tzimmer_history, avatar

Moralizing Nostalgia Leads to Bad History – and Helps the Anti-Democratic Right

David Brooks’ “How America Got Mean” offers an ahistorical tale that obscures rather than illuminates – and provides fertile ground for a politics of reaction.

A thread, based on my new piece:

tzimmer_history, avatar

The story Brooks tells is one of moral decay – where once there was personal virtue and a whole network of institutions dedicated to “moral formation,” there is now a black hole of amoral emptiness that people try to fill by engaging in “moral war” and “tribalism.” 2/


@tzimmer_history Does he include himself in that story of moral decay, having divorced his wife of 27 years to marry his assistant who is 23 years younger than him?


@tzimmer_history ugh and chris murphy signed onto it? depressing.

tzimmer_history, avatar

Brooks’ story doesn’t hold up to scrutiny and is indicative of a much larger problem: A pervasive longing for a golden past that never really existed, providing dangerously fertile ground for a reactionary politics of weaponized nostalgia. 3/

tzimmer_history, avatar

There are at least three major problems with the diagnosis Brooks presents here. First, he operates entirely on the level of individual behavior, unwilling to grapple with the systemic injustices and inequalities against which individual morality must fail as an antidote. 4/

tzimmer_history, avatar

Secondly, Brooks completely obscures the specifics and the stakes of the political conflict that is shaping the country and has shaped much of U.S. history by dissolving everything into an ultimately apolitical morality tale. 5/

tzimmer_history, avatar

Look closely at the phenomena Brooks presents as evidence for his morality tale and they point to a concrete political conflict. For that, however, Brooks has nothing but contempt. Brooks is as disgusted as he is frustrated by what he perceives as silly “tribalism.” 6/

tzimmer_history, avatar

Brooks is either entirely oblivious or utterly dismissive of the actual stakes in the current political struggle; that people might engage in politics because their basic rights and civil liberties are under assault seems beyond him. 7/

tzimmer_history, avatar

Are trans people just reveling in “tribalism” because they feel spiritually empty? Are women mobilizing because they are looking to fill the moral void – or could it have something to do with the fact that millions have been degraded to the status of second-class citizens? 8/

alysondecker, avatar

@tzimmer_history it’s somewhat wild that the people rallying against tribalism are only rallying against non-white cis straight male tribalism.

synkr3tyk, avatar

@tzimmer_history Conservatives, including Brooks (whether he'd ever have the intellectual honesty to say so or not), are absolutely fine with large chunks of society being second-class citizens. This is, in fact, necessary and central to American conservative aspirations.

tzimmer_history, avatar

Are Black Lives Matter activists merely flocking to “identity politics” because they are so “internally fragile” – or are they organizing because they are trying to somehow get the country to address racist police violence? 9/

tzimmer_history, avatar

The piece is over 11,000 words long. Yet there is nothing here about the political and ideological conflict over fundamentally incompatible ideas of what this country should be – a white Christian patriarchal society or an egalitarian multiracial, pluralistic democracy. 10/

philip_cardella, avatar

@tzimmer_history that's something that kills me about him and his ilk--they're not even making structually sound arguments.

This is a six figure columnist who writes "very serious arguments" that wouldn't merit a C in a classroom because it's just intellectually lazy garbage he doesn't even bother to seriously support.

tzimmer_history, avatar

The third major problem with David Brooks’ interpretation: It is based on an utterly ahistorical understanding of the past and a rather bizarrely distorted perspective on U.S. history. Brooks is simply not a trustworthy narrator of how we got to where we are today. 11/

tzimmer_history, avatar

How does he reconcile his argument with the fact that the era of supposedly intact moral education, when “America was awash in morally formative institutions,” coincided with the worst forms of slavery, genocidal violence, and white supremacist apartheid? 12/

tzimmer_history, avatar

What does Brooks make of the fact that significant progress towards multiracial, pluralistic democracy was made after “moral formation” was, according to the author, largely abandoned? The answer is: He doesn’t. 13/

tzimmer_history, avatar

The message seems to be (my words, not his): “This society was horrible when all this morality formation was ubiquitous, and it has gotten so much better since that was abandoned – and yet, all of today’s problems can be traced to the tragic abandonment of morality formation.” 14/

philip_cardella, avatar

@tzimmer_history the overall message of his writing (beyond this one) is that if we just let rich white men with the proper pedigree (ie men like him) to rule everyone would be better off.

It's not a new argument. It's in fact centuries old. One of the things that's most insulting about it is he may as well have copy and pasted it from 100 years ago.

This man shouldn't be employed.

tzimmer_history, avatar

Brooks presents insufficient evidence to support an inconsistent and ahistorical diagnosis. But his view of America appeals to people across a relatively wide ideological spectrum not in spite of these flaws. They are precisely what makes the argument so attractive. 15/

tzimmer_history, avatar

To the center-Right, and “moderate” (former) Republicans, Brooks offers an apologist narrative for anyone who doesn’t want to engage in critical introspection over the question of how the party they used to support until very recently ended up uniting behind Donald Trump. 16/

gnoll110, avatar


I miss Mark Shields.

tzimmer_history, avatar

No need to inquire about their own role in conservative politics, in fostering a cultural and ideological environment in which Trumpism could flourish. What could they have possibly done to avert a crisis that was brought about by secular amorality? Not their fault, certainly. 17/

tzimmer_history, avatar

Brooks’ diagnosis also has appeal well beyond the conservative political spectrum. Democratic Connecticut senator Chris Murphy, for instance, recommended the “very important piece from David Brooks” to his audience on Twitter. 18/

Shebeencounter, avatar

@tzimmer_history Is there anything in the culture war that Chris Murphy won't be bamboozled by?

philip_cardella, avatar

@tzimmer_history oh my deity. Jfc. 🤦‍♂️

I wouldn't have guessed Chris Murphy would be retweeting intellectually bankrupt subtly white supremacist dog crap but here we are.

