PositiveNoise, to rebubble in Remote Work to Wipe Out $800 Billion From Office Values

Fine with me. Just don’t make average citizens have to pay to bail out the rich investors who aren’t making a bunch of money off of their commercial real estate deals.


government bail out in 3... 2... 1....

meanwhile, they can't even pass student debt relief. FUCK THIS SHIT.


Already happened. Don’t forget the PPP loan forgiveness


Silicon Valley Bank bailout too


Man I hate they did that but also terrified for the time they don’t.


Why do you hate socialism for rich people?

It’s the only good kind of socialism! Our owners told us so when they promised to rain down golden showers of prosperity on us little poorie capital batteries… at some point in the future… half a century ago…


Some of the cities themselves are helping to push companies to return to office. They are losing tax money from the commercial real estate and money from people that would do shopping while down town.

So we do get to help bail them out. Because they built their economy on mandated office work.

Also reasons most governments have no interest in fixing the housing pricing issue. They collect more property taxes the higher it sells for, it’s in their interest to make sure it keeps increasing.

audaxdreik, to technology in Twitter Turning Into X Is Set to Kill Billions in Brand Value

Everything is tweets now, on all platforms; hear me out.

It might sound lazy, and I certainly have no loyalty to the Twitter brand, but if Musk isn’t going to defend it we have the opportunity to dilute and generalize the term (like zipper or band-aid). We can kill it dead AND reclaim it.

It’s a good word! Short, sweet, has familiarity, and is honestly pretty descriptive for the simple bird-like chatter of the discourse. Everything else proposed sounds dumb as hell, not to mention you’re doing the marketing for them. Don’t sell their brands - suffocate them!

ArugulaZ avatar

You make an interesting point, but I'm most comfortable calling them posts. Because that's what they are. The term "post" applies to any and all blogging services, regardless of their branding.


this appeals to me on such a visceral level.


As long as nobody is using the term “toot” unironically, I’m OK with that


Nice tweet bro


I enjoyed reading this tweet


Not gonna lie, that still felt a little dirty. But I already posted it to the internet and there’s no going backsies.


I remember when twitter first came out and people were talking about “tweets” and it sounded just as stupid as xing sounds today. But the word has made it into mainstream lexicon and been normalized. Just like “googling” something just means to search. Tweet will mean to message something. I think part of the reason he is abandoning twitter is because it is becoming increasingly hard to legally fight other people using the terms for his platform for other platforms. For instance Mastadon is using “toot” which started from “twoot” which started from tweet.

I also still think he is an idiot for abandoning a brand name that is literally in every house and on every storefront. Even if they cant defend the vocabulary to abandon it all is the dumbest business decision I’ve ever heard of.

p.s. for xing I like “kissing” since XOXO is hugs and kisses with the X being the kiss. Considering how homophobic Elon is having his platform being a bunch of people kissing would just be to perfect!

timo21, avatar

@Master @audaxdreik that's a good point. There are all sorts of trade names now in common use, but those products still kept their names.

Thrashy, avatar

As a corollary, should tweeting on The-Platform-Formerly-Known-As-Twitter be tested to exclusively as X-ing? Just to rub it in?

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

As someone who prefers threaded interaction, it’s gonna be hard to stop calling them posts. Maybe that’s what my grandkids will think is old fashioned about me.

“They’s been posts since BBS and they’ll stay posts!”

dbilitated, avatar

I think personal micro-blogging (mastodon) and posting forum-style topics (reddit) can have different words?


The original post was at least half joking in tone, but in seriousness, I think there’s an argument to be made that “posts” applies to topical threads. Threads that originate with a piece of content like a link or self post and that all following discussion is at least tangentially related. I’d call them posts here on Lemmy for that.

Tweets, however, often originate out of thin air, be it someone’s head or ass. When someone says, “Kanye West ‘tweeted’ <INSERT OPINION HERE>” you’ve already determined about how seriously you’re going to take it.


So tweets will be the generic term for short top level posts that aren’t responding to anything?


Just because the company won't actively use the trademark going forward doesn't mean they don't still own it.


I’d rather just use the term post or comment. Like on Reddit or Lemmy, how do you determine what is a tweet? It’s posts and comments.

Someonelemmy, to politics in Biden Says Presidents Can Be Subject to Criminal Prosecution

Right, this is why we fought a war to get rid of the monarchy.


Ever since Donald Trump was elected, I always had the impression that he just doesn’t properly understand that being elected president is a fundamentally different thing from being crowned king.


Right. Presidents have actual authority.


I’ll go one better, I think a plurality of Americans think similarly to this


The whole leader != ruler thing seems to trip up a lot of people on the right.

bquintb, avatar

You mean losers dont understand power.

TechyDad, avatar

To be fair, there seem to be many on the left that don’t get this either. I’ve seen people insisting that they won’t vote for Biden again because he didn’t enact a long list of Progressive desires.

They completely ignore that Biden can’t just singlehandedly declare new laws. He needs things to get through Congress. Then, he can pass them, but they can be overturned by the Supreme Court. With the 50-50 split Senate and the Republican controlled House, it’s difficult to get much passed. With the conservative Supreme Court, it’s hard to keep things from getting overturned.

If Biden had large Democratic majorities in the House/Senate/Supreme Court, then perhaps there would be a valid criticism, but even then blame wouldn’t be focused on Biden alone.


He didn’t want it to be a fundamentally different thing, so he did everything he could to eliminate all differences.


“Terrorists in Boston dumping perfectly good British tea in the harbor. In my day we knew what to do with traitors to the crown. Many such cases in our colonial carnage. Tell good king George to make me royal governor!”


Except over 100 years before the war of Independance you had the trial of King Charles I, where thr Britjsh Parliament made a point that not even Kings were above the law.

Jaysyn, to rebubble in Remote Work to Wipe Out $800 Billion From Office Values
Jaysyn avatar

They just need to pull themselves up by their boostraps & stop eating avacado toast.

Kara, to technology in Twitter Turning Into X Is Set to Kill Billions in Brand Value
Kara avatar

"Our logo is our most recognizable asset. That’s why we’re so protective of it." -Twitter's (Currently Outdated) Brand Toolkit Page


The best part is that because now it’s just Unicode 𝕏, the logo is public domain and it can be used by anyone in that exact shape in any context.

No matter how good are their patent lawyers, I don’t think they will succeed to trademark prior art designed by someone else


Also read that Microsoft is holding the trademark on ‘X’ because of DirectX, X-Box, etc…

I wonder how long until Elon pulls the “it’s just a joke bro”


Meta hold the trademark on X for social networking, I read. Maybe it will be in the prize pot for the cage fight?


Is it April already?


It’s even worse than that. X is used so widely in trademarks that it’s guaranteed to attract lawsuits. Facebook had to settle several claims over the change to Meta, and the use of X is a much bigger problem than that. And Musk is so dumb that he’ll probably try to fight them and end up paying a fortune in legal fees anyway.

Edit: Relevant article:…/problem-with-x-meta-microsoft-hundr…

Microplasticbrain, to games in Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed

And it will be outdated and underpowered at launch and probably like $400 minimum

garretble, avatar

I like how the switch had two Zelda games that are still more mechanically impressive than all the open world games on “better” systems.


