@feld@bikeshed.party avatar



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deadsuperhero, to random
@deadsuperhero@social.wedistribute.org avatar

Just because someone specializes in something you don’t like doesn’t mean they’re some kind of villain.

A lawyer specializes in advising and defending AI model creators? Tough titties: somebody has to do that job, and everyone deserves representation in a court of law. It’s better if someone specializes and knows the ins and outs.

A former Twitter cofounder did business as an angel investor and maybe some VC stuff? Okay, in what capacity? A guy who has repeatedly started companies giving his insights to new startups doesn’t have to be this malicious, predatory thing.

But no, half of you hear “Masto board has Twitter guy and AI/Blockchain bro”, and the community immediately erupts into hysterics while doing exactly zero research on any of these people.

@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

@deadsuperhero I think people are sensitive because they're annoyed at what happened to Twitter or corporate social media in general and feel victimized from it

They also have been trained over many years to behave like this

tk, to random
@tk@bbs.kawa-kun.com avatar

Airlines really have found ways to gouge their customers despite receiving huge subsidies from the government. You think you’re paying some cheap fare for plane tickets, but the journey ends up costing a ton more than that. :blobfoxangry:

@feld@bikeshed.party avatar
feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar
LockEx, to random
@LockEx@ioc.exchange avatar

Lockpick Extreme has partnered with the amazing jewelry artist, Batsheva Maisel to create a new series of Lockpick Earrings. Our first, limited release will be at BSides SF next weekend.
#bsidessf #LockpickingVillage

@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

@LockEx wow earrings that are illegal to possess in some states

vascorsd, to random
@vascorsd@mastodon.social avatar

Quicktime and RealMedia players.

Those were the times.

That's this week's powerful toot.


Miss my 25mb rmvb files.


@feld@bikeshed.party avatar
feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar
feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar
feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar
feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar
feld, (edited ) to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

Try that in a small town

feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

> be a little gay

feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

How to prevent Lyme disease this summer — Harvard Gazette https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/06/how-to-prevent-lyme-disease-this-summer/

feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

I guess I should not be surprised that people are outraged that Kristi Noem shot her dog, but man it's really weird to see people say stuff like "it would have been more humane to take it to a vet and have it put down properly"

Uhhh I don't know if you know this, but it's 100% normal and more humane to shoot the dog than to take it to a vet to have them put down. This is how almost everyone who doesn't live in a city handles these situations. My own childhood dog was old and sick -- dad took him to the woods, tied to a tree, shot him, and buried him.

People have this fantasy that pumping harmful chemicals into animals is more humane because they don't like gore. But it's not more humane. It causes fear and stress and pain. It's well known that a firing squad is the most instant and reliable execution method but Americans for some unknown reason think it's too barbaric, but watching someone scream and writhe and gasp for several minutes is not? So weird.

Guns are even used by farm vets sometimes.

@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

The real crime here? She didn't train her dog properly and then it killed a neighbors chickens. This is a serious lack of leadership skills and a sign of poor judgement

@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

@coin it has its own share of problems though. If it doesn't break their neck, they writhe and choke. If they're obese it can rip their heads off. Not good.

@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

Also what kind of a psycho publishes this story in the first place? This is something you should be saddened and ashamed of.

feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

Student Movements Are Often Wrong https://reason.com/volokh/2024/04/26/student-movements-are-often-wrong/

LMAO this is based as fuck

7666, to random


@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

@7666 @texafornia you really really don't want lead acid because you only get 50% capacity anyway. Once the charge drops below 50% you're now damaging the battery. Lithium can do full cycles no problem

feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar
feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar
feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

I used to have a screenshot of a video call we had with Citrix and their Windows was pirated

feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

> In general, considering the concept of message queues where we have message producers and consumers, in the ideal world, the depth of a queue should always tend to zero messages since consumers immediately consume all the messages generated by producers.

This is a real sentence on an official AWS documentation/training page thing. I think they need more commas and sentence fragments.

feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar
feld, to random
@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

I learned I get an email from my UPS every time you try to get SNMPv3 data from it and use the wrong credentials

I have a LOT of emails about errors from a misconfigured service I walked away from for a bit

GossiTheDog, to random
@GossiTheDog@cyberplace.social avatar

My Mastodon server, cyberplace.social, has received a legal threat in an attempt to have a user's thread deleted. It is styled as a cease and desist.

I have published the email here:

@feld@bikeshed.party avatar

@GossiTheDog that email looks fake as hell

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