@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

After the recent local Turkey-elections https://anfenglish.com/features/local-elections-in-kurdistan-and-turkey-live-blog-72512 the only major anti-racist party (DEM) won in 75 municipalities https://anfenglish.com/LOCAL-ELECTIONS-2024/dem-party-wins-75-municipalities-72524 such as 55.19% of all 14 in Van https://anfenglish.com/LOCAL-ELECTIONS-2024/dem-party-win-all-14-municipalities-in-van-72528 and 64.5% in Batman https://anfenglish.com/LOCAL-ELECTIONS-2024/dem-party-in-batman-we-win-with-the-jin-jiyan-azadi-philosophy-72526 in spite of the dictatorship AKP and its ally facist MHP's several cases of blatant election fraud (e.g. https://medyanews.net/leaked-footage-casts-shadow-on-ruling-akps-razor-thin-victory-in-turkeys-kurdish-majority-siverek/ and https://medyanews.net/turkish-govt-openly-commits-electoral-fraud-transports-thousands-of-votes-to-sirnak-dem-party-spox/) so the dictatorship's Electoral Board decided to give the win to the loser AKP's candidate with only 27.15% of the votes https://www.duvarenglish.com/turkish-electoral-board-hijacks-van-mayorship-from-dem-party-for-akp-candidate-news-64125 (and elsewhere e.g. https://anfenglish.com/LOCAL-ELECTIONS-2024/political-coup-municipal-election-to-be-renewed-in-hilvan-urfa-72552 https://anfenglish.com/LOCAL-ELECTIONS-2024/akp-mobilises-to-usurp-pazarcik-town-municipality-in-kars-72553) and as a result the public rose https://anfenglish.com/kurdistan/resistance-in-van-spreads-to-the-whole-city-72551 https://medyanews.net/live-updates-unrest-in-turkey-after-electoral-board-overrules-majority-vote-in-kurdish-majority-city/ https://anfenglish.com/LOCAL-ELECTIONS-2024/people-of-Sirnak-protest-the-usurpation-of-their-will-72554 https://anfenglish.com/LOCAL-ELECTIONS-2024/sit-in-protest-in-Sirnak-the-thieving-akp-will-be-held-accountable-72556 https://anfenglish.com/LOCAL-ELECTIONS-2024/co-mayors-of-van-metropolitan-municipality-stand-up-against-this-lawlessness-72557 in resistance and even the EU's Turkey rapporteur Nacho Sanchez Amor
https://anfenglish.com/LOCAL-ELECTIONS-2024/european-parliament-turkey-rapporteur-sanchez-amor-the-will-of-the-people-cannot-be-usurped-72560 protested but AKP just banned https://www.duvarenglish.com/governors-office-bans-protest-for-15-days-in-van-restricts-travels-news-64129 protests.

18+ b9AcE,
@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

During the initial protests against the Turkey local election blatant fraud by the dictatorship AKP in Şirnak on the night of the election 2024-03-31, the regime's police... brutally arrested the victim anti-racist DEM Party's co-mayoral candidate.


18+ b9AcE,
@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

During night to today the dictatorship AKP's thugs with assault rifles attacked people and neighborhoods in Colemerg that protested the regime's Turkey local elections fraud.


18+ b9AcE,
@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Batman protested the Turkey local elections fraud by the dictatorship AKP and the regime's forces immediately acted... by deploying APCs and shooting during the night to today.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Another view of the repression forces against the people of Colemêrg/Hakkari for protesting against the blatant Turkey local elections fraud by dictatorship AKP, after a curfew had been declared to silence the voices for democracy.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Labour Party (EMEP) and others in İstanbul today protest the Turkey local elections fraud and usurpation by the ruling AKP in Van.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Dictatorship AKP declared terrorist by the people of Urfa in response to the brutal repression against Turkey local elections fraud.


18+ b9AcE,
@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Batman standing against the Turkey local elections fraud of dictatorship AKP during the night to today and the brutal repression against democracy in response by regime forces during the night to today (three videos):



@b9AcE A word to our Western friends: it s not Gotham's Batman, if you are looking for him. It is the Batman city in Turkey.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@8petros Yes. It is also not a van vehicle, but the city Van.

18+ b9AcE,
@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Van protests against the usurpation of the people's will during the night to today after the Turkey local elections and the harsh response by regime forces to crush democracy:


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Van in general strike begun in protest against the Turkey local elections fraud, usurpation of the public's will and brutal repression by dictatorship AKP's forces against protests for democracy.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"Protests against usurpation of will in Van [Turkey local election] continue in many cities"

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Van scene in general strike today due to the usurpation of its populace's will in the Turkey local elections and the brutality of the dictatorship's forces to yet further smash democracy:


18+ b9AcE,
@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Pro-regime thugs with un-uniformed and uniformed cops together arbitrarily assaulting the people in Van to terrorize it from protesting against their overwhelming vote in the recent Turkey local elections for anti-racist party DEM being usurped after just 2 days.