All that proves is Nintendo writes great software.

It doesn’t make their hardware not criminally underwhelming.

HerbalGamer, avatar

Also those games have a lot of typical nintendo stubbornness like not realising they’re still putting the buttons on the wrong way around.


Nintendo put the buttons in their order 2 decades before the Xbox even existed, if anything Microsoft is putting buttons on the wrong way around. Unless of course you’re referring to something other than the order of X Y A B.

HerbalGamer, avatar

After which the entire gaming industry decided Nintendo was silly and put them the other way around.

Just because they were the first ones, doesn’t mean they did it correctly.

force, (edited )

I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not, ngl… if you’re being serious though then why do you suppose that having B be above A and Y be above X is the “correct” way? The way I see it, having A be the interact button seems more natural than having B be the interact button, and the former is how it’s set up on games like BOTW that use Nintendo controllers. Tbh though I actually wish bottom was X, left was A, right was B, and up was Y. An abomination to modern gamers, I’m sure, but it seems the most sensical considering the cultural perception of the symbol X imho.

Also Xbox isn’t the entire game industry… Playstation doesn’t even use the same symbols, and I can’t think of any relevant consoles which use similar controllers to those 3. The only “official” controllers I can think of that use the Xbox order are ones made for specifically Xbox/Microsoft. I guess also the Sega Dreamcast? But that’s more because Microsoft played a large role in making the Dreamcast, and later based the Xbox heavily off of Sega consoles/controllers, and the button layout just came along with everything else. They didn’t want to conflict with Nintendo and potentially get into legal issues based off of controller button layout, so that was the easiest route.

That being said, I’m so used to the Xbox controller layout that using Nintendo controllers gives me an aneurysm because Xbox switches the buttons. Any time I emulate a Nintendo game I just use my Xbox One controller and a mod to display the input tips differently. But that’s not anyone’s fault.

HerbalGamer, avatar

Any time I emulate a Nintendo game I just use my Xbox One controller and a mod to display the input tips differently. But that’s not anyone’s fault.

That’s very much where I’m coming from. Go look at the mods for any non-nintendo game and see how many mods change it to a nintendo controller. Other way around and you’ll find a lot more so I can’t base this on nothing, right?

force, (edited )

I mean that’s mostly because a separate Nintendo controller that wasn’t highly specialized for Nintendo games specifically is mostly a new thing.

We’ve had Xbox controllers and Playstation controllers for 2 and almost 3 decades respectively, and Nintendo games are the most targetted for emulation so of course there will be a lot of community effort put into mods for those.

Meanwhile your options for Nintendo controllers practically boiled down to Wii controllers, the Wii U gamepad, the NES controllers, the N64 controller, the consoles themselves like the 3DS/DS/Gameboy, and some others. Most of them are part of the consoles themselves so are out of the picture, the Wii controller is just not suitable for other consoles, the NES controllers don’t have joysticks, and the N64 controller has a single joystick.

The Switch controllers, which are relatively new, are really the only ones suitable for emulating other consoles’ games, and you can use the Switch controller to comfortably emulate many non-Nintendo games now.

Considering that, another important factor is that since the Switch controllers are more recent, they’re less likely to have been adapted to older or more obscure games especially, since to do that people now have to go do “back in time” modding for old games years or decades after their release. And since most modern non-Nintendo console games are available on PC natively and aren’t emulated, there’s really no incentive to make QOL mods for people using Switch controllers (or any other kinds of controllers for that matter, including PS & Xbox controllers) on newer titles.

It has nothing to do with the button layout itself, it wouldn’t even make sense for that to be the reason. People will use whatever controller they have available, so people who play Nintendo games most often will likely use Nintendo controllers and people who play the Xbox most often will likely use Xbox controllers.


Do you only think the hardware is underwhelming because you’re comparing it to a PlayStation that’s about ten times larger? As a handheld console you can’t deny it was impressive.

Patches, (edited )

I’m comparing it to the fact that their own games drop to single fps on very expected situations.

The Nvidia shield came out in 2013 and had the same hardware as Nintendo Switch in 2019 so no it wasn’t that impressive.…/nintendo-took-the-guts-from-the-nv…

I loved my shield. If they had given it the ability to run Linux and play PC games. We would’ve had the Steam Deck a decade earlier. It was a great emulation station.


Fair enough, I’ve only played a couple of switch games and they seemed fine to me


You don’t buy Nintendo for pure computing power. I prefer Nintendo consoles for the portability and game library.

I also have a pc with a 3070ti for more demanding games. Games that Xboxes and playstations runs like shit anyway.


I don’t understand why it would be preferred over a steam deck, especially if it is at that price point.


First party software. I buy Nintendo consoles for their ip, not their power. My desktop is where I do most of my gaming, but I have an attachment to Zelda games that I don’t think will ever go away. I still have my official prima guide for links awakening dx. I have a map on the wall of twilight princess’s over world.

I don’t even like the switch for portability because it feels bulky and uncomfortable. But connected to the dock, I can forget that it’s supposed to be portable and enjoy my Zelda games. My wife also likes animal crossing, and I got her to play her first Zelda and Pokémon games in the last year, and those were games that shaped my childhood.

So I guess my answer is shared experiences and nostalgia.


Size. Not everyone has ginormous hands. The steam deck feels big and unwieldy despite being fairly light. I also don’t like the ergonomics of the steam deck, and I would miss the colours and so on. But also not everyone wants to emulate Nintendo games. Half the fun of animal crossing was sharing experiences with other players online. Same with smash bros. Emulation isn’t at a point where I would consider it to be for the masses and certainly not for a lot of kids these days.

The steam deck is a great device and there should be competition in this space of portables. But not everything about it is perfect for everyone.




I’ll be surprised if it even approaches the hardware power of the PS4/XBO. It won’t matter. Fan boys will eat whatever they’re given, and ask for seconds.


ohh nooo, games that are actually fun


Found the person who does not understand the switch and what it is. Who is a 700 dollar pc gamer but wishes they could afford a 4070 TI since they are using a 1030 or a Voodoo4 3dfx card. All video cards that are almost as much as the switch alone other then the troll card which on eBay is going for over a 100 bucks for a 20 year old gfx card right now


“I will decide what the Switch is”

Oh, the arrogance. Also I don’t play games on my PC. Now don’t you just look silly.

Calm down, Susan, everything will be OK.


What’s the troll card?

nekandro, to worldnews in US Claims Huge Chunk of Seabed Amid Strategic Push for Resources

China attempts to maintain their territorial claims in the South China Sea after the Philippines and Vietnam conduct island-building operations there in the early-00s: CHINA BAD!!!

America expanding their territorial claims in the Pacific because they want more natural resources: Yeah, this is fine and reasonable and democratic.

Canada, who gets no say in the matter because we’re entirely reliant on the US for trade and defence: fuck, eh?

Virkkunen avatar

I find it amazing how every time you see the shittiest take in this community, it's a user. It never fails.


That or hexbear but yeah

Sheeple, avatar

Nice whataboutism.


