emails like a “burst your bubble” newsletter that showcases blindspots for left right and center.

    My one gripe is that they consider too many sources “left” when they are mostly just aligned with a center-progressive demographic, but that’s a minor quibble for me.

    CharlesDarwin, avatar

    NPR = “Nice Polite Republicans”.

    Among the left, it’s always been a running joke that outlets like PBS (Petroleum Broadcast System) and NPR are somehow agents of liberalism.

    I seem to recall NPR’s own ombudsman said they rely too much on corporate/conservative sources. They are not nearly as “liberal” as the unhinged right wing declares they are.


    This all goes back to Reagan. He’s the one who really popularized the term “liberal media”. In labeling the media supposedly liberal (which it really wasn’t), it made that same media shift to the right because they naively didn’t want to be thought of as being biased. Well you keep doing that for some 50 years and even mass media outlets are right of center these days, and that doesn’t even include the really right wing outlets like Fox.

    Then there is also the whole issue of media consolidation and corporate media. So you have fewer media outlets and those outlets are richer and more controlled by corporate interests. Corporations by default will lean to the right. So they will tend to naturally paint stories with a pro business, anti worker lean.

    It’s all a big mess these days, so when I see these stories when people deep within the industry bemoan Trump, I can only help but consider these people as part of the problem.


    . Trump had a history of corruption going back decades

    The press shit on trump like no tomorrow. It didn't stick because they'd spent years and years eroding their own legitimacy, not because they didn't air bad things about Trump.

    CharlesDarwin, avatar

    Um, no, they played the bothsiderist game during his run, all through his presidency, and even now. They keep pretending as if he’s a normal candidate and a normal president and his rabid base are just normal voters.


    Not a chance did they ever report on him in the seriousness that they should have. He was running for the highest office in the land. He would have access to our nuclear codes and the amount of investigative reportering they did was on par to someone running for city counsel.

    He was on trial for sexual assault, and they gave that the same seriousness as the BS accusation against Biden who was wrongly accused to being touchy-feely. Somehow when you are the Republican candidate, multiple rape accusations are somehow the same as false touching accusations. And that’s just the free-passes they gave him on his sexual assault problems, let alone countless other things they could have dug into.

    The media absolutely has lots a ton of legitimacy over the years and them giving him one free pass after another only made it worse.


    The problem is 1/3 of Americans want to re-elect a serial rapist.


    1/3 doesn’t win elections.

    Getting the other 1/3 to stay home helps.

    Getting some of them to switch sides does as well.

    Getting the independent 1/3 to simply want a fresh face in there helps a whole hell of a lot as well.

    downpunxx avatar

    During 2016 election The New York Times published thousands of stories about Clinton email/Benghazi, not one on Trumps lifelong ties to NY/Russian mob. As if The New York Times wasn't in a particularly knowledgeable position to report on 70 years of NYC construction & mob history

    HeartyBeast avatar
    downpunxx avatar

    this came out may 2017, after trump was sworn in dipshit


    Might technically been wrong since you linked that one article, but the disparity is 100% real


    I think they mean before he was president. NYT is surprising when it seems to be neutral, they haven’t been great for awhile.

    CharlesDarwin, avatar

    They have been highly problematic for a long, long time. It didn’t start with donnie.


    I guess I wasn’t paying attention until donnie.


    Fuck every last one of these journalists who just sat back

    “journalists”. That’s awful generous of you


    Co-conspirators. Is that better?

    CharlesDarwin, avatar


    I remember Colbert’s session at the WH Correspondents Dinner and how the “liberal media” kept saying no one found it funny, it bombed, etc…not realizing that it was indeed funny to those not in the room. But making the “liberal media” the butt of the joke in some hard and hilarious truth-telling was more than they could bear, apparently, even if Colbert is part of the same media empire…

    As excited as I am to be here with the president, I am appalled to be surrounded by the liberal media that is destroying America, with the exception of Fox News. Fox News gives you both sides of every story: the president’s side, and the vice president’s side.