I'd guess he's trying to look moderate but his own legacy of privilege is blinding him to how bad this is. That's the charitable view, I guess.

I have actually been impressed by Murphy in the past but don't follow him closely.

Does anyone know if this is his normal MO?

xankarn, avatar


Gah. No longer on Twitter to observe the irresponsible revisionism and "leadership" there.

tzimmer_history, avatar

What liberal elites, in particular, almost reflexively support is the unity gospel aspect of “How America Got Mean” and the nostalgic view of the past in which America was supposedly characterized not by polarization, but by a common enterprise to be good. 19/

tzimmer_history, avatar

This is what makes this piece interesting: the way it articulates, justifies, and ennobles a sense of nostalgia that is prevalent among moderate conservatives, at the center, as well as deep into the liberal camp. 20/

tzimmer_history, avatar

Much of the mainstream political discourse is shaped by nostalgia – and the Right understands that they can latch onto that, weaponize it, in order to make their political project of rolling back the social and political progress of the past century more attractive. 21/

tzimmer_history, avatar

Weaponized nostalgia is an extremely potent tool in the hands of reactionaries, an important vehicle to transport rightwing ideas into the mainstream and make the reactionary project more palatable. 22/


@tzimmer_history Well, how do you plan to build the consensus necessary to enact policies that will be binding nation-wide? Policies that will inevitably not only be "inconvenient" but positively ruinous for individual people, whatever the net aggregate effect is?

tzimmer_history, avatar

Brooks is not a Trumpist, and reading “How America Got Mean” doesn’t make you one either. But fundamentally nostalgic arguments like this one help provide fertile ground for the politics of reaction. 23/

tzimmer_history, avatar

Once you are convinced the country is coming apart, you might decide it’s ultimately preferable to lend your support to those who promise to turn the clock back rather than to the “radical Left” – even if you have to hold your nose doing so.

More here:

Aviva_Gary, avatar

@tzimmer_history True but it's not just that... if people are trapped in "the perfect past" they are less likely to work for a better future (and can be talked into burning it down...)


@tzimmer_history You're not going to be able to outlaw the normal distribution curve. You can't change the fact that 50% of the population will just never identify themselves as Leftists. If you're ever going to achieve more than self satisfaction, you have to have a much broader base than that.

mhanson101, avatar

@Robert_R_Freitag_II @tzimmer_history this seems like a complete non-sequitur. Where was the part that said you had to be a leftist in order to accurately interpret history and not frame it in a moralistically reactionary fairy tale?


@mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

I'll be honest, I'm not sure I quite understand your lingo here. I get the feeling that you're trying to label me as a moralist, which in Lefty circles is interpreted as kind of an insult.

I mean, it's kind of literally true--I did express a moralist perspective.

But what you did not do is explain how you intend to achieve a stable, productive society without any morality at all.


@mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

Lefties kind of lazily express this intense level of faith in rationality, without ever understanding that all syllogistic formulations ultimately depend on a completely arbitrary value judgment (i.e., morality) for their coherence.

If you never establish your moral predicates, you will be forever chasing your own tail in self-defeating circles.

mhanson101, avatar

@Robert_R_Freitag_II @tzimmer_history ok, but that's an opinion, that again, doesn't seem to apply to this thread. Seems like you're angry with leftists and are applying that disagreement to tangential targets because they've critiqued someone, whom i'm assuming, you're a fan of.

One can definitely critique a work without defining their own morality and which political beliefs spring forth from them. The critique can be accurate regardless of the critic's own outlook.

GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Can you point to any place where I discussed King? Or black people?

    Because you're projecting pretty hard here, and I think you need to be reminded of that.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    You're having this amazing conversation with yourself about King. I wish I could have been privy to the whole thing because I definitely have never said anything about him here and so have no idea WTF you think you are talking about.

    mhanson101, avatar

    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history you claimed that "leftists" were without a moral basis for their positions and that is an explanation of how that's not the case

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Yeah. Where did I say that he wasn't?

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Okay--you're assuming that because they call themselves the Moral Majority, that they're actually correct, that they have a monopoly on morality.

    Why would you believe that? Everybody calls their brand of peanutbutter "the Best". It means nothing. It's branding. It's marketing.

    You can't really be that gullible.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    By definition, reality is contingent--it's the thing that you do NOT control.

    That's not what history is about. History is about interpretation beyond the nominal facts, which in any event can never be presented in their totality--they are always selectively curated.

    If this piece truly is about "reality" then it cannot also be about history.

    mhanson101, avatar

    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history you certainly know how to utilize misinformation tactics.

    Try this. There are things that happened, and ignoring the full context of the events surrounding those things is the main critique of this piece. So whether or not the full extent of "reality" is explained, the fact that Brooks ignored key events in order to present a flawed, and ahistorical account, is a valid criticism.


    @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    " . . . ignoring the full context . . ."

    You express a remarkably naive faith in your ability to fully capture context.

