@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar



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@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

Licensing is also harder here in Belgium.

The drivers and in the netherlands are still some of the shittiest drivers outside of Italy.

80%+ of bmw and range rover drivers (of which a huge percentage of cars are) never ever use their turn signals, people literally stand still in the middle of intersections in a 5 car pileup combined with the fact that a huge percentage of people blatantly run red lights so when the light turns green in the opposite direction during a busy period, hundreds of intersections are completely blocked causing immense traffic. This comes from the rule where you generally pass behind the car turning opposite of you. When you have a 5 car pileup in both directions, nobody can pass behind.

Not to mention the rampant “Belgian exit” where cars speed up over the speed limit to go from the right lane, passing a few cars on the left, only to re-enter the right lane past a solid line to screech into the exit a second or two faster. I see this one multiple times every time I drive.

Strict requirements don’t mean much if your driving culture is completely fucked. But culture is also the hardest thing to change.

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

I just want my steam link to work on KDE Wayland.

I just get a black screen with a mouse that I can’t move with a connected steam controller

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

Ah, for me moonlight just “searching for connected computers” forever with no controller buttons working at all and no ability to cancel it to put in the IP of the sunshine PC.

Moonlight on my phone works fine though, moonlight on steam link seems to just have a problem.

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

Mealie is absolutely the best

  • Home Assistant integration
  • SSO through OIDC (though mine is broken and I need to file a bug)
  • meal planning functionality with shopping checklists
  • equipment checklists
  • advanced grouping through tagging, cookbooks, and categories. Everything can be beautifully sorted
  • then the holy grail: recipe parsing through URL. I haven’t found recipe parsing this good since the discontinued ChefTap app
@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

As someone who doesn’t live in the US:

The data from google and facebook is hoarded by a foreign nation (the US is basically a quasi-democratic plutocracy which also has extremely extensive surveillance both legally and agencies caught working in grey areas) to boost surveillance and that is pretty blatant about their espionage and political propaganda. We get US political right wing propaganda on these platforms all over the rest of the world.

There is a difference of course, but the gap is closing significantly every few years.

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

Yes, that is why I gave an example of how i thought it worked, but i have a single physical server with *arr suite, HA, reverse proxy, and all of my other services.

If it is a near physical separation of traffic, how can 1 device with 1 MAC and 1 IP be isolated on multiple parts of the VLAN?

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

Yeah, for that threat model, a VLAN is not needed in my opinion:

  • esphome devices are for sure not data collecting and pihole will block most of the phone homes with a good block list, where possible (like simple smart devices) they are flashed with a local open source version. Still the vast majority are KNX and Zwave which are local only
  • video cameras are local-only always and have completely blocked internet access via the router
  • This is probably the biggest threat unpreventable in other ways. Though definitely citation needed for them actually being caught recording conversations lol. People think phones do that too, but it is simply a lot easier (and more importantly, cheaper with a much higher ROI) to make a complete data picture through search/watch history + proximity to other devices.
@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

I think the wording is off.

Many or most add-ons need their own docker containers, that is what the add-ons are.

Every integration does not need its own docker container.

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

There are a few add-ons that are very handy that don’t have a docker equivalent. Namely the google cloud backup.

I also agree that you generally don’t need add-ons and hopefully if someone is running HA on docker, they don’t need them, but for a few select ones, it is “needed”

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

Just don’t port forward ssh. There is 0 reason to in 99.99% of home cases

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

If you are looking for user management and registration, then Authelia is the wrong software for you.

Authelia is a very light weight security layer (and more recently SSO) that is only meant for few users precisely because it doesn’t have an onboarding process, dynamic access control, and more advanced features. Everything is done through config files and secrets. The admin has to manually create a file or plaintext lines with the user and password for each new user and restart the container.

Authentik is what you want if you want a bunch of users and new user sign up.

As for bitwarden/SSO, they should be fully separate. Otherwise you will likely break Bitwarden app and browser integration functionality.