    But the rest of you, what are you thinking, reporting on NSA wiretapping or secret prisons in eastern Europe? Those things are secret for a very important reason: they’re super-depressing. And if that’s your goal, well, misery accomplished.

    Over the last five years you people were so good – over tax cuts, WMD intelligence, the effect of global warming. We Americans didn’t want to know, and you had the courtesy not to try to find out. Those were good times, as far as we knew.

    But, listen, let’s review the rules. Here’s how it works: the president makes decisions. He’s the Decider. The press secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions down. Make, announce, type. Just put 'em through a spell check and go home. Get to know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write that novel you got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration. You know - fiction!

    CharlesDarwin, avatar

    Yep. They did next to nothing to really vet him in any way. And so many had a vendetta against the Clintons that they just could not help but try to get their digs in on Hillary and Bill as much as possible, too.

    K1nsey6, avatar

    It was Hillary Clinton that elevated trump as a pied piper, the media discovered an advertising and viewer gold mine. Had her hubris not gotten involved he may have never become president


    It takes a special brand of caustic to lose an election to Donald Trump but fuck if the Dems didn’t find someone with just that.

    Her televised discussion with those millennials was an exercise in tone deafness (and cringe). Of course she was the better candidate but like it or not: politics is a popularity contest and although he is deplorable to any sane person Trump is loved by inbred Nazis. Hillary is just not likeable. By anyone.

    Pray for the day when these circumstances change and the most qualified candidate is always the clear winner but that day is not today.

    K1nsey6, avatar

    That day won’t be come if Dem it’s keep casting protest votes against something. They claim a 3rd party vote is a protest vote, but a vote cast in favor of something is not the protest. Voting against something is.

    It wasn’t just an issue of being unlikeable, we had seen time and time again where the rhetoric conflicts with the action. In the words of James Baldwin ‘I can’t believe what you say, because I see what you do.’


    Yup. Republicans had been building a case against Hillary for some 2 decades. So much so, in fact, that even seasoned Democrats were falling for those attacks against her were ingrained into our pop culture.

    Such a shame because she would have made a perfect president. She was a pitbull that was willing to call Republicans on their shit.

    AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

    Such a shame because she would have made a perfect president. She was a pitbull that was willing to call Republicans on their shit.

    This is at the “W wasn’t that bad” level of revisionism. She literally name dropped being friends with fucking Henry Kissinger and talked about wanting to set up a no fly zone around Syria.


    I was convinced she’d be a neoliberal and would make grand bargains with the GOP like Bill did. Those grand bargains included “welfare reforms” like kicking grandmas out of public housing when their grandkids would deal drugs in their project (like grandmas have the power to control their grown-ass grandchildren). The impacts of Clinton’s actions reached FAR beyond his presidency - I was fighting such evictions at Legal Aid during the second term of Bush Jr., evictions that were the result of Clinton’s bargain with the devil.

    Though you’re right, most of the right’s anti-Bill Clinton bumper stickers during his 2 terms were actually shots at Hillary Clinton.


    I’d bring back the Bill Clinton days in a heartbeat.

    ALL politics is about compromise. Anyone that thinks anything can get accomplished in Washington without compromise doesn’t understand how our government works. Bill made the right choices the majority of the time and our country and the economy was booming because of it.


    Compromises that make grandmas homeless are bad compromises. Clinton got away with it because nobody gives a shit about the projects, poor people don’t vote, and because black folk have been saying the system is rigged for far longer than literally anyone else. D’s don’t gain credibility with their ostensible base by stabbing them in the back.



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  • DarthBueller,

    Okay buddy. Generational poverty doesn’t have any impact on subculture, it’s all about picking yourself up by your bootstraps even if you don’t know what fucking bootstraps are or where to find them. You’re right. Fuck them all, they should die for their moral failing of generational poverty and a worldview informed by the same. Everyone should experience poverty like the middle class does, a short term setback while getting an education.


    Being poor doesn’t automatically make you a bad person. Not at all, actually, so stop using the excuse that because someone is poor that they will fall into a crowd that deals drugs. How convenient. Trashy people do that and they sure as fuck had no business being essentially funded by tax payer money. Fuck them and anyone who apologizes for those pieces of garbage.


