@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

Hmmmm... Our #solar battery provider is offering to upgrade our unit.

Going from 2kWh to 4.8kWh.

Total cost including installation will be £2,900!

That's expensive. But cheap for a battery of that size.
Our old battery is about 8 years old, and getting a little temperamental. But still basically works.
But bigger capacity would mean being able to export more when energy prices are high.

Any thoughts on whether we should go for it?

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

Thanks to everyone who answered ⬆️ about storage.

We've decided to go for it! Much bigger battery being installed next week. Hopefully we haven't seen the last of summer :-)

☀️ ➡️ 🔋 ➡️ 🔌

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

They're here!
2x US2000 batteries and a smart controller - ready to be installed.

Will more than double our storage capacity.

And, come winter, we'll be moving on to a smart tariff which will charge them from the grid when electricity is cheap - and discharge when it is expensive.

Hopefully these will one day be cheap enough to store a full day, week, or even month of juice.


@Edent this looks interesting. so can you run your 8-y.o. batteries in parallel with these new ones, in the same bank?

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

No. They're going back to be recycled.

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar


@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

So many wires!

And modular - so easy to upgrade in the future.

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

New Moixa battery installed.
Should be able to store 4.8kWh.
Ethernet connected (WiFi too, if I want) so it can receive instructions on when to activate.
Little info screen showing basic data.

Currently soaking up the sun, ready to power our home after sunset.

New blog coming soon 🌞


@Edent looks good - you are doing well 👍🏼

@chewie@mammut.gogreenit.net avatar

@Edent That would be good. If you could write a review about your battery experiences, that would be great. I'm always looking for decent, open solar systems. I couldn't find one, so I bought separate parts - battery, charge controller, inverter and connected them together myself. So far my choice of inverter has been the most disappointing.

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar
@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

BRB - updating the firmware on my solar panels.

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

battery filled up with sunshine and, now the sun has set, is powering our house.

Follow @solar to see what our panels are doing. I'll try to get daily or realtime data out of this unit as well.

@Noneeeed@hachyderm.io avatar

@Edent @solar Until now I hadn't realised your roof was east/west. We have an east/west orientation and I'd always assumed we wouldn't generate enogh to be worth it, but you get rather more than I expected. I should probably take another look at getting some.

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

@Noneeeed Yup!
There is an efficiency hit. But you probably use more electricity in the evenings, so you get to use more generated by the west aspect.
Some installers are a bit sniffy about it - but it works perfectly for us.

@Noneeeed@hachyderm.io avatar

@Edent That's a really good point about the evening western aspect, I'd not really thought about that. We need to have our roof replaced (terrible 1960's asbestos slates that are failing) so this might need to wait for next year once the finances recover.

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

Personally, I'd get it done at the same time.
A large part of the install cost is scaffolding and labour.
Our panels are inset - they removed tiles so they'd fit. So it is possible to replace simultaneously.
Obviously, I don't know your finances - but I think it is worth investigating.

@Noneeeed@hachyderm.io avatar

@Edent I did think about that. Organising a roofer to turn up has been hard enough, getting them and a solar installer (plus the electics) to all coordinate might actually break me :D Worth investigating though.

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

Battery got to about 95% full yesterday.
Started discharging at about 20:00.
This morning it is 30% full.
That's consistent with our home's ~250W idle usage.
Our electricity costs for last night are £0.00. Which saved us about a quid.
At current prices, this battery will pay for itself in 7 years (obviously it is a lot more complicated than that.)


@Edent question: the sun during the day, is it enough to both cover daily consumption and charge the battery or only to charge the battery?

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

@andreagrandi in summer, yes. We generate far more than we can use. Even with this battery we'll still be selling back to the grid.

In winter, no. But we'll be able to charge it when prices are cheap and use it when prices are expensive.

@johnmclear@mastodon.green avatar
@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

@johnmclear thanks.
We did have an iBoost - to heat a water cylinder. But we rarely use hot water in summer, so it was a bit useless.

