ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

It's amazing to me how we're watching the tech world fall apart at the feet of monetization and AI and whatever other bullshit of the week, and it's all exactly the consequences that the Free Software folks have been warning about and talking about for decades.

But the free software folks are, often, aggressive ideological purists or incredibly gatekeep-y, and free software as a movement has been seriously hampered by both of those things, and also by the same monetization push that is eating everything else.

We built our entire world on computers. We embedded them in every facet of our lives. I've spent my entire life With The Machine.

And yet...

@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

So what do we do?

Well, we keep doing what we've been doing here on the fediverse.

We keep building things like Peertube, and using things like peertube to build things like and https://communitymedia.video and, when we can afford to do so, we financially support the people who make the software that provides an alternative to these closed worlds.

Dual power. We build the future in the rotting husk of the present.

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

Our video store now has a website:

It's very simple, and was done by hand, based on a template I wrote for a personal site like 10 years ago. I used that template because, with the right color scheme, it looked the part.

It links to another website for the blog and the shopping cart, because I don't want to duplicate labor.

@Username_Here_ASAP and I are working on a show called which will debut sometime in July.

@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

and I think we're going to celebrate the new website and the launch of the new show with a VHS is the future video festival (it ain't a film festival, there ain't no film.)

So, what do you think? Is it time for a shot-on-video festival?

I can try and partner with our makerspace, or with to turn it in to something worth seeing.

(We will absolutely accept things shot on digital video, including your point and shoot or cell phone to this festival, but if it looks like it was shot by professionals on professional gear you better dirty it up in post.)

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

Do you want to run a television network for your community? (That might be a local community around you, or a community that is separated by geography and united by a common cause.)

I do it (https://newellijay.tv) I wrote a book about it (https://communitymedia.network) and I want to help you do it too.

We're looking at getting our network on local cable, and once that's accomplished I'll update the book with info on how we did it.

We're also looking at establishing other affiliates. You wouldn't be , but you'd have access to the videos and archives in exchange for offering the same to us for things you produce, and using some NETV affiliate branding (Like your local NBC or CBS affiliate does.)

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

Today was a busy day at .

In addition to getting up to date on peertube releases, and patching the handful of bugs that come up every time we do that, we released:

Research Squadron Podcast Rangers - S01E09 - Pay No Attention to the Megazord Sized Child: https://vod.newellijay.tv/videos/watch/56da86e6-b2c8-4304-9a60-5afdba02a840

The Hastening & Friends Podcast - S01E01: https://vod.newellijay.tv/videos/watch/49b5a648-e042-4607-a942-aa20e2a5d3a5 (this is the first episode of a thing that the crew behind The Hastening)

The Master Mystery - S01E08: https://vod.newellijay.tv/videos/watch/cfdb6733-c509-4514-9905-4cc69456a331 (This is the Harry Houdini serial from the 1910s about a cyborg and a magician.)

and The Weather: https://vod.newellijay.tv/videos/watch/177636e1-9f66-4dbf-bb2b-f1d243146b59

( and for good measure, yesterday we got S01E07 of The Master Mystery: https://vod.newellijay.tv/videos/watch/18850f89-727d-4474-b33b-b52228e5b507 )

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

I wrote a book about the history, theory, and practice of DIY media as a tool for social change.

You can find it online, cc-by-sa, at https://communitymedia.network

I'm working on a new print edition, with some additions, several revisions, new code examples, and other general improvements.

@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

Doing this in the face of the existing capitalist media structures is Hard. Producing video is expensive and time consuming. Making things that have an impact is even harder.

I'm very proud of the work we've done so far, though, and I am looking forward to doing more as we venture in to the next phase of

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

Hey! Filmmakers!

Have you made a movie, short film, TV show, or web series?

Want to introduce it to a new audience?

Hit me up! Let's get it on

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

With the assistance of digitization tech James Eves at the Ellijay Makerspace, we're back on our "digitizing 50s TV shows" kick.

This time, we're working on an episode of Space Patrol from the NASA Technical Library (apparently.)

Should be available on later today.