Stick to the point, though. This is a dick move (increasing the territorial claims, that is - not pointing out whataboutism, that’s all good!)

guitarsarereal, (edited )

I did some reading and while it’s true that the continued existence of the US federal government is a large collection of dick moves forming one gigantic meta-dick move, this is actually pretty straightforward. The UN Convention on the Law of the Seas defines a range of distances from the seashore where a state can claim the seafloor/minerals etc as its own; everything past that is the high seas. The US hadn’t previously maxed out its claims, so there was wiggle room under UNCLOS to expand said claims.

Now, why would they bother, why is it suddenly worth the extra administrative cost of claiming even deeper offshore waters, that’s an interesting question. I’d say it’s a good indicator of the increasing cost and difficulty of extracting natural resources (likely technology has brought the cost down some, too), pushing nation-states to pursue ever more exotic and costly extraction methods, but overall this doesn’t seem that significant (we all already knew that was a trend, that’s why we’re all on this community).

The push to expand territories is a troubling one, because sure, this is a legally uncontroversial move, but if expanding territories is at this point our best option for propping up the system, we’re in for another era of wars. But we all knew that already.


It should be noted that claim is not the same as the better-known exclusive economic zone. The continental shelf thing is only for seabed resources, not stuff in the water column. But that's all that the US is claiming, so it is indeed in line with UNCLOS

RubberElectrons, (edited ) avatar

I’d argue that expanding the zones a bit doesn’t incur costs other than updating some maps, as existing radar systems etc were already reaching into the newly claimed areas, undoubtedly.

Am I worried about my country’s creeping reach, and have I suddenly realized there’s yet another way to slowly encroach on territory? Yes.

E: why the downvotes?


policing a space/securing it for industry costs. They didn’t change the maps just to feel good about themselves, this is only the first step to opening these spaces up for exploitation.

If nothing else, they need a presence to help the companies quash unionization efforts on the mining rigs, don’t they? And that costs.


China bad

America bad


library_napper, avatar

No, they’re both bad

ShimmeringKoi, avatar

Not allowing your fledgling government to simply be devoured by the world empire doing illegal empire shit is as bad as being the empire.

Do you also think having a gun for protection is the same as having a gun for robbing people?


Which one is the fledgling government USA, China, or Canada?

ShimmeringKoi, avatar

In this case China, their government being only 50 or so years old at the time


So ngl when we say death to America that also includes Canada as another terrible settler state with a horrid fucking past and still pretty shit present, so like to be honest don’t really care when a modern day fascist state is consuming/fucking over it’s smaller petite fash state upstairs neighbor.

ShimmeringKoi, avatar

Nor do I, but it’s the hypocrisy that interests me


What hypocrisy? It’s like if Nazi Germany decided to gobble up fascist Italy, both horrid rancid countries deserving of destruction. Fascist countries don’t get to play victim when they get devoured by a larger fascist state they work alongside as a literal 2nd player in the North American stage.

Just to be sure we are talking about Canada right?


One of these claims is compatible with UNCLOS, the other absolutely is not. The US pulls plenty of international dickery, including not ratifying UNCLOS, but this claim fits within that existing international law just fine


Except it’s not really compatible with UNCLOS.

The US interpretation of UNCLOS would allow them to claim like half the Pacific


What do you think isn't in line with it? This isn't an exclusive economic zone claim.


Part XI


There are 58 articles in part XI. Which ones are you talking about?


You’re arguing with a pro-Russia commenter, so keep that in mind.

Sheeple, avatar


  • Loading...
  • nekandro,

    Literally the same bullshit getting pulled in the South China Sea.

    “This ocean is all MY ocean, because I said so”

    (oh oops there’s oil there teehee completely unrelated)

    streetfestival, to canada in Immigrants are leaving Canada at faster pace, study shows avatar

    Affordability issues aside, I think there’s another thing driving New Canadians away. Our immigration system seems to prioritize entry of people with really high levels of education and, depending on the industry, that education may not be valued/competitive in Canada, compared to their previous country. The result is that these New Canadians often end up doing much less skilled work than they trained for and would understandably be very disappointed as a result. Off the top of my head, I’ve known 3 engineers and 3 medical doctors in this situation. Meanwhile, there are industries (e.g., construction, I believe) where we have shortages of skilled workers in Canada (and thus good opportunities for New Canadians), and I’m pretty sure our immigration system isn’t really responsive


    But there’s a reason why their diplomas might not have been recognized. At my friend’s workplace they’ve hired two employees who supposedly have a PhD in network engineering and they both have less knowledge than he had when he got out of CEGEP (college)…


    For these they can simply implement a mentorship for especially the medical sector, put them through a program that after you past sufficient knowledge/practical test, let the system’s senior evaluate and monitor for like 36 months. You should not just invalidate their degrees and ask them to go another 57 years to then back in to practice. The people that does evaluation of work should just judge base on the work and result.(say for surgery, there is 1 onsite that minitor the progress and keep marks/records, and another 2 or 3 randomly selected by the province authority to put additional marks from procedural footage/etc. And another round for post surgery recover/results/follow ups. If the best doctors in your system can’t evaluate how their new peers work is up to par, they probably shouldn’t be in that position.

    Oh, and fucking pay them well for doing these evaluations.


    But immigration mostly funds out universities, so its ok cause we built our system around financially abusing immigrants

    streetfestival, avatar

    I hear ya. In that case, I’d say Immigration Canada shouldn’t value those PhDs either. I guess I think that the immigration department should be steeped in job market and related data. E.g., what kind of skills do we need, how recognizable is foreign training (at school-specific levels) in the field in Canada


    Engineers and doctors are a restricted profession because those professions can kill people when exercised outside the norms and regulations we are accustomed to in Canada. Being an “engineer” in another country doesn’t automatically grant you the right to call yourself an engineer in Canada. There’s more to it than just education on paper. Engineers and Doctors receive training that is specific to the practices, codes and regulations and expected in the Canadian market they are expected to practice in.

    Retraining those professional qualifications for an immigrant is really complicated. We would basically need a dedicated school or two specialized in skills transfer And recertification for hundreds of different countries across dozens of different diplomas. Plus the immigrants would need to be willing. And who’s going to pay for that? I think our educational funding should be prioritized to Canadian students first.


    Highly skilled workers benefit our economy at large.

    motorwerks, to world in ​Canada likely sitting on the largest housing bubble of all time: Strategist - BNN Bloomberg

    It’s not just them, it’s everyone, just say different times. The moment the world allowed, & even heralded, wealth extraction over wealth creation everyone lost. Well, not everyone, a small number of people won impressively, like generational wealth levels, but we speak of them fondly. We assign labels like entrepreneur & genius to those folk.

    Seigest, to world in ​Canada likely sitting on the largest housing bubble of all time: Strategist - BNN Bloomberg avatar

    I’m guessing this isn’t going to be as good as rent and house prices plummeting is it?



    Rent might drop but it will be associated with a lot of economic uncertainty which generally results in layoffs, preemptive price increases for goods, etc. The 2008 bubble in the US led to The Great Recession.

    As for purchasing houses? Prices will likely drop significantly. But interest rates on loans and requirements to be eligible for them go up drastically because banks are hurting from all the foreclosures they had to eat.

    Except that major companies understand that it benefits them to buy those houses. So expect Canadian Zillow to buy up a lot of the cheaper houses to turn into rentals and the like.

    Seigest, avatar

    Oh goodie more pain


    Prices aren’t going to drop because the moment they do, a corporation will swoop in and buy it to make sure prices stay high.