The regime-designated "trustee" in response to the people's protests against Turkey local election fraud and usurpation immediately imposed yet another of their 15 days total ban against protests (see earlier in thread), similar to what was imposed for several years 15 days at a time consecutively due to previous protests for democracy and against racism, when that ban also included a total ban against festivals, leafleting, press conferences and public speeches.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"The protests in Van [E Turkey/N Kurdistan] continue unabated [over usurpation of the recent Turkey local elections result] and the police have called in reinforcements.
Barricades were burning all night, and hundreds of homes were stormed by the police in the early morning after yesterday’s protests."

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

A banner (depicted) showing how many of the votes for the dictatorship AKP are extremely likely by the thousands of police and military transported there for the purpose of outvoting the locals in the recent Turkey local election in Şirnex/Şırnak (SE Turkey/N Kurdistan), which is of course utterly immoral and also illegal, but dictator don't care.

The dictatorship AKP got 18033 votes there, after transferring 6541 regime agents to vote there, which means the only major anti-racist party, the DEM Party, would have won a clear majority also there with their 15553 over the remaining 11492 if it wasn't for the blatant cheating.

@frumble@chaos.social avatar

@b9AcE Boost withdrawn because the AKP and Erdogan are quite something but "dictatorship" is the wrong term. A dictatorship wouldn’t even allow the election of a mayor of an opposing party.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@frumble Most actual dictatorships hold elections, to fabricate false legitimacy by through that claiming some level of "democracy" while more or less overtly cheating, threatening and persecuting in order to achieve the desired result, trusting that they will not lose their power regardless of how unpopular and illegitimate their rule is.
The word "dictator" does not mean "ruling without election" as in a monarchy, but to rule by dictate (the root of the word "dictator"), meaning by decree, as Erdoğan specifically does through issuance of presidential decrees to e.g. fire tens of thousands of people, depose principals of universities, etc, etc. It is literally the textbook definition of "dictatorship".

@frumble@chaos.social avatar

@b9AcE C'mon, Erdogan isn’t a dictator yet. He has transformed Türkiye into an authoritarian state but it still is a democracy, and lots of levels above Russia. A true dictator wouldn’t allow the mayor of the opposing party to rule the most populous city of the country (16 million!). This is no Medwedew game.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@frumble Do you mean like https://www.duvarenglish.com/thousands-protest-istanbul-mayor-imamoglus-conviction-in-front-of-municipality-building-news-61620 this?

Regardless, the definition and root of the word is what it is.
You may be thinking of some other word.
Maybe tyrant? Maybe king or sultan?

@frumble@chaos.social avatar

@b9AcE A tyrant would massacre his protesters.

İmamoğlu’s conviction to arrest still isn’t in force. That’s the line between full-on dictatorship and authoritarian regime. It’s nearly the same with Viktor Orbàn.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@frumble Hungary under Viktor Orbán has become an "electoral autocracy" even in the diplomatic language wording of EU's parliament (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20220909IPR40137/meps-hungary-can-no-longer-be-considered-a-full-democracy).
I don't know if Orbán rules by decree. I don't think that is the case, but the eastern Mediterranean is one of my focus areas, while Hungary is less of a focus for me (we can only do so much as humans ;-)).

As for this new requirement of yours, you can look up (CW: extremely horrible) the Siege of Sur, Siege of Cizîr/Cizre (https://vimeo.com/158722857) and the Siege of Silvan, all domestic, all by the Erdoğan-regime, all with actual massacres of civilians, all starting as opposition protests in the same region as these current protests but then escalated by military into years long curfews, sentencing of all elected co-mayors where their being elected had them labeled as "member of a terrorist organization" (the exclusively electoral politics DBP/HDP).

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Now a there is a live-blog on the news about "Unrest in Turkey after electoral board overrules majority vote in Kurdish-majority city" Van.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Fatality in the protests after the recent Turkey local elections. The killed person was the brother of the second place right-wing Democracy and Progress Party (DEVA, spinoff of ruling AKP) candidate in Siirt Province, SE Turkey/N Kurdistan.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"People's anger against the fascist coup", reported Stêrk TV with this collage (video 1) of streets of fiery protests in Van against the usurpation of the people's will in the recent Turkey local elections and the popular protests continue (vids 2+3):


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

İstanbul Bar Association (=lawyers) protested against the regime's usurpation of the people's will in Van after the recent Turkey local elections:


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Van, ~6h ago...
Pro-dictatorship police's repression is harsh,
but pro-democracy protester's morale is high.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"Long live the Van resistance!", the people in Qamişli/Qamişlo of the self-liberated autonomous North and East Syria (initially named "Rojava" = "West" Kurdistan) held a solidarity protest with the people in Van, N Kurdistan/E Turkey for their resistance against the Erdoğan-dictatorship's usurpation of their clear election result in the recent Turkey local elections for the only major anti-racist (and feminist, pro-LGBTQ*, pro-diversity, ecology, etc) DEM Party.


