
eestileib, to microblogmemes in Americans Compensating for an Actual Personality.

This dude is a member of Congress. This is what his district wants to vote for.

theodewere avatar

it's obviously a district full of hateful people


Scared first. Then hateful because they’re scared.


While it’s good to empathize and humanize others, at a certain point, I no longer care why they’re hateful, they just need to stop.


Like Trump supporters. I’m done with people rationalizing and making excuses for them. They’re just shitty and I don’t care why any more. When people show you who they are, pay attention…


Truth. It’s exhausting.

Mozingo, to thesims in When was the last time you played The Sims and what did you do?
@Mozingo@lemmy.world avatar

It was during a big winter storm last year. All my friends were hanging out at my friend’s place, and we spent way too long recreating everyone perfectly, then recreating the house we were all in, and then training all of our sims in the skills we were all good at in real life. And I think by that point we about hit the 52 hour mark lol

sbv, to doctorwho in Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor is headed for Victorian London in an upcoming Paternoster Gang box set from Big Finish

Tom Baker is 90. 😱

@ace_garp@lemmy.world avatar


@spittingimage@lemmy.world avatar

Not possible. He was my first doctor, which means –

counts on fingers



It’s better not to think about it.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Tom Baker is 90. 😱

He and William Shatner should have an age contest.

Binthinkin, to microblogmemes in USDA statement on Organic labeling

“Health food” and supplements have a multibillion dollar lobby. There is nothing healthy about either. It’s just marketing and fraud.


The supplement industry isn’t government-regulated (in the US), so there are a lot – A LOT – of supplements that are mostly just filler, but you can find supplements that actually have what’s listed on the label. To separate the wheat from the chaff, I use consumerlab.com. They’re an independent lab that runs studies and benchmarks (more or less) on supplements. They have a specific test for each supplement and aren’t afraid from providing negative results.


The only supplements worth taking are known vitamins and minerals and anything prescribed by a doctor. The random supplements you hear about by fitness companies and such aren’t worth it, and I’m dubious about their safety.

Basically, any “new age” fitness supplement isn’t worth it. Vitamins, minerals, whey protein and such are.

vynlwombat, to microblogmemes in USDA statement on Organic labeling

“Natural” is another one. People look at food packaging as if it’s the result of a scientific study, but it’s all just marketing.

Seraph avatar

Cyanide is natural technically

@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

As is anthrax.


So am I and I’m incredibly toxic.


I’ll need a source. Just based on anecdotal evidence, which is NOT scientific, you are a pretty rad person. You should be more positive and proud of yourself. Ergo, you lied and you should feel bad. Have a donut.


An organic donut?

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

And we can’t forget the best natural substance asbestos!


I only use organic gasoline in my cars.


Me too. GMO dinosaur goo really frightens me.

@vorpuni@jlai.lu avatar

Asbestos is food-safe at least. It doesn’t react in your body, the problem is the damage it does mechanically, which is a lot easier to prevent than the chemical contamination of everything by indiscriminate use of polluting substances that don’t degrade.


It is phytotoxic and genotoxic.

@vorpuni@jlai.lu avatar

True, I was remembering wrongly from incomplete information.

I wouldn’t eat asbestos but it’s scarier in your lungs than in your stomach.

@KneeTitts@lemmy.world avatar

Snake venom… perfectly natural!

@KneeTitts@lemmy.world avatar

The entire ‘“health” food store’ falls into this category, it should almost be illegal for them to use the word “health” because nearly everything they sell is an overpriced scam and nothing they do would promote anyone’s actual health.


While we’re making a list, can we do something about all the “uncured” meat products that are in fact cured with celery juice? It has the same carcinogenous nitrates and nitrites as any other curing process, but it tastes worse.


It has even more nitrates actually. Several times what you are legally allowed to add “artificially”.

FDA only regulated the quantity added directly, not the amount actually in the product that occurs “naturally”.

iterable, (edited )
@iterable@sh.itjust.works avatar

Natural is not regulated by US law on labels. Organic is though and has government requirements. EG

Materials or methods not allowed in organic farming include:

<span style="color:#323232;">Artificial (synthetic) fertilizers to add nutrients to the soil
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Sewage sludge as fertilizer
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Most synthetic pesticides for pest control
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Using radiation (irradiation) to preserve food or to get rid of disease or pests
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Using genetic technology to change the genetic makeup (genetic engineering) of crops, which can improve disease or  pest resistance, or to improve crop harvests
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Antibiotics or growth hormones for farm animals (livestock)



Organic is a marketing tool and make zero sense environmentally, nutritionally, or biologically.