The film leader from the nasa technical library
Fully loaded telecine rig

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

The first LP from Red Hot Empty, Coupled with their first Live performance as Red Hot Empty is now available on a super limited edition Vinyl LP with screen printed jackets.


These are an edition of 100. I put them up about 10 minutes ago, and we've already sold 15. They will sell out, and there probably won't ever be any more, but there definitely won't be any more like this.

They're $30. That's the price of a short run special edition LP. Sorry.

(It's loud, angry, protest-y punk music.)

@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

The live set is also available in video form on


ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

Anyone want to build a app for android TV?

It needs to consume the peertube api, parse out live streams and VOD, play them back, and work with remote input.

I'll pay $500, if you're willing to open source it.

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

There's a new episode of Expedition Sasquatch available now!

is a comedy podcast about a bigfoot hunter who finds all kinds of other things, but fails to find and kill bigfoot.

It's written by Me! and voiced by my good pal @Username_Here_ASAP this episode features music from @connor_dylan

You can watch the video version of the podcast ("Video" it's two images with the audio behind it. There's really nothing to see this time) on https://vod.newellijay.tv/videos/watch/693f2694-f46a-461c-b998-3deb2a5cf226

or you can listen to/subscribe to the podcast version: https://expeditionsasquatch.org/2023/12/30/The-Arachnid-Wars.html

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

Check out this week in review video one of our staff put together for for various corporate social media platforms.

We released a lot of stuff this week, including a lot of archives and original material, and this is just the start of what is to come!

Anyway, check out the clip, it's cute.


ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

Packaging for our community entertainment center was finalized today.

These are some photos of the boxes.

The boxes are upcycled from the packaging for the computers we're using as the basis for the project (and will be labeled as such, this kind of re-use is absolutely the way to deal with packaging waste, and should be celebrated imo.)

Front of the box. Stylized drawing of a philosophy predicta television with a bow-tie wearing bigfoot on screen.
Read od the box. Bigfoot illustration. Says "your gateway to a world of independent media. Watch movies and TV, listen to music, play video games, all made by real artists, developers, and people like you."
A less colorncorrected photo of the box so that it is obvious it is a real thing and not a mockup or a rendering.

@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

at its heart, the Community Entertainment System is an open source set top box running on an x86 HDMI-stick computer, with a remote and basic game controller support. It is configured to display media from and and mountaintown radio and a collection of open licensed podcasts.

As other indie networks come online (jokerjokertv in Athens, for example) they will get added automatically. (It's all RSS based!)

The software is all open, and end users are welcome to customize it to their needs. There will be a simple image available to reset to factory, and a secure update mechanism, so we can ship new features etc.

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

Apparently we're going heavy on political content on these days. Here's our latest show "Behind The Curtain" which is a media literacy and analysis program, covering mid-century propaganda films.

We'll release new episodes periodically. We rushed this first one out a little ahead of schedule (for obvious reasons.)


ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

My good friend @connor_dylan has been on something of an artistic tear recently. I shared his recently released album on friday (and I'll stick a link to it again, further down in this thread, because it's good) but yesterday he did something else.

Here is the trailer for a new political news program he's producing for


ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

So I wrote this ~100 page zine about community media ( https://communitymedia.network ) and it's history, future, and power to transform society.

But now I am thinking about Computers, and I've been writing about how Computers fit in to this environment.

@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

(If you're interested in this stuff, https://communitymedia.network and )

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

I got one of those Book 8088 PC compatible laptops in the mail yesterday (and the accompanying handbook386) because of course I did.

I'm going to talk about them throughout the day today.

@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

If you've started following me in the last 8 months or so, it was probably because I said something pithy about the fediverse, or because you saw me talking about

This might have led you to think that I'm a media person, and not a computer person. This would be a mistake. I've been on the fediverse for more than half a decade, of course I'm a computer person.

In fact, I do a lot of retrocomputing (or, at least, I used to! People are complicated, circumstances change.)

You don't have to take my word for it, here are some things I've written:

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

If you don't have anything better to do this morning, we've got Saturday Morning cartoons and Saturday afternoon Adventure Movies on New Ellijay Television.


ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

I haven't talked a lot about the writer's strike recently (mostly because I've been dealing with small implosions within my little community, as relationships have ended and people have drawn battle lines, and I've had to come to the defense of people I previously believed unassailable. So it goes.)