    Sorry, this is the reality we have now. Every day people are paid to look at houses and buy anything even remotely under market value.

    601error, to canada in ​Canada likely sitting on the largest housing bubble of all time: Strategist - BNN Bloomberg avatar

    I’m ready for this bubble to pop.


    The last time a housing bubble popped, so did the entire economy.

    You sure you’re ready for that?

    601error, avatar

    Yes, I am ready for that. I don’t buy this “but the economy” line. It smacks of “too big to fail”, and I think that occasional failure is necessary and healthy.


    You haven’t lived through enough cycles then… Even 2008 saw a million people in Canada lose their jobs. The one in the early 90s was probably double that.

    Besides, nobody understands what the real numbers would even be. Do you know how much of an implosion is required to return Vancouver or Toronto to “affordable” levels? Prices would need to drop something around 80-85%. That’s absolutely massive, and would wipe out the life savings of 10 million Canadians, who are now going to need more government support to make it through retirement.

    There are ways to fix this problem, but they need to be gradual to not end up causing more problems than they fix.


    Not the same at all. The previous housing bubble was a result of widespread fraud by the banks. Now, people know very well to look out for that exact thing happening, and it isn’t.

    If there is a bubble right now, which there probably is, it is a speculative bubble. People believe that housing will forever quickly grow in price, so they are willing to pay above reasonable price to not miss out on the opportunity. Which in turn increases the prices further. It’s a self-sustaining cycle, but at some point there won’t be enough capital to sustain it any longer. Can happen in a year, can happen in a decade, can happen tomorrow.


    One hundred percent.

    This isn’t just some overvalued tulip in need of a correction. People need homes and can’t afford to exit the housing market entirely. If people can’t afford housing, that means they can’t really afford anything. Expect the economy to have collapsed. Wages and employment will be down. Home ownership will decline.

    Only those with capital to ride out a bumpy economy will be able to snatch up the cheap housing.

    The solution to our housing crisis is not to tank the economy. The solution is to tackle the supply of housing, income inequality, and corporate equity in residential real estate.


    Ok, so you’re not ready for the bubble to pop then.

    jerkface, avatar

    Ok but I am


    I don’t think you realise the consequences on regular people.


    The current economic state isn’t exactly great for the average person either. Especially young people trying to start careers and leave their parent’s house.


    Much better than not having a place to live because businesses are closing and unemployment is through the roof and you don’t have a job.


    Regular people already can’t afford housing. Almost anyone owning a house is a millionaire, or has borrowed a million from the bank as a mortgage.

    The former will survive just fine. The latter took a tremendous risk by borrowing a million dollars to buy properly in an overheated market. If it works out then they can enjoy the fruits of their high risk play. If it doesn’t work out, then they should suffer the consequences. That’s how all risks work.


    If the housing bubble bursts regular people won’t have a job to buy a house. So much better 👍

    I’m very very far from a millionaire and I’m an owner, it’s the same thing for the vast majority of home owners in Canada.

    Heck, our cottage was for sale for months before we bought it for 50k, I’ve now sold my condo for a price low enough that with 10k you could have bought it including all the paperwork (and I still had trouble selling it!) and I’m looking to buy a house for about 250k close enough to the city that I can still commute and I still have multiple choices… And I’m not talking about bum fuck nowhere, it’s a city of over 200k with two hospitals and two universities!

    Maybe people should start moving outside of Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver… but what do I know? Oh, that’s right, that you’re quick to point the finger and say home owners should deal with the consequences of their choices, but you are unable to point to others who absolutely want to live in the most expensive parts of the country and complain that they’ll never be able to afford anything while housing in more rural location just doesn’t sell.

    I talk to a lot of people wanting to buy their first house and all of them want at least a bungalow, none of them even wants to consider that buying a condo or even a semi detached to start might be a good option… So what do they do? They continue living at their parents’ or in an apartment and complain.

    Imma burst your bubble. Home ownership in cities is an anomaly in our history, it became prevalent after WW2 and scarcity of urban land means it’s not sustainable to expect to see the population increase and have everyone become an owner.


    I’m starting to think you have too much to lose to care for people not being able to live because houses are too expensive.


    You think people are able to live if they lose their job because the whole economy crashes?

    The only housing I own is a 3 season cottage that we paid 50k back in 2020 at the peak of demand for cottages (that gives you an idea how much of a piece of shit we bought), I don’t have too much to lose, I just realize the consequences of the bubble bursting and these consequences will most definitely hurt those who are already suffering a lot more than the status quo.


    Finance is not the economy. And housing should not be a free market. That’s the whole problem with it today. When you make housing a finance product, you get what we have today. It’s fucked up and it needs to be collapsed and redone.

    EhForumUser, (edited )

    And housing should not be a free market.

    Agreed. We should regulate it. First, we should zone areas of land as only being for certain types of homes. This will ensure that the detached mansion you always dreamed of will not be usurped by some developer wanting to build condos. Next, we should regulate the structures so that someone doesn’t try to build a small/tiny home where you want your glorious mansion. Third, we enforce only one structure per property. Your mansion needs a sizeable backyard for your pool! I have more ideas, but think that’s a good start.

    Oh wait.


    I’ll be the first to vote in favor of a non profit crown corporation taking control over anything that has more than 6 units and to require being registered as a company to own 4 to 6 units!


    No one is ready for a depression. We need it tho. We can’t keep doing this.

    It’s either depression or severe dystopia. Pick one.


    The longer we put it off, the worse its going to be


    Same. Burn it all down. I’m tired of paying my landlord the equivalent of a mortgage for fuck all security because I don’t have enough for a downpayment.


    If you’re unable to save money for a downpayment while paying the equivalent of a mortgage then you’re not ready to own.

    You guys believe you just buy a house and that’s it, you know how much you’re paying every month and it will be the same for the next 25 years or something? Freaking hell, some of you are in for a big surprise the first time a pipe bursts and you need to pay to redo a bathroom!


    That’s ridiculous. I do put money away. The problem is that the size of downpayment needed is growing way faster than I could hope to save. How often do these adverse affects actually happen? Once or twice? You can also DIY.

    Other things you can reliably budget for, new roof is every 20 years, maybe new appliances every 10 years. General upkeep? Renters do that already but you can DIY and you have a say in what happens.

    Your argument is basically if you can’t save for a home while already paying for a home you can’t afford a home.


    That’s ridiculous. I do put money away. The problem is that the size of downpayment needed is growing way faster than I could hope to save. How often do these adverse affects actually happen? Once or twice? You can also DIY.

    Other things you can reliably budget for, new roof is every 20 years, maybe new appliances every 10 years. General upkeep? Renters do that already but you can DIY and you have a say in what happens.

    Your argument is basically if you can’t save for a home while already paying for a home you can’t afford a home.


    A downpayment is 5% minimum, you’re unable to save 15k to 20k to buy a house because you’re paying the equivalent of a mortgage? Then sorry bud, you just don’t have the finances to own, it’s that’s simple. I do everything myself and a bathroom still costs thousands to renovate when it’s not an emergency, if you need to redo everything? Add a couple thousands again.

    Your argument is basically if you can’t save for a home while already paying for a home you can’t afford a home.