The rules try to standardize the meaning for the trade of goods. It’s the same as USDA grading of fruits and vegetables.

@iterable@sh.itjust.works avatar

Please read and see it is a actual regulated US government standard and to have it on your product you must follow certain by law guide lines.



You seem to be confused about what a USDA standard is.

A USDA standard is a MARKETING standard to facilitate interstate trade and increase crop prices. The USDA-AMS stands for USDA - Agricultural MARKETING Service.

Standards were originally created to standardized grading of foods grain, fruit, etc. to facilitate trade. The Organic Certification program is implemented and enforced by the Agricultural MARKETING Service.

The standards are for MARKETING purposes and have no basis in scientific, environmental, or nutritional basis. All claims of this sort are for MARKETING purposes only.

Organic food is generally more destructive to the environment by increasing soil degradation, nutrient runoff, decreasing yield/acre and causing more land to remain under cultivation. It is also dependent upon factory farming of livestock and GMO crops.

@iterable@sh.itjust.works avatar

Please site proof from official sources. Organic can protect you from things like and not limited to. Taken from links I already posted.

Materials or methods not allowed in organic farming include:

<span style="color:#323232;">Artificial (synthetic) fertilizers to add nutrients to the soil
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Sewage sludge as fertilizer
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Most synthetic pesticides for pest control
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Using radiation (irradiation) to preserve food or to get rid of disease or pests
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Using genetic technology to change the genetic makeup (genetic engineering) of crops, which can improve disease or  pest resistance, or to improve crop harvests
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Antibiotics or growth hormones for farm animals (livestock)

Okay, a scientific literature meta-analysis. This is basically summary paper of all the references listed.


I paper basically says

Organic farming’s does less damage per acre than conventional farming but it damages more acres.

On a per unit produced, it does more environmental damage. So for every organic vegetable you purchase, it’s more environmentally damaging than conventional.

@iterable@sh.itjust.works avatar

Please link to official website and not a random document to download. No one should be downloading untrusted files from the internet.


Somebody has no clue about scientific papers and avoiding publishers … FYI the authors generally host it to get more citations.

Here’s the official publisher if you would like to pay for it.


@iterable@sh.itjust.works avatar

No just don’t trust downloading random pdf files that could cause harm to my system. Also if the overall scientific consensus says Organic is good in the US that is still good enough for me. Makes for happier animals and better quality products. Now if in Europe Organic has different standards that is not a US issue. This post started on USDA Organic standards not Europe.


Interesting! I guess I’m not surprised that organic farming is overall worse for the environment.

I only had time to skim the abstract - does it make any conclusions about the health impact of the reduced pesticides?

Edit: also, the other commenter is admittedly correct in one aspect: this article doesn’t analyze American agriculture. Even non-“organic” food producers in Europe go way easier on the pesticides than American farmers, no?


When it comes to health impacts there is no evidence that eating pesticide treated food has any health effects when used according to the label. Most of the really bad chemistries were cleared out in the '80s and '90s. The bad ones that remain are more environmental issues or dangerous to applicators.

In nutritional content there is evidence that a few crops have higher nutritional value when grown conventionally (greater nutrient availability).Some crops have higher nutritional content when grown organically (lower yield = more nutrients per fruit). Most of the time there is zero difference.

No the European union and the U.S. are pretty close on the chemistries they use. They do have some stricter Maximum Residue Limits (MRL’s). However these are more for trade limitations than anything else. Producers inside the EU do not have the same standards or testing.


No, it says “not necessarily per product unit”. Your characterization of the abstract is incomplete as it doesn’t definitely state what you’re claiming it states. It’s also a euro meta analysis, not a US analysis, so extrapolating your oversimplified conclusion is even more of a stretch since we’re talking about the USDA. I’m more concerned about carbon, water use, pollinator collapse, and a host of other metrics than NOx (which is a function of diesel emissions standards and crop yield, and can be fixed independently).