18+ b9AcE,
@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Police encircled and then assaulted the lawyers in İstanbul protesting against the regime's Turkey local election usurpation in Van, N Kurdistan/E Turkey.


18+ b9AcE,
@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

The people were going to protest at the local Electoral Board that it had decided to hand the losing candidate of Turkey's dictatorsghip party (AKP) the victory over the overwhelming winning DEM Party candidate in the recent Turkey local elections for Van in E Turkey/N Kurdistan, so the regime's police attacked the people (2 videos):


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"Attacks on journalists intensify amid unrest in Van [over election usurpation], with concerns growing over press freedom as reporters face threats and injuries while reporting, according to the Media and Law Studies Association."

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"Turkish police attacked lawyers in Wan", reported ANF (news agency) in Turkish with this picture:

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Stêrk TV (in rought translation):



@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

The victorious people begin celebrations in Van, after their resistance against the Turkey local elections victory usurpation won!



@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Now there's an article in English too:
"The resistance from all over Turkey, especially in Kurdistan, yielded results. The Supreme Electoral Board (YSK) gave the certificate of election to the elected DEM Party Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Abdullah Zeydan."
More here: https://anfenglish.com/LOCAL-ELECTIONS-2024/abdullah-zeydan-of-dem-party-reinstated-as-mayor-of-van-72580

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Another article in English, if you want it:
"Turkey's Supreme Election Council (YSK) reinstated pro-Kurdish DEM Party's Van mayoral candidate Abdullah Zeydan's mayorship in eastern Van province after his status was revoked by the local electoral board and presented to the AKP's candidate in the second place."
More: https://www.duvarenglish.com/turkeys-election-council-reinstates-dem-candidate-abdullah-zeydans-mayorship-in-van-news-64133

Personal note: I object to the description of DEM Party as "pro-Kurdish", as the party is technically just "anti-racist" in general, which is presented by regime-friendly news agencies such as Reuters, AP, etc using the regime-outlets' (AA, TRT) own racist terminology and that terminology has unfortunately also crept into the phrasing of also the otherwise excellent Duvar English.
Whatever, time to be happy. ;-)

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

At the huge celebration in Van for through victorious resistance restoring their electoral will after the earlier pro-regime usurpation of the local Turkey elections, one of the anti-racist, feminist, pro-diversity, secular, feminist, etc DEM Party's two co-chairpersons (they always have one male and one female co-chairperson together) Tülay Hatimoğulları held a speech to the jubilant crowd moments ago.

I just wanted to share it with you regardless of language, because it's always nice to see so many extremely happy antiauthoritarian feminists. :-)

You recognize their jubilant slogan, "Jin! Jiyan! Azadi!" ("Women! Life! Freedom!") as the same as of the antiauthoritarian feminist uprisings all over Iran (where it was also "Zan! Zendegi! Azadi!") and of the Women's Revolution in autonomous N&E Syria (initially called "Rojava").


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"Tens of thousands" are according to the ANF news agency currently celebrating the people's resistance victory in Van, in the streets of the city Amed/Diyarbakır in N Kurdistan/SE Turkey:


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

The Governor appointed by dictator Erdoğan's decree in Van decreed that "I do not allow demonstrations or celebrations".
After the people's resistance this evening won against the Turkey local elections usurpation attempt in Van...

...the people of Van, now:


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Fireworks in several city districts of Mêrdîn/Mardin in N Kurdistan/SE Turkey tonight celebrate the people's resistance victory over the Turkey local elections usurpation attempt in Van, N Kurdistan/E Turkey:


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

A co-chair of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP, they they too always have one male and one female co-chair) which is an ally of the DEM Party held a speech to the people's resistance in Van after their victory over the usurpation attempt in the Turkey local elections.

The crowd shouts "long live president Apo", nickname for the illegally abducted political prisoner Abdullah Öcalan held in torturous conditions since 1999, the inventor of democratic confederalism and inspiration for such forces as the YPJ, YPG, etc beloved worldwide for their Women's Revolution and for being primary in territorially defeating ISIL/Daesh.
It's also Öcalan's birthday tomorrow (April 4).