    Clearly that is not true. We have, for instance, new archaeological technologies today that were never imagined 100 years ago. What reason do you have to believe that additional technologies will not revolutionize our historical perspectives in the future.

    Your idea is ridiculous on its face.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    So your argument is that the consensus on these issues is so strong that it's not even worth considering whether you have truly captured the "full context" of the event.

    Is that what you're saying?

    I just want to know if this is what you are truly saying--that the current contemporary consensus is so strong that contemporary views of context don't really matter.

    mhanson101, avatar

    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history oh my goodness, the literal argument of this critique is that the full context of factual events were ignored in order to develop a spurious conclusion that is damaging to democracy

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    That is a very selective reading. Yes, the Left often is compassionate, but not always. I'll give an example where the Left advocates something directly opposed to compassion.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    You talk about the lack of compassion on the right.

    But what about the lack of compassion on the Left?

    There is a certain Leftist idea that homemakers should be financially compensated for household tasks that have traditionally been considered part of the expression of emotional bonds (e.g., love for children, spouses) rather than wage labor. Wouldn't this financial arrangement essentially function as a replacement of the emotional bond?

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    If you want to meet some raggedy-ass motherfuckers, I suggest you go to Alabama, the deepest Red of the Red States. I doubt they consider their poverty as a mark of their own iredeemable immorality.

    Maybe you don't understand the Right Wing as well as you think you do.


    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Hitler? Okay, I invoke Godwin's Law.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Wow. You've got such a good grip on it all. Hard to understand why you're not running the show because you're so smart.

    InayaShujaat, avatar

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @Robert_R_Freitag_II @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history those who think that history and reality can never be the same thing, clearly do not understanding how history works. Yes, it can be open to interpretation, but the simple recording of facts is not.

    Example: I woke up this morning. That’s a history reality, not subject to differing interpretations or opinions.


    @InayaShujaat @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    If you believe that your waking up this morning is important enough to constitute "history" instead of simply "a story", I don't think you're really engaged with the cultural importance of historical studies.

    The point is that even if a set of nominal facts can be considered scrupulously accurate, they can NEVER be complete. Because any event of society-wide importance has too many variables.

    InayaShujaat, avatar

    @mhanson101 @Robert_R_Freitag_II @tzimmer_history @GhostOnTheHalfShell History is literacy ANY fact about a moment that occurred in the past.

    Open a fucking book sometime.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Individual facts can be incorrect, but they can be followed to correct conclusions just as well as to incorrect conclusions.

    History is not just subject to interpretation, it IS interpretation.

    mhanson101, avatar

    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history right, and if you ignore facts in order to get to a conclusion, that is a deceptive conclusion. One which, in this case, furthers a hostile political movement.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    I never said anything remotely like that. If you are committing to that perspective, make it clear that it is your OWN point of view.

    Read my comments to Hanson about new technologies constantly recontextualizing historical interpretation.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    I never said technology was the ONLY form of contextual blind spot. That you assuming that these SM microposts represent the totality of my thinking. That's on you.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    No, that is one argument I made. It is NOT the only argument I have. You've said that is the only argument I have.

    Another argument is the impossibility of fully capturing the urgency of pragmatic considerations contemporary to the event itself, but which are not currently in effect. Like the sense of urgency created in the parties to the 1877 compromise to ensure the smooth operation of institutions like law enforcement, etc.


    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    I find it kind of weird that you would believe that someone's full perspective can be captured in a couple hundred words.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II Ah yes, the eternal call of the person who just said some fucked up shit: "You can't reach a conclusion about me just because of the shit I said!"
    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history


    @SallyStrange @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    No, I said that you couldn't reach a conclusion about me on the basis of something I DIDN'T say.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II To be precise, you said:

    "I find it kind of weird that you would believe that someone's full perspective can be captured in a couple hundred words."

    Nobody reached any conclusions about you based on what you didn't say. I am reaching some unpleasant conclusions about you based on what you did say. Are they conclusions that capture the fullness of your entire personality? Of course not, but that's just a straw man you created a moment ago.

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history


    @SallyStrange @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    I have no idea what you're intending to convey here.

    I mentioned to Ghost that history is about interpretation, and necessarily so because it is literally impossible to recapitulate the full context of an historical event.

    I mentioned technological limitations as one example.

    From that Ghost concluded that I believed that technology was the ONLY limitation. Which I most definitely did NOT.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II I'm conveying that your objection to having uncomplimentary conclusions reached about your opinions based on what you've chosen to type just now is frivolous. If you don't like people reaching conclusions about you, remain silent.

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history


    @SallyStrange @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    No, Ghost countered that I was ridiculous to believe that some new technology could change the current consensus of the Compromise of 1877.

    That is something I NEVER said.

    You and Ghost are essentially reaching a conclusion about me based on something you only THINK or WISH I'd said. Not something that I actually said.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II Possibly. And yet, you wrote this: "I find it kind of weird that you would believe that someone's full perspective can be captured in a couple hundred words."

    As I noted, that's a common cry of distress from people who have said some fucked up shit and would prefer people not judge them for having shit ideas.

    Your ideas seem pretty bad based on what you've said here. You came in hot, guns blazing at a target you invented, and apparently believe that nobody on the left believes in morality. What is it that you're trying to accomplish here? Your point that history is contingent on interpretation is trivially true and doesn't affect the overall point made by the OP. You just seem to want to defend right wing ideas and bash left wing people.