    More like if you can’t save for a house while already paying for a house you won’t be able to maintain a house.


    You’re saying this but no you’re not.

    The riskier mortgages are guaranteed by the government, that means everyone pays if people stop paying their mortgage.

    Retirement for most owners without a pension fund depends on being able to sell their property, that’s also something the whole country would end up paying for through safety nets.

    If prices crash that means even more easy to snatch properties for the richest, so even less supply.

    The housing bubble bursting would lead to the same social crisis they had to go through in the USA, wishing for it to burst is wishing for people to die, more than are now because of the bubble.

    601error, avatar

    I’m ready for it to pop and the consequences thereof. I know I will have to shoulder some of the burden. Too bad that businesses love to privatize gains and nationalize risks, but that’s the mess we’re in.

    To copy another of my comments, I don’t buy this “but the economy” line. It smacks of “too big to fail”, and I think that occasional failure is necessary and healthy.


    We’re not talking a dip in the stock market.

    We’re taking millions of jobs just disappearing, people’s savings gone, most banks going bankrupt…

    I know it’s hard to imagine, but the housing bubble can’t burst in a vacuum and in our country it’s taking everything with it and could mean decades to come back to some form of normalcy.

    Heck, you would probably not get to enjoy the potential drop in price because you would have had to move to another country to find a job, just like the Quebecois had to do at the beginning of last century.


    We really have to be taxing the hell out of the rich like we did in the “make Canada great again” days, if we want a cushion for this crash.

    psvrh, avatar

    Yeah, this.

    A crash isn’t a bad thing if you can build a firewall against profiteering. Governments could buy property, instead of allowing the wealthy to, and governments could force the rich to take a haircut and/or tax the hell out them and then spend our way out of recession.

    It won’t happen, but it isn’t impossible or even improbable.


    Except in the US it brought prices back down to “normal” levels. Their were still expensive but they remained more affordable than here.


    The housing situation in the USA and in Canada are different though. You would be shifting the cost from those able to snatch the good deals while the crash happens to the whole population having to pay back banks through increased taxes over decades.

    Don’t forget all the job losses that come with that, can’t buy a cheap house if you don’t even have a job!


    Government decides who pay taxes. Shitty governments decide everyone pays the same. Good government redistribute.

    In the early 20th century people responsible for crisis, bubbles and stuff were severly punished. It can be done.

    Also, you should get familiar with the story of the boiling frog. Wishing things won’t get worse will only get you dead eventually.

    Kecessa, (edited )

    Our housing market as a whole is worth 6.1T

    You think you could tax the rich enough to compensate for the insurance on… $400B worth now insured by the CMHC…

    Good luck refunding this without impacting everyone in the long term and good luck not getting all those houses in the hands of those who already have a fortune to buy them!

    Remember 2008 in the USA? The people who ended up getting their hand on the cheap houses were those that already had a stack, including foreign investors, regular folks came out of that worse off because they lost their house and couldn’t afford to buy another one, in the end you just increase the number of people in the market for cheap housing! 👍


    You can’t buy a house if it’s not a free market. That’s the whole point.


    It is a free market though, it’s even advantageous to people who don’t have that much money because they can still get a mortgage without a huge downpayment. Back before CMHC mortgages were private loans, the previous owner would be the one financing the new owner at whatever rate they felt was appropriate and at whatever downpayment they felt was appropriate. Today you need 5% and if your credit score is good enough then the bank can’t say no.

    But you wouldn’t know that because you’re in Europe and you’re here talking about the Canadian housing market like you had any idea how it works.


    So you’re telling me there are no problem of housing in Canada and no one is poor or dying because of it? But then why are we even talking if housing problems are unknown in your country?


    I’m not saying that, I’m saying they people saying they want to see the bubble bursts and everything crash in Canada just don’t understand what would happen if it did and it would make the issues with the housing bubble look like a freaking joke and would create a lot more poverty and kill a whole lot more of those who are complaining now and it would solve absolutely nothing for these people in the long run because they would just have more people competing against them for cheap housing while the rich would snatch all the properties getting repossessed. More demand, less offer, we’re back to the same bubble in a couple of years with the average citizen even poorer than before, just like in the USA after 2008.


    I don’t care about Canada. It’s a world bubble.


    Then get the fuck out of a conversation about Canada’s housing bubble.


    Insurance can collapse and their owners die in an alley. The mistake in 2008 was to save their asses. In early xxth century they would have. Now we pay them billions so they would have the courtesy to retire.

    Also congratulations on discovering about how fucked up a free market is for things people need to live. Housing should not be a market.


    Dude, that insurance is US! The government insures mortgages with less than 20% in downpayment because banks don’t want to loan money for mortgages because they don’t want to deal with repossession and having to sell them!


    You don’t care about selling houses. Their purpose is to shelter people, not to be sold on a market.

    The sooner the market crash to oblivion, the sooner people can actually live there. A government has the power to say no to bank and insurance shitters. You don’t actually have to pay them your right to live. The society doesn’t have to comply to every desire of these shitlords.

    Yes, the economy would collapse. That would be for the best if you take care of the things that actually mater : house and food.

    But I have no illusion about this kind of event happening in America. You guys are too hard into the free market and your capitalist overlords.


    Ok, let me repeat that.

    CMHC is an insurance ran by the government. The government not respecting 400b in financial engagement would lead to the total collapse of our economy as businesses pull out of Canada. You and me are the ones who would be eating shit at that point, it wouldn’t impact people that are already rich.

    What you’re wishing for is worse than the status quo and would kill more people than what’s currently happening and you probably would be one of the ones who would be affected the most otherwise you wouldn’t be complaining about the system in place at the moment.


    Island defaulted on its debt in 2008. Island is still there with us. It wasn’t the end of the world even it there were tough times.

    Now you can have tough times for a few years while you rebuild a sane system, or you can have tough times until the end of times.

    Saying that the rich will benefit more is a fallacy, or a tautology. It shouldn’t be a reason to do nothing.


    The situation is vastly different. In Iceland it was the banks going bankrupt that lead to their economy crashing, what you’re suggesting in Canada would be the citizens getting their house repossessed leading to the economy crashing and then bringing banks along for the ride.

    Look at the USA in 2008, not Iceland. Shit didn’t get better for the vast majority, it only got worse, even today.


    Btw I’m a privileged one. I live in Europe and I have a salary quite above average. Which means I’m in the 30% wealthy.

    Fear of things getting worse is how the rich keep people in apathy: do nothing, or else it’ll get worse. It’s how they discard left arguments and solutions : this will mean the apocalypse door you and me, but especially you.

    It’s propaganda. Do nothing while people die rather than trying your chance at the future. If you look at the propaganda you’ll see that the only chance they encourages you to take is the one that earn them your money for a chance to become one of them. “there is no alternative”.

    Liberalism survives only because of fear and propaganda. People die everyday because of it, and the next crisis will kill many more only for the system to sustain itself until the planet is no more livable.


    The fact that you’re in a position of privilege is what allows you to say you don’t mind seeing the system crash, you’ll be ok while things get worse for the poorest. Even a decade of the economy being in the gutter would be worse for most than the current situation. Better not be able to afford a house and having to rent with roommates than not be able to find a job and having to live in the street.