The full statement is:

The results show that organic farming practices generally have positive impacts on the environment per unit of area, but not necessarily per product unit.

Read it a few more times. It’s exactly what my summary says.

There’s a whole body of work that supports this paper summarizing U.S., Canada, Mexico, etc. You can search for them yourself in in scientific literature searches. This was just one example. There are many more on the topics you want to know.

Long story short, organic production is overall worse for the environment than conventional.

I like this paper because the author’s are completely on point with this
last statement in the abstract:

In order to reduce the environmental impacts of farming in Europe, research efforts and policies should be targeted to developing farming systems that produce high yields with low negative environmental impacts drawing on techniques from both organic and conventional systems.

Now there’s a group of people to grab a pint with, the next time I am in the UK.

Wage_slave, to dataisbeautiful in Where in the World Do Men Sit Down to Wee?
@Wage_slave@lemmy.ml avatar

After having an exploratory done after getting stabbed, I started sitting all the time because since then, every time I pee standing up it’s uncomfortable and get piss shivers. When they pull everything out, it never goes back quite the same and I guess this is part of the “Well you’re doing this now” part of the rest of my life.

The piss shivers are messy at a bowl and really fucking awkward when at a urinal.

I am sure this could be, or have been, fixed with a procedure, or some form of treatment/phsyo, but it took no time at all to realize pitting (pee AND sitting lol) is just better, and didn’t really think or go back to the old ways and practices of expelling my liquid waste.

heavy, to microblogmemes in Americans Compensating for an Actual Personality.

It’s weird to sit back and look at this picture and imagine you were part of a world War or one of the other global conflicts. These weapons are tools of destruction and I’m sure many people, soldiers and otherwise didn’t want to kill other people if they could avoid it. Bearing these arms meant you had to commit to doing something dreadful, that’ll affect you for the rest of your life.

Then these people hold these weapons with smiles on their faces like they’d be excited about ending lives. Oblivious to the notion that many people sacrificed and killed so they can pose and smile in a peaceful house, free from the possibility of harm.

Again it’s just weird.

Delphia, (edited )

In a weird way, I “get” these people.

I live in a country with very strict gun laws, but I know some gun owners and Ive been shooting before and I hate to say it… fuck its fun.

When I was younger I was also a dipshit street racing fuckwit, I had a very highly modified car that I did outrageously stupid dangerous crap at very high speeds and despite being at risk of serious injury, death or imprisonment… fuck it was fun.

But these people taking photos with their guns are like people who took photos standing with their brand new sports cars thinking that they are Dominic Toretto who would talk shit about my car but would never put up paper and race. Having the equipment and doing the dangerous thing are as disparate as knowing the alphabet and writing a critically acclaimed novel.

So they take the photos and they smile because their toys make them happy and give them delusions of who they could be without ever demanding they put themselves at risk.


I think you might have missed how intensely the imagery of assault rifles clashes with the nativity?


So they take the photos and they smile because their toys make them happy and give them delusions of who they could be without ever demanding they put themselves at risk.

That’s a great way to put it.


Yeah, I get that it can be fun.

Still, lots of other things can be fun as well. Going through proofs of math theorems for example. Yet, you don’t typically see lots of people doing it.


The average IQ is supposed to be around 100. Around half the people out there have less than 100 IQ. Lead exposure lowers that even further (see Radon gas, light aircraft at small airports and race fuel at small tracks, and still old houses with pipes and paint).

Math is not fun for those people, loud sounds and bright lights are.


If shooting guns was taught in schools like math we probably have a lot less people excited about guns too.

JDubbleu, (edited )

I grew up surrounded by guns and they’re fun as hell. I’ve considered buying my own many times but ultimately I don’t want the responsibility with gun ownership.

The most well equipped people I knew would never talk about them with anyone except those they knew well or while shooting the shit with the range master when we’d go shooting. Posting a picture or even just taking a group picture with firearms would be a massive no. At absolute most we’d take a group picture at the range, but no guns or the range itself would be in site.


What’s weird to me is that some people can look at this photo and not think it’s a sign of a crazy, dystopian society.

That somehow the insane juxtaposition of smiling, happy family Christmas celebration and high powered weapons doesn’t seem completely insane to them.