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history


    @SallyStrange @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Like, 99% of what you've written here is either simply wrong or incoherent.

    But your idea that I have challenged the moral sensibility of the Left--yes, I totally own up to that.

    If that is just an "assumption" on my part, it does seem to be borne out by the fact that I was immediately attacked as a "moralist". Seems like people don't attack each other with compliments.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    But they don't OWN morality. Your continual reference to policies you don't like as "moral" kind of makes it seem like you believe they own morality.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II "Continual references to policies you don't like as 'moral'"

    I missed that. Example? Just one will suffice

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    I said that the Left are hostile to morality. I was immediately attacked as a "moralist".

    What conclusion do those facts suggest to you?

    gooba42, avatar

    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history Where did you define "morality" in order to clarify your position?

    My interpretation is that "morality" is the belief that there is such a thing as right action and wrong action. The opposite of such is amorality, attributing no moral value to any action.

    I can't square this meaning with your statement, to paraphrase "the political Left is dogmatically amoral".

    Can you explain what you meant?


    @gooba42 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Sorry. You seem like a nice guy, and this probably would have been a productive discussion. But I got bored repeating what should have been very simple, self-evident arguments to disingenuous idiots on this thread. No longer care.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II That "morality", to you, is all about what strangers do in bed or inside their own bodies. And that the people attacking you are correct.

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history


    @SallyStrange @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    This is a very long thread. Can you quote specifically for me anywhere I discussed what people ought to do in bed or inside their own bodies?

    I don't think you will be able to.

    I think you have granted a kind of monopoly on morality to one very specific subjective sensibility. A sensibility that, for the record, I do NOT share, and certainly never expressed in this thread.

    You're arguing with the voices in your own head


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II Of course you didn't say that in this thread. To grant you a small irrelevant point, in this case I am reaching a conclusion about you based on what you didn't say. You said the left are widely hostile to morality. You have not, so far, defined morality. But in my experience, those sympathetic to right wing arguments (i.e., you) tend to define morality according to two things: first, a parochial adherence to religious rules about gender and sexuality, and second, adherence to an artificial hierarchy of wealth and class.

    To say that the left is "hostile to morality," you must needs be defining morality in such a way that caring for the indigent and ensuring a habitable planet for future generations don't count as "moral" goals.

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Okay--then please explain why I was attacked as a "moralist" by a Leftist if the Left do not share a wide indifference to morality.


    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Like, your idea that at least some Leftist ideas are consistent with a specific moral sensibility, is not being contested. I kind of established that early on that all syllogistic logic is, in a sense moral. I never contested that.

    Frankly, I interpret those statements of yours as essentially concessions of my point about the centrality of morality.

    But the idea that the Left have a good command of this issue is clearly wrong

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Well, your "feelings" tell you what is good, don't they? If you are saying that your ideas are instead objective facts, you are essentially pulling a Ben Shapiro.



    @Robert_R_Freitag_II I think you first need to explain why you view attacking someone as a moralist and having a basic sense of morality as mutually exclusive.

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history


    @SallyStrange @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    When I want to attack somebody, I don't call them a "good guy".

    There. That's why I believe a Leftist attacking me as a "moralist" demonstrates an indifference to immorality.

    That seem complicated to you?

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • mhanson101, avatar

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @Robert_R_Freitag_II @tzimmer_history exactly my point early on. He came into this looking for "the left" and threw his practiced criticisms out even when they didn't apply.


    @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    Well, if I have made some assumptions, they don't seem to be wrong. I mean, my assumption was that the Left have a widespread and deep hostility to morality, and you immediately attacked me as a moralist.

    I mean, you did pretty clearly do that.

    paninid, avatar

    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history
    “the Left have a widespread and deep hostility to morality” 🤔

    Who hurt you, bro?




    @Elowen @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    That's interesting, if true, if he has ever really said that. But hardly decisive. That's just one kind of subjectivity. Out of like over 300 million distinct flavors in the USA alone. Like, although Trump may be influential, people clearly make thousands of moral decisions every day for which there is no obvious, unambiguous precedent in that sentence.



    apples_and_pears, avatar



    @apples_and_pears @Elowen @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    You have said an important thing here.

    People actually do lash out at people who have been aggressive to them in the past.

    Well, yeah. Of course. Everyone has. The most common thing in the world.

    So common that it should go without saying that people need to get over this in order to make civilized life possible.

    Leftists believe that they are the smart ones. Why wouldn't THEY be the ones to start?

    apples_and_pears, avatar

    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @Elowen @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history Because we are all human and when we are "bruised" it hurts. Sometimes we react in a mature way, sometimes not.


    @apples_and_pears @Elowen @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    Well, yeah. But, you know: Fuck the immature people. I mean, I wish them all the best in your individual journeys, but I'm not hitching myself to that star.

    Get it? Be the change you want to be. Don't encourage people to take the low road. The Left want to lead? Then lead, do something different, something great, instead of the petty, small-minded thing.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Elowen,


    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @apples_and_pears @Elowen @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Dude, you are like SO FUCKING ANXIOUS for my approval, aren't you?

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @apples_and_pears @Elowen @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Sez the guy who has been accusing me of being a member of the Waffen SS for like all day now. You do you, Ghost.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @GhostOnTheHalfShell @apples_and_pears @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history Well, answer the question. Are you, or have you ever been a member of the Waffen SS? You seem evasive...