@johnmclear@mastodon.green avatar

@Edent you can do things like a legionnaires heating cycle with excess don't forget!

@tink@front-end.social avatar

@Edent When you get the hang of it, check out Octopus' Flux tarif (if you haven't already).

It's working well for us with our panels + battery config.

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

@tink We're currently on a fixed rate tariff from 18 months ago - so our prices are super low. Will move to flux in winter.

@johnmclear@mastodon.green avatar

@Edent @tink I left octopus as I wasn't happy with them. Be careful of shills!

@tink@front-end.social avatar

@johnmclear @Edent Interesting. Why so? We've been really happy with them.

@johnmclear@mastodon.green avatar

@tink @Edent long story short they had to settle with me as ofgem handed them a four figure fine for the way they handled my account.

@tink@front-end.social avatar
@johnmclear@mastodon.green avatar

@Edent in a picture

@ratkins@mastodon.social avatar

@Edent Only 250W? When you say “idle” you mean with the lights off and nobody home, all electronic devices in standby mode? I thought the fridge would use more than that.

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

@ratkins All devices in standby, and us tucked up in bed.
The 250W is an average. We got the most efficient fridge/freezer we could. I'm sure it occasionally spikes higher than that, but only briefly.

@johnmclear@mastodon.green avatar

@ratkins @Edent it's low but doable for an average family home. Mines closer to 600.

@ratkins@mastodon.social avatar

@johnmclear @Edent That’s more what I was thinking.

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

@johnmclear @ratkins
I have a server running 24/7, smart home bridges, zigbee bulbs, fridge/freezer, separate freezer, various consoles on standby, alarm system, etc.
I'm not exactly living a frugal life.

@johnmclear@mastodon.green avatar

@Edent @ratkins impressive!

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar
@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

Took 6 hours to charge the battery from 35%-100%.
Fairy standard WFH day - lots of computer use, but no domestic appliances.
Going to use the oven and see how quickly the battery responds to increased power use.
Hopefully eating cooked pizza tonight 😆

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

Nice! Looks like the battery spits out a max of 2.35kW.
So our oven only needs to draw a few hundred watts from the grid.

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

Next step in my battery journey is to get API access so I can start drawing graphs like this.

The app/website shows how much electricity our home generates, stores, buys, and uses.

Yesterday, for example, we only paid for electricity when cooking. The rest of the day (and night!) we used self-generated power.

I'll use this to work out how much money the battery saves us.

@tomayac@toot.cafe avatar

@Edent I wish for EU legislation (sorry, I know, too soon with Brexit) that forces companies who run devices on local networks to open up their protocols, so you can still use/own your devices once the company cloud services close. I can’t connect to my EV charger at all other than through their sucky app (https://gist.github.com/tomayac/754284dd79e20147f482d932ed89f2a1), and my solar panel gateway is accessible locally, but gated on a cloud login (https://github.com/tomayac/enphase-solar).

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

@tomayac TBH, I think that's a consumer thing. You should have purchased a device which met your needs.
That's why I chose a specific solar inverter - because I knew Fronius had excellent local support.
I could have paid extra for a battery with a direct API - but I'm happy working around that.

@tomayac@toot.cafe avatar

@Edent Partly agree. With the solar material and installer shortage (at least here), it was a bit of a compromise between getting reasonable stuff now, or your dream configuration never-ish. Also not all installers are happy to install “not their” stuff. The EV charger was a bit of a surprise “gift” from Hyundai that came with the Kona, so no choices there.

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

My battery doesn't have an easy API (unless I want to start learning AWS Cognito) - but it is easy enough to automate screenshotting.

Here's how our panels and battery performed on this wet and miserable day.

@derickr@phpc.social avatar

@Edent And then apply AI to get the data back out again?

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

@derickr and then store it on the blockchain!

@derickr@phpc.social avatar

@Edent numberwang!