    That person didn’t say being poor makes you a bad person nor did they imply it. You, however, seem to believe there’s an “ideal way” to raise children to 100% ensure they’ll never do drugs. I somehow doubt that there is and drugs certainly aren’t a one way ticket to messing up.



    YoBuckStopsHere, avatar

    Did you know that most illegal drugs sold occur in conservative majority white neighborhoods and not majority black neighborhoods? Meth and Fentanyl are sold to whites by an overwhelming share. As for the share of drugs, it’s damn near even across the board no matter the race. So perhaps you should check yourself before making such derogative statements.

    astraeus, avatar

    The same seasoned Democrats that stacked the primaries in her favor? The 2016 election was the first time I had a real voice in an election and it felt like it was just vacuumed away. The candidate who seemed the most appropriate and the most qualified got swept under the rug in favor of the shit-throwers. She wasn’t perfect, she was a better terrible than Trump.

    In 2020 the Democrats scrambled for a viable candidate and somehow Joe Biden was the best they could give us, and it was an absolute gamble. His victory in the 2020 election was dangerously overstated and the danger of a repeat of 2016 in 2024 was ignored.


    Bernie Sanders lost the primary by 3 million votes.


    Get your goddamn stories straight because I’m absolutely sick and tired of hearing Bernie bot dipshits who continue this myth that the primaries were somehow stolen from him… And yet he lost one primary after another after another after another. Somehow losing a primary equates to the DNC holding him back.

    He made the mistake of counting on the lazy youth and the apathetic Left of this country and he got exactly what he had coming to him. I was happy to vote for him in the primary and I wanted him to win, but I knew from the get-go that counting on the youth vote in the US is a fool’s game. As usual, that base never materialized, but somehow we still have dipshits who want to claim that the DNC somehow “stacked” the primaries against him. And of course that led to many of them conveniently staying home on election day for the general election in November.


    Get your goddamn stories straight because I’m absolutely sick and tired of hearing Bernie bot dipshits who continue this myth that the primaries were somehow stolen from him… And yet he lost one primary after another after another after another. Somehow losing a primary equates to the DNC holding him back.

    In my state, Hillary got 35% of the primary votes as opposed to Sanders getting around 52% (and a protest candidate getting most of the difference). As a consequence, she only got one more delegate from the state than Sanders (19 delegates vs Sanders 18), because all 8 unpledged delegates went to Clinton.

    Having unpledged delegates declaring support for Clinton before most of the primaries even happened also put a damper on any chance Sanders had because it established him as being in a losing position before votes were even cast, which demoralizes his voters and helps edge undecided voters towards not supporting the apparent loser.

    astraeus, avatar

    During the 2020 primaries there was an organization set up by former Obama and Clinton campaign staffers for the purpose of creating voting software to be used at polling stations during the primaries. It supposedly failed multiple times and led to victories that couldn’t be properly validated. However, anyone familiar with the primaries knows that the first few states are the most important because they determine the viability of candidates. Is it much of a surprise that Buttigieg who won Iowa, has a Cabinet position? You can call it a myth, but technically primary elections aren’t protected the same way general elections are since they decide a party’s candidate instead of the candidate who wins office.

    Funnily enough, I would have voted for Yang in the 2020 election, but it’s not about who is a reasonable candidate. It’s all about those connections baby. Our country is run not by the most reasonable, but the most corrupt. Our most important election process is a game of prisoner’s dilemma.


    Where’s the proof of any of this? It’s the first I’m hearing of it.

    astraeus, avatar

    Here’s the Wikipedia article.…/an-off-the-shelf-skeleton-project-expe…

    Here’s a Motherboard article.

    I spoke of the first few caucuses and it may have been unclear where it was used, it was commissioned for Iowa and Nevada. Even without any ulterior motives, it’s in bad faith for a fresh company full of party insiders to develop an app for one of the most important primary elections.