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @Elowen @apples_and_pears @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Okay, I think I have to block you now. It was fun for a while, and as a policy I don't like over doing the block thing, but I don't know how else to get rid of you.



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  • GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Elowen,


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  • GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • paninid, avatar

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @Elowen @apples_and_pears @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history
    Usually due to a self-struggle to acknowledge (or, rather, pretend to ignore) their own moral feelings about…stuff.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Elowen,


    GhostOnTheHalfShell, (edited ) avatar


    paninid, avatar




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  • GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @apples_and_pears @Elowen @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    It means a geological strata stable enough to form the basis for large scale construction projects.

    What a fucking moron you are!


    @apples_and_pears @Robert_R_Freitag_II @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history And there are men & women of excellent character, proudly proclaiming their Christian faith informs all the good they do in this world, in every field... who get a cold-reception, like being called 'cretins', 'morons', 'racists', 'women killers', 'money-grubbers', & all the rest, which is deeply unfair. But, I'm conscious I'm merely airing a personal peeve, & not contributing to your fine debate.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @Elowen @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    So why don't you treat them as if they were a monolithic singularity? Like, dismiss them as prima facie unimportant You know, to make sure that they're COMPLETELY drowned out.

    Because that's exactly what you're doing.


    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @Elowen @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    I don't know, dude. If you're throwing around "moralist" as an insult, it does kind of suggest that you don't think highly of it.


    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @Elowen @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    You are trying SO FUCKING HARD to divorce these every day words from the meanings that literally everybody assigns to them.

    It's hilarious.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @Elowen @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Yeah, you're a genius.

    I know that's what you're here for. You like reach so fuckin' hard past the breaking point of an abstract theory that there's literally no other conclusion that I can draw. You just want to be admired as a clever boy.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,
    crow, avatar

    @paninid @Robert_R_Freitag_II @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history
    Yeah really. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a better illustration than this thread of people who likely can be allies of each other who prefer to shout at each other.


    @crow @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    Well, that's the way I see it. I'm making a point about the Left failing to engage with other moralities in order to reach policy conclusions compatible with Leftist orthodoxy.

    The Left's well-attested use of the term "moralist" as a pejorative is an example of this refusal.

    Instead I'm getting all these jerk-off abstract rationalizations and irrelevant semantic arguments.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @crow @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    I have no fucking idea what that is intended to mean. If you're having a private conversation with the voices in your head, fine, but do you want to keep out of earshot of everyone else who expects comments to be relevant to the topic at hand?

    paninid, avatar

    @crow @Robert_R_Freitag_II @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history
    I’m biased in that I tend to be skeptical of people who capitalize Left and Right 🤷🏻‍♂️



    @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    You don't agree? How do you square that with the fact that after that comment I was IMMEDIATELY attacked as a "moralist"?

    If you're using "moralist" as a pejorative, there's a good chance that you have some at least mixed feelings about morality.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II You seem to be vacillating between knowing that "moralist" is typically used as a pejorative when called out on it vs pretending that "moralist" just means "someone who's moral" for the purposes of "proving" that "the Left is hostile to morality."

    To me, that seems dishonest. And in my book, dishonesty is immoral. You, no?

    @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history


    @SallyStrange @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    I'm not vacillating. I'm stating the absolutely incontestible fact--demonstrated amply in this very thread--that the Left use the term as a pejorative.

    My position, which I have made as clear as any possibly human can, is that it should NOT be a pejorative.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II Well, you appear to vacillate here. When I said "moralist" is not a synonym for "good guy," you said, "No shit." That conveys that you agree with me. But previously, you were using the premise that "moralist" is a synonym for "good guy" to claim that people calling you a moralist also hate morality in general. If I have misunderstood you, I humbly request clarification.

    @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history


    @SallyStrange @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    Take some time off. Come back to this thread later when you are well rested. I think you'll find that you injected yourself into an argument that you don't agree with and now you don't know how to get out.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II OK. How much of a time lapse will convince you that I am not being unduly swayed by my out of control emotions and/or lack of rest?

    @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history


    @SallyStrange @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    I wish you hadn't phrased it like that. It sounds like you intend to adhere to some arbitrary time schedule and then just blindly press 'send' on a comment you had prepared long in advance. Not a very authentic response.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II Well your concern about my emotional state and/or lack or rest don't seem authentic either. So. I'd just like to discuss the topic at hand without you playing amateur doctor. Could we just do that? If I have misinterpreted your remarks, simply explain where I went wrong rather than speculating on my internal state. Sound good?

    @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    You jumped the gun. I posted just a couple of seconds ago a real disagreement. Compare the two threads and any honest person could only come to the conclusion that you're trying to spin this "debate" about the term "moralist" into something it is not.

    My views on communism represent an actual, legitimate disagreement with you.

    paninid, avatar

    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    You didn’t answer the question, bro.

    Someone that identified “as the Left” hurt you. Who was it? What did they do? Or say? Are still unable to articulate the circumstances? Do you need more space and time to think and talk about it?

    People who use “the Left” pejoratively tend to have an affinity for an worldview which protects, but does not bind themselves, yet binds, but does not protect “the Left”.

    Is that you, bro?


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history Someone who uses "moralist" as a pejorative is recognizing the absolutist morality being asserted. Your assertion that the Left is amoral is only coherent if you reject all moral claims of Leftism and every other worldview.