I think the worst part is these people in the photos aren’t the most insane ones. Sure, the picture is crazy, but they know that it appeals to a certain demographic. They aren’t doing it out of a desire for the picture themselves probably, but to make others like them somehow.


He’s a Congressman appealing to a very specific base.


Which in itself, even if this man hated guns, is some sociopathic shit.

ElBarto, to memes in #memes
@ElBarto@sh.itjust.works avatar

First week of 2024 and I had to put my dog of 15 years down, 2024 can fuck right off already, I’m done with it.

@problematicPanther@lemmy.world avatar

i’m sorry for your loss.


I feel you, I had to put my wife of 15 years down as well


What kind of put down did you use?

You breath smells in the morning? Where there people there saying Daaamn for your putdowns?

Spill the beans mate

guyrocket, to imadethis in Second attempt at whittling a wizard
guyrocket avatar

I knew a guy that carved Santa icicles and this reminds me of that. You should paint and/or stain it.

His were xmas tree ornaments. You could just hang that guy on your tree.

ryathal, to memes in GNU/Linux-libre/Car

The radio and headlights don’t work at the same time, and I added more battery and lost power steering when turning left. Someone wrote navigation to avoid lefts though, so it’s all good.


To be fair, that is how windows have started to become.

Linux would be more of a motorcycle, hard to control but all the power is there.


And it doesn’t prevent you from doing a stupid and the stupid will hurt.


Gotta keep the numberplate however, it’s perfect!

spujb, to aboringdystopia in YouTube offers virtual trophies so you can feel bad about quitting premium


I always get downvoted for these takes but…

Your favorite YouTubers don’t do it for free. They need to eat too.

And sure, absolutely call out shoddy business practices from Google in other areas, call out invasive ads and tracking. Call out their monopoly and all their other abuses!

But this? This is just marketing, and marketing that you are quite free to ignore at that. Is it weird? Sure. But is it dystopian? Hell naw. It’s about creating the funding that allows your content creators to feed themselves.

I am begging you to post stuff like this to !mildlyinfuriating instead. This is just depressing.

@_Sprite@lemmy.world avatar

My favorites youtubers aren’t getting paid dick without having to downgrade their content with algospeak, even then they’re very vocal about how much they begrudgingly abide by it and push viewers to patreon saying whatever they make there is worth a lot more than what they make from ads


I don’t think many people are aware that premium is used to give revenue to content creators as well. This might be the cause of some downvotes.

I agree that my favorite content creators need to eat too, and I do support them through other, more direct and tangible means like Patreon and merch.

It’s about creating the funding that allows your content creators to feed themselves.

This is not about premium being a thing. This is about virtual shinies being dangled in front of your face to manipulate you in making choices you otherwise might not, and encouraging users to spend as much time on the app as possible. Taking advantage of people that are susceptible to this kind of marketing should not be legal, but that’s just my opinion.


First paragraph is news to me genuinely :0 I thought that was obvious I guess

Without knowing more about the virtual shinies I guess I can’t give a full opinion, so fair. In my head I was comparing them to the “subscriber for 18 months” badges YT and Twitch give you, which aren’t all that destructive.


I’ve only used it for three weeks and I have “earned” 19 different “badges” in 9 different categories, if you want an idea.


yeah that’s… interesting

maybe not dystopic still but idk how thats even getting any ROI lol

BarbecueCowboy, to aboringdystopia in YouTube offers virtual trophies so you can feel bad about quitting premium

These badges look like someone at Google decided to copy the system from Google Maps / Local Guides in some cases verbatim and it’s just odd, you can tell the idea wasn’t designed for Youtube.

This is also your regular reminder that if you’re avoiding Youtube Premium because it’s too expensive for what it offers instead of just avoiding it completely on principle, then you might look into subscribing using a VPN in a country where it’s cheaper (Usually considerably cheaper).

Krauerking, to aboringdystopia in YouTube offers virtual trophies so you can feel bad about quitting premium

Man, everything is a game, how will people ever figure out what is reality at this point and get off the dopamine ride express?

TankovayaDiviziya, to aboringdystopia in YouTube offers virtual trophies so you can feel bad about quitting premium

This will not work on some, but it will work on some.

lemmytellyousomething, to aboringdystopia in YouTube offers virtual trophies so you can feel bad about quitting premium

Oh no, I can’t get the trophies when using Invidious… 🙃

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