    At best you’re just a dipship who doesn’t know how things work and have been blinded by he-said/she-said right-wing propaganda spread by fake liberal sources that flooded the internet 7 years ago. At worst, you’re just one of many Russian trolls who actively were part of the Russian misinformation campaigns.


    Probably right, it’s unfortunate the people that ran her campaign were idiots and she listened to them.

    Copernican, (edited )

    Folks got to pay for news to get good news. If it’s all just ad supported you’re going to get click bait that just generates clicks for ad views. Google destroyed good print news. The combination of consumer attitudes changing in the digital age to being less willing or expecting print journalism to be free, and Google monopolizing of display ad space really messed things up. Also, the shift from nightly news being mostly an operational cost or non revenue generating program to 24/7 cable news didn’t help the tv side of things.


    You’re missing the forest for the trees, mate. Ad supported doesn’t necessarily mean bad journalism. There might always be a conflict of interest there, but that model worked decently fine for many,any decades.

    You need to learn about the Fairness Doctrine.

    This was a broadcast rule that essentially forced news outlets in the US to air both sides of a story in as unbiased as a way as reasonably possible. If you know your history, you won’t be surprised that the Fairness Doctrine was thrown out in the 80s under the Reagan administration.

    People complain about Citizens United being an awful decision that was greatly impacted the way government works, and I agree, but the end of the Fairness Doctrine was also a huge step in the fascist future that Republicans have been pushing toward for decades now.….

    BeautifulMind, avatar

    Folks got to pay for news to get good news.

    Unfortunately, partisan propaganda and outright disinformation is free, while factual and informative news tends to be behind paywalls

    This has a way of segregating people that don’t have discretionary money to subscribe to news services into epistemic bubbles, and the bubble dwellers’ votes count for just as much as everybody else’s. In a democracy, you really do need voters in general to be informed and unfortunately, not everybody in the media/politics sphere wants everybody to be informed and some folks in there just want people indoctrinated into their way of thinking.


    Folks got to pay for news to get good news.

    On the contrary: “If it bleeds, it leads.” All too often, news presents the world as much scarier than it actually is, and in ways that you can’t do anything about.

    Today I almost clicked on the article posted on Lemmy about a gang-rape and murder in India. What the fuck would I benefit from reading that? I don’t have any control over what people do in India! I live in California. I can’t punish those criminals; I can’t protect the next person they would have targeted. I can’t vote the Modi-fascists out of office.

    The only thing that me reading about that could have done is fuck up my day, and send ad revenue to the site hosting the article. It would be me rewarding someone for making my life worse, at no benefit to anyone.

    People regularly pay for “news” whose only possible effect on them is to make them into worse people: more scared, more angry, more hateful.

    Jaysyn, (edited ) to politics in All three of John Fetterman’s top communications staffers have resigned in the last month
    Jaysyn avatar

    They probably aren't fans of Israel's genocide in Gaza.

    EDIT: Looks like @Pogogunner is pro-genocide.

    Vant, (edited ) to politics in The ‘faith-based’ leader for Philly’s Moms for Liberty chapter is a registered sex offender

    If you have this kind of skeleton in your closet why the hell would you go into politics? Even local politics. You WILL piss someone off and they WILL dig up your past. Idiot.

    Also, not buying his excuses. He could have gotten into any number of political roles at different levels but he went for the one that oversees teenagers. Gross.

    Edit: Also look at this guy. Based on the info in the article he is at least 35 but he’s wearing the graffitti shirt and the DJ hat to try and look hip and cool to young people. I’m not saying politicians need to wear a uniform, the suit with the red tie, but this is pretty creepy knowing his past.


    Eh I agree with your first few points but his attire looks as 2023 as 2013 or 2003.

    If dude just wants to be his dude self, I don’t think that’s a knock y’know. Then again, I was laughing when I read about Fetterman in his hoodie and ball shorts in the Senate, where I think your Sundays best is appropriate. So take my opinion for what may. I’m 42 and I still own ripped up jeans and flannels that I’ve worn since the mid 90s. I don’t wear them all the time but that’s still just me being me. More often than not you’d find me in a plain color or white T, prob with the sleeves rolled up over my shoulder and shorts on. Doesn’t matter what time of year. In the winter id prob be in mud boots and in the summer I wear water socks almost exclusively.