    You don’t need to “be able to afford a house” if it’s not a free market. But somehow this idea seems unconceavable.


    Oh so what you’re suggesting is that everyone gets the same government owned apartment… Social housing and cooperatives are already a thing though and it can coexist with a free market, no need to kill people by destroying the economy.


    That’s not what I’m suggesting. You don’t seem very creative about how it can work. Or false alternative is more comfortable to accept this fucked up situation that is already killing people.


    That’s killing way less people than if the bubble was to burst.


    For how long?


    Side note: the boiling frog analogy is actually false, when the frog gets hot it will jump out of the water regardless of how slowly you increase the temperature once it hits a critical heat threshold. Also in the original experiment they had removed the frogs brain (because science?).

    It is true in human psychology though – humans will not notice small enough changes. Like when my cat slowly creeps onto my lap and I don’t notice her.


    TIL how to poach brains


    when my cat slowly creeps onto my lap and I don’t notice her.

    Every damned time. Replace ‘lap’ with ‘counter’ and ‘notice her’ with ‘stop her from knocking something off’


    I’ve trained my cats to not go on the counter, which means 15 minutes after I go to bed I hear a cat jump down off of it.


    They remained more affordable, for a time. And then housing prices went right back through the roof.

    I bought a foreclosed house in 2012 for ~280k. It had been purchased by the previous owner for about 480k.

    I put about 150k into it, 100k the first year to make it a liveable property, and 50k or so over the next ten years.

    I sold it last year for about 850k…

    I then bought a new house that cost about 450k when it was built 4 years ago, for about 680k, in a less expensive market.


    Sorry, but depending on location prices bounced back and surpassed pre-crisis levels within few years in US. Same issue that many already highlighted - folks lost their houses during crisis to the ones who can afford it but they still need place to live. Population grows and so are the real estate prices. Investment firms are busy buying up properties and oh boy will they go wild this time, now that this turned into a very targeted industry. So those prices going down only means some people will lose their homes, others their jobs and corporate investors will gain big time. Selected few with sufficient financial cushion will weather it out and the cycle will repeat itself… because nobody builds housing to keep up with the pace of population growth. With a caveat: some rural areas are still underappreciated and if housing is what you seek - go rural, mind you job selection might be limites if any… so gotta be financially independent… oh guess what? Another pass for the average folk. So yeah… new construction is the only way out of it. Bursting the bubble will hurt folks below median a lot more than status quo. (mind you escalation of institutional investors activity would be as tragic as bursting the bubble).

    CylonBunny, to worldnews in Ruble Crashes Through 100 Per Dollar Despite Central Bank’s Move - BNN Bloomberg avatar

    Took me a while to get that the graph is upside down from what I’d expect. It makes sense because it’s Rubles per dollar, but “up being bad” broke my small brain for a bit.

    guyrocket, to canada in Canada wants to make homes affordable without crushing prices
    guyrocket avatar

    I read an article a while back that argued the only way to really make housing affordable is to build MASSIVE amounts of housing.

    Supply and demand is at least part of the problem.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    It really isn’t in this case, unfortunately.

    Lets says I I have a farm that produces all the food people need, but because I own the only farm, I can set the price for food to whatever I want.

    Helping me build ten more farms doesn’t solve the problem. The problem is that I’m in a position to decide the price. Helping someone else build more farms, might work, but I already make so much I could probably buy them the moment they’re done. And even if I don’t, we don’t actually need more farms. The one I have could already feed everyone.

    Building more farms at that point, would be a irresponsible waste of this already overloaded planets resources.

    The real solution is dividing up ownership of the already sufficient existing resources. This will crash prices, but that will only hurt those who already have what they need, not those currently unable to get it.


    And even if I don’t, we don’t actually need more farms.

    But since you are now operating more farms than needed you’ve ended up with a flood of product. It costs extreme amounts of money to operate a farm, so you are going to be forced to liquidate that product to pay your bills. The consumer won’t pay top dollar for food they don’t need, so you are going to be forced to sell it for pennies on the dollar. And now food is cheap.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    And millions were wasted in hardware, work hours, ecologic capacity, industrial machinery, construction…

    How is this a viable solution on a planet in the process of self-destructing due to the industrial-scale inefficiency of human economics?

    And if I’m even slightly smart I’ll pocket the support given to me to increase production, not actually use it.

    And how is subsidizing someone else to build new farms to compete with me, not still just taking a portion of what I have, and giving it to someone else, but with extra steps that wastes time and resources?


    And how is subsidizing someone else to build new farms to compete with me, not still just taking a portion of what I have, and giving it to someone else, but with extra steps that wastes time and resources?

    It is a social good to have an overproduction of food to ensure that there is still sufficient food available when things go wrong. A single farm is incentivized to leave people to starve, so it is a given that expansion would be needed when moving away from that single farm in an effort to better serve the population.

    MentalEdge, (edited ) avatar

    The necessity of surplus capacity is not mutually exclusive with ecologically efficient solutions to economic problems.

    Which is what we are discussing here.

    You are attempting to forward an argument that would apply to supply issues, as if my scenario of a single farm were more than just an anecdotal example illustrating one single point of interest. (The economics of the housing market)

    My entire point is that there should be multiple providers (owners) that do not collude. The number of farms used in my example is coincidental. You are basically reciting my own argument back to me.

    Nothing you say can change the fact that when the capacity to meet and even exceed demand already exists, solving economic problems through excessive new supply, is inordinately wasteful.


    Canada does have an unusually small number of houses, relative to its population size, as compared to most other countries. It may be true that we still have a sufficient number of houses to house everyone, but not unlike farming, houses can burn down, get hit by tornadoes, etc. and having an oversupply can also be a social good to ensure that people can still find a roof over their head when things go wrong.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    So additional construction is part of the solution, in Canada’s case. There’s also the fact that buildings need to be located in the places people want to move to, it’s not enough to simply have enough. At no point have I disagreed that critical industries should not have redundancies, so I don’t know why you are repeating that argument.

    That still leaves the fact the current real-estate market has issues that require severe changes to resolve. And that you can’t just slap “supply” with a capital “S” on the problem and expect equilibrium to return quickly, efficiently, or indeed, at all.


    We are currently in a state of equilibrium. The supply of houses is quite well matched to the demand for houses.

    But you must remember that the call at the beginning of this thread was to see an increase in demand. Many are unsatisfied with the lack of demand found out there and see an increase in supply as a way to attract more buyers into the mix.

    MentalEdge, avatar


    It’s in equilibrium in the same way that a market with only food available for half the people, finds a price for food, and still allows the poorer half to starve.

    The reason demand is low isn’t because there aren’t people who want to buy homes, or enough homes to buy, even. It’s low because there aren’t enough homes that people can afford.

    My original point was meant to illustrate how this isn’t being caused by simple supply and demand.

    It’s a power inbalance between seller and buyer, which removes the ability of the latter to negotiate pricing.

    If two families need a home, but one is so much richer that they can buy two homes, why would the seller sell a home to each family, when they can net more by selling both to the richer one?

    Do this long anough, and homeownersship just become another wealth-gap currency where a disproportionate amount of real-estate is held by a few, who “allow” the many to live in it.

    EhForumUser, (edited )

    It’s in equilibrium in the same way that a market with only food available for half the people, finds a price for food, and still allows the poorer half to starve.