You also do not want to run into the case where you don’t know your SSO password so you can’t get into bitwarden to find the password and you are screwed.

Bitwarden, TOTP method, and SSO should ideally be separate and you should be able to access your passwords and TOTP without requiring any password that is exclusively in the Bitwarden database.

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

Blue mountain state is such a hilarious parody of US college sports culture.

Ritchson is always type-casted as a jock cool-guy because of his looks, but I think he has quite a decent acting breadth.

Is there a more politically and ideologically diverse alternative for Lemmy?

I know the real answer is reddit but I really don’t want to go back now that I’ve already grown used to life without it. I was hoping for Lemmy to be a viable substitute but it isn’t. I can see how this place is wonderful for the certain type of person but that person is not me. My experience during the past 6+ months has...

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

I think OP would be good to watch the first season of the Good Place. There is a character on there that is obsessed with making the correct decision and argues so much with himself and others over every tiny nuance that could shift the balance that he never acts on anything at all unless forced.

As you said, fence sitting is in an of itself an action, almost always to the detriment of the topic at hand.

Do you encrypt your data drives?

Fellow selfhoster, do you encrypt your drives where you put data to avoid privacy problems in case of theft? If yes, how? How much does that impact performances? I selfhost (amongst other services) NextCloud where I keep my pictures, medical staff, …in short, private stuff and I know that it’s pretty difficult that a thief...

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

I think he is saying that his physical attack surface is very small since he is remote, so maybe he doesn’t bother?

Either way, encrypting drives is simply always good if you ever resell the computer or upgrade drives.

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

The only problem there is that, at least a whole ago, you will get duplicate images. Between the external library and your app upload

Open source e reader (lemmy.ml)

I recently got a Sony prs 600 e reader from 2009. The battery is at the end of its life (It lasts about 3 days with heavy reading, and a couple weeks without reading). No backlight, no Wi-Fi, just an SD card that I can load epub files and small PDFs. The screen is slow and the contrast isn’t the best. The “touch screen” is...

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

Yeah, but small, low res, slow-refresh ones without partial refresh (absolutely essential for ereaders and tablets) have not had patent limitations for a while I think.

They are simply called e-paper and there are many chinese manufacturers of them that sell them for “cheap”.

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

It brings the advantage that you should buy new devices to specifically support this feature™.

Go forth and consume for the sake of consumption, citizen.

In seriousness the only advantage is space and hardware companies 30-50c on components (more profit).

It will likely cause more problems than solve in the projects in the form of heat management and efficiency losses. But hey, new shiny feature make line go up? Promotion for google idea man?

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

No because the sun and the earth are always moving in a line and an orbit in addition to their orbit.

The actual absolute position would resemble a curving helix or something. Nothing in the universe is ever in the same general location twice for our current understanding. Everything is moving.

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

Nice, as someone who has done some product research for specialized smartwatches, these specs are pretty much the go-to standard for generic chinese mid-range smartwatches.

Definitely a great base for an open source smart watch. You can do a lot with that!

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

True, but if you are not from America, many many people use VOIP calling on apps like WhatsApp to call.

DnD priority overrides don’t work for that.

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

Maybe that is a new android thing or a Samsung thing? That phrase doesn’t show up in my settings.

2 years ago, my mother and I tested it extensively when I moved trying all of the “allowing app” settings combined with starred people and it never worked for whatsapp, only stock dialer and texts.

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

No company at all is completely clean outside of some non profits and even then, most of them aren’t.

There is an orders of magnitude difference in anti-consumerism and bad practices between Nintendo, Activision, and EA vs Valve.

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

Also lesser known PrivateVPN has no ties to marketing companies. Supports port forwarding, Wireguard, decent price, and is no log.

Been using them for years without complaints.

JustEnoughDucks, (edited )
@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

A new 12 TB drive is literally 300€ now.

I don’t think it was EVER 100€ for a 12TB, certainly not helium filled. Prices during covid went up, but not even near 3x for hard dives.

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