@MMRnmd@todon.eu avatar

@b9AcE is it ! Thx for the tip :))

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"Long live Van's resistance!"

More scenes of the people's celebrations (banned by decreed Governor's decree) tonight in Van after its popular resistance defeated the Turkey local elections usurpation attempt which had given the people's representation instead to the by wide margin loser AKP Erdoğan-dictatorship party:


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

The people of the city districts in Riha/Urfa/Şanlıurfa in N Kurdistan/SE Turkey too celebrate the people's resistance victory in Van of N Kurdistan/E Turkey over the Turkey local elections usurpation attempt:


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"The youth, who resisted and cleaned up the AKP [dictator Erdoğan's decreed Governor's decreed] trustee in Van, started to clean the city of garbage."


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

The people of the city Nisêbîn/Nusaybin in N Kurdistan/SE Turkey also celebrate tonight the people's resistance victory in Van of N Kurdistan/E Turkey over the Turkey local elections usurpation attempt:


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Solidarity march in İstanbul earlier today, for the people's resistance in Van against the Turkey local elections usurpation attempt, which the people of Van then won.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"Long live Van's resistance!"
Via militant pro-democracy dissident under the Iran-regime, a video of the co-Mayor elect of Van in N Kurdistan/E Turkey (bordering Iran) celebrating with the people after the attempt to usurp their election of that person had been defected by popular resistance.

I just loved the video, so you get it too. ;-)


@MMRnmd@todon.eu avatar

@b9AcE The joy of women on the left w white scarve is so communicative :)) ✊🏼

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@MMRnmd Yes, that's the detail I liked the most too. The enthusiastic jumping at the end. :-)
That style of headdress in that geographic area tends to signify older Kurdish women (e.g. the "Peace Mothers").

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Mood tonight after the people's resistance defeated the Turkey local elections usurpation attempt in Van, N Kurdistan/E Turkey...

...block a TOMA (cops' water cannon truck) by... DANCING at it! :-D


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

The people of Colemêrg/Hakkâri in N Kurdistan/SE Turkey while celebrating the victory of the people in Van also send enthusiastic greetings to the Zap guerrillas, the mountains in S Kurdistan/Kurdistan Region of Iraq, where the pro-democracy antifascist PKK's armed forces HPG and YJA-Star are defending against Erdoğan's illegal war of aggression to expand the imperialist military bases Turkey has there to occupy Iraq.


@fizzily@toad.social avatar


PKK are valiant heroes who fought ISIS and helped save Yazidis on Sinjar!

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@fizzily Yep. After Iraq's federal army and the falsely self-labeled "peshmerga" of the KDP just fled https://todon.eu/@b9AcE/110808855193967775 before ISIL/Daesh even arrived, without firing a single shot.

When the PKK's forces later left the area to the same pehmerga and federal army after ISIL's genocide on the Êzîdî, because Erdoğan was using their presence as a pretext for invasion, the peshmerga saluted the leaving HPG and YJA-Star guerrilla out of rescpect for the very many people they had saved form genocide and rape-slavery under ISIL.
Then Erdoğan invaded anyway.

@fizzily@toad.social avatar


Barzani and the KDP are lackeys for the Turk murderers and genociders.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@fizzily I call them quisling puppets or vassals, but sure, lackeys is similar.

@fizzily@toad.social avatar


How about gophers?


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@fizzily Poopheads.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Statement from democratic confederalism umbrella organization @KCK_Kurdistan_ on the victory of the people's resistance yesterday against the usurpation attempt against the populace of Van trying to rob their representation to instead give to the by wide margin Turkey local elections loser AKP Erdoğan-dictatorship party candidate instead of the anti-racist, feminist, pro-democracy and -ecology, secular DEM Party:

With the joint labor, solidarity, and collective efforts of all the peoples of Turkey, a historical resistance and victory was accomplished in Wan. We salute and celebrate the significant and historical resistance of the people. Across Turkey, and particularly in Kurdish cities, protests and rallies were carried out in solidarity with the people of Wan.
Under the pretext of fighting the Kurds, they have robbed Turkey of its freedoms and democracy, they have snatched away the country’s future. They have come to an extent where they reject the most minor democratic demand. This racist, fascist, repressive, looting, and thieving attitude oppresses and exploits Kurdish people, Turkish people, and the people of Turkey alike. This is why the people are mobilizing against this exploitation and tyranny in unity. [...]
Read the whole statement here:

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Elsewhere from @kursdistanrev:
After the successful resistance, the residents of Wan are cleaning up the streets dirtied during the two days of resistance.

They say "They are ours, the streets are ours and we will clean our streets"


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