    Yup. It is necessary for demand to recognize some kind of dividing line between those who have the desire and willingness to shoulder a cost for something and those who do not. “I’m hungry” isn’t sufficient to be counted as demand. Everyone gets hungry. The term demand would be completely meaningless if it referred to everyone. It wants to determine what you will give up in order to satisfy your hunger pangs.

    My original point was meant to illustrate how this isn’t being caused by simple supply and demand.

    Well, duh. Supply and demand is a tool for observing events. Of course it cannot cause anything. This is like saying a kid running away from home wasn’t caused by a neighbour who happened to see the kid exit the door. Of course. If this is your point… Why?

    If two families need a home, but one is so much richer that they can buy two homes, why would the seller sell a home to each family, when they can net more by selling both to the richer one?

    Right, which is why there was originally a call to see an increase in demand. With enough of a rise in demand, the poor families will naturally get included as able participants in the market. But there needs to be something to stimulate that. And expansion of the supply is one suggested way to broach that.

    MentalEdge, (edited ) avatar

    Now you’re just being rude, while adding less than nothing.

    Did you actually have something to say?


    Okay, great?

    And, no, there is nothing that I need to say. Nor you, for that matter. Everything that needs to be said was said even before your first comment, and especially before mine. Which is no doubt why you keep saying complete nonsense, and why I make fun of it.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    Well I’m happy you’ve found an effective way to change minds and make the world a better place.

    Wait no, that’s the opposite of what you’re doing. You’re killing time until the collapse of civilization by doing your tiny part in causing it.


    Well, I should hope I am doing the opposite of changing minds. That would be fucking weird to change someone’s mind. The mind they already have is what makes being around them worthwhile.

    But, yeah, I agree to your second point. Computing is one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters going, so we are, indeed, destroying humanity by being here. Worse, unlike food, it provides nothing of actual value. But, at least I’m in good company.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    Literal interpretation? Along with brain-dead takes about the merits of computer science?

    You truly are the “best” of us…

    And just in case you actually do have trouble with text comprehension:



    Interesting use of the /s[erious] qualifier here.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    Are you gonna take off that dunce cap, or are you just an obtuse one trick pony now that you’re out of ideas?


    Did you know that looking at your comment doesn’t cause your comment? Such an interesting point to make, right?

    Oh wait.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    I have no fucking clue what you just think you said.

    But the dumb act doesn’t work after you’ve demonstrated the ability to construct sentences. Then again, you stuck with it long enough that maybe it’s not an act…

    I’m just as willing to slug it out down in the verbal mud, as I am with actual logic. Just please, don’t bore me. You’ve pulled the intentional misinterpretation trick thrice, and now you’re on to nonsensical jabs veiled in attempts at being profound.

    Better material, man!

    EhForumUser, (edited )

    I have no fucking clue what you just think you said.

    I know. That’s what makes it is so funny.

    Just please, don’t bore me.

    It is up to you to ensure you are enjoying your alone time. Have you considered a social activity with other humans if the solitude of writing messages to a computer program is no longer doing it for you?

    MentalEdge, avatar

    It is. But you’re assuming I don’t have more than just the one hobby, that I do this instead of socializing, and that I don’t cut my losses the instant something loses my interest. Which you’re beginning to do…

    You’re going for a rise with annoying word salad, and doing a slightly more verbose version of typing ROFLMAO. That’s not interesting.

    EhForumUser, (edited )

    I assume nothing about you, nor do I give you any thought at all. A solitary activity has no reason to pay mind to anyone who may be peering through the bushes. My alone time is for me and me alone. Comments are written for my entertainment, not for anyone else’s.

    If the metaphorical creeper behind the bush gets a rise out of something he saw as I take in some alone time, good for him, I guess? I don’t know. I have no reason to pay attention to him or his motives. He too is doing his own solitary thing, and it is up to him to figure out how to enjoy his own alone time. If that’s what moves him, cool. Whatever floats one’s boat. It has nothing to do with me.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    You’re trying to claim that something which requires more than one participant is 100% about you. That the reasons of the others, matter to you not at all. That your “alone time” can still be alone time when it involves responding to others…

    Now that, is funny.

    If you only write for yourself, then I suggest you start a diary. Not open a fediverse account 🤣. If you’re not willing to engage in discussion in good faith, to help everyone involved gain a better understanding of reality, then you should simply fuck off and keep to yourself. Find your kicks without taking it from others.

    You talk about it as if you’re using a pair of headphones. But really you’re walking around with a boombox, because the part that you really enjoy, is annoying others. Not the music.

    Like I said, I’m down to slug it out on any level you might like, I really am here for the genuine discussion. But I didn’t bring us down here, I simply followed.

    EhForumUser, (edited )

    It is possible that the software requires more than one participant to function, or perhaps it uses an LLM under the hood (more likely given how frequently hallucinations seem to occur), or who knows what else – there is really no indication of how it works at that level, nor would it matter. The specific implementation details are beyond the user’s concern. It is quite true that the tool is a micro-journaling platform which provides additional prompts to spark one’s imagination for additional entires into the diary. And being a micro-journaling platform, it is designed around solitary use.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    Cool theory bro, unfortunately the fediverse pre-dates the prevalence of LLMs. The vast majority of the users that you engage on Lemmy, other fediverse platforms, and their instances, are people, not bots. Of course there’s are some bots, but they are easy to spot for anyone who has actually tried conversing with LLMs and been aware of that. They only fool people who don’t know how they behave.

    If you think the fediverse is intended for “solitary use” with fake interactions provided by LLMs, then you are truly lost, and far more of a conspiracy nut than I would have guessed.

    We’re done.


    It is likely that they are people, but that is, again, just an implementation detail. One does not come to Lemmy – or the Fediverse in general – to engage with people, they come to write their own thoughts for themselves as a solitary activity. When one seeks to engage with people, they go to where people are found, not where there are anonymous usernames that might be people, but who knows, or cares?

    We never started. My alone time has always been just me.

    MentalEdge, (edited ) avatar

    ActivityPub is not a note-taking app with AI assist tools. That you would suggest it is, and use it as if it is, is fucking idiotic.

    I come to the fediverse to talk to people, and to have my ideas and ideals challenged, because it is the platform that most closely makes the trade-offs I would make, for a platform on which to do so.

    Other platforms are so lop-sidedly parasocial due to their algorithm/engagement driven feeds, I’d argue they no longer offer any interaction of value. Yes, the people are there, but the forum of human society, is not.

    And if you really think that having engaged with me has left nothing of what I’ve said in your mind, you are truly delusional. Few people realize it in the moment, when the first seeds of new ideas take root in their thoughts. Even if they do not bloom, unless you are completely devoid of internal monologue, you will continue to process this exchange for a while yet, after it ends. We have started. There is nothing solitary about it.

    But I suspect you are using that word to mean something it doesn’t. You’re trying to point out that everyone acts for their own reasons, as if that’s relevant. Of course they do, but it is not.