    Someone who assets absolute morality and relativist history is taking the position of an intolerant extremist in the most vile tradition. Calling them a mere "moralist" is over-polite.


    @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    This is an area that the Left has a severe weak spot--the unwillingness to engage with other people's morality in an attempt to work with it instead of trying to destroy or overwrite it.

    Like, there might be ways to work from somebody else's moral premises to reach a policy conclusion that is compatible with your own.

    Just make a fucking effort.

    That's my beef with the Left. They're fucking lazy.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II "Like, there might be ways to work from somebody else's moral premises to reach a policy conclusion that is compatible with your own."

    For example?

    @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history


    @SallyStrange @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    Right Wing Moral Value:
    Families are the bedrock of society.

    Left Wing Policy: UBI would make formation of secure families easier.


    @SallyStrange @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    This is a new idea to you? You have honestly thought that little about the values your political enemies hold that you never considered there might be a way to use their own premises to overcome their objections?


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II Why do you think leftists generally like UBI as a policy?

    @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history


    @SallyStrange @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history

    Then why do they insist on using the term "moralist" as a pejorative? Or they simply so stupid that they don't realize what they're doing or the effect it's having on policy debates?

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, (edited ) avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Can you point to where I said violence is a valid political expression?

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, (edited ) avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Dude, your comments make it clear that you haven't read any of my previous comments. Nobody reading this is going to think you have a point. LOL!


    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    You just want so bad for me to the inflexible doctrinaire Ben Shaprio stand in that you yourself are actually a Left Wing version of, don't you? You're so anxious for me to say something like that that you can't resist saying it yourself, can you?

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    I just gave an extremely practical example of reconciling conservative morality about families with Left Wing economic redistribution policies.

    Are you literally stupid that you cannot see that as a policy discussion?

    I'm sorry that I have to ask explicitly, but you are coming off as extremely stupid right now.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II Do you have any answers to any questions that aren't "you're stupid/you're too emotional/you're too tired"?

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history


    @SallyStrange @GhostOnTheHalfShell @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Why don't you look through this thread to find out?

    Just kidding. I don't think you're smart enough to recognize the nose at the end of your own face. Of course you won't recognize the answers I've given elsewhere many multiple times over.

    You're just here for the artificial conflict to convince yourself that you're not at all an imbecile, but actually an intellectual warrior genius.


    @SallyStrange @GhostOnTheHalfShell @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    That is so typical of the Left. Not content getting their ass handed to them every day by Machine aparatchiks, they rush in to finish the job themselves.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II If I'm really as dumb as you claim, and it's true that you already answered the questions I'm asking (reminder: they are "why do leftists like UBI?" and "is moralist a synonym for good guy?") then it should be a simple matter for you to post a link to where you answered them. One link will suffice. I love being wrong, please indulge me!

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • SallyStrange,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell I'm sad to say that Robert blocked me. I was so looking forward to rectifying my stupidity!

    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • SallyStrange,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell "You need to engage with our ideas!"

    OK, tell me about your ideas. Because some of them don't make sense to me.

    "No, you're too stupid! BLOCKED!"

    And so it goes.

    @opendna @paninid @mhanson101

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • paninid, avatar

    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history Explain to us how "families as the basis of society" and UBI to encourage family formation would interact with efforts to repeal gay marriage, and to seize trans kids from their parents.

    Explain to us why you believe the movement which went to war against welfare, minimum wage increases, and universal healthcare would support universal basic income.


    @opendna @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    So your idea is that there should be one single policy that solves everything? That unless there is one complete solution for absolutely everything available instantly and all at once, it means nothing?

    I want to say something like "don't be a jackass", but I feel like that would be to deny your right to be your authentic self.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II Oh dear, I do believe you're doing a logical fallacy! No other way to characterize answering the question "Why do you think a political movement that's against welfare and minimum wage increases would support UBI" with "So your idea is that there should be one single policy that solves everything? That unless there is one complete solution for absolutely everything available instantly and all at once, it means nothing?".

    Unless I'm missing something, this is a classic by way of a .

    @opendna @GhostOnTheHalfShell @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history


    @SallyStrange @opendna @GhostOnTheHalfShell @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Quote you: "Unless I'm missing something . . . "

    I think that is sort of your theme-of-the-day, actually.


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II That's your invitation to tell me what I'm missing.

    That you continue to decline it in favor of insulting me says more about you than it does about my alleged intelligence or lack thereof.

    @opendna @GhostOnTheHalfShell @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history


    @SallyStrange @opendna @GhostOnTheHalfShell @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history


    Okay, that was all a sarcastic jab at you. But this bit you wrote does legitimately please me to no end:

    Quote you: " . . my alleged intelligence . . ."

    Trust me, NOBODY is going to allege that you are intelligent. LOL!

    mivox, avatar

    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @SallyStrange @opendna @GhostOnTheHalfShell @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history Bless. You’re not very good at this are you? Just projecting, deflecting, ad hominems, and straw men all the way down.

    What even is your point here, oh self-proclaimed possessor of the moral high ground?


    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history You chose UBI as an example common ground but you can't reconcile it with any of the Right's mobilizing issues? Not even one? Then choose something else as a potential common ground.

    Immigration? Climate change? Energy policy? Bike paths? Voter access? Land use? Mass timber buildings? Wild fire control? Water? Vaccination? Child marriage? Disarming domestic abusers? Russian aggression? "Slavery bad"?