    You dress how you feel. My body still feels like I’m 25, just with numb hands in the morning and more scars, well, and in better shape. I haven’t slowed down at all. If anything I’ve sped up.


    If you have this kind of skeleton in your closet why the hell would you go into politics? Even local politics. You WILL piss someone off and they WILL dig up your past. Idiot.

    Just put an “R” next to your name; problem solved!


    I agree with everything but your edit. He’s a millennial, this is how a lot of us dress.


    He’s almost a 40 year old man. There’s something seriously wrong with this guy.


    Obviously, he sexually abused children.

    But let’s not pretend that the way he dresses has anything to do with it.



    The way he dresses isn’t wrong, but it demonstrates the dude in stunted and immature. At least that’s how I see it. Grown adult wearing a baseball hat and hoodie.


    Hey fuck you, buddy.

    cupcakezealot, to politics in The ‘faith-based’ leader for Philly’s Moms for Liberty chapter is a registered sex offender avatar

    i like how moms for liberty’s whole thing is that trans women are taking away opportunities from cis women and yet the leader of moms for liberty is a cis man.

    AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

    if I recall correctly most of their leadership is male

    cupcakezealot, avatar

    wouldn’t surprise me tbh


    I would never cease to point out to them how liberal it is that they don’t discriminate by gender for the leader of Mom’s for Liberty.

    Alteon, to philadelphia in A Philly teen saw a murder, called 911 — and did 15 years in prison. Now, he’s exonerated.

    Wow. We need laws that make this sort of shit illegal. Cops need to be going to prison for this sort of purposeful injustice. 1 year for every year the person that they falsely accused was charged for. Like for like.

    snooggums avatar

    Don't forget the prosecutors who turn the cop bullshit into an actual conviction.

    Drinvictus, to news in With the world on fire, a cowardly, timid news media is a threat to U.S. democracy

    Ceasef- I mean humanitarian pause

    anon6789, to pennsylvania in Meet the Lehigh Valley millionaire who tried to help Donald Trump overturn the 2020 election avatar

    I live close to this guy’s business. It’s a damn shame every shooting place around here is owned by MAGAs.

    Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays is a beautiful facility with tons of fun shooting stations. It’s like golf, but with shotguns. You go around on the golf carts and everything. But that building was covered with Trump crap and had the MAGAs handing out yard signs and stuff on your way out.

    If that place was owned by a decent person, I’d love to go as much as I could, even though it’s isn’t cheap. But after going once and getting the full MAGA everywhere, that was enough for me.

    I just mail order everything now for shooting, which all the shops cry about, but when I click submit purchaseI don’t need to hear about what the Libs or black people are doing to cause trouble. Screw all these guys. Libs own guns too, why do they all insist on alienating a good percentage of their customers? Just keep your stuff opinions to yourself at work like everyone else.


    I went there a few years ago for a friend’s bachelor party, it really is a great facility. We probably would have became regulars, except there was an enormous trump banner hanging up there, and when we went it was maybe 2 or 3 weeks after 1/6 so it was especially off-putting.

    anon6789, avatar

    Hmm… I was there around that same time for a bachelor party too. Sounds like we got the same experience.

    Sanctus, to politics in America needs to talk about the right’s ‘Red Caesar’ plan for U.S. dictatorship avatar

    Show me a Cesar and I will show you an “Et tu, Brutè?”


    Tbh that didnt really work out well for the Roman Republic…

    Sanctus, avatar

    If it gets to this point we are far passed working out well.


    Much like the Roman Republic, the average age of our Senate seems to indicate the near end of life for our civilization.


    The age is an issue, but the main worries should be the similarities in income inbalance and the continual breaking of mos maiorum.


    Just not with a knife.


    This is why I’ve really been trying to make the ‘Orange Julius’ nickname stick.

    anarchy79, avatar

    Much more Orange Nero.


    Mango Mousolini, Papay Pinochet, I’m sure there are more that I’m forgetting

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