    And even if the majority of users on a platform are machine, that still does not allow you to act in a purely self-centered manner. The fact that any given interaction may be with a real person, must inform your behaviour. You should care. That you don’t, is concerning. That concern is why I am going to such lengths to try and provoke introspection in you. You have some growing up to do, and you may claim to be unaffected. Why would admit to anything? But you aren’t, only the truly stupid can engage like you have, and not have the exchange sink in at all. You did play at being stupid, which is an infantile tactic that took you three comments to abandon, but you clearly are not.

    EhForumUser, (edited )

    I come to the fediverse to talk to people

    What vetting mechanisms do you use to ensure that you are talking to people? It is certain that LLMs are being used on here as some of the accounts are explicit that they are LLMs – but being explicit about that is not a requirement. It would be pretty silly to come here to talk to people and then unknowingly end up talking to an LLM.

    I don’t think it matters, though. I’m not here for people, I am here to use the software, which can be implemented however its developers see fit. How it is implemented is not relevant to me, only those who deliver the software.

    and to have my ideas and ideals challenged

    Yes, that is a prime example. Writing notes to a piece of software so that it can feedback new information to further your understand of a topic is a solitary activity. Nobody else cares one bit about what you think. It is done for personal benefit, not for the benefit of a group. If there are humans pulling the knobs and levers behind that scenes to make that software work ,so be it, but that is but an implementation detail.

    I suspect you are using that word to mean something it doesn’t.

    Langauge is fluid. Words can mean whatever you want them to mean. And since I am alone, I don’t even have to worry about a shared understanding.

    only the truly stupid can engage like you have

    Makes sense. Even if we assume all the accounts here are truly backed by real people and that they are engaging with each other as if it were real social setting – the fact remains that they are anonymous strangers who mean nothing to the world. Of what value would someone with intellect find in speaking to literal nobodies? Smart people have access to talk to other smart, notable people of interest who are proud of their identity and accepting of relationships around that identity. What would draw them here?

    MentalEdge, (edited ) avatar

    The fediverse isn’t a fucking frontend for chatbots. Even if it effectively were, that’s not what it’s for. Discussing it as if it is, is disingenuous at best, damaging to its potential, at worst.

    I care what you think. You should care what I think. You should care what all of humanity thinks, in aggregate. Current society is far too busy “respecting the beliefs of others” its failing to correct those who are delusional. When met with crazy, we ignore them and leave them to their delusions, instead of arguing their beliefs out, and snapping them back to sanity.

    These people vote, buy things, work jobs. They participate in the society we all live in, and that we allow them to go on believing bullshit, affects us all.

    In this sense, even the answer you get when asking what an LLM thinks about something matters. It matters a lot.

    I’m not “vetting” every engagement I have, I simply assume the majority are with people, until proven otherwise. That you don’t, and see the whole network as simply “software” for you to fuck with as you see fit, without regard for the meaning it can be used to convey, is disgusting.

    Treating a person as if they’re a machine, is rude as hell. Treating a machine, like they were a human, doesn’t matter. When unsure, your default behaviour should be the latter, not the former. What does one lose in assuming all users on Lemmy are real? Unnecessarily being cordial when its not needed? In assuming the fediverse is just a giant version of r/subbredditsimulator, you lose its very potential to connect our species. Even if only a tiny subset of it.

    If you’re not here for genuine engagement with others, you should leave. Switch to using some note taking app with AI tools, where you know you aren’t dealing with people. That you’d choose to take your bullshit here into public, with other real users, and then ignore that fact, is offensive.

    It’s like adopting a tiger cub because you want something cute and cuddly, while ignoring that it will grow into something very different. It’s even dumber, because domesticate cats exits.

    And semantics exist for a reason. Yes, they are fluid, but not in the way you are suggesting. Words do not mean “whatever you want them to”. When a mismatch in comprehension causes a failure of communication, that’s a bug, not a feature. Fuck off with your bullshit attempts at profound one-upping. It’s pretentious to a weapons grade level of cringe.

    As for why people would be on the fediverse? Because its by far the least corrupted communications system on the planet, right now. Especially intelligent individuals who can see that mainstream social media is dying, and toxic as hell.

    No, its not ready to be the one main social platform of humanity. But it is certainly the best candidate to become that. Anyone with half a finger on the pulse of the internet, has their eye on the fediverse.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    The highest purpose of all communication systems, is the increasing of consensus among humans and their societies. The exchange of ideas between person and person, until one agrees with the other, vice versa, or something in-between.

    More consensus, allows more secular decision making, furthers co-operation, and therefore increases the rate of advancement of our species. You can’t achieve this by putting everyone in their own box with their own LLMs, which will only generate content in response to the occupant of the box. You’re likely to end up with each person pulling in a direction of their own hallucination enforced chat session.

    Modern systems often do the opposite of increasing consensus. It categorizes and divides us, avoiding confrontation and the exchange of ideas. Amplifying the insane, instead of challenging them. Affirming, not correcting. Modern mainstream social media, several other information technologies, and your misconceived notions of how the fediverse works, must be done away with.


    You need to stop feeding the trolls.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    Hey, if they’re busy with me, they’re not busy with someone who’d actually be bothered by them. I like doing this.

    And maybe, just maybe, some of the time I get through to one. They’ll never admit it in the moment, of course, but set em on a path to do some actual thinking, maybe they’ll come out the other side a better person.


    Yeah, but as the creator of the thread, I'm also getting notifications 😂.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    Really? I feel like every post I’ve made, I only got the one notification for each new comment thread, not each comment within one.

    Sorry to have bothered you, if that’s not how it works.


    Haha, no worries. I'm on kbin and it's every comment. Every comment thread would be better.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    Ah! That’s the difference, then. Maybe you can change it in settings?


    Nope, doesn't look like it. I'm sure it's in the backlog!

    blazera, to canada in Why it might be several years before homes are more affordable in Canada
    blazera avatar

    It's never coming back down, corporations figured out it was a choice between a finite sum of money through selling, or indefinite income through renting. So they've been buying up property like crazy and outbidding anyone actually trying to live somewhere, of course corporation is gonna have more money and the RoI is virtually infinite no matter the price.


    This is only a small part of the problem. The issue is that corporations are bidding on an extremely limited number of lots. Like a hundred firms on five lots kinda insane. By bidding on each other over and over, the prices inflate, and the end result ends up having to rake in more money just to recoup the costs.

    It’s just plain illegal to build multiplexes on single lot residential. That’s why you can get several square km in the middle of downtown of only single family houses with front and back yards, with 50 story sky scrapers a few blocks down.

    blazera avatar

    and the end result ends up having to rake in more money just to recoup the costs.

    that's not how prices work


    This is exactly how prices work. The minimum price of something is the price at which something costs to procure and produce, with anything added on top being profits. And this being typical western capitalism, they do what they can to increase profits as much as possible, and with housing being a requirement not a luxury, people pay whatever is asked.

    blazera avatar

    Those houses could cost 5% of what they cost now and rent would be the same, because people will pay it.


    I’m not talking about individual houses. I’m talking about condos that easily cost more than the land they’re built on so they can maximize profits.

    foshizzlin, to rebubble in Remote Work to Wipe Out $800 Billion From Office Values

    Free market is always great when it's in their favour. Until it's not then WAHHH government we need help! Free market isn't woooorkinggg!!

    snooggums avatar

    "Social safety nets don't encourage people to work!"

    "Corporate safety nets are necessary for the economy!"

    Only companies matter in this country.

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