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, (edited ) avatar


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  • SallyStrange,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell Incidentally, I logged out to look at the thread again and I'm pretty sure he invented being attacked as a moralist.
    ¯_ (ツ)_/¯

    @opendna @Robert_R_Freitag_II @paninid @mhanson101

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • SallyStrange,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell I double-checked and I found it! @mhanson101 said "Where was the part [of the article] that said you had to be a leftist in order to accurately interpret history and not frame it in a moralistically reactionary fairy tale?"

    And he was like "All I understood was moralist, which reminds me that LEFTIES HATE MORALITY"

    This is quite funny. Thanks for everything y'all!

    @opendna @paninid

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @SallyStrange @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    So it's a discussion about policy that is not about policy because you looked in my heart and knew that it was not "sincere" (eg, "dog whistle"). Great.

    Hard to figure out how the Left never seem to get anywhere, what their omniscient ability to see into everyone's heart and know whether they're being "sincere". As if that were a valid criteria for what constitutes "policy."

    InayaShujaat, avatar

    @SallyStrange @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history @paninid @Robert_R_Freitag_II @opendna @GhostOnTheHalfShell Did you know that unwanted teenaged pregnancies are higher in red states?

    Explain how that proves that “families are the bedrock of society.”

    denniskoch, avatar

    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @SallyStrange @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history You have clearly illustrated the issue at hand: "Families are a bedrock of society" is not a moral value.

    Actual moral values are things like:

    • honestly
    • respect
    • cooperation
    • fairness
    • loyalty

    They are core concepts and guidance in which a society can operate.

    Families, be it the nuclear family, extended, blended, or others work to instill these values in their children as they raise them.

    It might be a surprise but atheist leftists in blended families are just as capable of instilling moral values in their children as a conservative Christian nuclear family is instilling hatred and racism.

    Not all conservatives are good, not all leftists are bad - dropping that mindset is necessary for everyone to move forward.

    I know this deviated from the initial discussion on history but I thought it was important to discuss.

    paninid, avatar
    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @opendna @paninid @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Okay, up until now I have been fighting against MISCONCEPTIONS of my ideas spread by dumbasses who either can't or won't read.

    But now I will make a statement that represents a legitimate contradiction of your position--I am fairly certain that Communism is nihilist bullshit.

    On paper the intentions sound wonderful. Nobody could have a problem with the intentions.

    It's just that the means are ridiculously unrealistic

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Okay--so does this represent a real commitment? Like an admission that moralism has some merit? Like it shouldn't be used lazily as an ad hominem attack to enforce some version of Leftist orthodoxy?

    Because if so, that was my whole point. One that could have been accepted a long time ago without impugning my sincerity.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Well, when I mentioned morality, I was immediately attacked as a "moralist". It does kind of bear my assumption out.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    So you are conceding my point? Because that's what this looks like.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Well, yeah. Feelings are critical. If you know anything about logic, you have to know that all syllogistic formations begin with an ultimately irrational value judgment (ie., major premise).

    You can't have logic without feelings.

    The least you can do is be honest about that fact and encourage people to commit to their values upfront.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    1. I never said anything remotely like that. So your comment is best reserved for someone who did.

    2. Your idea that it is possible for any historical analysis to fully recapitulate all relevant facts is essentially equivalent to "facts and logic don't care about your feelings". So some pretty rich irony there.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Yeah. I absolutely did say that. And I was immediately attacked as a "moralist".

    I don't think people normally attack each other with compliments. So if I started out with an assumption, that assumption seems to have been correct.


    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Well, you are kind of depicting the Right as a Monolith. You assume that their preoccupation with civil society is insincere. To be sure, it often is. But not always. Maybe not even most of the time.

    mhanson101, avatar

    @Robert_R_Freitag_II @GhostOnTheHalfShell @tzimmer_history You probably tell everyone you're a centrist, and the longer this goes on, the fash will become more and more apparent I suspect.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • Robert_R_Freitag_II,

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history

    Okay: YOU believe that. That would be at least on honest statement.

    But your odd lack of curiosity about the inconsistency of that observation with the raggedy-ass nature of a lot of the Right Wing constituency needs to be explained.

    Like, if you're not even willing to test the weaknesses of your theory, how are you ever going to enact effective policies that address it?

    mhanson101, avatar

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @Robert_R_Freitag_II @tzimmer_history this dude is never going to engage with what you're saying in good faith.

    qotca, avatar

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @Robert_R_Freitag_II @mhanson101 @tzimmer_history
    Boom, Ghost. Just a tad left of "just asking questions". People can see you, Robert.

    jarg0n, avatar

    @tzimmer_history There’s no shortage of bad takes from Brooks. That’s his jam, a polished, yet soft & shitty perspective is all he’s ever had.


    @tzimmer_history tl;dr - David Brooks is a fool.

    Which, you know, has been verified by his writings since, like, forever.

    stevenbodzin, avatar

    @tzimmer_history 11,000 words times, just guessing here, $8 a word, means he probably got paid more for this one article than most US reporters get paid in a year

    Don't subscribe to the Atlantic.


    @tzimmer_history Seems like he’s rubbing off in you. This was a whole lot of language just to say ‘Brooks is simply not a serious interlocutor’. He paved the way for Trump. His insistence on civility and related tone trolling, he made it difficult to counter Trump. His presence in the public discourse as a person who never had a useful contribution, merely by virtue of being invested with the trappings of institutional respectability, created an environment where merit is meaningless.