@ben@hardill.me.uk avatar

@Edent check with @sammachin as I believe he has Tesla batteries and may have somecode you could borrow

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

@ben @sammachin
It isn't a Tesla battery. So I'm not sure that'll help.

@ben@hardill.me.uk avatar

@Edent @sammachin ahh, sorry. I thought I'd seen photos earlier with the logo on


It wasn’t half wet and miserable today, we only managed 6.7kWh

Glad I charged the batteries up last night

@falken@qoto.org avatar

@Edent crop out tho numbers (fixed location so easy) and OCR?


We are new to the solar and battery world, but I can already see that the batteries are crucial to reducing our energy costs

Being able to charge the batteries for 1/3 the cost of normal grid electricity is a huge advantage when there isn’t enough solar generation for all our needs

@chthonicionic@mastodon.online avatar

@Edent excellent. Does this mean you can run doom on them now?

@katiefenn@front-end.social avatar

@Edent Now that I’ve actually used our Solar PV setup for six months, we could easily get away with a 5kWh storage installation, because our import rarely exceeds that.

Many companies were quoting us for twice that capacity when we were looking at a combined installation.

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

Yup. There's a lot of overselling.
TBF, labour is a big cost - so it is probably more cost effective for you to install it all at once.

@wishy@tooter.wishy.co.uk avatar

@Edent @katiefenn Also VAT, 0% with PV, 20% on a different invoice (for the moment)

@edward@social.spheron.one avatar

@Edent is that in a porch or similar external-ish place?
I’ve been thinking about getting battery storage (and solar) installed, but have some safety concerns about having a big lithium pack in the house! Do you know if having them somewhere outdoors-ish has any adverse effect on the battery performance with ambient temperature fluctuations?

Do home insurance companies care about you having battery storage?

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

Ours is in a porch because it makes noise. There are fans, relays, and an inverter all humming away.
Batteries don't like getting too hot or too cold - depending on the technology used.
You can get weatherproof outdoors batteries.
I don't know what your home insurers think - speak to them directly.

@edward@social.spheron.one avatar

@Edent ah, I hadn’t considered the noise factor!

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

Yeah, they're about the same noise level as a boiler.

@SamJSharpe@mastodon.me.uk avatar

@Edent it irritates me that axiom is spelled backwards.

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

@SamJSharpe ha! I'd never noticed that before!


@Edent are you DIY'ing the install?

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

@jmason LOL! Nope. I don't monkey around with electrics. There's a guy with professional tools drilling into my walls.


@Edent yeah I was wondering if you were extremely brave/reckless or what :)


@Edent if you can get them to supply you also with a solar module you should be able to get 0% vat right now as well

@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

@sangu I already have solar installed.


@Edent don't think that matters if vat savings > the cost of a panel you'd still save money and could sell the panel on ebay or whack it in the garden


@Edent I have a 5kwh battery set with a 4.2 kwp panels. I am considering getting one more unit to have 7.5 kwh batteries.

We do a mix of partial charge during cheap night tariffs and export in the afternoon once battery is full. More battery would mean I might not need to import anything outside of the cheap night tariff when sun's visible lots.



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  • Edent,
    @Edent@mastodon.social avatar

    It kind of tricky to say. We'd budgeted for 6 years - see https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2016/03/meet-maslow-the-uks-answer-to-teslas-powerwall/

    But, in the meantime, leccy prices have gone up which reduces the payback time. And we moved house which incurred a cost to move the unit.

    So, after 7 years… probably?

    @AmeliaBR@front-end.social avatar

    @Edent What's the trajectory on the price per kWh of batteries? Do you think waiting a year to stretch out the last legs of your current battery would give you a better deal going forward?

    @wishy@tooter.wishy.co.uk avatar

    @Edent would be 20% VAT under current rules. It's looking likely that this week be cut to 0% on the near future. https://www.edie.net/uk-considers-axing-vat-on-battery-storage-co-located-with-home-solar/?amp=true

    That's a fairly substantial improvement to payback.

