hugovk, to python avatar

🎲 Do you like Python's little CLIs? For example:

$ python -m http.server
$ python -m webbrowser example_url
$ python -m uuid
$ python -m calendar

What about adding one to random?

$ python -m random curry "fish n chips" tacos

$ python -m random 6

$ python -m random 2.5

Give your feedback on my proposal at

If there's support we might be able to get it into 3.13 before May's beta cutoff! 🤞

ai6yr, (edited ) to Health avatar

Hmm, I would like to see a double blind scientific study in "ear pulling" being connected to kidney health. (ps, completely different book here)

ai6yr, to movies avatar

"We can wrap you in a full-body suit of neoprene, heat-resistant rubber. Or we can raise the temperature in Cosmo's office to 98.6 degrees - which is probably what we'll have to do, because the neoprene would suffocate you. "

ai6yr, avatar

(This random quote thanks to my having to turn the heat up at my house to 70F apply epoxy coating to my tub).

elijax, to graffiti Italian avatar
ai6yr, to SanFrancisco avatar
ai6yr, avatar

: "hey, can you bless my Hallicrafters 150?" (17.5 lbs)


elijax, to graffiti Italian avatar
ai6yr, (edited ) to Dogs avatar

Hmm, a very large dog just came up to the window (outside) here where I am working--about 5 feet way from me--and starting a loud howling for a few minutes, and left. (not my dog). Last night there was a raccoon there all night, and a coyote wandering around. Now I am wondering what is so interesting right here outside.

(I think it was a dog, because it was wearing a reflective collar... but now, I am not so sure).

(For the record, the dog here inside was very confused--but not alarmed--about why a strange dog was howling at the window)

liztai, to Malaysia avatar

Updated this article with an extra para on the school system & realise how confusing it is. I speak 4 languages only because I had the luck of growing up in certain areas & studying in schools where Malay, English and Chinese are used often. These days, it's not unusual to find graduates who can only speak ONE language. In , this can be limiting, especially if you cannot speak Bahasa Malaysia, the national language.

liztai, avatar

@geraineon I like rojak. Especially the oasembur one 😂
But imagine trying to explain why we have multiple English accents to a foreigner lol

minioctt, to ilaughed Italian

Prima che mi scordo, volevo condividere questo : 🎥

Discute di un concetto per me non nuovo, ma applicato ad un
per , . In pratica, il usa parte del suo codice per generare sullo schermo con un’ abbastanza alta da sembrare , e creare effetti visivi interessanti. 🎇

Sarebbe definibile , se non fosse che non è completo… manca una parte non trascurabile del macchina, e anche per questo a conti fatti, anche se in teoria è possibile, nella pratica non si può realisticamente recuperare l’intero semplicemente guardando cosa viene mostrato a schermo nella cosiddetta . 🧱

Questo tipo di roba, ossia la visualizzazione di in modi “non adatti”, mi intriga sempre. Non so perché, ma escono sempre effetti sensoriali unici quando si prendono dati e li visualizzano direttamente per vie multimediali. In questo caso, c’è tanto da analizzare in una vista del genere, e perciò il video è . 🪬

iamdtms, (edited ) to creative avatar

Being is simply
being in context?

Hasuris, to games in Alan Wake 2's PC requirements may leave AMD RX 5000-series and Nvidia GTX 10-series users high and dry

Maybe the graphics are that intense, even at whatever they chose to call “medium”. Try “low” then and see how those work out.

You are worked up about linguistics because it’s nothing more to you at the moment. Just because you’re used to run every other game at “high” or whatever, doesn’t mean this different game has to be the same.

I refuse to agree with “my midrange GPU has to be able to run everything at Ultra for number# of years or I am going ballistics”. I want progress. That’s what I buy new hardware for every few years. If you want graphics to be stuck and don’t advance in any meaningful way, get a console.

FooBarrington, to games in Alan Wake 2's PC requirements may leave AMD RX 5000-series and Nvidia GTX 10-series users high and dry

Maybe the graphics are that intense, even at whatever they chose to call “medium”. Try “low” then and see how those work out.

What are you trying to imply here? We know that “medium” doesn’t mean any raytracing etc. So what techniques do you think they implemented that could make “medium” so unbelievably good?

You are worked up about linguistics because it’s nothing more to you at the moment. Just because you’re used to run every other game at “high” or whatever, doesn’t mean this different game has to be the same.

My guy, what are you on about? I’m not saying that this game has to run on “high” on a specific configuration, I’m saying that 540p on medium is unacceptable for a last-gen GPU.

I refuse to agree with “my midrange GPU has to be able to run everything at Ultra for number# of years or I am going ballistics”. I want progress. That’s what I buy new hardware for every few years. If you want graphics to be stuck and don’t advance in any meaningful way, get a console.

Why not go a step further and insinuate that I want Ultra-Mega-Hyper graphics on my 20 year old toaster? You’re already misrepresenting my words to hell and back.

dannotdaniel, to Trivia avatar

TIL the original Zamboni machine was built on a Jeep, and was popularized by a touring ice skater who happened to witness it: Sonja Henie.

Here is the man himself. Frank Zamboni.

His machine scrapes the ice, augers it into the tank, washes it, storing the dirty rinse-water, and then melts it and spreads it evenly behind with a "towel", where it quickly re-freezes evenly.

Aubree_Gortat, to instagramreality

Another random video ur welcome :D

ai6yr, to Meme avatar
dbilitated, to technology in Slack Is Basically Facebook Now avatar

If all you do is talk shit on there, it’s going to be a repository of shit talking and that’s not slacks fault.

perfect. yeah I love slack. people can post their FB shit in but the team chat is a great way to get and find answers.

ai6yr, (edited ) to photoshop avatar

I do not know the context of this AFP photo, but I feel like it needs a bit of to have him holding something. A large pumpkin? A balloon? A giant round head? (Update: to see some great additions, click on "Expand This Post" on the three dots).

ai6yr, to Florida avatar

Mysterious, 20-mile long random yellow #painted line on the I-95 freeway in #Florida leads directly to "Acme Barricades" 😂 #random #weird

JeanBaptisteEt4, to sketch French avatar
JeanBaptisteEt4, avatar
unofficial_kbin_guide, to RedditMigration

The Unofficial Kbin Guide is now available!
Let me know of any feedback, update requests, or corrections.


@niktemadur See

Basically, there is no native way to do this. You have to use an extension like uBlock Origin's Element Zapper.

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