But I've been thinking about the writer's strike a lot, both because I care deeply about workers issues and because the outcome of the writers strike will directly impact the success of the company I am joining on Monday.

Yesterday, there were a lot of stories about the studios plans to drag the strike on as long as possible, in order to hurt the striking writers, and these were reported on uncritically as if it was some surprise.

I found this frustrating and naïve, and I'd like to talk about it a bit in between other things today.

@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

Now, I don't have any inside track on the studios, and I don't currently work in the media industry, beyond the work I'm doing to destroy it with the power of community media production re: .

I don't know that the studios are scared, running out of money, and so desperate for the writers to take a deal that they would do basically anything, and that they are attempting to shift the narrative to make it seem like that is not the case in order to bluff at least some of the writers in to accepting a bad deal and returning to the table.

I don't Know that, but I strongly suspect it, and I've played poker often enough to know the kinds of hunches I can trust.

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

Hey Musicians and Filmmakers! We're getting ready for the // summer film festival.

We'll start accepting submissions soon.

It's a Television festival, so we encourage short works, and love to see people experimenting with old cameras or low budgets.

This year, we're adding a few categories:

  • Pilots:
    shoot the pilot episode for a TV show!

  • Silents:
    Shoot a new silent film, write and record a new score for an old silent film, re-edit an existing silent film to tell a new story

  • Ephemera:
    Make something small and fleeting, evoke a feeling of being incomplete.

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

9:00:00 New Ellijay News
9:20:00 The Battle of the Century
9:40:00 The Pirates of 1920
10:00:00 New Ellijay News
10:20:00 First Spaceship on Venus
11:40:00 Yongary
1:00:00 New Ellijay News
1:15:00 Expedition Sasquatch S01E01
1:45:00 The Slowest Gun in the West
2:40:00 The Indestructible Man
3:50:00 Rocky Jones Space Ranger - Crash of Moons
5:05:00 Colonel Bleep - S01E10 - Scratch and the Sea Serpent
5:10:00 Space Angel - The Light Barrier - S01E08
5:20:00 Colonel Bleep - S01E12 - Test of Friendship
5:25:00 Colonel Bleep - S01E13 - Shadows of Suspicion
5:30:00 Space Patrol - S03E24 - The Man Who Stole a City
6:00:00 Men with Steel Faces
7:05:00 Jupiter's Ghost s01e01
7:30:00 The Magic Sword
9:55:00 The Phantom Planet
10:15:00 Dark Mistresses Midnight Movie presents Cat Women of the Moon
11:25:00 Little Shop of Horrors

All times Eastern and approximate (peertube introduces a delay of up to two minutes between the time a thing is broadcast and when it is received.)

Watch online:


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@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

Sneak Peak at a project I've been working on:

This is a website with information about and , a history of independent video from the through to and suggestions on how to proceed in to the future.

It's still growing. There are almost certainly typos, formatting issues, dead links, awkward phrases, incorrect information, missing instructions, etc. Over the next week or three I'll be adding links, embedding videos, sharing code, and writing additional supplemental and instructional materials.

But the site is up and it works, and I have a page through which you can by a hand bound zine style copy of Community Media: A Handbook for Revolutions in DIY TV.

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar


And that means it's time for more

Today, we launch episode two of The Dark Mistresses Midnight Movie starring our very own @DoctorDeathray


Join Violet, Flo, and Feltvira as they discuss Catgirls in space or whatever.

Catch it on VOD new, or live tonight at 9pm.

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

Basically of just the things I caught on the live stream

ajroach42, to random
@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

The clip that I shared at the top of my last thread (https://retro.social/@ajroach42/110497705648080505) was created by one of two loosely affiliated video activist groups of the 1960s and 1970s. That group, The Videofreex, went on to become Lainsville TV. They decended on a small town in upstate new york and ran a pirate television station. (They are a core inspiration for many of the things I do at )

The other group, which shared some members and values but took a more mainstream commercially successful route, was TVTV.

TVTV made documentaries. Here's a documentary they made about how the 72 DNC was a nearly entirely anti-democratic affair:


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