    Brooks and others like him enabled the development of the current cult of reTHUGliCONs. Now that they see the shitstorm they created, they want us to admire them for shunning the monsters they are responsible for. We'll, I don't admire them, but I will acknowledge that they are smart enough to know autocracy will go after anyone and everyone once it attains power. No matter who they are.


    @tzimmer_history How about the amplification of the political shaping of our nation?

    epicdemiologist, avatar

    @tzimmer_history A "morality" that includes selling your own children (conceived by rape upon your captives), deliberately infecting whole populations with smallpox, and stealing everything that's not nailed down, isn't worth having.



    He's never even been a trustworthy narrator of what we are today.


    It’s so weird Brooks looks at a conflict between eliminationism on the one hand and multiculturalism on the other and considers that frustrating tribalism.

    The ascension of one of those sides, even for people like Brooks, means exile or death.



    is the archetype against which the phrase should be lobbed. So high on his own supply of "the good ol days", and utterly devoid of any measure of introspection or ability to learn.

    UncivilServant, avatar

    @tzimmer_history Brooks is utterly oblivious.

    His previous essay on happiness had him confusing happy/sad normal days with actual MDD, and he misused medical statistics in irresponsible ways that were pretty transparently "hey, this stat matches my assumptions".

    It'm not surprised to see that he's as bad at playing historian as he is at playing doctor. The Atlantic's editorial staff have pretty much vanished, as near as I can tell, leaving their authors free to make stuff up.

    tzimmer_history, avatar

    @UncivilServant I think the more concerning explanation is that, ideologically and politically, this is the kind of diagnosis the leadership at The Atlantic favors and therefore happily platforms.

    UncivilServant, avatar

    @tzimmer_history Good point. It's a hard ideology to nail down, since it's almost a faux-centrism. I mean that where centrism supports evidence-based policy, they seem to prefer "White suburban college educated common sense" and genuinely believe the two to be identical.

    It's not populism, and not quite populism's cousin in a business suit. But I do think that to name a thing makes it easier to distinguish, otherwise it's easy to dismiss, as I did, as a simple lapse of standards.


    @tzimmer_history It's amazingly astonishing reading the comments and seeing how a pseudo intellectual with illogical bad faith arguments can derail a perfectly sound and well written response to Brooks nonsense. 🙄


    @tzimmer_history Thanks for doing this. I"ve been thinking on similar lines.

    One striking thing about Brooks is his absolute inability to address politics. His desperate urge to transform every issue into a cultural framework is a reaction, I believe, to his unacknowledged awareness that all his political claims throughout his career have been wrong.

    sstrader, avatar

    @tzimmer_history I love his "married people have decreased, sadness has increased" causation argument. That logic definitely checks out! Isn't he basically being tribal by suggesting that those who don't live by his idea of virtue are "mean"?

    paezha, avatar


    David Brooks? God forbid.


    @tzimmer_history Brooks lives in a fantasy world. He still thinks there are "moderate Reagan conservatives" out there ... which is just wrong AND completely ignores the role Reagan had in the hateful rhetoric of the right, the tilting of the economy to massively benefit the wealthy and foreign policy that was at times completely illegal and unconstitutional. Further, THOSE policies are at the root of a lot of the instability today in central America and our "refugee crisis" at the border.

    tdwllms1, avatar


    How America got mean... Newt Gingrich, extremist evangelicals. movement conservatives... they demanded power to rule over America at any and every cost... and here we are....

    "Newt Gingrich turned partisan battles into bloodsport, wrecked Congress, and paved the way for Trump's rise."

    a basic everyday mans perspective... obviously it's more than that, but... the line form Gingrich to the hate we see today.. pretty direct.

    rpardee, avatar

    @tzimmer_history aw man--don't make me read David Brooks...


    @tzimmer_history This is one of the things he's "good" at.


    @tzimmer_history too many words to tell everyone that Brooks is a crook, my friend. He is verbally gifted enough to put the cloak of credibility on the amoral, if not immoral, ideology of the right wing. The con in the conservative is for cons and for their conniving nature.


    @tzimmer_history 2nd section, end of 4th paragraph: 'everything must fit under the “America got meander” label.'

    jillrhudy, avatar

    @tzimmer_history this doesn’t seem too different from Hillary’s recent Atlantic piece to me though—looking to old-fashioned institutions. Could there be something true about this? That we need something to bring people together in the flesh? And if we are oppressed we need each other, in person, all the more?

    tzimmer_history, avatar

    @jillrhudy Well, you can make anything sound reasonable if you put it in a very abstract way. But Brooks isn’t simply saying “Hey, maybe some old-fashioned institutions could be helpful.” You said that.

    jillrhudy, avatar

    @tzimmer_history I gotta agree with you that we can't just separate morality and politics the way he does. The New Gilded Age creates massive genuine misery. Poverty and misery go together. I had exemplary "moral training" and yet when I gave my children all the food and went to bed hungry I was miserable.

    jillrhudy, avatar

    @tzimmer_history let me read the Brooks article in full and then comment further. I agree with you that false nostalgia can be poisonous. I just subscribed to the Atlantic, because with @TheAtlantic on here I see something I want to read every day.

    philip_cardella, avatar

    @tzimmer_history wait. You're saying David Brooks published something that is demonstrably wrong? Must be a day ending in Y.

    (I'm mocking him. Not you. The fact that that dude gets published in major periodicals is indicative of what ails our society)

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