    As far as return, I guess you have the data to work through. With a 9.5kwh battery we've been able to move pretty much everything to a go off peak window.

    Personally would have said 8-10kwh makes more sense than an upgrade to 5

    @Edent@mastodon.social avatar

    Ah, now that is interesting!

    @wishy@tooter.wishy.co.uk avatar

    @Edent I mangled that a bit. I saw this week that there was a plan to change the vat. When that will be introduced is anybodies guess

    @tink@front-end.social avatar

    @Edent We have an 8KWH battery, and although we only have a few (very sunny) weeks of data, it does seem that the bigger the battery the better chance you have to push back to the grid.

    @steevc@mastodon.org.uk avatar

    @Edent Would they want the old one or can you keep it and use both? Is exporting power worth it? I'm sure you will do the sums.

    @mindfog@godforsaken.website avatar


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  • Edent,
    @Edent@mastodon.social avatar

    @mindfog the inverter is staying - but the battery pack and its controller are separate.


    @Edent presumably this would then grant a new warranty (assuming it's new hardware)? I would go for it, given the expected lifetimes of current battery technology


    @Edent Could 4.8kw do you through the day (7:30am -12:30am) in the winter? If so you could switch to economy 7 (or similar) and charge the batteries overnight. Current rates are 17p and 47p. Will probably wear the batteries out quicker.

    @Edent@mastodon.social avatar

    @kenchy yeah, that's what I'm thinking of. Switching to time-of-day is pretty easy with Octopus.
    Whether it would save the thick end of £3k though....


    @Edent indeed. Octopus Flux is also a good deal. Maybe see if a modular battery (like pylontech) is available/compatible. Would allow a rack which you can slowly fill.

    @jbenjamint@mastodon.scot avatar

    @Edent why don't they let you run both old and new?

    @Edent@mastodon.social avatar

    @jbenjamint Physical space - we don't have room for both.
    And it gets complicated co-ordinating which charges first.

    @nevali@troet.cafe avatar

    @Edent if you can afford the outlay i'd go for it; unless you think battery prices are about to plummet (doubtful imo)

    @Edent@mastodon.social avatar

    @nevali that's the risk, isn't it?
    And, obviously, I know I have upgradeitis!

    @Edent@mastodon.social avatar

    @nevali In summer it is way more. We often export more than we use.

    @Ric@awscommunity.social avatar

    @Edent do it!

    @fishidwardrobe@mastodon.me.uk avatar

    @Edent How long till your current battery dies? Will a new battery be more or less expensive at that point?

    @Edent@mastodon.social avatar

    @fishidwardrobe That's the thing with complex electronics. Could last another decade, could have a bad capacitor tomorrow.
    Battery tech seems to be getting cheaper though.

    @fishidwardrobe@mastodon.me.uk avatar

    @Edent Right, so. Pick a number of years. Say, three. Guess how much cheaper batteries will be then. Compare it to how long it will take to earn back the cost of this one?

    That's what I'd try to do.

    You at least know how much the current system will earn in that time. Multiply that by two (or, 1½ to be pessimistic.)

    @danjenkins@fosstodon.org avatar

    @Edent seems expensive per kWh to me but… easy switch out etc

    @Edent@mastodon.social avatar

    @danjenkins yeah. I'm having a hard time finding reliable cost per kWh. So many sites are just "call us!"

    @IvanSanchez@mastodon.social avatar

    @Edent Do you have any statistics about whether your battery gets completely charged/discharged daily? (or how often, or how much are the daily exports/imports)

    @Edent@mastodon.social avatar

    @IvanSanchez it's set to fully charge during the day (mostly from solar) and discharge in the evening.
    Depth of charge is 80% on the old one and 90% on the new one.

    @IvanSanchez@mastodon.social avatar

    @Edent I should rephrase as "how large is your daily surplus?" If it's more than 2kWh (meaning, it does fully charge and then you're forced to dump into the grid) then I'd be inclined to say "upgrade".

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